Grid of the Gods (13 page)

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Authors: Joseph P. Farrell,Scott D. de Hart

BOOK: Grid of the Gods
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The second thing to be noted about the quotation is the double-edged sense in which many of its statements — particularly that about “the rulers deriving their powers from the consent of
the governed” — can be interpreted. There is obviously the prosaic sense, namely, that Pike simply means to indicate the nature of the republican form of American government, and is mouthing pious patriotic platitudes. But there is the deeper sense explored in the previous chapter, that of the consent of the people to an obviously criminal act, and even more criminal “explanation” and cover-up, an act of consent which increases the powers of the occult rulers performing the ritual.

The deep connection between this “alchemical” social engineering and Masonic ritual is made clear by another reference to the “ashlar” occurring much later in Pike’s tome in reference to citations from the ritual of initiating a Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept, the twenty-eighth degree of the thirty-three degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry:

A rough Ashlar is the shapeless stone which is to be prepared in order to commence the philosophical work; and to be developed, in order to change its form from triangular to cubic, after the separation from it of its Salt, Sulphur, and Merecury,
by the aid of the Square, Level, Plumb, and Balance,
and all the other Masonic implements
which we use symbolically.

Here we put them to philosophical use, to constitute a well-proportioned edifice, analogous to a candidate commencing his initiation into our Mysteries.
When we build we must observe all the rules and proportions: for otherwise the Spirit of Life cannot lodge therein. So you will build the great tower, in which is to burn the fire of the Sages, or, in other words, the fire of Heaven; as also the Sea of the Sages, in which the Sun and the Moon are to bathe.
That is the basin of Purification, in which will be the water of Celestial Grace, water that doth not soil the hands, but purifies all leprous bodies.

This quotation requires careful attention and care in unpacking its carefully coded language.

The “philosophical work” referred to is precisely the alchemical operation of confecting the Philosophers’ Stone, the transformation of matter, the bringing down of the
materia prima
into earthly form. But there is also an esoteric operation, that of the transmutation of base metals into gold, in this case, the base metal of unenlightened humanity into the pure gold of an illuminated
consciousness. The “philosophical work” is thus a code for these two types of operation.

But our real interest in this passage lies in the bold face passages. Note the use of “Masonic implements,” the square, level, plumb and balance. If one did not know that this was a nineteenth century Masonic text, one might conclude one was reading a bizarre description of the torsion physics experiments of Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev. The passage hints, obliquely, that it is talking about an encoded physics, an encoded physics probably unknown even to a Masonic adept like Albert Pike.

This is darkly hinted at in the second paragraph. Masonry is an alchemical craft, for in the metaphor of constructing buildings according to the sacred geometry of Masonic “architecture” the real goal is to embody “the Spirit of Life” in those buildings. That one is dealing with a physics here is evidenced by the next part of the passage, referring to “the fire of the Sages” which is “the fire of heaven,” the
energy of the sea of space-time itself
, the “zero point” energy of the vacuum.

That this is so is further reinforced by the use of a standard code often found in ancient texts for this physical medium of space-time, for in those texts deep space is referred to as “the abyss,” the “primeval waters or primeval ocean,” and this is what we see in this Masonic text where the sun and moon are said to “bathe” in this sea.

Finally, note the reference to building “the great tower.” While this could be construed to mean the Masonic principle of embodying “rule and proportion” into physical buildings and thus embodying “the Spirit of Life,” there is a deeper meaning. Recall that Hoffman stated one long term goal of such alchemical workings was to reinvoke the gods of old. The reference, in other words, is an ancient one, and at this level of meaning the “great tower” is the Tower of Babel itself, a tower which, according to the biblical story, would reach to heaven and allow men “to do whatever they imagined to do.” I have argued elsewhere that the real purpose of this tower — and of all pyramidal structures in one
form or another — was to access this energy of heaven, this energy of the vacuum, of space-time itself.

On this reading of the passage, we are indeed dealing with a very ancient agenda, the agenda of turning the “rough ashlars” of stone into the “perfect ashlars” of structures able to summon the fire of heaven itself. We are dealing, in other words, with an encoded physics.

Alchemical architecture, in other words, encompassed two aspects: the architecture or engineering of society, and the architecture or engineering of the physical medium itself, and notably, within Masonic tradition, these two were clearly seen as being connected.

2. Transmitters, Temples, Sacred Sites, and Nazis


Thus, with the SS’s infiltration of fraternal societies, it should come as no surprise that there are some slight suggestions that the Nazis saw the connection between sacred sites and a potentially deeper physics, for Nazi German radio and radar stations were constructed on “ancient mark-points in the land’s sacred geography.”
Indeed, Nazi high-energy research seems to have been in part driven by physics considerations of various points on the Earth grid within the Third Reich:

The place where the ‘occult arts’ and official science came closest together is in the real of earth-radio-magnetic-psychic energies. By the 1930s, luminaries like Nikola Tesla claimed that electronic research was close to perfecting the ‘death ray’. German scientists saw this as the ultimate weapon which would guarantee world supremacy. Working with high-voltage X-rays the Nazi physicist Schieboldt attempted to develop a ray that wopuld destroy an aircraft in flight.
a similar device used intersecting beams of infrared energy to burn up enemy aeroplanes.
This line of study proved fruitless, but one of its spinoffs was the electron
microscope, now a fundamental research tool in both biology and materials science. Hitler had said “If we had more powerful microscopes, we would discover new worlds,” and the electron microscope did just this. It has indeed been one of the few useful legacies of the Third Reich.

In connexion with this high-energy research, various mysterious ‘transmitters’ were erected at several ‘key points’ in the Reich. In 1938, the Brocken, a celebrated peak in the Harz mountains, was the site of feverish construction work. Holy mountain of the goddess Freyja, the Brocken is best known for the curious optical phenomenon known as the ‘Brocken spectre’, which occurs when the shadow of a person on the summit is cast by the rays of the sun onto a cloud below. Under some conditions, this ‘spectre’ has a saintly halo around its head.

This ‘transmitter’ was a strange contraption, a tower surrounded by an array of posts with pear-shaped knobs on top. At the same time a similar system was erected on the peak of the Feldberg near Frankfurt. When it began operation, there were soon reports of strange phenomena in the vicinity of the Brocken tower. Cars travelling along the mountain roads would suddenly have engine failure. A Luftwaffe sentry would soon spot the stranded car, and tell the puzzled motorist that it was no use trying to get the car started at present. After a while, the sentry would tell the driver that the engine would work again now, and the car would then start up and drive away.

Years later, after the war, the ‘car paralysis’ phenomenon was reported time and again in association with UFO sightings. Whatever its function, this ‘transmitter’ was emanating a field of energy sufficient to short-circuit the electrical systems of nearby cars.

An event during the war demonstrated that these transmitters were being used in some sort of weaponized capacity.

On January 24, 1945, two American P-38 twin-engine fighters were dispatched to investigate the reports of a Nazi “magnetic wave” weapon near Frankfurt. The P-38 of Lt. Hitt suddenly began to experience malfunctioning of all its electrical equipment as he drew
close to the transmitter installation near the Feldberg at Frankfurt, including his compass, which began to spin through 360 degrees, and his plane’s two engines which began to sputter and run very rough. The other pilot, flying nearly a mile away from Lt. Hitt, experienced no such difficulties. Upon their return to base Lt. Hitt’s difficulties generated an intelligence report entitled “Preliminary Report on Suspected Magnetic ray.” A British engineer did calculations to determine how large such a facility had to be, and he concluded that it would have been a facility using such large ground-based coils as to render the idea impractical. The German transmitters, however, as we have seen, involved no such coils, but were, rather, a series of antennae laid out in circular fashion — almost mimicking the henge- like stone structures that dotted the European and British landscapes — with pear-shaped bulbs at their end. As I have observed elsewhere, “This implies that the German device operated on different principles than what the Allies expected, given that the description of these antennae (does) not resemble that of a huge set of coils.”

But if there were different principles involved, what were they?

One clue is perhaps afforded by the
conclusions of yet another German electrical engineer, Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl, who noticed not only that certain ancient Greek and Roman temples were built according to the principles of “sacred geometry,” but also that they could, if viewed with the eye of an engineer, function as vast wave-guide cavities for simple radio telegraphy! Ancient temples, in other words, were deliberately constructed as simple radio transmitters!

The placement of such temples — and the Nazi transmitters — on world “grid” sites suggests that the Nazis did indeed discover or re-discover some aspects of long lost science. In this connection, it should also be noted that they showed immense interest in Nikola Tesla’s schemes for the wireless broadcasting of electrical power.

While this is not the place to recount the nature of Tesla’s wireless electrical power broadcasting technology in detail,
there are certain features that must be noted in terms of the Earth grid. Tesla’s scheme was dependent upon making the
Earth itself
as the transmitting medium by establishing standing longitudinal electrical waves within it.

This requires some unpacking.

A longitudinal wave is
a typical sine or Hertzian wave, but rather, a
or pulse. We may understand the difference between the two types of waves by means of a simple analogy. If we imagine two people standing with a jump rope suspended loosely between them, and then one person jerking the rope up and down, that upward jerk will transmit a loose “S” shape down the rope to the other person. This would represent a standard Hertzian wave, the kind of electromagnetic energy that we are familiar with in light, radio signals, and so on. Notice, that
of the energy generated in creating the wave is lost in the creation of that initial jerking motion, and only a fraction of that energy is received by the person holding the rope at the other end, and it does so
some time later than the initial pulse

Now we replace the jump rope by placing a yardstick between the two people, and one of them repeatedly pushes or “pulses” his end of the yardstick.
, that pulse transmits virtually
the energy of the pulse to the person at the other end of the yardstick. This is a longitudinal or pressure wave.

But what has this to do with the Earth grid, and with the Nazi transmitters? The answer is very simple. Recall that the British engineer consulted to run calculations on the amount of power that would be needed by the Frankfurt transmitter would have been enormous, and would have required enormous coils. This is our clue that he was thinking in terms of (1) only
transmitting antenna, and (2) of standard
or “jump rope” waves. Whereas, we have seen that the two Nazi transmitters at the Feldberg near Frankfurt and the Brocken were both composed of
antennae, and this is our clue that they were transmitters designed to send out not Hertzian “jump rope” waves, but longitudinal “yardstick” pulses. If
we can imagine, for the moment, the Earth itself being a smooth pond, into which we toss a handful of pebbles, we will see immediately what is happening. As each pebble — representing one pulse from one antenna — hits the surface of the pond, it will send out a circular pressure wave which will overlap with all the other waves being created by all the other pebbles.
Where these waves overlap, we get nodal points, where the energy of all the waves meeting at that point is added together.
Thus, one need not have a
installation with large coils, but in actual fact, the best system would be several smaller systems with several antennae each sending out overlapping pulses. It is thus possible that the Earth grid actually consists of nodal points created by such standing waves overlapping on the surface of the Earth, being guided by local landscape (which would function as wave guides).
It thus seems evident that the Nazis, working with some version of Tesla’s wireless electrical broadcast technology, had discovered at least some aspects of the physics behind ancient geomancy and the world grid system.

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