Grid Attack (Cyber War #1) (7 page)

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Authors: Emerson Hawk

Tags: #Post-Apocalyptic Cyber War

BOOK: Grid Attack (Cyber War #1)
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Right now, I was mad at him and really didn’t feel like snuggling too close. But I thought about something my grandmother said years ago and have lived by it.


“Never go to bed mad. You never know when one of you will pass on in your sleep.” She said. It was words that I lived by as often as possible. I couldn’t imagine how bad I would have felt if something happened to him and he passed on in the middle of the night. I would never be able to forgive myself for staying mad for something so trivial.


Plus, being mad used too much energy and I needed to relax to get some sleep. So I let him pull me close.


“I’m sorry I gave Annette the flashlight. I will try to be more mindful of things now. Please don’t be mad at me.” He said, sincerity in his voice. He always knew I couldn’t stay mad at him for long.


“I’m sorry, too. I should probably be a little more giving considering the circumstances. It’s just that we don’t know how bad this may get or what we may need to get through this. I’m just feeling more vulnerable than I like.” I responded.


I pushed my butt towards him as he spooned me, his arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer to him as we began to get warmer. It felt nice with his strong arms around me. Safe.


We laid there in silence for a while, both our brains processing what was happening. I knew I was going to have a hard time sleeping. It was too damn quiet.


When the power was on, I used to use a fan or an air filter to help give me white noise to sleep. Otherwise, I was constantly woken by the traffic or people who would walk on the busy road next to the house.


Our house was at the end of a street that had been blocked so cars could not go through so it was kind of a dead end, but on the side was a very well traveled road. I was an insomniac as it was and a light sleeper. It was a bad combination for someone who loves sleep as much as I did.


The white noise blocked it enough that I could still hear if a smoke alarm went off or if there might have been a break-in.


Now, it was almost too quiet. There was no sound of traffic and if there were people out, they weren’t making noise. It was strangely calm and eerily quiet.


Thank goodness the chickens went to bed at dark and stayed quiet. The only thing that could be heard was an occasional dog barking.


As I took his hand, I laced my fingers in with his, letting him know that I wasn’t mad. I was still irritated, but there wasn’t anything I could do about that now.


Our combined body heat didn’t take long to make us comfortable, but Tony had other plans.


I felt his hips push against my backside as his manhood made itself known.


Giggling at the situation, I asked, “Now? He wants to play now?” We would always refer to his manhood in third person.


“I can’t help it. Feeling your warm body against me makes me want you. Plus, I figured I might be able to relax you and help you sleep better.” He whispered into my neck as he kissed me.


His hand began to softly stroke my side as he worked his way down between my thighs. Gently caressing my mound, I could feel my mind shifting away from the doom and gloom and over to the attention he was giving me.


I rolled over to my back so his hand could get a better angle before slipping out of my panties. Moaning, his stiff rod pushed into the side of my hip as his fingers found that special spot that helped me to forget everything but him.


My legs instinctively spread to allow him full access to the goods, as my hips began small thrusting movements.


His mouth found mine as he kissed me roughly, rolling on top of me and pinning me down. Then he worked his way down and under the covers, his mouth and tongue finding that one spot that would push me over the edge.


With masterful skills, his mouth lavished me, forcing me to beg him to fuck me. But he wouldn’t just yet. No, he liked to keep me under his control and he knew he could with his mouth.


I felt my body tighten with each stroke of his tongue, pushing me faster and higher until I yelled and shuddered, releasing the tension of the day into the universe.


Tony came up from the covers, his manhood meeting up with my drenched folds as they took him inside willingly.


He thrusts his body hard against mine, building up his own orgasm to its highest possible peak.


The familiar holding of his breath and grunting let me know he was close, as I reached up and gave one of his nipples a pinch, sending him over the edge.


His breathless body collapsed onto mine as we both held each other in the dark.


Yes, I would definitely be able to sleep much better and so would he.


He rolled off and we got back into our spoon positions once again. I could hear his breathing change and within less than 5 minutes, he was out.


I was always envious of how easily he could sleep. Any time, any where.


On the other hand, sleep eluded me most of the time. I would lie in bed and read on the iPad and listen to alternative radio with my headphones until way past midnight most nights.


Now, I didn’t have those little luxuries. And oh, how I missed them.












Chapter 10 - Anthony


I tried not to wake her as I slipped out of bed. She always had such a hard time sleeping. I hope that I helped her last night, but after I came, I couldn’t stay awake. I found out long ago that as long as she was here, I could sleep well. I knew she slept lightly and it made me feel safer because she would easily wake up if there was a strange noise.


She used to ask me if I heard the thunderstorm that passed through the night, or if I noticed the power went out in the night. She would actually wake up when the power would go out because it would become too quiet. It was hard for her to sleep on nights when there was a lot going on outside. Now, it was almost too quiet. Plus, with what was happening we were both stressed.


I normally woke at the crack of dawn. I had stopped using an alarm clock years ago. Waking up early just became normal for me. Although, now there was no need for an alarm clock anyway.


From what I could remember from the forecast, today was going to be nice out. Funny how we rely on technology to tell us the weather, the news, and even how to cook. It would be hard to not have that around anymore. I would check my phone as soon as I woke up like a smoker who needed to light that first cigarette before their feet hit the floor. Both of us were full on tech addicts to a certain degree.


Kat was a wiz when it came to tech. She was always learning about the newest gadgets and wanted to upgrade our electronics, but at the same time she was afraid of how well the newer electronics tracked our every move. I wasn’t sure I bought into all of that, but I did read a story about one TV that actually said they could listen to your conversations.


Having a TV that would listen to us would be ludicrous. Any why would the TV company care anyway? Something about advertising I think.


For now, I just needed to find some sense of routine. It would be hard because I was used having to get up and go to work to collect a paycheck.


Hell, not getting up and going to work felt weird. Almost like I was playing hooky or something bad like that.


I had always worked, always had some job. Even if I hated the job, I would work until I found another one or was laid off. Actually, rarely did I change jobs even if I hated it. The way I was raised, when you finally got a job that paid you well enough, you stuck with it.


Unlike today’s thinking, where jobs and employees are equally disposable, I valued having a job that I had been at for over a decade so far. I was hopeful that one day life would get back to normal and that job would still be there for me.


I went down to the kitchen to make some coffee and realized that I had no clue how to make coffee without the coffee maker. I grabbed my phone to see if there was any sign of signal. There was one bar that would pop up occasionally, but then it just said ‘no seervice’. I could attempt to make coffee, but more than likely I would ruin it and Kat would get angry because I would have wasted something as valuable as coffee, so I decided to wait until she got up.


I peeked out into the back yard to see what the weather looked like. The chickens were up and ready for the day so I went outside to let them out of their coop. Letting them run in the yard kept the bug population down and gave them food so we didn’t have to spend as much on feed.


As I walked closer to their run, they all began to chirp in their happy chirps and hoping over each other trying to get me to open the door faster so they could get out and play. Kat loved the girls and they had become pets.


They gave us lots of eggs that we would sell to the neighbors. At the moment, I was really glad to have them. Their eggs would provide lots of protein and in times of stress protein was so important. At least that is what Kat told me.


I sat on the bench and watched them peck and scratch digging for worms. The silence of the neighborhood was almost overwhelming.


I could hear people talking from across the road, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying and I couldn’t see them. I turned my head and strained to try to hear what they were saying, but to no avail.


We had installed a privacy fence around our back yard a couple of years prior. Since the road next to the house was so well traveled, Kat felt exposed and everyone could see our yard. The fence allowed us the privacy we needed. For now at least.


I heard the sound of the back door open as Kat motioned for me to come inside.


“Hi babe, wanna have a do-over of last night?” I asked, grinning from ear to ear as I grabbed her and pushed my pelvis against her butt.


She giggled, rubbing her eyes, still trying to wake up.


“Sure, how about tonight?” she said with a chuckle. “It’s not like there is anything else to do once it gets dark.”


She had a point. Hmmm…who knows, maybe the apocalypse will give us more sex. Yeah, my mind went there. Wasn’t about to say that out loud, though.


“I was going to make you some coffee. But…” I started.


“Yeah, we are going to have to do it the old fashioned way. Boiling water poured over the grounds.” She said. “Damn. I wish I would have gotten that french press.”


She grabbed a pot and put it on the stove, lighting the burner with a match.


“At least the gas is still working today.” She joked.


Then she took a strainer and set it over a stainless steel pot, and lined it with a coffee filter. When the water began to boil, she tossed the coffee into the boiling water, then shut off the burner.


After letting it sit for a few minutes, she poured it through the strainer.


“Ta-da!” she said, as she poured us both a cup.


We put our sugar and creamer in it and gave it a taste. It was much stronger and more bitter than we were used to, but it would work and was still quite delicious. It always amazed me how some of the simple things in life could make life easier. Like a good cup of coffee.


“I will make it less strong next time. I have to figure out the right amount of water to coffee and how long to cook it.” She said.


We both went back outside and sat on the back porch in the cool morning air. She leaned up against me, scooting closer to keep warm as she put her head on my shoulder. For a moment, it felt like a normal weekend morning. I liked the feeling and didn’t want it to end.


The chickens were doing their normal thing when one of them came out of the coop crowing that she’d just laid an egg.


Kat and I both looked at each other wide-eyed. With the lack of noise from everything, the crow of the chicken would be heard for quite a ways away and we really didn’t want to attract that kind of attention. Just a few of our closer neighbors knew we had chickens and we wanted to keep it that way.


“Babe, we need to find a way to keep that noise down. Otherwise, we are going to have people coming to steal the chickens.” Kat said to me. I knew she was right.


At the moment, they would probably be fine, but in a day or two if people were starting to get hungry, we could be in for a fight over the chickens. And we couldn’t let them be killed. They provided more to us with their eggs at the moment and the eggs would go a lot farther than the chicken actually would.


She hurried over to the crowing chicken and talked to her a little to calm her down so she would shut up. It amazed me how well she knew how to deal with them. They looked up to her. She squatted down and petted the chicken, acknowledging her accomplishment. In a moment, the chicken was off quietly scratching at the ground again looking for bugs.

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