Granting Wishes

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Authors: Deanna Felthauser

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Granting Wishes
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“Granting Wishes”

Book 3 in the “Wishes” series by DeAnna Felthauser

Copyright DeAnna Felthauser
November 2013

Published by DeAnna Felthauser


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Granting Wishes is a work of fiction.

Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or places, events or locales is coincidental. These characters are purely of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

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I want to give a special shout out to my amazing friends who happen to be my design team, Brett and William. Not only did they provide the beautiful photography for my entire Wishes series, but they also created the cover for Granting Wishes as well. Just wait until you see the covers for my next series though. Oh my word…they are seriously hot, hot, HOT! Look for Protectors of the Terra Key in 2014.

I can’t give enough thanks to Mayas Sanders of Reading By the Book Blog and RBTB Promotions. She’s also a rock star beta reader and great friend.

I ran a contest for print copy of this book on Facebook a few months ago asking readers and friends to help me come up with a name for a little boy. The winner was Lisa Olsen with the name Peyton. Thank you, Lisa. You rock!

my beta’s: Mayas, Raven, Delinda, Gabby, and Cher - Y’all are the absolute best. Thank you for keeping me on track, motivated and inspired with your thoughts and input. I have so much love and appreciation for y’all!

To my in laws Cheryl and Thurman-Thank you for always being so supportive and loving me like your own. But most of all, thank you for raising the man that made my life complete. I would be
lost without him.

series is for my husband, Marty. My rock, my sanity, my very best friend. I love you to the moon and back. I couldn’t do this without you. You make this world a better place.

Editing by Jen Hart and
Geeba Sanchez

Copy edited by R. Manillo


Books by DeAnna Felthauser

Contemporary Romance

The Wishes Series

A Million Wishes

Reflecting On Wishes

Granting Wishes

Coming in 2014

Paranormal Romance

Love You To Death

Paranormal Romance Series

Keepers of the Terra Key


Chapter 1

The wedding turned out beautiful. It was a fairytale from start to finish. Angel had been a stunning bride and Delilah had never seen her brother, Dakota so overjoyed. It was perfect. She was happy for them, truly.

Why then, did she feel like utter crap right now? Something must be wrong with the workings of her brain to be feeling so completely lonely in a house full of people that she loved.

It was getting late and Lilah couldn’t stand another minute of being in her uncomfortable high heels and the buttercup yellow dress she’d worn to the wedding. Heading upstairs to her room, she made sure she avoided the stairs in the foyer, and instead chose to go out the back door and take the stairs from the deck that led to her brother, Dominic’s room. From there she kicked off her heels and carried them in her hand as she padded along on the plush carpeting to her room. The softness felt like heaven on her sore feet.

Once she was sequestered in her room, Lilah unzipped her dress and let it pool at her bare feet, quickly shedding her undergarments and left them lay where they fell as she walked into her bathroom. It was time for a hot bath with a generous drizzle of lavender oil to soothe the ache in her feet, and her heart.

Lilah once asked her momma after her first heartbreak at the age of fifteen, why boys were so dumb. Her mom had replied, “Because when they are around girls, they suffer from blood loss to the brain and only idiotic things come out of their mouths. We’ve all been through it, sugar, and you’ll make it through it too. More than once…”

At the time, Lilah had laughed and felt better knowing that she wasn’t the only one to suffer through the stupidity of an immature boy. Of course, back then she assumed that grown men would somehow be smarter. Boy was she wrong.

Stupid Jake Kringle.

Lilah made a sound of disgust and turned off her bath water, grabbing her cell phone before she eased down into the tub of hot, fragrant water.

The wedding had been a small affair with close friends and family, but her mom had invited Jake and his adorable little girl Roxy since they had been working closely with him for the last several months in the renovations of Kringle Farms. Lilah knew her mom did it because apparently everyone knew she had a crush on Jake and it was her feeble attempt at throwing them together again. That was such a waste since he went out of his way to avoid her completely. In fact, he probably wouldn’t have even spoken to her if sweet, little Roxy hadn’t made a beeline for her as soon as she saw her. The big jerk may not feel the same way about her as she did him, but she certainly had a friend in Roxy. The girl was an absolute delight. She definitely had more personality than her father. That was for sure.

Scrolling through her mess
ages, Lilah rested her head on the edge of the tub. It became clear that was a bad decision when her phone beeped and a picture of Mr. Tall Blond and Brooding popped up. Good Lord, have mercy! Even with that stern look on his face he was still sexy as hell. It was a wonder she didn’t drop her phone in the water. It was bad enough her mind went south when she realized she was looking at him while she was in the tub, naked and thinking about him. Her skin flushed like she’d been caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar.

Sitting up straight, Lilah slid the green bar over on her phone to open the text. It took a moment for her figure out she was getting lightheaded because she was holding her breath. Letting it out in whoosh, she read something that sent her heart thumping.

- Where you at? Disappeared on me.

He noticed she was gone. Lilah gave a whoop and fist pumped like she was at the club.

- I’m upstairs. In the tub.

- Naked?

- Don’t you get naked before getting in the tub?

Was this really happening? Lilah pinched herself to make sure she hadn’t fallen asleep in the tub and was simply having the best dream ever.
Holy crap, it was really happening!

- Showers. Not tub. Very naked.

- Good to know. Try a bath some time. Again, very naked!

- Dammit.

- What?

- You’re naked.

- And?

- I’m jealous of your tub.

- Oh.

They had flirted a few times before, even shared one really hot kiss that ended in disaster.
But this was different. Different because her heart had been aching the entire day because he’d been ignoring her, avoiding her even. It was like when she was out at his farm, helping with the renovations and he treated her like she was a nuisance. Yet she still kept going back, volunteering, and spending time with Roxy. Other times he was sweet as pie, asking her opinion on things, praising her for her hard work and knowledge. And sometimes, well, sometimes he even looked at her like he wanted her. Those times were the best.

- Coming back?

- Wasn’t planning on it. Miss me?

- Maybe…

- Shouldn’t have ignored me all day.


- Wasn’t ignoring.

- Then what’s your problem with me?

- Not a problem with you.

- You were being a jerk to me…Again!

- Never mind. Gonna head home. Get the kiddo in bed.

- Call me later?

- You looked gorgeous today.

- Aww, thank you!

- You were handsome too. As always.

When he didn’t reply, Lilah figured he was getting Roxy and saying his goodbyes. But a half hour later she still hadn’t heard anything and she was tired of waiting. Once she was out of the tub and wrapped in a towel, she texted him again.

- You okay?

- Ya. Home now. Roxy getting pj’s on.

- Give her a kiss for me…k?

- What about for me?

This time, Lilah did drop her phone. Thank goodness it was on her rug instead of the tile floor. It wouldn’t serve her well to not finish this conversation this very moment.

- What about you?

- Giving kisses to my kid but not me?

- Didn’t think you ever wanted to kiss me again.

- …bullshit.

- Then why don’t you?

- Pick you up, fifteen minutes.

- …um. Okay.

She waited a minute to see if he responded.

He didn’t.

That’s when she screamed and went running to her closet to find something to wear. Even though it was late evening, it was sti
ll sweltering hot out so she chose a thin, halter-top cotton summer dress that hit about mid-thigh. It was her favorite color, bright orange. She paired it with strappy, gold sandals and a lacy black thong underneath. Thankfully, she hadn’t gotten her hair wet so it still looked about as tame as the tight, spiral curls ever did so she left it down to brush her bare shoulders. With the last few minutes she had before he arrived, she ran into the bathroom and brushed her teeth.

By the time she rushed down the stairs, her dad was opening the door and greeting Jake. He looked good before, in his suit and tie, but now he was in his worn blue jeans shorts and a black t-shirt looking sexier than any man had a right to look. That kind of sexy should be illegal. But then that would make her a criminal for the thoughts she had about him wouldn’t it?

“We’re going out, Daddy. Don’t wait up. Love you!” she kissed his cheek, took Jake’s hand and went out the door before either of them had a chance to respond.

“In a hurry?” Jake smirked and gave her hand a squeeze.

“I’m not in the mood for an inquisition,” she stuck her tongue out at him and got in his truck when he opened the door for her.

“Where we headed?” she inquired as he slid in the cab of the pickup with her.

He got in and started the truck, not saying anything else until they were pulling out of the driveway. “I figure we’ll make a run up to my cabin, hang out for a while. That okay with you? I’m not really in the mood to go to a crowded bar and that’s all that’s open right now.”

“That’s fine,” she replied. Her heart was racing and she couldn’t seem to stop fidgeting but keeping her hands still was impossible when she felt like she was going to jump out of her own skin. Conversation might make her nerves settle, but for once in her life, she couldn’t think of a single thing to say. It seemed like although they sat on opposite sides of the truck, that it was closed in and stifling hot. The windows were up and the air wasn’t blowing from the vents. The scent of him permeated the air. Between the Stetson cologne, leather, and the woodsy smell that was all him combined with his thick wavy blond hair, and sky blue eyes, her heart was working overtime. Lilah took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment gathering her nerves. Questions rolled through her mind like a ticker tape across the television screen. Why’s, what for’s, and other nagging comments were at the forefront of her brain but when he reached over and grabbed her hand in his with a gruff, “C’mere” she forgot them all and scooted closer to him. Hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder, with her hand dwarfed by his work-roughened one sent a different kind of heat to the pit of her stomach.

Never in her life had she thought holding hands with someone could be so erotic. His thumb was stroking against hers sending tendrils of heat swirling through her.

“Where is your cabin?” she managed to whisper, surprised by the huskiness in her own voice.

“Not far,” he replied. To her surprise he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. She sucked in sharp breath and looked up at him in the darkened cab. She wondered briefly if he felt the same electricity between them but once she saw the look on his face it was pretty clear he felt something.

His jaw was clenched as he turned off on a dirt road near Lake Magnolia. Almost immediately he stopped the truck under the towering oak trees and turned to face her. With
a swift move, he delved his left hand into the tight curls at the nape of her neck and pulled her to meet him for a kiss that rocked her already reeling senses. His mouth was hot on hers. She gripped the front of his shirt with sharp nails scratching his chest in an attempt to hold on tight to him. He didn’t seem to mind it since he answered the scratch with a growl and a sucking bite to her bottom lip. In her lifetime, she had never partaken in a meeting of mouths that left her thoroughly wrecked as this one did. In fact, it put her few experiences to shame and wiped them from the existence in her mind. Those were from boys. What she had a hold of right now was a man. A real, hot, take what he wants kind of man. She was thrilled. Until he broke the kiss and let her go.

“Shit fire,” he slammed his hand on the steering wheel and took off down the road again.

Lilah licked her swollen bottom lip as she watched him with curious eyes. He looked madder than all hellfire as he clenched his jaw. That familiar look on his face made her heart ache and confused her like crazy. His expressions were like a water faucet, one minute hot, another minute was cold. Had she done something wrong? She knew she wasn’t very experienced but she’d kissed other guys before and none of them complained. None of them looked pissed off about it either so what the hell was wrong with Jake? She was about to ask him that when he pulled down a gravel driveway and parked in front of a small log cabin that had a porch with a deck that went all the way around it. From what she could see in the moonlight, it was lovely.

Jake was out of the truck as soon as he threw it in park and took the keys out. He didn’t even wait for her to get out of the truck before he stalked off to unlock the cabin’s front door. By the time she met him inside, he had flipped on the lights and began opening the windows with such fervor they were banging in such a way she feared the glass would shatter.

“Did I do something wrong?” she asked tentatively.

“Why the hell would you think you did something wrong?”

His voice was angry and gruff again, confusing her even more.

“Because you sound like a pissed off tiger
, growling, stomping and slamming things around!”

He stopped, bracing his fists on his hips, lowering his head and taking a deep breath as if to calm himself.

“I’m sorry, darlin’. I just…”

“What? You just what?”

When he looked up again, the look on his face was enough set her on fire. Pure unadulterated heat burned in the depths of his baby blues.

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