Gossip (33 page)

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Authors: Joseph Epstein

BOOK: Gossip
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Morath, Inge,

Mosley, Max,

Mosley, Oswald,

movie stars,
See also
celebrities, celebrity

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick,

Murdoch, Rupert,

Murray, J. A.,


Namier, Lewis,

National Endowment for the Arts,

National Endowment for the Humanities,

National Enquirer,

Nelson, Lars,



Newgate Prison,

Newhouse, Samuel I.,

New Journalism,

news, gossip as,

news aggregators,

News of the World

See also
gossip columnists; journalism

England, 20th century,

entertainment function,

gossip as news in,

political scandal in,

professional gossips,

social norms and decorum,


New York Daily News,

New Yorker, The

Brown's editorship of,

and changes in decorum/social tone,

Hersh articles in,

profile of Hemingway in,

profile of Winchell in,

quote about Black,

Shawn's editorship of,

New York Graphic,

New York Herald,

New York

New York Mirror,

New York Post

articles attacking Winchell,

Page Six column,

New York Times

"Accusations of Sex Abuse Trail Doctor,"

and changes in decorum/social tone,

on end of Winchell's column,

gossip as news in,

on Internet privacy,

on the NEA,

"The Walter Winchells of Cyberspace,"

Niven, David,

Nixon, Richard,

Noailles, Duc de,

noblesse de robe,

nontrivial gossip,

Northcliffe, Lord,

Northwestern University, gossip session about,


novels, gossip in,

Nureyev, Rudolf,

O'Brien, Conan,

O'Brien, Conor Cruise,


Odets, Clifford,

O'Donnell, Rosie,

office gossip,

O'Hara, John,

Olivier, Laurence,

Onassis, Aristotle,

Onassis, Jacqueline.
Kennedy, Jacqueline (Jackie Onassis)

On Rumors

opinions, in gossip,

(TV show),

O'Reilly Factor, The
(TV show),

Orléans, Duc d',

Orwell, George,

O'Sullivan, Maureen,

Other Garden, The

Other Voices, Other Rooms

Oudin, Melanie,

gay gossip

Oxford University

gossip about,

Tina Brown at,

Oz, Amos,

Ozick, Cynthia,

Page Six,
New York Post,


Palmeiro, Rafael,

Paris Review,

Parsons, Louella,

Partisan Review,

Pascal, Blaise,

Patterson, Joseph Medill,

Paul, Maury (Cholly Knickerbocker),



Persian Gulf War,

personality, cult of,
See also
celebrities, celebrity

Persons and Places


Peter the Great,

Philip, Prince,

Philip V,

Picture of Dorian Gray, The

Pinter, Harold,


plausibility, and good gossip,

feature with Cutler,

Pleasure of His Company, The

Plowright, Joan,

plutocracy, American, gossip about,

Podhoretz, John,

political gossip

exposés, public exposure,

and leaks,

and political orientation,

popularity of,

purveyors of,

subversive nature of,

Pontchartrain, Chancellor, son and wife of,

Powell, Colin,

Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, The

Presley, Elvis,

prestige, reputation vs.,

See also
damage; malicious gossip

and celebrity,

and exclusivity,

Internet and,

lawsuits related to,

publicity vs.,

and secrets,

private gossip

as news,

public gossip vs.,

reticence vs.,

and status,

Private Lives

professional gossips,
See also
gossip columnists
and specific individuals

Profumo, John/Profumo Affair,

Proust, Marcel,

prurient gossip,

psychotherapy, and the hidden,

public gossip.
See also
exposés, public exposure

and changes in decorum/social tone,

news vs.,

new vs. old gossip,

private gossip vs.,

publicity, privacy vs.,
See also
celebrities, celebrity

Purlie Victorius

Putin, Vladimir,

Pym, Barbara,

Qaddafi, Muammar,

Quinn, Sally,

Rader, Dotson,

"Radical Chic" (Wolfe),

radio, gossip on,

Radner, Gilda,

Radziwill, Lee,

Raphael, Frederic,


Reagan, Ronald,

Reasoner, Harry,

receiving gossip,
See also
audience for gossip

Reed, Rex,


and academic gossip,

as busybody/gossip,

long-term impacts,

and malicious gossip,

and New Journalism,

prestige vs.,

reticence, vs. willingness to gossip,


and leaks,

as motive for gossip,

revenge blogs,

Revenge World blog,

Reverberator, The

Review of General Psychology,

rich people, gossip about,

right to know, privacy vs.,

"Right to Privacy, The" (Brandeis and Warren),

Rizzuto, Phil,

Robinson, Edward G.,

Rockefeller, John D.,

rock musicians, gossip about,

Rogers, Pat,

Rolling Stone,

romans à clef,

Rooney, Mickey,

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

malicious gossip about,

relationship with Winchell,

respect for privacy of,

Roosevelt, Teddy,

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel,

Rosenfeld, Isaac,

Ross, Lillian,

Roth, Philip,

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