Grace (17 page)

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Authors: Laura Marie Henion

BOOK: Grace
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Max leaned forward, kissed her then made his way down her neck and throat with his lips. Here and there he would pause ever so slightly to lick her skin that had to taste of salt from the tears that pooled near her collarbone.

Slowly, he undid the buttons of her blouse. The weight of his knuckles against the fabric of her blouse sent streams of desire through her body. She wanted to feel his skin against her own. Grace inhaled, then exhaled while her arms remained above her head, exactly where he had placed them.

That small retreat to his control had come naturally. Was she trusting him already? When had he penetrated the walls she so determinately built up?

Her thoughts were interrupted by his touch, his large, talented hands.

Meticulously, he was careful not to reveal her flesh at once as if savoring the moment.

When he finally had all the buttons open, he glided his palm against the fabric and the mounds of flesh it covered from Grace's neck, down her ribs and to her firm belly.

As if on cue, the silky material spread open, revealing Grace's trim waist and perfectly plump breasts. Max looked into Grace's eyes, kissed her lips softly then smiled.

"You're perfect."

He leaned closer, letting his tongue glide against her skin colliding with the satin and lace material of her bra, which served little purpose since it was barely covering each breast.

Holding her bra and the center clip in his hand, he then lightly, slowly, rocked his hips against Grace's. His eyes closed. It looked as if he fantasized about being inside her.

Grace watched him intently and as Max opened his eyes, he smiled seductively while he expertly undid the clip with one hand. The touch of his fingers against her skin sent goose bumps down her belly to her core. In response, she lifted her torso toward him, closing her eyes.

They inhaled in unison while the fullness of each mound of flesh parted in freedom. She absorbed the moment, the intensity of being in such a provocative position and content in it.

Max glided his finger across each mound. Her stomach muscles responded to his touch as well as the pink flesh that now stood hard at attention. There was no denying her responsiveness.

Instantly, feelings of impatience replaced any lingering uncertainty. Grace's body responded with more goose bumps and she grabbed a fistful of the sheets trying to maintain some control. The thought made her realize she didn't want to appear easy while simultaneously her body screamed, “Who the hell cares."

She felt as if she were on a rollercoaster of sensations, of wanting to explode, then trying to maintain control. This was not a normal every day occurrence ... nor a monthly one for that matter.

Trying to maintain composure was useless once Max's mouth attempted to consume as much of her right breast as possible. She moaned ... he sucked deeper.

The man was on a mission. His hands roamed over her body, touching, caressing while continuing to taste every inch of her skin. He released her breast and as she inhaled a recovery breath, he moved onto the other.

She held his shoulders, rubbed the palms of her hands up and down the length of his arms. She wanted to see his body as she began to unbutton the top button to his dress shirt.


Grace ran her fingers through his hair as Max continued to drive her wild.

Momentarily, he stopped to assist Grace and remove his shirt to toss it to the chair by the side of the bed.

His fingers crawled in slow motion, seductively under the elastic of the silky lounge pants and between her thighs, preparing Grace for the moment when they would finally become one. She laid the palm of her hand against his cheek and smiled. He continued to seduce her, bringing her body to the next level. He kissed her lips. Softly at first, then more deeply only momentarily stopping to nibble on her bottom lip while his fingers drew her deeper pleasure.

Moaning quietly, Grace still held back, afraid to give in to the wonderful sensations Max caused within her. A fear of letting go, giving in to the weakness of emotion, desire even just plain lust was difficult to say the least. The fear attacked her all at once out of nowhere. Her eardrums hummed in defiance, her mind argued nonsense points of view that her body just didn't seem to hear. She battled against the walls of control and the openness of letting go and opening up to Max.

He challenged her resistance.

"Come on, baby ... let me hear you. Don't hold back,” her lover whispered his demands, and the raspy, sexy voice sent shivers through Grace's body, forcing her to stop fighting the inevitable. She was lost in his eyes and in his touch. Her hips thrust against his hand while she squeezed her eyes tightly.

Grace knew she could easily fall for a man like Max. He appeared out of nowhere and seemed to know exactly what she needed and wanted, and he was thorough, gentle yet intense. With the desire evident in his eyes, Grace knew he held back for her. There was no doubt in her mind he wouldn't put her needs first.

Max's lips covered Grace's once again and his tongue demanded this time, his hands thorough.

As Grace moved her lips against Max's neck. Hearing him moan with pleasure gave her confidence to continue. She began to undo Max's belt buckle.

He slowly removed his fingers, gliding his hands over her thighs to her hipbone, giving it a gentle squeeze before kissing Grace. Again the kiss started off soft, then he pulled on her bottom lip, giving it a nibble before he stood up from the bed.

Simultaneously, they removed their clothing, their eyes never leaving one another's. Grace was surprised by the multiple tattoos on Max's defined biceps. They made him appear even more intimidating as well as sexy.

When he was completely undressed, Max opened his wallet, pulled out a condom then removed the wrapper. Grace watched his leg muscles flex, as he stood to the side of her bed, proud and confident.

He had every right to be. Grace thought he was a perfect specimen. He winked at her, smiled and was back on top of her again, covering her body with his. A small giggle escaped her lips as excitement and enthusiasm so natural and right that her spirit soared. It was Max. He was amazing in every way and exactly what was missing in her life.

She couldn't believe she imagined such a deep emotion for a man she hardly knew, so she focused on the moment with no concern for tomorrow.

Max stared deeply into Grace's eyes before consummating their relationship.

"I want all of you, Grace, and nothing less. Do you hear me?” His hands now entangled in her silken brown locks, his hold firm and serious.

Grace hoped he meant that this wasn't some one-time thing, a one-night stand or casual sex. She couldn't be sure ... only time would tell. She was fine with that.

"Yes. I want all of you, as well."

Max took that moment to inch his way inside her, slow, deep. She moved her legs, thrust her hips toward his as she straddled his waist. Grabbing onto his shoulders they began their rhythmic motion, their destination to be completely one.

Grace and Max panted, grabbing, touching every part of one another as they rocked back and forth. Then their fingers entwined, their stares locked as Max slowed down his pace, moving deeply inside Grace. The need and desire appeared to match Grace's and she couldn't help but feel fulfillment with each thrust.

The longer their bodies locked together as one, the deeper Grace fell. Her eyes closed, her mind only focusing on his touch, his body, the fact they were making love. It was amazing, enlightening.

"Open your eyes. Don't hide from me,” Max whispered.

Grace smiled as Max covered her lips with his. He released her lips and their gazes locked again. Grace licked her lips, desire clouding her eyes, and Max obviously couldn't wait any longer.

He picked up speed. Their bodies collided again and again. She never felt such sensation. The need to want more had her pulling him closer, rubbing her hands along his waist, his shoulders and chest. She just couldn't get enough of him. The combined intensity of penetration and their emotion caused them to explode simultaneously.

As Grace held him close, kissing his neck, loving the sticky salty coating that now covered both their bodies, Max fell against her. He slowly moved to his side but kept his hand against Grace's hip. Their legs entwined as they inched closer.

Staring at one another again, neither said a word but smiled, then they moved toward one another simultaneously for a kiss.

Grace's belly growled and they laughed.

"I didn't eat today,” Grace admitted.

"Well ... I took the liberty of invading your refrigerator. I can throw something together."

He continued to touch her. He couldn't keep his hands off her body.

"What else did you take the liberty of invading?” Grace asked. She was worried Max would find Jessy's file. It was property of his department not hers and she didn't want Max to think the worst.

"Don't worry, Grace. I didn't snoop. I just looked at the pictures you have on the wall downstairs."

Grace nibbled her bottom lip.

"You look suspicious, Detective Martin. Is there something you'd like to confess?” he teased, then pulled her hips against his.

"Nothing to confess, Lieutenant, unless you're not telling the truth."

"If there was information I needed to know, I'm sure you'd tell me.” He kissed her.

Grace snuggled against Max while he caressed her backside.

"Oh, really?” Grace grabbed his hand, stopping it over her hipbone.

"Isn't that what you promised Commander Franklin? Or was that just something between the two of you?” His question was laced with jealousy, and he attempted to remove his hand from her hipbone.

Grace took his hand and placed hers against it, amazed at the significant difference in size.

"Don't be jealous, Max. You've misinterpreted my relationship with Gus."

"Gus, huh?” He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Gus Franklin was a good friend of my father's and he's still good friends with Uncle Nicholas. He's been there for me over the years. We're like family."

"Like family, huh?” It seemed he tried hard not to reveal a smile but still couldn't shake that feeling of uncertainty.

"I told you all or nothing, Grace. I've never really been the jealous type, but with you, it's automatic. I can't help myself.” He twirled a curl of her hair between his fingers, then brushed his fingertips against her cheek.

Grace smiled. “There's no need to worry, Max. I'm not seeing anyone and haven't for a while."

"Me either. So who was your dad? Was he on the ‘job?'” Max asked and Grace's chest tightened instantly.

She could do this. She could tell Max about her parents but nothing more.

"I didn't mean to shock you, Grace. Is this too personal or something?"

Grace closed her eyes a moment as if not looking at Max would make it easier to respond.

"It's just difficult for me. My dad was a cop, a detective. He worked with Uncle Nicholas for years. He and my mother were murdered.” Grace then took a deep breath. Amazingly, it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. It had to be Max. The thought made her happy, relieved.

"I'm so sorry, Grace. I had no idea."

"No, don't be sorry. It happened many years ago when I was a child. I thought I would have too difficult of a time telling you, Max. It's hard for me to talk about it, that's all."

"That's understandable."

Max pulled her closer to him and Grace grabbed the blanket to cover them.

"Oh, don't do that.” Max pushed the sheets back down.

He had noticed the short scar above Grace's hipbone. He trailed his finger around the perimeter of the scar, then over the mound of flesh she had unsuccessfully tried to cover up.

"How did you get this?"

Grace turned onto her side, covering her breasts with her arm.

"You have no reason to be shy, Grace. You're perfect."

Grace snuggled her face against Max's collarbone, and he rubbed his hands over her backside then thigh.


"It's a long story. I got the scar while trying to play super cop."

Max smiled. “I've got a few of those, as well."

Grace didn't want to tell Max about the scar or how her partner in Vegas Metro nearly died. They had been chasing a murder suspect. The guy had just brutally killed his girlfriend in front of a crowd of people. Grace and her partner, Jim, had gotten the call and were the first to respond on the scene. With their suspect in their sights, they were engaged in a six-block foot pursuit.

Grace heard the police sirens in the distance. Jim was yelling, radioing in their location as the suspect rounded the corner. Jim ran right into their suspect and was stabbed in the chest with a knife.

Grace saw the suspect pull the knife from her partner's chest and rage determined her next move.

The suspect was about to stab her partner again when Grace jumped on him. The knife hit her hip as she pounded on the guy. He was high on some sort of narcotic and tossed her off of him like a rag doll. The squad cars pulled onto the scene as the suspect lunged toward Grace. She pulled out her revolver and fired her weapon, instantly killing the assailant.

Grace would never forget that day or the fact her partner nearly died and needed numerous operations. It was touch and go for a while.

"So I guess you're not going to tell me,” Max whispered in Grace's ear.

After lifting her face toward Max, she kissed him. “Nope."

Max rolled over onto Grace. “I think dinner can wait a bit longer,” he whispered and glided the palm of his hand against Grace's inner thigh.

"What did you have in mind?” Grace wrapped her arms around Max's neck.

The warmth of his fingers gave her the answer as she closed her eyes and prepared to be made love to again by Max.

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Chapter 9

"This is no good. I don't think you should open any of the clubs for a while."

"Nonsense! There's nothing to be concerned about."

"How can you say that, Master, when there's a police investigation going on and that detective was at your club? She walked into that ‘little situation’ you tried to have Luther handle. What a mess that was. From what I understand, he almost got caught."

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