Grayson (20 page)

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Authors: Lisa Eugene

BOOK: Grayson
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He didn’t realize it yet, but Karma had just come calling.



I called Jack from my cell phone on my way to the hospital. Jitters were jumping inside me like crickets. I couldn’t wait to see Grayson. The next step of the plan was for Jack to insist on a reevaluation in the morning and delay Grayson’s transfer. I was sure the doctors would want to observe him for more time in the hospital before they would agree to discharge him home, but I was optimistic that he’d be home soon, especially with his proxy pushing for it.

I burst into his hospital room. Grayson was sitting on the bed with a book in his hand. Robert Frost. I thought about the long road I’d traveled. From the first time I’d spied on this man to the notes on the door. From him saving me from Mark, to preserving his father’s treasures. Our earth-shaking passion and this ordeal in the hospital. The path hadn’t been smooth, but I was glad I’d chosen it. I couldn’t imagine my life without Grayson in it. I wouldn’t want to.

He hadn’t been allowed visitors yesterday because of his feigned melt down, so I was thrilled to see him. Finally. I was grinning so wide that I knew he thought I’d lost my mind. I pounced on his lap and flung my arms around his neck, wetness already glazing my lashes. His eyes crinkled with worry as he explored my face.

“Grayson, I have great news! Jack is your healthcare proxy now. He wants you to go home! We both want you to go home!”

His eyes opened wide, disbelieving. I cradled his face between my palms and nodded fervently, tears blurring my vision. “Yes! Yes! It’s true! Charles signed it over. Soon you’ll get to go home!”

I saw hope flicker in his blue eyes as his lips twitched with a tentative smile. My pulse pounded a little faster, racing ahead.

“They are going to re-evaluate you tomorrow. This time, you have to do a

He studied me intently, his expression one of disbelief. Then he gave me that look of reverence that I loved, and for the first time he revealed himself. A part of him unfurled and blossomed right before my eyes, a part he never trusted to anyone. I saw it all. His dark fears, his crippling doubts, his fervent passion—and, his amazing heart. It was perfection. A perfect soul with fissures and flaws that made him beautiful. And I knew at that moment that we could overcome anything as long as we were together. He inhaled a shaky breath, then the corner of his lips kicked up.

“Like a
fantastic? Or a
fantastic?” Grayson asked.

I gasped with the pure joy of hearing his voice. The sound flowed through me like warm, liquid gold. I laughed and cried at the same time as I looked into his eyes and caressed his cheeks.

One-hundred fantastic,
my love.”

He smiled fully. A smile that I’d been deprived of for weeks now. I ate it up like it was candy when I bent and kissed his lips. His lips melted into mine, soft and yielding. When I felt the gentle thrust of his tongue, I was filled with bursts of golden sunshine.




Grayson spent an additional three weeks in the hospital. The doctors wanted to titrate his medications and monitor his response to the new regimen before they would recommend his discharge. Although Grayson complained about the testing, the lengthy psych evaluations, and even the group therapy sessions he was mandated to attend, the promise of returning to his safe haven ensured his compliance.

The day I was to accompany Grayson home I was bubbling with nervous excitement as well as immeasurable apprehension. I’d informed Grayson about the changes to his home and explained that the rooms had been cleared in preparation for the construction. I hadn’t seen the house, but I knew that everything, including his book fort, had been removed. He’d frowned at the news, but in his eagerness to leave the hospital, I wasn’t sure he’d fully processed what he’d be returning to.

Jack had put a hold on the construction and ordered everyone out of the house in expectation of Grayson’s return. He’d visited Grayson a few times in the hospital and I’d made sure to remain scarce during their meetings. I didn’t want Jack to think that I was the one pulling Grayson’s strings. According to Grayson’s doctors, he was fully capable of making decisions about his life as long as he was safe and his continuing therapy and psychological rehabilitation weren’t compromised. Everything had been arranged for his continued therapy at home by clinicians he’d met in the hospital and somewhat trusted.

Now I sat with Grayson in the back seat of the town car that had been sent to collect us from the hospital. It was a gray, wet day and rain pelted the roof of the car like stones flung from the sky. Grayson held my hand in his, clutching it firmly as the car wound its way through the busy midtown traffic.

His face was relaxed, but I could tell by his steely grip that he was as anxious as I was—perhaps more so. I knew he wouldn't truly believe he was going home until he walked through the iron gate and the sturdy mahogany door of the townhouse.

The noise of the city was almost deafening, and after being cloistered in the hospital for so long, it was obvious that he was having a hard time being outdoors. He darted furtive glances out the window at the active streets as we headed across town, and I sensed his muscles flinch each time a horn sounded.

The car pulled up to the gate and Grayson’s eyes were fixed in the distance, earnestly absorbing the massive stone structure. I gave his hand a squeeze as he turned and shot me a smile that somersaulted my heart. That smile unwound the tension that had spiraled tight in my body, and I realized that I, too, had feared that this moment would remained trapped in my dreams. Joy danced through me. Finally.

Without waiting for the driver to open his umbrella and come around the car, Grayson unlocked the door and stepped out, holding it open for me.

It was then that I saw a shadow move behind him, a fleeting whisk of darkness that immediately sprinkled alarm beneath my skin. I exited the car just in time to witness the man’s hurried approach and it took me a minute to realize it was Charles shrouded beneath a large black umbrella. Despite his shield, he was soaked, water dripping from his disheveled hair and drenching his expectant face.

“Father!” he shouted happily as he approached. “Father, I’m so glad that you’re home. I found out from the hospital that you were being discharged today. I had trouble getting into the house. There must be a problem with the security key.”Grayson immediately stepped in front of me. He pulled to his full height and squared his shoulders as he faced his son. The driver of the car came around to ask if we were okay and Grayson dismissed him with a nod, his gaze never leaving Charles. Charles’ gaze flitted to me then quickly back to Grayson. His expression sobered and he lost the buoyancy in his demeanor. Understanding darkened his expression and black hatred filled his eyes.

“We have to talk,” he said sternly to Grayson.

Grayson’s expression remained calm, but even with the rain now pouring down on us, his gaze never wavered.

“We have nothing to talk about.”

His reply was sharp and final, entertaining no argument. I felt his hand at the small of my back, gently ushering me forward. He stayed protectively between me and Charles and I was thankful for his nearness. My heart was a battering ram against my ribs. I just prayed that we would quickly make it inside, away from this unexpected menace. It was just like Charles to ruin his father’s homecoming.

“Wait!” Charles tracked us, his steps rushing behind us as we approached the gate. “Wait! This is all
fault! Don’t listen to that bitch! She’s poisoned your mind against me!”

My hands were shaking by the time we got to the gate. I was shivering from my rain soaked clothes and the cold that had permeated my core.

“That bitch threw herself at me! Don’t listen to her lies!”

Charles’ vile words stung. Not that I feared that Grayson would give them any credence. He, more than anyone, knew his son’s true nature. I just hated being the bull’s-eye for the insults that he flung, and I knew that to respond would only make this bad situation worse. I wouldn’t do that to Grayson. Jack had told me that Grayson had cut off Charles’ funds, and although I’d expected him to show up sooner or later, I hadn’t anticipated being confronted on Grayson’s first day home.

“She’s a fucking whore! She only wants—”

Charles didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence. Without warning, Grayson’s fist arced through the air, crashing solidly into Charles’ face. Charles’ umbrella went sailing away on the wind as he stumbled back, holding his jaw and shrieking wildly.

Grayson keyed in his security code and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, drawing me into the shelter of his big body. Without a look back, we made our way into the house. As soon as the door closed behind us, he dragged me into a tight embrace and held me close. I felt energy quicken through him, an invisible lightening of a load, and I knew that he was relieved to be finally home. Still trembling, I snaked my arms around his waist and inhaled deeply, not wanting to think about what had just occurred.

“I’m so sorry, Grayson. I wanted today to be special for you.”

Grayson pulled back and looked into my eyes, his face only inches from mine. His warm breath feathered my cheek.

“With you, every day is special, Angie. Every day is cherished.”

“Charles is—”

“Charles got what he deserved. Jack told me what you did for me.” I watched his throat work down a hard swallow. “I can’t tell you how much you mean to me.”

I shivered, missing the warmth of his body. With a deep sigh I wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders, squeezing my eyes shut and drawing his scent deep inside.

“I’m on your side, Grayson. Always.”

“I—I can’t make any promises, Angie. I don’t know what the future holds. Right now I can only take it one day at a time—one step at a time.”

“As long as you allow me to take those steps with you. That’s all I want.”

I felt his smile as he buried his face in my neck. His wet hair brushed against my cheek, smooth and silky.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

I smiled and opened my eyes, my gaze landing on the other side of the room. With a gasp, I pulled from his arms and turned in a circle to take in the cavernous space. It was empty except for a small table and two upholstered chairs toward the back windows, in the spot where our oasis had been.

“Grayson!” I laughed, almost giddy with disbelief. “How?”

“Jack asked me what I needed.” He shrugged, pushing his wet hair back from his handsome face.

I now noticed a massive pile of books neatly stacked, lined up against an entire wall. There must have been thousands, all brand new. I stared, wide-eyed, unable to form words. Jack must have emptied out an entire bookstore.

Grayson came up behind me, his arms slipping around my waist. I could feel the even thud of his heart against my back.

“I need my books, Angie.” His voice was an apologetic whisper against my ear.

I nodded, pivoting in his arms. I swallowed down the emotion in my throat, knowing what he planned to do with them. He’d rebuild his fort. Hopefully a day would come when he wouldn’t need it, but right now every day was a day to take slowly, to savor. We’d cherish the small steps and not agonize over the big ones.

“I’ll help you.”

His lips pulled into a stunning grin and his blue eyes sparkled. “You can help me after.”

I frowned. “After?”

A naughty twinkle flashed in his eyes as he removed my messenger bag and drew up my limp shirt. He pulled it over my head and traced his warm lips across my naked shoulder. Electric sparks exploded beneath my skin at the touch of his lips. It had been so long since we’d been intimate that my body instantly responded. His lips captured mine and his tongue glided slowly into my mouth. I savored the sweet emotion on his lips and the heady flavor of our burgeoning desire.

Still kissing me, he removed my wet bra. My nipples instantly beaded in the cool air. He palmed my breasts and massaged them gently before flicking his thumb across my straining nipples. I gasped as the delicious sensation shot like lightning to my pussy. Grayson’s fingers traveled down to my soaked jeans.

“Let’s get out of these wet clothes. I need to be dry.” He gave me a look that made my toes curl with anticipation. “We’ll start building after I make you come over and over again. I’ve missed you, missed holding you and listening to you cry out in pleasure.”

He planted soft kisses along my jaw and my body warmed by several degrees. I moaned and snuggled closer, unable to contain my joy. I’d missed our passion too. “I hope Jack got you a bed.”

He pulled back and grinned down at me, his wicked expression setting me on fire. “Since when have we ever needed a bed?”

I couldn’t help chuckling as he pulled off the rest of my wet clothes, then his own, and led me to one of the upholstered chairs. His cock stuck straight out from a thatch of dark hair, thick and engorged, already leaking. I reached down and cupped his heavy balls, rolling and squeezing them gently before ringing the thick root of his cock and pulling a sure stroke up his shaft.

” A rough cry accompanied a sharp buck of his hips. Grayson pumped his hips back and forth, shuttling his cock slowly in and out of my tight fist. He hissed a curse through clenched teeth and his pupils flared as he stared into my eyes.

“Angie…” he breathed my name on a broken groan, then leaned forward and sealed his lips to mine. He kissed me breathless with a fierce, thorough passion.

I was forced to release him when I felt my feet give way. Grayson lifted me and deposited me on my back on the soft chair. I let my wet hair fan out above me. The look on his face could only be described as predatory as he pulled my hips forward to hang off the edge of the big chair. My breath started coming in short bursts of air when he knelt in front of me and gently eased my knees up and back, exposing my sex to his hungry gaze.

The move only made my pussy grow wetter and my channel pulsate with raw, achy need. I was audibly panting now with a desperation beyond words, but when Grayson issued an appreciative moan and dragged the flat of his tongue through my sensitive folds, I thought I’d split apart.

“God, Angie, I’d forgotten how beautiful you are,” he whispered hoarsely against my hot flesh. “How delicious.”

His lips clamped over my needy clit and he sucked hard. Sensation ricocheted through me, crashing into every atom of my being. My scream echoed in the empty room, bouncing off the plaster walls. Grayson’s tongue flicked my nub over and over again and my spine curled off the cushion.

Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!
” I chanted, gloriously close to orgasm.

Pulling back, he ran his palm up my abdomen, caressing my heated skin with a lethargically soothing rub. A cascade of flutters beat through my body in rippling waves. My thighs trembled and my nerves sizzled like live-wires. Grayson fisted his cock and slid the thick shaft between the slick lips of my pussy, drenching it with moisture.

I keened again, the slow, smooth glide a wicked torture.

“I want you to come around my cock,” he growled, his voice unrecognizable. “Please tell me you have condoms.”

For an instant I thought about telling him no, just to be a devil, but my desire to have him inside me was too powerful, too demanding.

I jerked my gaze to the messenger bag that he’d discarded on the floor and he followed, a schoolboy grin splitting his face.

“Don’t move,” he tossed out as he stood, and I wondered why he always felt the need to tell me that. I wasn’t going anywhere. Ever.

In a flash he was back in front of me, rolling the latex down his twitching shaft. The ruddy head looked painfully distended and I could see from the tight flex of his muscles that he was hanging on to his control by a thin thread.

Just the intensity on his face had drugging arousal buzzing through my bloodstream.

“Please, Grayson…” I mewled, undulating my hips.

My eyes slid close when he bent his knees and tucked the swollen head of his cock between my plump folds, just inside my entrance.

He stopped. I whimpered.

“Please, Grayson…” I rolled my hips, trying to steal more pleasure from his delicious cock.

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