Grave Decisions (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 7) (4 page)

BOOK: Grave Decisions (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 7)
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“I’ll be spending the night at Edna’s house tonight,” Maude replied. “Her house is only a block away and we can get as drunk as we want and still find it in the dark. Does that make you happy, Detective Buzzkill?”

“Yes,” Nick replied, unruffled. “Now … go off and make mayhem. I want to romance my woman.”

“You’re nothing if not predictable.”


t’s getting colder out
,” Maddie said, holding her hands up to catch some of the bonfire’s warmth.

Nick moved in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he nuzzled his face in the hollow between her neck and shoulder. “If you would let me take you home, I would draw you a long bath and we could warm up that way.”

Maddie smiled at the suggestion. “Okay. If that’s what you want, I’m fine with it.”

Nick rested his chin on Maddie’s shoulder for a moment, rolling her words and tone through his head. That wasn’t what she wanted. “How about we compromise?” he asked, trying again. “How about we spend one more hour here and then we go home and take a bath?”

“That sounds perfect.”

“Yes, it does,” Nick agreed, swaying slightly as he kept Maddie warm. “The fire is pretty. I like how it glows against your hair.”

“This has always been my favorite time of year,” Maddie mused, moving her warm hands over Nick’s colder ones to stave off the chill. “I love horror movies and candy. I love the changing leaves. I love the summer activities more, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something magical about this time of year.”

“I enjoyed summer because it was hot enough to convince you to skinny dip,” Nick said, laughing as Maddie’s cheeks colored under the muted light. “Summer is always going to have a special place in my heart because that’s when we got together.”

“You’re a romantic at heart sometimes, Nicky. I forget that.”

“I’m a romantic where you’re concerned,” Nick clarified. “I’ve never considered myself a romantic other than that.”

Maddie carefully turned in his arms so she could slip her hands under his jacket and rub her cheek against his chest. “I love you, Nicky, even if you are jealous.”

Nick scowled, but he pulled Maddie tighter, his eyes bouncing to the other side of the bonfire where Cooper Ashton was surrounded by almost every woman between the ages of twenty and forty. He was a hit, and even women in relationships – including Cassidy – were enthralled with whatever story he deigned to weave for their benefit.

“I’m not jealous, Mad,” Nick clarified. “I’m … annoyed on the behalf of women everywhere because that guy is a tool.”

Maddie’s giggle was so delightful Nick couldn’t help but smile into her hair.

“How come you’re not over there falling over that guy, Mad?” Nick asked, genuinely curious. “Are you too good for him?”

“Do you want an honest answer or do you want me to pump your ego?”

Nick tilted his head to the side, considering. “I guess I want an honest answer.”

“I don’t like flashy guys like that,” Maddie said. “Plus, you didn’t see it, but he put on a little display for us before you showed up. He faked a psychic vision.”

“You didn’t tell me that,” Nick said, pulling his head back far enough to study Maddie’s pleasing features. “What happened?”

“He just put his hand to his head and declared he saw a long feud between Marla and me,” Maddie replied. “Of course, this was after Marla sniped at me twice, so it wasn’t exactly a huge leap.”

“Of course,” Nick muttered, kissing Maddie’s forehead. “Did you say anything?”

“No, and I’m not going to,” Maddie answered. “I don’t want to get involved in anything like that. It’s not smart and he’s a pretender. That’s obvious. Even those who really have the sight screw up eventually and someone gets hurt. If he hasn’t hurt someone already, I would be stunned.

“He doesn’t seem to care, though,” she continued. “He’s playing a part. He doesn’t want to help anyone but himself.”

“You’re very astute, love,” Nick said, humming quietly as they swayed. “You’re my favorite person in the world. You know that, right?”

“Of course I am,” Maddie teased. “That’s why you’re jealous.”

“I’m never going to live this down, am I?”

“Probably not for the next few days,” Maddie conceded. “After that, though, you should be fine.”

“Well, there’s always that to look forward to.”

Maddie and Nick lapsed into amiable silence, clinging to one another as they moved to music only they could hear. Their perfect moment came crashing down when Christy popped up at their side.

“Do you guys want to go into the haunted maze with us?”

Nick ceased his rocking and narrowed his eyes. “That’s closed until tomorrow. You can’t go in there.”

Christy rolled her eyes. “Are you going to arrest us for going in the haunted maze that’s right over there?” She pointed to the fall festival attraction across the parking lot. It was absolutely huge. “Besides, Cooper swears he’s had a vision that there’s a body in there. Don’t you want to see if he’s right?”

“Not particularly,” Nick replied. “Just for the sake of argument, though, that’s a haunted maze. There are like fifty fake bodies in there.”

“Yes, but Cooper says someone has dropped a real one in there to hide a crime,” Christy said, her eyes sparkling. “He’s extremely smart and wise.”

“He’s extremely annoying is what he is,” Nick muttered, squeezing Maddie’s hip to get her to look up. “What do you think, love? Do you want to check out the maze?”

Maddie wasn’t particularly keen on stumbling through a dark maze built to scare people, but there was something about the way Nick asked the question that set her teeth on edge. “Sure,” she said after a moment’s contemplation. “How about we walk through the maze and then head home to take your bath?”

Nick tilted Maddie’s head up so he could rub his thumb over her cheek. “Are you sure? You were really looking forward to the bonfire.”

“It turns out I was really looking forward to spending time with you,” Maddie countered. “We can have our own personal bonfire at home if we want. Then we can add a blanket.”

“And wandering hands,” Nick whispered, pressing a soft kiss to Maddie’s mouth before turning to Christy. “We’re in,” he said. “We’ll follow you guys over there.”

“Great.” Christy scampered back to Cooper’s side and Nick didn’t miss the pleasing smile the pseudo celebrity shot in Maddie’s direction. Thankfully Maddie missed it because she was gazing into Nick’s eyes.

“Can I ask you something, Nicky?”

“Always, love,” Nick said, keeping Maddie close as he directed her toward the maze.

“Are you just doing this because you want Cooper to be proven wrong?”

Nick’s expression was rueful. “Am I that obvious?”

“I love you anyway,” Maddie said. “Sadly, I’m looking forward to him being proven wrong, too.”

“That’s because you have a heart, Mad,” Nick said, releasing Maddie so he could grab her hand for their walk. “You’re the best person I know for a reason.”

“Can we add bubbles to the bath?”

The question came out of nowhere and made Nick bark out a laugh. “I think I can live with that,” he said. “Just for the record, though, how come?”

“I got a new bubble bath that smells like flowers and I’ve been dying to try it.”

“That’s as good a reason as any,” Nick said, tugging on Maddie’s hand. “Come on, Mad. Let’s get this over with so we can move on to the fun portion of tonight’s events.”

,” Maddie said, wrinkling her nose as she studied a bloody scarecrow mounted above a Halloween dinner table that included enough fake body parts that Maddie wanted to gag. “I thought it was supposed to be scary. This is gross.”

gross,” Nick agreed, keeping Maddie in front of him so he could make sure they weren’t separated. He could hear Cooper’s fan club giggling as they followed him through the maze. “He’s putting on quite the show, isn’t he?”

“He likes the attention,” Maddie said. “That’s all he cares about.”

“I’m starting to think being jealous of him is a waste of time,” Nick said. “You hate him more than I do.”

“I think being jealous of anyone is a waste of time for you,” Maddie counted. “You’re all I’m ever going to want.”

“Right back at you, love,” Nick said, yanking Maddie’s body to his and scorching her with a hot kiss. When they parted, they were both out of breath. “We need to get out of here so we can take that bath.”

“With bubbles.”

“With bubbles,” Nick confirmed, grinning. “I’ve had enough of games for one night. How about we find the nearest exit and let Cooper put on his show without us?”

“That sounds good to me,” Maddie said, shivering as she cast one more glance at the scarecrow. “He’s very creepy. I’m going to have nightmares.”

“He reminds me of a movie, but I can’t remember which one,” Nick said. “I … .” He forgot what he was about to say when the couple rounded the corner and almost ran into Cooper. “Oh … um … hey.”

The theatrical author stood with his arms outstretched and his eyes pointed to the sky, while his enamored fan club stood behind him and watched.

“He’s feeling for energy,” Christy explained. “He thinks he can find the real body that way.”

“Awesome,” Nick deadpanned. “Listen, um, we’re kind of tired so we’re going to go home and take a bath.”

“I don’t think they needed to know that last part, Nicky,” Maddie chided.

“Yes, but I like saying it.” Nick wasn’t bothered by Maddie’s tone. “I’m sure if you guys find a body, you can call the station and Kreskin will come down and handle it.”

“Afraid of the unknown, detective?” Cooper challenged, lowering his chin and locking gazes with Nick. “Are you worried my ties with the paranormal world will intrigue Maddie? Is that why you want to isolate her from the possibilities of a new world?”

“Actually I just want to get her naked in a bath,” Nick replied.

“Nicky!” Maddie slapped his arm, causing Nick to smirk.

“I can see you’re a non-believer,” Cooper said. “What if I can prove there’s a body in this maze?”

“You would be surprised what I believe in,” Nick replied, squeezing Maddie’s hip for emphasis. “I don’t believe in you, though. You’re putting on an act. Granted, it’s a good act, but that’s not how I want to spend my night.”

“And what about you, Maddie?” Cooper pressed. “Do you want to help save a lost soul or go home with your boyfriend?”

“I want to take a bath,” Maddie admitted, causing Nick to grin.

“Well, I want to save a lost soul,” Cooper said. “In fact … .” He broke off, tilting his head to one side and then the other, giving off the illusion of a confused dog hearing noises it couldn’t identify. “The body we’re looking for is right here!” Cooper hurried down a passageway, disappearing from view, and his gaggle of followers hurriedly raced after him.

“That guy is a major tool,” Nick muttered.

“What was your first clue?”

Nick mimicked Cooper’s outstretched stance, causing Maddie to chortle.

“Let’s go home, Nicky,” Maddie said. “I’m ready for us to be alone.”

“I’m ready, too, love.” Nick kissed her. “I think there’s an exit back the way we came. It’s not too far.”

“I don’t want to see that gross table again, but that’s our best bet,” Maddie said. “I … .”

An ear-piercing scream split the night air, causing Nick to snap his head in the direction Cooper disappeared. “What the … ?”

“Nick? Hurry.”

Maddie recognized the voice. “That’s Christy.”

“Let’s go,” Nick said, grabbing Maddie’s hand and pulling her with him. “You stay close to me, Mad. I’m not kidding. Don’t let yourself get separated. When we prove that whatever they’ve found is another scarecrow, I’m kicking all of them out of here and we’re going home for our bath.”

Nick took two wrong turns before finding Cooper and his fan club, and when he did he wasn’t impressed with the sight in front of him. The scarecrow in this setting – one that looked strangely ritual, like a pagan sacrifice – had a bloody pumpkin over the head and a pool of fake blood beneath it.

“Well, this is great,” Nick said, rolling his eyes. “You found a fake scarecrow body in a maze. I’m truly … amazed.”

“That is not a scarecrow,” Cooper intoned.

“Really?” Nick was annoyed. “I can’t take this. We’re going home.”

“Nick, I think you should look closer,” Christy prodded, grabbing his forearm. “I think it’s a real body.”

Nick blew out a frustrated sigh. “Fine. I’ll look. When it’s fake, though, everyone needs to get out of here and go home.”

Nick rummaged in his pocket until he came up with a small flashlight. He released Maddie’s hand and pointed. “Stay right here, love. Don’t let anyone separate you from me.”

Maddie watched as Nick moved closer to the scarecrow, flicking the flashlight on and moving it up and down the body. To Maddie’s surprise, he studied it longer than she expected, and when he tugged on one of the gloves covering what should’ve been straw hands he revealed a human hand – with painted fingernails.

The screaming started again, and Maddie found herself being pushed toward the opening with no way to fight the forward momentum. “Nicky!”

Nick managed to grab Maddie away from the scattering horde and pull her to his chest as he shifted his gaze to Cooper. “How did you know?”

Cooper’s answer was simple. “The spirits told me.”

“Well, great,” Nick said, exhaling heavily as he kissed Maddie’s forehead. “I have to call Kreskin. That’s a real body.”

Maddie wordlessly nodded.

“I don’t think we’re going to get that bath tonight, Mad,” Nick said. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

“I think this is more important, Nicky.”

“Nothing is more important than you, but … this is more urgent,” Nick said, digging for his phone. “Something tells me this is going to be a long night.”


Dale Kreskin paced the small area between the female body and Nick, Maddie, and Cooper. He was Nick’s partner, but sometimes when he was worked up he felt like Nick’s father.

“I don’t think I understand either, but that’s how it happened,” Nick said, rubbing the back of Maddie’s neck. “Cooper claimed he sensed a body in here. Everyone went with him so Maddie and I followed in case there were problems. This is what we found.”

“This is just … .”

“Impressive?” Cooper asked, fishing for compliments.

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