Good People (58 page)

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Authors: Nir Baram

BOOK: Good People
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Minus twelve was a punishment denying the accused the right to live in one of the twelve largest cities in the country.

Main Trusteeship Office East, in charge of confiscating property belonging to Polish citizens, including Jews.

from ‘The Warrior's Foreboding' by Ludwig Rellstab: ‘Many battles still call./Soon I will rest well and sleep fast,/ Beloved of my heart, good night!'

A Latin proverb: ‘If you want peace, prepare for war.'

‘Departure', text by Ludwig Rellstab: ‘Adieu! You brave, happy city, adieu!/ My steed with joyous foot already canters/ Now take the final, parting greeting./ You have really never seen me sad,/ So let it be, too, now with departure.'

The Myth of the Twentieth Century
by the Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg.

Boris Godunov became the Czar after the crown prince, Dmitry, the seven-year-old son of Ivan the Terrible, was cruelly murdered. No direct evidence was ever discovered linking Boris Godunov to the crime, but it is commonly believed that, since he was the main beneficiary of the murder, he had a hand in it.

The milkmaid's farewell to alpine pastures.

A sixteenth-century book of household rules, usually referred to as an example of backwards, patriarchal views that have become obsolete.

The country estate where Oblomov was born, the hero of the novel by Ivan Goncharov, a character who became the symbol of the indolent life of the nineteenth-century Russian aristocracy.

The Wehrmacht intelligence agency that concentrated on the Soviet Union.

The official responsible for the teaching of party principles.

The People's Commissariat for State Security.

Miss Weissberg, the differences of opinion between us must be resolved today.

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