Read Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance Online

Authors: Kirsten McCurran

Tags: #Erotica

Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance
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“What is this for?” Horrified, Katherine thought they were paying her off, like some kind of whore. She tried giving him back the cash, but he wouldn’t take it.

“It is the money you should have made for babysitting tonight. I know your time is worth money.”

“But I didn’t babysit for you. I didn’t earn it, sir.” She did not want to think that she really did.

“All the same, you will be here a lot and if you don’t have any babysitting money your parents will become suspicious. Use the money to buy an outfit for me if you’d like.”

Katherine did not like taking the money, but knew she had no choice. Mr. Gardner would not accept it back and he did have a point. And she did need the money. Maybe she would use it to buy some clothes. She quietly said, “thank you,” and tucked it into her jeans pocket.

Mr. Gardner hugged her tightly and when he kissed her she opened her mouth to him. It was such a hot, passionate kiss that Katherine swooned and eagerly kissed him back. Mr. Gardner was so incredibly sexy, she thought for the first time.

“I will see you again soon, Kitty,” he said, dismissing her.

“Yes, sir,” she promised.




While Katherine made her way home, full of conflicting emotions, Patrick Gardner sat on the couch stroking his wife, who was beside him. Her legs were spread, with one of them across his lap, and he was rubbing her swollen red lips while she relaxed.

“How do you think tonight went?” he asked.

“She seemed pretty frightened in the beginning, but as her desires took over from her brain Katherine seemed to slip right into the submissive role. Oh, Patrick.” Tara moaned when he slipped two fingers inside her and slowly moved them in and out.

“I always had a feeling about her. On the exterior, she seems just like any other good girl her age, but there was always this undercurrent of something else. I’m sure she didn’t even know it was there. How do you know you need something you’ve never even heard of? It’s nice to know I was right. It’s been so long since I took a new submissive I wasn’t sure I still had it. It was a fine idea to add another pet to our games, Tara.”

“You’ll always have it, dear. But what did you see in her? How did you know? Honestly, I thought she was just like any other girl. Very pretty, sure, but kind of reserved, average.”

“There’s just something there in some women. I saw it in you the first time you walked into that classroom, seemingly so uptight, but so eager to please. I knew I could mold you into the perfect pet and in all these years you have never disappointed.”

“Oh, thank you, honey. Right there, yes, rub me there,” Tara gasped, pumping her hips at those invading fingers.

Patrick rolled to his knees on the floor and began licking Tara’s pussy. He lashed her clit with his tongue and still kept his fingers bent deep inside her. She was wailing and clutching at the couch while she rose closer and closer to her peak. When his tongue zeroed in on her clit he reached up and also tugged on the chain connecting her nipples. Tara screamed and thrashed wildly on the couch, climaxing instantly. Patrick knew her body so well that it hardly required any effort at all for him to get her off anymore. It was one of the reasons he wanted a new challenge. He so loved eating her pussy, something he rarely did in the playroom.

Pushing Tara on her back on the couch, Patrick dropped his pants and mounted her. He thrust his cock hard and deep inside her, building to a pounding rhythm. Tara clenched around him and her nails dug into his shoulders painfully. He always thought that was a way for her to compensate for the pain he caused in the playroom.

“God honey, you feel so good. Harder!” Tara cried. She was almost ready to come again.

“I love you so much, Tara. You’re so fucking sexy!”

“Sexier than Katherine?” she moaned. It wasn’t a real question, as she was sure of his answer.

“She’s just a girl, baby. You’re going to help me make her into a woman.”

The Gardners hammered away at each other for another few minutes until Patrick buried himself in Tara and came while she screamed from her own orgasm. They held each other tightly and he swore his love to her. Patrick really did love his wife more than life itself. Tara was not just his pet. She had fulfilled all his dreams. And that was why times like these were important, when he made sure she understood she was his wife first.

 But that did not mean he could be forever satisfied with just Tara as his plaything. He would always need new challenges. He was glad his wife understood that, just as she understood that she would always be his Primary. Tara was his wife, and no other pet would ever supplant her. Katherine would become his pet too, and he would enjoy teaching her how to behave in that role, but she would not be the last. Perhaps she would even be used to recruit his next pet one day.

“So,” Tara asked, kissing his cheek, “when do I get to play with Katherine?”

“Soon, I promise. I need to make sure my control is cemented first. She is a willful girl. I can see that in her, and I will have to break that.”

“Sounds like you’re going to need some one-on-one time,” she said, smiling wickedly.

“In due time, wife, in due time.”





“I’m not sure this is such a good idea,” Katherine said. She was squeezed into the backseat between two other girls. Sandra was in the front seat and their friend, Amy, was driving. “Isn’t there something else you guys would rather do tonight?”

Hope, the girl to her left, laughed and said, “Why do you always worry so much? When are you going to learn to just cut loose and have fun?”

“Yeah, I thought we were going to have to tie you up to drag you out tonight,” Sandra added.

That comment brought a nervous chuckle from Katherine. Being bound was much on her mind lately, though she didn’t think Sandra would have any idea what to
do with someone tied down. It was three days since she’d seen her master and there had not been so much as a phone call in that time. She thought Master wanted her at his beck and call and that she would be right back over there, but no, there was nothing but silence. She hoped they were just letting her stew. If that was the plan, it was working. Katherine jumped every time the phone rang, hoping it was one of the Gardners. Whenever she thought about Master playing with her—which was about every five minutes—she turned so wet she could hardly stand it. Master had better be just toying with her, because if she in some way disappointed him and he was done with her, she didn’t know what she would do. Days ago she did not even know what it meant to have a master, but now the thought of hers dropping her was terrible. She was scared, but she wanted to know—needed to know—what other plans he had for her. Katherine didn’t know how long she was distracted, but the jostling of the car on the badly paved city street brought her back to the here and now.

“I’m just worried we will get carded and won’t get in,” Katherine argued, although she was more worried they
get in and what could happen then. Sandra was bound and determined to hook her up with some hot guy for the evening, no matter how many times Katherine told her she wasn’t looking for that. There was only one man on Katherine's mind now.

They parked several blocks from the club and Katherine was glad for the warm night, since Sandra had convinced her to go out basically half naked, or at least that was how she felt. She was wearing a black baby doll with a sequined band just below the bodice. It might not have been so bad with a sweater over it—except it was too short for Katherine's liking, but it was cut so low she felt like she was hanging out of it. She wasn’t above showing cleavage, but this dress was too much. She knew she would spend the whole night pulling on the spaghetti straps. All the other girls were dressed similarly and their heels clicked on the sidewalk as they made their way to the club.

Waiting in line, Katherine asked again if Sandra was sure about this, but her friend just poked her in the side and told her to chill out. When they reached the bouncer he did not even card them! Katherine was shocked. As they walked down the narrow corridor and into the club proper Sandra had an I-told-you-so look on her face. Sandra had suggested as much earlier while teasing Katherine's hair and doing her make-up. She said she wouldn’t be surprised if the bouncer didn’t even check for ID. “Hot girls can get in anywhere,” she insisted.

At the bar Hope bought the first round and ordered Katherine a Fuzzy Navel without asking. Katherine did not mind the cocktail, as she couldn’t taste the alcohol in it, and sipped as the girls grouped together and scanned the landscape. From the time they walked in, Katherine could feel the predatory eyes of horny, drunken young men on them. None of them would have trouble finding a guy tonight. It was just up to the girls to choose the lucky ones. For her part, Katherine had no desire hook up with anyone in the club. Sure, there were plenty of hot guys there, and it wasn’t that she couldn’t use some action, but Katherine was not one for anonymous sex and oddly, it felt like she would be cheating on her master if she was with another man. Did he expect her to refrain from being with other guys? He had not said. It would only be natural for a girl her age to have a boyfriend, or a friend with benefits, she knew. He never asked about it. As horny as she had been it would have been so easily to fool around with one of these guys, but she put that thought right out of her head.

“Finish that drink so we can get out there and dance,” Sandra said, knocking back her on cocktail.

Katherine finished her drink and set it down on the bar just in time for Amy to grab her hand and drag her to the dance floor. Sandra was ahead of them and she and another of the girls, a petite redhead named Brenda, were moving close together, twisting their bodies to the driving beat. Katherine loved to dance, but she wasn’t as into the guy-teasing, play-lesbian dancing that some of her friends were. She was out there to have fun, not titillate guys. She and Amy and Hope danced together in a tight little circle and when a cheesy guy tried to break in on them they laughed and shoved him away. It was great fun to get out there and get physical and not think for a while. The huge speakers drove the beat straight through her body and she blanked her mind and rode that rhythm, dancing on the crowded floor until she was breathless and covered with a fine sheen of sweat.

Brenda bought the second round, pulling cash from between her pushed-up breasts, and Katherine was handed a cranberry and vodka. It was not as tasty as he first cocktail—the bartender took a heavier hand on the spirits—but she was parched from dancing and gladly drank it down. As soon as she put the empty glass down on the bar another one appeared and when Katherine tried to tell the bartender she did not order it, he pointed at a guy at the other end of the bar. He was handsome and looked to be at least ten years older than she was. He was darkness from head to toe, thick, jet black hair that dipped below the collar of his black, silk shirt, and he wore expensive looking black pants. He was dangerously handsome and Katherine's heart beat faster when he raised his glass to acknowledge her thank you wave. She immediately turned away to find Sandra grinning at her.

“Looks like someone has an admirer. You should go down there and talk to him,” Sandra said.

“No, I couldn’t. I don’t even want to,” Katherine said, turning red. Her embarrassment made her sip the drink faster and she became all tingly as time seemed to slow down by a second or two.

“You should at least say thank you. That would be the polite thing to do.”

“Hey, I didn’t ask him for the drink. Besides, he’s too old for me,” Katherine protested, even though he was a few years younger than her master. “Now come on, let’s get back out there and dance.” Katherine put her drink on the bar, but Sandra handed it back to her.

“You can’t leave a drink unattended.”

Katherine nodded and knocked it back. The drinks were going down much easier now.

“You’re so crazy!” Katherine shouted over the music as Sandra shimmed against her.

“You’re just afraid to loosen up!” Sandra shouted back.

I’ll show you
, Katherine thought. The liquor had already loosened her up and so she decided to prove to Sandra she was all wrong about her. What would Sandra think about her exploits with Master? She would never think her innocent little friend was capable of those things! Katherine grabbed Sandra’s hips and grinded into her, while locking eyes and giving her friend the sultriest look she could muster. It took everything she had just to keep a straight face. Sandra upped the ante by molding her body to Katherine's, so their breasts mashed together and close enough to kiss while still gyrating to the music. Katherine was not scared off and kept grinding her friend, well aware of the spectacle they were creating and when Sandra grabbed her ass, Katherine followed suit and roughly kneaded Sandra’s round butt.

“Oooo, baby, you’re so hot!” Katherine shouted over the music.

“Not as sexy as you, baby!” Sandra replied, leaning in for a kiss. Katherine made sure the blond caught her cheek.

The girls unclenched and Sandra held Katherine's hand while she did a spin, after which Brenda cut in and pulled Katherine to her for a close, sensual dance. It was all in good fun, Katherine was not interested in girls, but it did feel nice to be touched after being so horny for days. Brenda was more forward in trying to grope Katherine and mostly she let the redhead get away with it, just enjoying the physical contact, but Katherine kept her hands to herself, outside grabbing Brenda’s ass a time or two. After a couple songs dancing with Brenda, Katherine excused herself to the restroom, feeling the drinks going through her.

When she came back from the restroom her friends were scattered, so Katherine headed to the bar to hang out and get some water. Sandra was on the dance floor with some guy and the other girls were dancing with each other. Katherine was of a mind to join them once she’d had a moment to cool down. She turned to catch the bartender’s attention and found him setting a fresh drink down in front of her. Katherine was already feeling quite buzzed and knew the last thing she needed was a fresh drink, but before she could refuse it the bartender moved on. Somehow she was not surprised to find the dark stranger from the end of the bar at her elbow. His hand felt warm on her bare shoulder when he turned her to face him. It was a familiar gesture for a stranger to make.

“I’m Gino,” he said, extending his hand, which she took.

“I’m Katherine. Thank you for the drinks, but it really wasn’t necessary.”

“When I saw you standing down here I found it quite necessary.”

Gino oozed charm and she thought he had a light accent, though it was hard to tell with all the noise around them. He was still holding her hand, lightly stroking it with his thumb, while also stroking her bare shoulder. Normally, Katherine did not like her personal space invaded, especially by a guy on the make, but his touch was not unwelcome. It was even pleasant. She could be sure he tried this routine at least several times every weekend, but as she was feeling quite warm from all the cocktails she’d had it did not seem to matter. Katherine found she was smiling at the handsome stranger and even flirting back with him.

“Are you here with anyone?” Gino asked.

“Just my girlfriends,” she replied, knowing that was not what he meant. Even though the last thing she needed was another cocktail, Katherine sipped at the fresh drink Gino thoughtfully sent her way. The crowd jostled them together and Gino’s arms slipped around her so naturally, like they were longtime lovers. Katherine's back was to the bar, leaving her no room to maneuver.

“I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before,” Gino said, his lips just brushing her ear and sending chills down her spine. Her heart beat faster and she was all too aware of how close they were. The need she’d been feeling for the last few days was now front and center—refusing to be ignored.

“I don’t really do the club thing,” Katherine tried for nonchalance, hoping he would assume she was older and maybe just beyond the club scene, instead of too young to even be there that night.

“I understand. I’m sure all the men constantly throwing themselves at you must become quite a nuisance after a while. Or is there a boyfriend?”

Katherine was not sure what to call her relationship to Mr. Gardner. She was not going to tell this stranger she had a sexual master. But Mr. Gardner certainly was not her
. “No, there’s no one like that.”

“Perfect. That means there is no reason we can’t dance.”

She agreed and happily followed him onto the dance floor. Very few men really knew how to move to dance music and though Katherine had always heard that men who could dance were good in bed, she had no experience with which to form her own conclusions. However, even before she saw him dance Katherine thought that Gino must know what to do with a woman, since he was older and obviously experienced. She could not imagine this magnetic man fumbling around with her the way Cody did. The way he moved on the dance floor, with fluid grace, only reinforced that impression. When he touched her it was sensual, not the obvious groping of a horny teenager. He was confident, but not possessive the way her master was. Gino got Katherine's temperature rising by lightly caressing her everywhere but the obvious places. Even though she caught him checking out the way her breasts moved while she danced, he did not try to sneak in a grope, and his hands did not stray below the small of her back. Nevertheless, by the time they left the dance floor Katherine was burning hot and wondering what it would be like to be with the virtual stranger. She was no longer considering how Master would feel about her being with another man. She was not really thinking at all. Alcohol and arousal combined to drawn out any of her normal reservations about casual hook ups. For the moment, the good girl who did not take chances was locked away.

Gino did not lead her back to the bar, but pulled her by the hand through the dense crowd to a space at the back. There was some breathing room near a door to a storage area and there, against the wall, he took Katherine in his arms and kissed her. Her arms went right around his neck and she eagerly opened her mouth to suck on his probing tongue. Gino was a forceful, but skilled, kisser and she melted into him even as he pressed her back against the wall. His body felt hard under his expensive clothes and Katherine wanted a peek at it. Giggling while he kissed her neck, she drunkenly fumbled at the buttons on his shirt, exposing even more of his tanned chest. She slid her hand inside his shirt and felt his smooth, well-muscled chest. When he nibbled on that special spot on her neck, Katherine went weak in the knees and clung to Gino, letting him cup and squeeze her ass.

BOOK: Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance
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