Good Girl (Playroom) (12 page)

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Authors: Erica Chilson

BOOK: Good Girl (Playroom)
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“Don’t worry, Clover, when we return
, you will find two very sorry siblings at the Sunday table.” Auggie’s pissed off voice follows us to the truck. “I apologize for their disrespect. Don’t push them anymore and they will be respectful and nice. I can promise it,” Auggie’s threat lashes out and smacks us in the ass.

“Well, do you get into trouble on purpose
?” I ask my pain slut brother. I’ve thought of nothing else but being bad and getting spanked since last night.

“Sometimes,” Robbie
bashfully mumbles. “If I do it too often, they deny me. Isis will humiliate me instead. I hate that. Never let Auggie know what you hate. He’ll use that as punishment. He’s not as scary as Isis, though.”

“Good to know, Brother.
Keep that advice coming,” I eagerly beg. I settle into the middle of the bench seat with Robbie riding shotgun. The driver door being wrenched open has us both cowering in our seats. I sit like a good girl with my hands folded in my lap, waiting for Auggie to start the truck. He stares at us for an eternity. I don’t have the nerve to look back at him. Finally after ten minutes, I look at Robbie in my peripheral and he is staring intently and dutifully at Auggie.

“Sir?” I say
and chance a glance. As if waiting for my attention, Augustus yanks me into his lap and rips my coat open. He lustfully stares at the rainbows on my shirt and tugs my braids.

“Say it again,” Auggie
roughly demands in a gruff voice.


“Monster is going to get punished something fierce tonight. I have to fuck something, and you better not freak when I do. Willow, I simultaneously love and hate how you look like a little girl tonight. I’ve never been so fucking horny in all of my life. I may fuck ten people tonight. You gonna be okay with that?” Auggie says in challenge.

I lean agai
nst the steering-wheel and pant, “I’m… yeah, I’m really good with that,” I breathe out. “Just please don’t touch my family members and you can fuck fifty people for all I care,” I numbly negotiate.

I remember Auggie’
s earlier comment about stimuli. He obviously doesn’t want to be exclusive- so I’ll make the best of it. I have a feeling if I threw a fit, Auggie would drop me in a heartbeat. It hurts like a sonofabitch, but I’ll see how I react when he touches someone else. Just the thought of Isis’ painted lips devouring Auggie’s mouth heats my blood. Curiosity wants me to touch someone and seek out Auggie’s expression while I do it.

My buzz is wicked and I don’t mean the alcohol. The
kiss Auggie shared with Isis and that epic blowjob keep playing on repeat in my imagination. I used both of those images when I got myself off in the shower a half hour ago.

“Deal, but Rob’
s grandfathered in already,” Auggie cockily negotiates.

“What?” I ask
, feeling foggy. Auggie snorts at my shock.

“What he means is that it’s too late for that,” Rob say
s while unsnapping his collar. He tosses it to me but Auggie catches it.

Big hands stretch out the leather band and present the inside:
Mr. Kline’s Good Boy
is branded into the leather. A fuzzy red brow arches at me and menacingly casts a shadow over his green peeper. My mouth forms a silent O as I realize what Auggie is to my brother.

Auggie smirks at me in pride as R
ob uncomfortably shuffles around in his seat. “I’m Robin’s master,” Auggie admits. “I allow Isis to fuck him and play with him. Rob found it humiliating to have my tag visible since we aren’t gay. But the reason you started calling me Mr. Kline is because Rob was at a stage right then and he wanted to call me that. You were picking that shit up and didn’t even realize it.” Amused pride resonates in Auggie’s voice.

leans over and snaps the leather around Robbie’s neck. He breathes
good boy
under his breath and pats Robbie’s hair. The expression on Robbie’s face that those two words elicit leaves me speechless. Robbie basks in the glow of Auggie’s praise. I wonder if that is the look that Robbie keeps saying he didn’t like seeing on my face. It’s a look that has no name- a look filled with adoration, pride, trust, and lust.

I slide from Auggie’s
lap and sit between the guys while my mind spins in a billion directions. “Fucked up,” I whisper as Auggie pulls away from the curb.

Like Brother, like Sister,” Robbie whispers back.













Chapter Eight~

Rob and I sit like two
bad toys while Isis and Augustus talk about us. I thirst to gaze around the
and drink everything in. But as usual, Auggie holds all of my attention- everything else just becomes background noise.

“I’m Good G
irl when I’m rewarded and Monster when I’m punished. What are you?” I whisper to my brother.

eyes are magnetized to Auggie, too. We await our fate and I mean WAIT. It’s been an hour. I’m watching two girls in my periphery. One is barking while the other tugs her around on a leash. I’ve already been curiously sniffed. I petted her and told her she was a good girl, too. The owner happily tugged my pigtail. She likes tails- you don’t want to know how the doggie’s tail is attached… Robbie liked the tail. He played with it while he chatted with the puppy’s owner. I think the tail would be on my list of humiliations and I’m never telling Auggie about it.

“I’m Good B
oy and the Menace,” Robbie says without shame.

way to keep it original, Auggie,” I humorously mumble. “I guess he can’t forget and call us something else since they’re so similar.” I giggle and it catches Auggie’s attention.

“Don’t push him, Willow,” Rob
abruptly warns as Auggie rips his jeans open and unleashes the Beast as a threat of what’s to come. “You don’t want Auggie using that on you until you’re prepared. There is no way that’s fitting inside you, yet.”

I gape as I finally see the Beast in its magnificent glory. Seeing it within pajam
a pants as Auggie stroked himself didn’t prepare me for the sight. Touching it didn’t prepare me for the reality of the Beast. I watch in awe as Auggie strips bare-assed naked without a shred of indignity. He stands with his arms folded over his chest and chats with Isis. Her eyes look at him in appreciation, but she is otherwise unaffected. I’m not unaffected. I glance at my brother- Robbie sure as shit isn’t unaffected, either.

“I call it the Beast,” I
conversationally say to Robbie, as we look at our master. Auggie stands naked in the middle of the
and no one thinks it’s weird. But if everyone looked like Auggie, I bet there would be no laws for public indecency. Six and a half feet of pure muscle, and the Beast is proportionate.

“Fitting,” Rob muses on the nickname I gave to Auggie’s cock. “
Well, in your case… it won’t… fit,” he chuckles.

“How big is it? I have nothing to compare it to.” Cu
riosity gets the better of me. I lick my suddenly dry lips because nothing will drag my gaze from the Beast.

“Thirteen inches, and d
on’t get any ideas. It’s not normal,” Robbie warns and sounds self-conscious.

“Nothing on Auggie
is normal,” I agree. “So do we just sit here until we’re summoned?”

“Yup, we were placed here and we will sit here until told otherwise.”
Robbie dutifully sits like a good pet- a good pet I’ll never be.

“That’s going to get old fast,” I whine. “You know I don’t like to sit around and wait.”

“Get used to it unless you want to be punished all the time,” Robbie grumpily mumbles, and then we share a laugh at the possibility of punishment. “Remember, if Auggie thinks you’re getting into trouble on purpose, the punishment won’t be pleasant and it will be memorable. He may lend you to Isis,” Robbie warns with a shudder.

“I need a drink,” I sigh.
“I’m bored. I swear the wait is our punishment. They want us to sober up.”

A wet lick on my big toe and a nibble to each little piggy courtesy
of the doggie has me groaning. “Good girl,” I whimper.

“I think my doggie likes you, little girl. Every girl needs a puppy,” The dog walker purrs.

“That they do,” I say playing along. “Can my dog be a Saint Bernard? I’m in need of some medicinal libations.”

“Rob,” the dog walker
huskily purrs, “No doubt this is your sister.”

“Can I rub your puppy’s
tummy?” I ask the lady. She makes a twirling motion with her finger and the girl rolls to her back. The puppy’s tongue is hanging out and her feet and hands are curled in to resemble paws. This will make the wait more bearable and maybe the lady will give me something to drink if I play along. A bottle of water would feel fabulous. I have cotton-mouth.

“Who’s the
good girl?” I croon as I rub the puppy’s soft belly. Her tits jiggle… and… I gotta say… that lights my fire. I rub her belly more to make them swirl.

“What’s her name?”
I glance up to the lady.

“I’m Opal and my puppy is
Bethany,” she says with pride.

“Oh my God,” I laugh
in shock.

I hadn’t looked at the puppy’s face since her titties are perfect. I crawl until I am near her head and giggle
in her ear. “How’s it going, Beth?” I tease.

smiles at me and winks. I can’t believe she’s the same girl who danced with me for hours last night. She isn’t anything like the Beth I knew three years ago at school. This Bethany looks happy and content.

Bethany grins at me as
Opal says, “Puppies can’t talk. Bark!” Bethany lets out a happy sound and I rub her tummy in reward. Well, pain slut and little girl are nothing compared to puppy. I laugh and feel Auggie staring at me. I look at Auggie and watch the Beast grow. I flush and quickly look away.

“You two can pet-sit while I get us some libations
,” Opal drawls as she walks away.

“Bethany, sit!” I call out and she does as I ask.

Rob and I both turn our heads to the side. Sitting is very exposing. Beth’s thighs glisten in the light. Puppy doesn’t have a hair on her.

“Beg,” Rob orders with a laugh
, joining in on our fun. I look at my brother as my hand slowly reaches for Bethany’s breast, waiting to see if she objects. I softly cup Beth’s abundant tit and she groans in invitation. Rob looks shocked- mouth gaping like a fish.

has two,” I offer. I’m not sexually attracted to girls, but breasts intrigue me. I think it’s because I envy them, and since I don’t have a nice set, I want to feel theirs up.

“Monster!” Augustus calls.

My eyes seek Auggie out. He’s not angry. He and Isis have another companion- Opal. The three of them laugh while I freeze with my hand on Bethany’s tit. “You’re a bad influence. Rob’s learned to behave as a good boy,” he calls across the spans of the
Auggie’s eyes glitter in the light and his teeth are blinding from his wide smile. 

’s probably more fun as the Menace,” I breathe out the corner of my mouth towards my brother, never moving a muscle. Monster’s a bad influence. Rob heard me and gropes the Puppy’s perfect titty, too.

Very nice, Bethany, I’m jealous,” I purr. Beth closes her eyes and takes anything I’m willing to give her. Rob drops his hand as if burned the second he makes contact. Good boy’s a pussy.

let’s walk you back to Opal.” The puppy’s warm, wet tongue licks my face in a long line from my chin to forehead in response. “That’s a good girl.” I excitedly giggle as I wipe her saliva off my face with the back of my hand.

are you doing?” Rob protests in a panic and tries to grab my hand.

“I’m not going to be sequestered all night with my brother. Auggie won’t kill me if I go to him. Watch and learn.
Sometimes it pays to be bad…” I slip Bethany’s leash over my wrist and crawl to Augustus. I’ve been dying to get on my hands and knees and crawl to him since last night. I watch Auggie’s face as he watches my ass sway as I weave closer to him. Sweat beads from his forehead and slides down his cheek. The Beast rises in a wave. Neither man nor beast is disappointed that I eagerly crawl towards them.

seductively curl around Auggie’s bare leg and kiss his furry knee. His fingers grab my braids and tug until we have eye-contact. He removes the leash from my hand and passes it off to Opal without looking away from me.

I hold Auggie’
s vibrant, hungry gaze and flick my tongue out until it reaches the Beast’s heavy sack. He sucks in a large gulp of air and hisses it out in shock. Auggie’s knees go weak and he braces himself by clenching his thick thigh muscles.

“Naughty, naughty Mons
ter! Don’t tease,” Auggie gently reprimands. “If you’re going to do it- do it!” Auggie abruptly releases my hair and wraps his hand around his cock. Auggie waves the Beast in my face with a satisfied smirk flirting with his lips. His big hand wrapping around that thick stalk of a cock makes my mouth water- I go from cotton-mouthed to flooded and drooling in an instant.

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