Good Karma (31 page)

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Authors: Donya Lynne

Tags: #fetish, #romance sex, #donya lynne, #dominant alpha male romance, #romance adult contemporary, #romance adult erotica contemporary, #strong karma

BOOK: Good Karma
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Karma took a deep breath. “Ever since you
turned her down for drinks, she’s been trying to stir up trouble,
and she’s making inappropriate comments about how you’re my
boyfriend, and then today she got…well…she made a comment that
caused me to snap.”

“Snap how?”

Karma hung her head and let it all go in a
string of anxious babbling. “I sort of blew up. I’d just had enough
of her crap, and, as you know, she’s been antagonizing me since we
were kids, and I was done, just over it, and I told her she’s lazy
and how she’s lucky to still have a job. I’m so sorry. I just blew
up. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never done anything like
that before and it’s so unlike me but now she’s probably out there
spreading horrible gossip about you and me and what if someone
believes her and you get in trouble and…” She paused long enough to
breathe and looked up.

Mark had leaned back in his chair, a
half-suppressed grin plastered on his face.

“What?” she said.

“Are you finished?” he said benevolently.

“Aren’t you angry?”

The patient look on his face, along with the
small shake of his head, surprised her. “No. Should I be?”

“I thought…I just…”

“You thought I’d be mad at you for putting a
notorious, lazy gossip in her place?”

She nodded. “Well, yes.”

Mark leaned forward, elbows on knees. “If I
didn’t think it would draw attention, I’d applaud you.”

She was so lost.

He got up and walked to the window, turned,
and crossed his arms as if he was putting on his professional
persona. “I’ve known about Jolene since day one. I’ve met with and
talked with almost everyone who works here. In my own way, I’ve
asked them lots of questions about job functions, personnel,
performance, who they think goes above and beyond, who doesn’t, and
who causes trouble.” He returned to his chair and put his hands on
the back. “I can assure you, those who matter, and even more who
don’t, know Jolene causes trouble and dumps her work on you. And I
can assure you, those same people hold you in much higher
esteem—and value—than they hold Jolene. If Jolene tries to spread
rumors about you and me to tarnish your name, you’ve got some
serious allies here who will put a stop to it. She’s created a lot
of enemies with her gossip, because she’s targeted everybody. Like
you, I’m surprised she’s still here, and, between you and me, if I
get my way—and I’ve no reason to think I won’t—she won’t be here
after I’m gone. But that stays between us.”

Had he just confirmed that one of the
functions he was performing was to recommend layoffs?

“I won’t say anything. But Mark, what if
does? All it takes is one person to cast doubt.”

Mark sat back down. “Don’t worry about
Jolene. I’ll deal with her. Leave her to me. I know things about
her that could get her into serious trouble.”

“So do I.”

He cocked his head to the side. “Like

“Like…” She glanced at her feet. “Well,

“Do you know about her and Jake?”

Karma looked up. “How do you know about

“I’m good at what I do,” he said slyly. “I am
very perceptive, and I listen to what people say, as well as what
they don’t. I knew about them within my first week here. If she
wants to cause problems, I won’t play around with her. Or him.
They’ll both be gone so fast it will be like they were never here.
I’ve been given carte blanche regarding personnel and who stays and
who goes, and while I don’t abuse my power, I’m not afraid to wield

Well, then. How was that for having an army
behind her?

“So, you’re not angry?”

“Not at all.”

“And you don’t think I should apologize for
what I said? You know, to try and smooth things over?”

“Only if you want to. That’s your call. But I
wouldn’t if it were me. She had it coming.”

Whew. This convo had gone better than she
thought it would, but now she had to figure out how to tell him
about her other problem.

“Do you feel better?” he said, giving her
that winning smile she’d come to love.

“A little, yes. But…”

His brow furrowed. “There’s more?”

She squeezed her eyes closed and covered her
face as she bent over in an attempt to hide. This was so

“Miss Mason? What else have you done?”

“I need your help.” She spoke against her

“You need my help? With what?”

She slapped her hands into her lap and looked
The words tumbled out so fast they all sounded like one long word
mashed together.

“It’s what?” He blinked hard, his eyebrows
shooting high into his forehead.

“It’s. Stuck.” She hissed through clenched

“How long has it been stuck?”

“Since last night.”

He threw his head back and laughed.

“Thank you. I’m glad you’re so amused by my
situation.” She crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

“I’m sorry.” He composed himself. “Okay. So
let me see if I have this straight. You need me to help you get the
ball out? Is that what you’re saying?”

Flames shot up her neck and into her cheeks.
“Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I can’t get it out. I’ve tried

He licked his lips and fought back a smile.
“You do realize what this will entail?”

She blew out a heavy breath and closed her
eyes. “Yes.”

“Are you ready for that?”

She opened her eyes to find him staring, one
brow arched and eyes wide as if he wanted to convey just how
familiar he would have to get with her anatomy to do what she was

She nodded. “I don’t have a choice. I’m
desperate. Believe me, if I could get it out on my own, I

He smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll be
very professional.” He winked. “This won’t be the first time I’ve
had to assist a damsel in distress in removing a Ben Wa ball. They
can be a little tricky. However, I have a feeling this will be the
most fun I’ve had with the task.”

She groaned and hung her head. “I’m so

“Don’t be. You don’t see me complaining, do

“Of course not. You’re too busy having fun at
my expense.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll stop teasing.” He paused,
and it looked like he wanted to take her hands in his, but he
didn’t. That would be too risky. Even their discussion was risky,
although they spoke in hushed voices. “So, okay. I’ll pick up
dinner—it’s the least I can do, right? I mean, if I’m going to put
my fingers inside you, I should at least feed you.”

“Ha ha.” She sighed. “You’re funny.”

He chuckled. “I’ll be over around seven. I’ll
take care of everything. Promise.” He held up his right hand as if
taking a Boy Scout oath. Would he want a badge after he removed the

“Thank you.”

He gazed at her for a long moment, and she
got the distinct impression that he wanted to kiss her. Right
there. Just take her in his arms and kiss her. Then he cleared his
throat and nodded. “Okay. You’d better get back to work. We’ll talk

She stood, picked up her notebook, and went
to the door.

As she opened it, he said, “Thank you, Miss
Mason. The end of the day is fine on that. No rush.”

She glanced over her shoulder. “It won’t take
long. I should have it finished within the hour.”

No one was around, and Don was traveling
today, but the cover-your-ass was necessary, just in case.

As she sat back down at her desk, her phone
vibrated with a text.

I’m looking forward to searching for your lost

That stinker.
It’s not lost, Mr. Strong.
It’s just being difficult. Like someone I know.

He chuckled, but didn’t reply. Enough had
been said already. But at least her dreaded conversation was over.
Now she could focus on more important things. Such as trying to
figure out what to wear tonight.

A basket over her head would be perfect.


Chapter 26

That which
does not kill us makes us stronger.

-Friedrich Nietzsche


A few minutes before seven, Mark arrived with corned
beef sandwiches and vegetable soup he’d picked up at “this great
little deli” he discovered, as he’d said on the phone when he
called to take her order. He also brought a six-pack of

God love him.

He set his gym bag by the door. Why he had it
with him, Karma had no idea. Maybe he’d brought forceps and a pair
of pliers to fetch Ben Wa. Or a large magnet. That would do the

After eating, he grabbed his duffel bag and
nodded toward the hall. “And now…we have a procedure to

Incredulous and embarrassed, she groaned and
shook her head. “You are taking way too much delight in this.”

“I just love seeing you squirm.”

“Well then, you’ll really love me in just a
little bit, because squirming is about all I’ll be doing.” She
lifted her beer and drained the bottle. “Let’s do this.” Might as
well get it over with. She was ready for the little black ball from
Ben Wa Land to end its sequester inside her body.

Mark followed her to her room.

“How do you want to do this?” she said.

He tried not to smile but failed. Yes, he was
having way too good a time at her expense.

“Well, I’ll step into the bathroom and get
ready, and you…” He glanced at her jeans. “You need to take
everything off below the waist and lie down on the bed.”

Take everything off below the waist?

“Do I really need to take off all my
clothes?” She wasn’t ready for him to see her naked. “Can’t you get
it out some other way?” As if he could
the ball out of
her or perform a Criss Angel Mindfreak magic trick.

He set his bag on the floor and took her
hands. “I
need full access to do this.” He was trying to
lighten the mood with humor, but he must have seen the raw
humiliation in her eyes, because he sighed and grew deadly serious.
“I’ll be professional. I promise. You can turn off all the lights
and get under the covers. Will that help?”

“I suppose.”

He let go of her hands and gestured toward
her bed. “You get ready. I’ll step into the bathroom.” He winked
and picked up his bag. “You tell me when I can come out.”

He disappeared into her bathroom and closed
the door, leaving her alone.

“I can do this,” she whispered to herself.
She hurried out of her jeans and underwear, glancing over her
shoulder at the closed bathroom door. “Really, I can.”

She hastened to turn off the light, close the
blinds, and get under the covers.

Deep breath.

She clasped her hands over her sternum. Her
palms were sweaty. She quickly wiped them on her comforter and
re-clasped them on her stomach.

“I’m ready,” she called.

A moment later, the bathroom door opened.

She looked over.

What the heck?

Mark was wearing goggles, a surgical mask, a
shower cap, and latex gloves. He lifted his hands in front of him
like a surgeon.

In an instant, the ice broke, and she burst
into laughter at the same moment he did. He pulled off the shower
cap and goggles, tossed them on the bathroom counter, shut off the
light, and strolled to the bed. Once he sat down beside her, he
pulled down the mask.

“I was hoping that would loosen you up,” he
said, leaning over her.

She giggled and wiped a tear from her eye.
“It did. Thank you.”

“I’ve always wanted to play doctor.” He
pulled the mask over his head, snapped off the gloves, reached
around, and pulled a small bottle of lube from his back pocket.
Then he set it on the nightstand.


“Something like that.” He looked down at her
discarded panties on the floor, then back at her. “I see you’re
ready for me.”

“Is that a double entendre?”

“Would you like it to be?”

She bit her lip and felt a shiver in her
abdomen from the way he looked at her. His gaze burned into hers as
if he was suddenly as intent on what he was about to do as she was.
As if reading her mind, he grabbed the bottle of lube, got up, and
went around to the other side of the bed, where he lifted the
blankets just enough to slip under and join her.

“Relax,” he said, propping himself on one
elbow. “Relax and open your legs.”

“You’d think after what we did on the phone,
this would be easier,” she said nervously, easing her knees

When she felt his hand take hold of her leg
and lift it over his thighs, she inhaled sharply then slowly

“Everything’s more personal in person,” he
said. “Anonymity makes us brave. When you can’t see me, you’re more
able to connect with what you want, because you’re not thinking
about how I’ll react or what I think. When I’m with you…” his hand
skimmed along the inside of her calf to her foot, “you become more
self-conscious. You’re wondering if I like what I see, what I’m
feeling.” His fingers tickled their way back up her leg. He paused
a moment and closed his hand over her knee. “Just so you’re not
worrying about all that…yes, I like what I see, as well as what I

She trembled at his words and the warmth of
his hand on her leg.

“Just relax,” he said softly. “Let me do the
work.” His fingertips trailed back down to her bare foot. “Mmm.” He
grinned. “No socks.”

“Should I have put them on?”

“You should always wear socks around me
unless you want me excited.” He grinned and smoothed his fingers
over the top of her foot and up to her ankle.

“I’ll remember that.”

“Mmm, I’d rather you not.”

“Is this what you consider professional
doctor behavior?” she said quietly as his fingers lightly tickled
their way up her leg.

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