Good Vibrations (Welcome to Paradise) (6 page)

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She checks on the tables and we start the clean-up process. I look up and see Noah bringing his empty pitcher to me. Leaning against the bar, his voice is low, obviously not wanting to be overheard by any of his friends. "Will you be working here?"

"For the summer. Do you come in a lot?"

He shakes his head. "Not much lately, but I will now." He reaches his hand over for mine and when I take it, he smiles. "It's very nice to meet you, Mallory Wray."

"Likewise, Nohea Kalei."


"All right, Noah."

He winks at me, but it's not creepy or cocky. His expression is friendly and kind. He walks towards the door joining his friends, and says, "Goodnight, Mallory."



Chapter 6


As soon as Sunny and I walk into the apartment, she goes into the kitchen to take her pain medication. "I'm exhausted and going to bed. You bunking with me or taking the couch?"

"I'll take the couch."

“Remember, the place is your home too, so help yourself to whatever. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” I say, straightening the sheet and blanket on the couch. Crawling under the covers, I adjust the pillow under my head and stare out the sliding glass door in front of me. I didn't bother closing the blinds since I enjoy the view of the darkness outside. My eyes get heavy and I drift off to sleep.

Dreams of Noah wrapping his strong arms around me, and me lifting up on my tiptoes to meet his supple lips while his big hands handle me the way I like, dance around my head. But, when I stop kissing him and open my eyes, it's Evan. Blue eyes looking into my green eyes, hands gently caressing me how he already
I like to be touched, and our bodies aroused by the chemistry we share.

I sit up startled from sleep and see the start of a sunrise in the distance through the glass. My heart races as I calm myself back into reality. I lay back down hoping for sleep to take me again, but it doesn't. Five- fifteen in the morning and I'm wide awake. I sit up again and rub my eyes and decide to walk the two blocks down to the beach. Dressing in my my cut-offs and tank top, I slip on my sneakers and leave, hoping I don’t wake Sunny.

The walk is easy, breezy, and before six in the morning, very quiet. Birds are tweeting in the distance and the seagulls flying above signal I'm near the water. When I land at the edge of the beach, I pull off my shoes and carry them with me down to the water. The sand is surprisingly fine and soft under my feet.

I sit a few feet from the water's edge watching the tide roll in and marvel at the sight before me. I still can't believe I took Sunny up on her offer to visit for the summer. This has to be the most daring and adventurous thing I've ever done, and as I look out at this beautiful turquoise ocean, I definitely don't regret it. Another thought challenges my happy moment. Evan might now be the most daring and adventurous thing I've ever done. Chuckling at the comparison, I realize I don't regret him either. Even though he treated me poorly the next morning, it’s hard to regret the best sex you've ever had.

I take a walk down the beach and watch as the sun rises higher over the horizon. Looking ahead, I see surfers on the beach preparing for their own adventures. Some are paddling out and some are waxing their boards. They're tan and fit. I don't get too close, but take a seat in the sand and watch them.

After awhile, I get hot and decide to head back to the apartment. I dust my feet and slip my sneakers back on, knowing that I'll probably always have sand in my shoes while I’m on the island.

When I arrive, Sunny is sipping coffee on her little patio that faces the parking lot. "Good morning. Did you walk down to the beach?" she asks with a small smile.

I nod. "It’s beautiful. How's the hand?"

"Better than yesterday." She stops to yawn then says, "I made coffee."

"Good because I need some caffeine." I walk inside and pour myself a cup before rejoining her on the patio. Sitting in a plastic chair, I tuck my feet under my bottom.

"I think Noah might come by this week again," I say, trying for casual.

"Did he tell you that?" She sits up giving me her full attention.

I smile. She never changes which I love. "He said, now that I'm working there, he might come by more often."

"So, what'd you say?"

"Nothing really. I’d just met him." But I can’t hide my smile.

"You like him. Mallory Wray likes a boy!" She jumps up and hugs my head.

I swat her off. "All right, all right. Get your jugs out of my face, lady!" I tease. "I think he's kind of cute and nice."

She sits back down. "He's very cute and he's always been super sweet to me."

"Yeah, he said you were waiting for Mr. Right."

"You know I'm not dating anyone. This year hasn't been my best as far as men go."

"You have your pick of any guy out there, Sunny. You always have. So why aren’t you seeing anyone?"

Leaning back in contemplation, she looks at me before she gives me an obviously rehearsed answer. "Just haven't been asked out by Mr. Right, I guess."

I sense her hesitation, which is strange because we've always been so open with each other about everything. Until now that is. She seems to be keeping a secret and I have no right to push since the guilt I carry from keeping my rendezvous with Evan a secret weighs on me.  But like her, I'm not ready to share. So I don't push.

We sit a few minutes longer before heading in and getting dressed for the day. Our shifts are scheduled together since we share Sunny’s rusted VW bus that she bought for fifteen hundred dollars when she started school here two years ago.

We’re at work by eleven and raise the large open-air doors on both sides of the place, which allow the breezes to flow through the building.

When the lunch crowd leaves and the restaurant dies down, I grab a barstool and watch the two older men argue, accusing each other of cheating.

"Hi, Mallory."

I jump, startled from behind. When I turn, it’s Noah standing there. "You scared me."

He smiles, it’s shy. “Sorry about that. I’ll try to announce myself next time.” His smile turns playful. “How are you?”

"Good, how about yourself?"

"Really good except the service in here is slow."

“You’re full of jokes today,” I say, sarcastically. “What are you having?”

“Cola, straight up.”

“Cola no ice coming right up.” I fill a glass and set it on the counter between us.

He stays for a while and I talk about my life back home at the University of Colorado and my studies. He talks about his passions—surfing and customizing cars. “I’ve been dying to get my hands on Sunny’s VW.”


“Totally. I could get rid of the rust damage and make that car sparkle.” He slides off the stool and says, “C’mon. Let’s go look at it.”

“Sunny?” I call into the kitchen. “Grab your keys and come out front.”

She joins us a few minutes later out in the parking lot. Noah raises his hands and she tosses him the keys. 

“He’s gonna look at it. He might be able to get rid of the rust and paint it.”

“I can’t afford that, Noah. I appreciate it though.”

“Just step back and let me have some space,” he says, waving for us to back up.

Noah bends over and looks under the bumper, analyzing something as he picks at the flaking beige paint. I take the opportunity to do a little analyzing myself. He's wearing a fitted black tank top that shows off his muscles quite well. He has a tattoo that wasn't visible yesterday under his shirt.

"The structure of the body looks solid. That's a good sign," he says, rising back to his full height. Sunny and I gaze upon him as he crosses his arms over his chest. He's gorgeous. "I can come over one day while you're working or to your house when you're off and take a closer look. I'd really like to work on your body." My mouth drops open and I feel the heat reach my cheeks as he smiles looking between us. I glance at her and she's blushing too.

He chuckles and the sound breaks the stunned silence we’re in and he clarifies what he meant. "The car's body. Do you want to go with the original color?"

Sunny laughs, blushing. "I’m ready for something more fun."

"We could go vintage red. I’ll do some research."

“I love that idea,” she says, beaming.

The three of us walk back inside and Noah taps his hand on the bar. "I need to go. I've got some work to do for my family." He turns to me, but hesitates, all confidence gone. "Um, so, you think you'd like to hang out later… maybe after you get off work tonight?"

His eyes go to the floor while waiting for me to respond, but the words don’t come fast enough and an awkward silence fills the air. He looks back up, and suggests, "We can watch a movie or hang out and talk on the beach."

I look to Sunny whose eyes are bugging out telling me to go for it, but I’m still unsure for some reason. Feeling the pressure to respond, I reply, "Sure. That sounds fun. We're closing at nine tonight."

"Great. I'll pick you up out front."

"Okay. Cool."

He walks out with a spring to his step and a smile on his face. I just said yes to someone that seems to be a nice guy, so I should feel happier than I do. Instead I feel weird inside.

"Way to go, girl!" Sunny smiles and I force one on for show.

When she disappears into the back, I rest my head in my hands willing myself to feel good. My head jolts up when a raucous group walks in.

“Get your game face on, Mal. We’ve got company.”

The group heads straight for the large table in the back, taking over like they own the joint. Sunny turns to me, and asks, "You want this table?"

A bunch of college age guys who look hot from here. Yeah, it’s a bit intimidating. "No, you can have it."

Johnny strolls in behind them and greets me as he sits at the counter. "I see Ashford's in today. Weird since we were just talking about him. His ears must’ve been burnin’."

"Which one's Ashford?" I ask, leaning forward to get a better look at the customers. Sunny is at the table and moves around to the other side and that's when I see him.


"He's the one in the green shirt."

I'm too stunned to say anything, so I stand there like an idiot. Of course, it couldn't be as simple as leaving that night in the past. Of course, he would walk into the place where I work.
Of course
, the guy in the green shirt is Evan Ashford! That's how my luck works—it doesn't. Whatever I do, karma kicks my ass for doing it.

The people at the table are watching him and his blonde friend, especially the two girls with them. My only saving grace, as I duck down to pretend to be washing glasses, is that he hasn't seen me yet.

A tall guy wraps his large, muscular arm around Sunny’s waist and pulls her to him. She laughs, comfortable in the overly friendly gesture. But the guy sitting across from them, the blonde one, seems to be bothered, almost irritated by the move. He gets up and walks away from the table, heading for the beach. Standing just outside the door, he looks back once before taking a deep breath. Evan takes command and rules the roost inside, knocking the big ones arm away. They keep it friendly, but Evan appears protective over her.

Sunny yells in my direction. "Four burgers, all the way with fries. Two draft pitchers."

I nod, entering their order in then taking two pitchers from below the bar and start to fill the first. Laughter covers the space between, closing the gap and drawing my attention back to the group. Evan's standing telling some kind of story and using his arms to demonstrate. The group is entranced by his over the top dramatics.

not so much

When I look back at the pitcher, I curse, "Shit!" The beer has overflowed, so I quickly shut the tap off and move that pitcher to the side. Feeling the heat of a dozen eyes staring at me, slowly, I peek. My eyes land on
first. Evan is glaring with his mouth open in shock. Everyone else starts laughing, but they return their attention to their own business. My thoughts are racing as fast as my heart. I feel like I’ve flown straight into hell. “Damn it!” I swear under my breath and close my eyes for a second trying to regain my sense of dignity I left lounging in his bed that night.

Focusing on my job, I move the second pitcher under the tap and start filling it.

"Can I take that one?"

I look up and the blonde guy who left Evan’s table earlier is standing on the other side of the bar from me. His smile is gentle, his eyes sky blue, and his hair sun-bleached. I briefly wonder if every guy on this island is so good looking because everyone I’ve encountered is. The thought makes me smile. "Sure, it's ready. Six cups?"

"Uh," he shifts uncomfortably while looking back over his shoulder at the table in the back. "Yeah, that's good. I'm Zach. You're new here, right?"

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