Gray's Girl (8 page)

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Authors: Mina Carter

Tags: #sports romance, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Gray's Girl
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On the verge of bolting back through the door, Frankie stopped like she’d been poleaxed, unable to look away. Her mouth dried up, breath catching in her throat as she gazed upon utter masculine perfection. She knew Gray was well built, had felt the packed muscle under his shirt last night and seen the power he was capable of on the pitch, but shit… There was built and there was

Naked to the waist, his jeans hung low on his hips. Her gaze zeroed in on a flat stomach, a tiny trail of hair highlighting the fact that the top button was undone. Temptation didn’t just enter into the equation; it locked and loaded to storm the castle. An overwhelming need to drop to her knees and finish the job filled her, and all she wanted to do was pop each of those buttons and find out how far that treasure trail went.

“Hey doll, my eyes are up here.”

Amusement lacing his voice, Gray snapped his fingers in front of his groin, and immediately her sex-starved brain latched onto his arms instead. Thick and corded with muscle, they led up to broad shoulders and flowed into a broad chest that wouldn’t have looked out of place on a sculpture of Adonis. Thick plates of muscle, toned and defined with lines she ached to follow with her lips and tongue, were set over a washboard stomach she could spend hours rubbing catlike against.

“Fuck me…”

Her reverent whisper shattered the silence between them as, finally, she lifted her eyes to look into his. Amusement scattered, replaced by swirling, white-hot heat. Like looking inside an inferno, or the heart of a star. She expected to be blinded but wasn’t.

“Happily. Come here.”

His voice was low, harsh. Normally she’d have balked at being ordered around in such a manner but right now, she’d do anything he wanted. Tension wrapped around them, made the air thick and heavy as she approached.

He watched her every step of the way, standing there like some Greek god waiting for a sacrificial virgin to come to him. A shiver rolled through her as she finally made it, drawing to a stop just in front of him and tilting her head back to look up. He reached up to wind a strand of her hair around his finger. All that strength constrained by a few silken strands. A delicate bondage she couldn’t, wouldn’t, break.

“You’re beautiful, you know that?”

“You think so?”

She still wasn’t convinced, but her words were more a reflex action as all her brain’s processing power was taken up with estimating how far his lips were away from hers. He started to lower his head.

“I know so.”

His lips reached hers, hovered over them for a fraction of a second, his breath whispering against hers in a sensual caress all of its own. A fraction of a second, that was all she got, then it was like a dam had broken, releasing the torrent behind. With a groan, his hand tightened in her hair and his lips crashed down on hers.

They claimed and took, the hard sweep of his tongue demanding and gaining entrance past her lips as he backed her up into one of the cubicles. The door crashed shut, the sound almost drowned out by the sound of their breathing and the pounding of her heart. A second later her back hit the tiles behind her, the coldness a delicious contrast to the heat of his body against her breasts. He moved, twisting as he plundered her lips, and a metallic
echoed as he locked them in. She was at his mercy.

She shivered as he moved in, sliding that big body against hers until she was sandwiched between him and the wall. A whimper slipped from her throat as she gave up the fight and drove her hands into his hair, mating her mouth with his in a frenzy of passion.

Heat blossomed, became an inferno that wrapped around and consumed them. Her hands were everywhere, needing to touch him more than she needed her next breath as she nibbled at his lower lip.

“God, Frankie. You’re killing me here,” he groaned, wrapping big hands around her thighs and lifting her as though she weighed nothing. Her groan joined his as he pressed her back, grinding his pelvis against hers, the thick bar of his cock hard against her needy clit. Her pussy clenched, heat flowing from her to soak her panties. God, yes, this was what she needed. She needed that hard cock deep inside her, pressing her open to accept him, thrusting in and out as he took her to heaven and back.

She didn’t answer. Didn’t trust herself to form a coherent sentence. Instead she pressed hot, openmouthed kisses against his jaw, working her way around to nip at his earlobe. He flinched, a low and sexy growl rumbling from his chest as she laved the tiny hurt with her tongue.

“Careful, sweetheart. Naughty girls who bite get punished.”

“Is that so?”

She giggled, unable to resist temptation and nipped him again. She’d never been into the kinky stuff, but with Gray, it sounded…sexy.

He gasped, dropping his head back. She took the opportunity to drag her lips over his throat, reveling in the feel of his stubble as she kissed the bulge of his Adam’s apple. God, he smelled so good. Like citrus shower gel, warm man, and pure Leighton Gray.

He recovered his composure, dropping his head and her legs at the same time. She squeaked as she slid down the front of his body. Falling wasn’t an option; he had her every inch of the way, but with the cubicle seat behind her and her back pressed against the wall, she was off balance. At his mercy.

“Too right it is. And I know just how to do it.”

And it was her turn to gasp as strong fingers made short work of her belt buckle. His lips covered hers again in a swift, hard kiss that stole her breath and made her see stars. Breaking away, he had her jeans open, sliding his hands under the fabric and cupping her backside as he slid them down. She wore loose fit. The denim clung for a second and then gave up the fight, sliding down her legs to bunch at her knees, caught by the wooden seat.


Nerves and excitement made her voice breathy. They couldn’t do it here, could they? Some of her worry must have shown in her face. He pressed a kiss to the soft curve of her hips as he eased the denim to the floor, lifting one foot then the other free of both jeans and her sandals until she stood in just her top and underwear.

“Shh, don’t worry. Relax, let me make you feel good,” he murmured against her skin, his golden hair a sensual caress as he pushed up her top and kissed across her stomach. She tensed, sucking in a breath at the delicious torture of his kiss. She couldn’t look, the sight of his large, sun-darkened hands over her pale skin too erotic for words. Dropping her head back to the tile behind, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensations instead.

Deprived of sight, those sensations all but overwhelmed her. The warm wash of his breath over her skin, the prickle of his stubble, the strength in his fingers as he curled them into the sides of her thong underwear and slowly began to drag them down her legs. Slow, so slow. Giving her plenty of time to protest if she wanted to.

A sound of pleasure rumbled through the small space in the cubicle when she didn’t. He didn’t bother sliding them off as he had her jeans, instead pulling one foot free and urging her to lift it to the seat. The change in position parted her thighs, and a large hand on the inside of her raised leg urged them wider.

Heat hit her cheeks as he knelt in front of her, a soft curse falling from his lips as her pussy was revealed to him. She was wet; she knew she was wet. Her panties had been soaked from the moment he’d ordered her to come to him.

“Beautiful, just…beautiful.”

He leaned in, the width of his shoulders forcing her legs further apart. The first wash of his breath over her wet pussy lips stole her ability to breath. Anticipation held her frozen as he parted her with gentle fingers, and then with the softest touch, swept his warm tongue over her.


She scrabbled for something, anything to hold onto, finding the pegs above her head and latching onto them like they were a lifeline. He found her clit.

A triumphant rumble rolled through his chest as he laved his tongue over it, then pulled it into the warm cavern of his mouth and sucked.

Hard pleasure exploded through her body, with starbursts behind her eyes as he nibbled and sucked, alternating teasing her clit with long sweeps of his tongue from her slit and back up again to start the cycle all over again. She whimpered and held on, trying to stay still for him, trying not to buck her hips, riding the delicious sensations his clever tongue teased from her body.

He licked again, flicking his tongue rapidly over her in butterfly movements. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and the wet silk of her arousal slipped from her to coat her lower lips. He growled in approval, both hands cupping her backside as he moved down. Her sharp gasp filled the air as he drove his tongue deep inside her, another growl rumbling through his broad chest as he feasted on her cream like a starving man at a banquet.

Arousal tightened every muscle, even as pleasure made her boneless, the two making a battleground of her body as she was torn between them. Her pussy clenched at the penetration, need and disappointment filling her as he moved back up, only to be swept away by his mouth closing over her clit again. God, she needed him. Needed this, more than this. She needed more…

As though he could read her mind, he moved. A long, low moan of pleasure left her lips on an exhale as he slid a thick, long finger into her slick channel. Greedily, her pussy clenched around it, the shudder going from her head right down to her toes.

“You like that?”

Each word was whispered against her hypersensitive clit, threatening to send her up to fresh heights. She bit her lip, nodding as he pulled back and thrust in again. In, out, in…her world was reduced to his lips plying her flesh and the thick digit buried within her as he finger-fucked her.

“And this?”

A second finger joined the first, sliding into her thickly. Her breath caught. Instead of answering, she spread her thighs farther. She didn’t care what he did, just as long as he carried on.

“I guess so.” He chuckled, his mouth just over her clit as he fucked her, using both fingers to turn and twist inside her, pressing against her G-spot before scissoring to stretch her. Prepare her. Was he going to…

She hoped so. He had to. Her entire body ached. Burned for him.

He dropped his head, laving her clit with his tongue. Soft, wet licks interspersed with harder ones until she was panting and whimpering his name. She was so close to coming, she could almost taste it. Her heart thundered in her ears, the tightness in her pussy and clit almost painful.

“How about this?”

He moved and the slick end of a blunt digit teased at her back entrance. She shuddered, an illicit thrill threading through the pleasure racking her body. It was too much, the teasing at her ass, his fingers in her pussy, and his mouth on her clit all brought the tension to a crescendo.

She screamed his name as pleasure washed over her, shattering her into a million pieces. Dimly she heard his growl of triumph as he pulled his hand away, his hot tongue driving deep inside her to collect the hot juices of her climax. She shivered, dropping her hand to his hair as he drank from her, each hot lick leaving her boneless with pleasure as she rode the waves.

Finally he stopped, standing to pull her into his arms as his mouth covered hers. The musky taste of her own body was on his lips, but she didn’t care, opening up instinctively to let him in.

“That was…” He shook his head, heat blazing in his eyes as he looked down at her. “I want to see you tonight.”

Disappointment rolled through her, lancing through her body sharply. “I thought you’d—”

“Want to fuck you up against the wall?” The corner of his lips quirked. “Of course I do; what red-blooded guy wouldn’t? But Frankie…” He leaned down until his lips almost touched hers. Until she tingled with anticipation. “When I take you, I’m going to take you

Her eyes widened, shot to his. What did he mean, take her his way?

“Tonight. There’s a function at the Marlon hotel, for the team. Official thing. Black-tie event, so dress appropriately. Apart from one thing. No knickers,” he ordered, reaching down between them to stroke his fingers between her slick pussy lips. She gasped as he thrust a hard finger inside her again.

“I want this sweet cunt open and accessible to me, and I want you to sit there all night knowing that. Knowing what I’m going to do to you when I get you into my bed.”


Chapter Six



What the hell did she think she was doing?

Conversation buzzed at the tables around her and she smiled at a comment the gentleman sat opposite made, all the time convinced that a sign over her head announced that she had no underwear on.

In foot-high neon letters. Blinking neon letters.

“Do you always blush so much?” Gray leaned over to murmur in her ear as the woman to his left joined the conversation, sparking a minidebate on where the best place to go skiing was. Frankie didn’t care. She couldn’t ski very well, unless there were medals given out for skidding down slopes ass first. If there were, then she’d take gold.

“It’s your bloody fault!” she whispered back as she squirmed in her seat.

She’d done as he’d ordered in the changing room earlier in the day, silently putting the tiny satin thong that matched her bra in his outstretched hand as soon as she got into the taxi. She still couldn’t believe she’d had the guts to do it and the thought of her underwear in his pocket turned her on the more she thought about it.

The heat in her cheeks deepened as a wave of cool air washed over her heated pussy lips, exposed by the lack of underwear and concealed under the long skirt of her dress all at the same time. Every time she moved it was the same thing. Even though her thong had been tiny, the fact that the little scrap of satin wasn’t covering the small area between her legs made her feel naked. Aroused. Wet.


“I know.” He grinned, his expression totally unrepentant, the promise in his eyes heating her blood all the more.

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