Grace Against the Clock (A Manor House Mystery) (2 page)

BOOK: Grace Against the Clock (A Manor House Mystery)
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“Good afternoon, everyone,” he said to us in his sharp, starchy voice. “Are we all ready for the breathtaking presentation I have planned for tomorrow night?” He gave an exultant sigh as he clasped his long-fingered hands together in front of his chest. “So few of our citizens make time to visit the historical office to learn about our town and experience my artistry. I intend to give them a hint as to what they’re missing.”

Joyce inhaled deeply through her nose, making her nostrils clamp shut with effort. “David, darling.” Grasping his shoulders, she air-kissed him next to both cheeks. “So delightful to be working with you on this project. I can’t wait to see what you have in store. I would love to stay now and hear all about your little plans, but I’m needed elsewhere.”

Cherk blinked, clearly as surprised as I was.

“My understanding was that we were supposed to finalize everything during this meeting,” I said to her.

“And things are finalized. Everything is lovely, dear. See you tomorrow.”

“But the whole reason we set this up—”

“Other commitments. You understand.” She raised her hands helplessly. “You’re so capable, Grace. I’m not the least bit worried.” She ignored Frances, walking past her to rest both hands on Bennett’s arm. “Save me a dance tomorrow evening, my precious man. Will you?”

Bennett shot me the briefest glance. Ever the gentleman, he clapped a hand over one of hers. “Of course.”

Dr. Keay returned from the bathrooms, looking confused by the recent arrivals.

“Time to go, Leland,” Joyce said.

“Did I miss something?”

Joyce shot him an icy glare. “Don’t you always?”

Chapter 2

The moment Joyce Swedburg and Leland Keay departed, Cherk strode over and nodded toward the door. “That woman. She’d like nothing better than to see me fall on my face.”

“Then why would she have engaged your talents for the benefit?” I asked.

Cherk’s dark, sunken eyes, his ever-present five-o’clock shadow, and the curling twist of shellacked, dark hair over a deep widow’s peak made him look like an evil minion from a 1950s horror film.

“Joyce Swedburg has no choice. She’s a moth—a social, parasitic moth who lives a delusional life, believing herself a butterfly—and she’s stuck with me for this event because I’m the best this town has to offer. She gets her show, I get exposure. But we are trapped dealing with each other for the duration. Let me assure you: Neither one of us is turning cartwheels with joy.”

Surprised by his venom, I went momentarily speechless.

David, however, had more to say. “Joyce Swedburg is convinced I possess the soul of an automaton, rather than that of an artist.” He grimaced in her wake. “The woman is an ignorant fool.”

Bennett stepped forward. “I’m certain your exhibit will be well received,” he said, “and then Ms. Swedburg will be more than happy to brag that she had faith in you from the start.” To me, he added, “If you don’t require my presence any longer, I’d like to get back upstairs to attend to a few phone calls.”

“Thanks for coming down, Bennett,” I said. “We may not have accomplished anything, but I suspect it meant a lot to Joyce to have you here.”

Bennett gave a good-natured snort. “Who knows what that woman truly thinks? She says what she believes everyone wants to hear. If it weren’t for her talent as a fund-raiser, I’d be happy not to have to deal with her ever again.”

Cherk wiggled his fingers in the air. “Count me in on that.”

“Then we have a quorum,” Frances said.

Bennett’s mouth twisted downward. He looked away, shaking his head. “I shouldn’t have said anything. She’s a decent human being, deep down.”

“Deep down?” Frances asked. “Where are you looking? There isn’t enough depth in that woman for a respectable search.”

Visibly pained by having spoken unkindly about Joyce, Bennett turned to me. “I will see you tomorrow night at the benefit. I’m looking forward to meeting your young man again.”

“And he’s looking forward to seeing you.”

The “young man” Bennett referred to was Adam, lead singer of the well-known but not quite superstar-level band SlickBlade. Adam and I had met under difficult circumstances and, after a rocky beginning, had taken gentle steps toward forging a relationship. He lived in New York City, and that, coupled with the fact that he was often on tour with his band, meant that he and I didn’t get to see each other too often. I was okay with that. At least for now.

“Are you bringing a date, Frances?” Bennett asked. “You haven’t mentioned anything.”

My assistant’s cheeks colored. “It’s enough that I’m attending this soiree on a weekend, isn’t it?” Then, as though remembering who she was talking to, she amended, “Not that I don’t appreciate you buying my ticket. I didn’t mean that. But no, I’m not bringing anyone.”

“A shame,” Bennett said, which I thought was an odd response. He didn’t elaborate. “Good enough. I’ll see you all later.”

“We plan on blocking off a portion of this room for food storage,” I said to David when Bennett had left. We’d arranged to have antique ornamental screens brought in to hide necessary refrigeration and heating units. “I hope that won’t hamper your plans to set up.”

“Joyce, for all of her aggravations, is an effective organizer. I know precisely how much space I need to leave for you. She was very clear on that detail. Don’t worry.”

Cherk’s assistants hadn’t stopped working while we were talking. They kept busy unloading the props and decorations, barely speaking to one another.

I led Cherk to the auditorium, where he shouted, “Hello,” up toward the ceiling three times. When he smiled, he showed large yellow teeth. “The acoustics are tolerable.”

One of the assistants interrupted. “Where does the stage go, Mr. Cherk?”

“Stage?” I asked.

He tut-tutted. “A platform, really. It will raise me up about eight inches off the ground, but even that small amount will allow better viewing for those stuck in the back of the room. From what I understand, we’re expecting a hundred donors.”

“Ninety-four at last count.” I took another long look around. Our catering team would bring in folding chairs once the rest of the space was arranged.

Two of the assistants walked by, carrying very long, and apparently very heavy, rolls of purple velvet. I pointed. “What’s that?”

“Curtains, of course. If we’re to have a presentation here, we’re going to do it properly. I rented these from a theatrical supply house. By the time we’re set up, this will look like Carnegie Hall.”

“Can’t wait to see it.”

Next to me, Frances gave what sounded like a grunt.

Two more young people arrived to join Cherk’s team. “You have this many assistants?” I asked.

Bringing his hands up to face, he tapped the sides of his nose with his index fingers. “Are you always so full of questions?”

I didn’t answer.

With affected patience, he continued, “For your information, these are college students I hired to give me a hand. Theater majors, all. They’ll assist today and with the disassembling as well. I get the benefit of their expertise. They get extra credit in their courses.” Cherk rubbed his nose and started tapping it again. This was either one strange habit or the man had a tic. “Their professor is a friend of mine.”

“Convenient,” I said.

Two young men carried metal piping and heavy boards, which would eventually be connected together to form the stage. They worked hard, but clearly knew what they were doing. When they needed to ask Cherk a question or request clarification, they were respectful and quick. The stage came together at the far end of the room, right before our eyes.

“See how we’ve set up wings on either side?” he asked, pointing as the platform was assembled. Two of the assistants unrolled the purple velvet, ran a metal pole through a pocket at the top, and eased the entire length up into place. “This gives me the ability to hide the workings that will make the show come alive.”

“Like the man behind the curtain in
Wizard of Oz

Ignoring me, he blurted a sharp exclamation at the assistants and ran off.

Frances had been quiet for a while. The moment Cherk was out of earshot, she said, “Ninety-five.”

“Excuse me?”

“Ninety-five people are coming to this fund-raiser as of the most recent count.”

“That’s great.”

“Jack will be here.”

“He will?” I knew I couldn’t hide my surprise, so I didn’t bother trying. “Isn’t that a lot of money to spend on a benefit? Especially for someone who’s back in school?”

“The Mister paid,” she said. “You know how he is; he likes to keep everybody together, like a family. Even though Jack isn’t working at Marshfield anymore, the Mister thought that he ought to be here, so . . .” She let the thought hang.

“Bennett didn’t tell me.”

“He only arranged it today.”

I pulled in a deep breath.

“Good thing you’re bringing that Adam fellow as your date,” she said.

Not for the first time did it feel as though Frances had read my mind. This news made me especially glad that Adam was coming to town.

Although Jack had professed a willingness to rekindle whatever it was we’d started, recent changes in his life made me doubt his sincerity. His long-ago fiancée, Becke, had returned to Emberstowne, newly divorced with two little kids in tow. Jack had offered his father’s deserted home as a rent-free place to stay. There was still unsettled business between the two of them and I refused to be caught in the middle.

Frances added, “Plus the fact that Jack is an Embers . . .”

She let that thought hang, too, but I understood. Jack’s family had been among the first to settle in the town. The place was named for them, for heaven’s sake. With the historical theme, it made sense for Jack to be here. A long line of Embers men and women had, no doubt, trekked beneath the Promise Clock.

“Davey’s coming, too, I assume?” I asked, referring to Jack’s younger brother, who now worked for Bennett and lived in a cottage on Marshfield Manor’s property.

“He has a ticket. No idea if he plans to use it.”

The youngest Embers brother wasn’t a fan of parties and didn’t socialize much. “I suppose we’ll see.” I motioned toward Cherk, who was gesticulating wildly and shouting at his assistants. “Having a Davey and a David here at once could get confusing.”

“Are you kidding? One’s an athletic young man and the other is a walking corpse.”

I know she expected me to laugh, but I wasn’t feeling particularly amused at the moment. “With all of us Marshfield folks here as Bennett’s guests, it’ll be a miracle if they raise the kind of money they need. I hope people are generous when it comes to bidding at the silent auction.”

,” Frances said. “Wait and see. The folks attending will be only too eager to prove how rich they are. Joyce Swedburg will get all she’s expecting and more. Mark my words.”

In almost no time at all, Cherk’s team finished and had packed up to leave. As they departed, our event planners from the Marshfield Hotel arrived to help finesse the scene. They were experienced in organizing weddings, showers, graduations, and other milestone celebrations often held at the hotel. Today they were charged with transforming this ruggedly beautiful basement into a place of elegance.

Frances and I stood back as tables were rolled in. Men and women, clad in black and white, snapped linen tablecloths into the air, allowing them to settle gently on one round table after another. A woman on a ladder reached high overhead to drape long stretches of tulle along the walls and to suspend more from the ceilings. Candles were placed here and there. They’d be lit the following day, shortly before the first guests arrived. I could already see how gorgeous this space, illuminated by the tall TV monitor-windows and flickering candlelight, would be.

“By the way, Frances,” I said as we moved deeper into the auditorium, “I appreciate you staying in town for the weekend. With as large a crowd as we’re expecting here tomorrow night, I feel better having both of us in charge.”

She pursed her lips and didn’t make eye contact. No one seemed to know what Frances did on weekends. All we knew was that she left town every Friday and didn’t return until Sunday evening. Beyond that, her life was a mystery. I didn’t push her and she never offered a clue.

The thought had occurred to me to have our sometime private investigator Ronny Tooney follow her to discover her secrets, but Frances’s life outside of Marshfield was none of my business and spying on her like that, simply to satisfy my curiosity, would be overstepping boundaries. Had our situations been reversed, I believed Frances would have had no such qualms.

“I’d better be getting time-and-a-half for this,” she said.

“Of course.” I tiptoed onto the makeshift stage, afraid of it wobbling beneath my feet. Within seconds, though, I realized that it was sturdier than I’d expected. “Nice,” I said.

Cherk’s student assistants had set up eight-foot-tall curtains on either side of the platform, and a wider curtain behind it. There was a sizeable space between the back of the center curtain and the rear wall. Plenty of room for Cherk to hide any equipment before and during the show. I was amazed at how quickly this end of the room had taken on the look of a serviceable, though miniature, stage.

“We ought to keep these students in mind if we ever want to hold a theatrical type of event down here,” I said. “They set this up so well and so quickly. It’s great.”

Even Frances seemed impressed. She perched her fists on her orchid-clad hips and gave the room a long look. “Not bad.”

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