Guantánamo (69 page)

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Authors: Jonathan M. Hansen

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Immediate Response Force (IRF) training
Immigration and Nationality Act
industry; colonial; late-nineteenth-century; of 1900s–1930s; of 1950s–1960s; post–Ten Years' War; sugar ; War of Independence and;
see also specific industries
inoculations, forced
Ireland, John
Isabella, Queen of Castile
Isle of Pines
Isthmus of Panama
Jackson, Andrew
Jamaica; labor;
prostitution; slavery; society
Japan; prostitution
Jean, Yolande
Jefferson, Peter
Jefferson, Thomas; Cuban affairs and; views on slavery; vision of American empire
Jews; refugees
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Cuban policy
Johnson, Sterling
Johnson v. Eisentrager
Johnston, Jeffrey
Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA)
Joint Task Force (JTF)
Joint Task Force
Joint Task Force
Jones-Cooligan Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Keeler, Frank
Kennebunkport Order
Kennedy, John F.; Bay of Pigs invasion; Cuban Missile Crisis; Cuban policy
Kennedy, Robert F.
Key West
Khadr, Omar
Khrushchev, Nikita
kidnapping of U.S. servicemen (1958)
Kiester, Ed
King, Lawrence
Kitty Hawk
Knox, Dudley W.
Knox, Philander
Koh, Harold
Kollar-Kotelly, Colleen
Korean War labor; commuters; Cuban ; effect of water fight on; encomienda system; foreign; maids; of 1900s–1930s; of 1940s, ; of 1950s–1960s; prostitution; racial stratification; reforms; revolutionary movement and; slave; unions; unrest; World War II, ;
see also
Lafontant, Roger
Lake, Rex
Lansdale, Edward
Lansky, Meyer
La Paz
Leeward Point
Leeward Prison
Lehnert, Michael R.
Lemnitzer, Lyman
Leon, Richard J.
Liberal Party
Linares y Pombo, Arsenio
Livingston, Edward
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Daily Telegraph
Long, John D.
López, Narciso
Louisiana; Purchase
MacArthur, Douglas
Machado, Gerardo
MacVeagh, Franklin
Madison, James
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
maids, Cuban; salaries; skin color
, USS, sinking of
Malinowski, Tom
Manchester Document
Manifest Destiny
Manning, Bradley
Manzaneda, Severino
Mariel Boatlift
Marshall, John
Martí, José
Martínez Campos, Arsenio
Mason, John
Matanzas Barracks
Mayarí Arriba
McCaffrey, Barry
McCalla, B. H.
McCalla Hill
McCamy, William C.
McColgan, James
McCone, John
McCudden, L. B.
McFadden, Robert
McIntosh, K. C.
McKeon, Andrew
McKinley, Brunson
McKinley, William
McNamara, Robert
McNeal, H. P.
Meier, William
Mendieta, Carlos
Menocal, Mario García
Merchant, Livingston T.
Mexican War
middle class
Miles, Nelson A.
Military Commissions Act (2006)
Military Information Support Team (MIST)
Miller, Geoffrey
Miller, Hugh Barr
Miller, Paul D.
Miller, Tom
Mills, William
Mississippi River
Missouri Compromise
Moncada Barracks
Monroe, James
Monroe Doctrine
Mopox Commission
Mopox y Jaruco, conde de
Mora, Alberto
Morro Castle
Moulton, Randy
Myers, Richard
myth, Guantánamo
Nagy, Imre
Namphy, Henri
National Geographic
articles on Guantánamo naval base
National Security Council (NSC)
naval base,
Guantánamo naval base
naval power
Naval Radio Service
Navy Times
Neely, Brandon
New Navy
New Orleans
New York; Cuban resistance in
New York Herald
New York Journal
New York Times
9/11 attacks; effect on Guantánamo
Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa, Massif
Nitze, Paul H.
Nixon, Richard
North America
North American Review
Northeast Gate
North Korea
North Vietnam
Noto, Mario T.
nuclear weapons; Cuban Missile Crisis
Obama, Barack; Guantánamo policy of
Operación Verano
Operation Bingo
Operation Good Times
Operation GTMO
Operation Mongoose
Operation Patty
Operation Take Charge
Oriente; sugar
Orthodox Party
Osment, William “Shorty,”
Ostend Manifesto
O'Sullivan, John
Pact of Zanjón
Page, Walter Hines
País, Frank
Panama Canal
Pareja, Felix
Partido Independiente de Color (PIC)
Partido Socialista Popular (PSP)
Partido Unión Revolucionario (PUR)
Pascal-Trouillot, Ertha
Paulson, Bud
Pearl Harbor
Pentagon; 9/11 attack; post-9/11 detainee operations
Perez, Pedro
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philippines; annexation of; independence
Phillips, W. K.
Pico Turquino
Pierce, Franklin
pirates and smugglers
Pistole, John
Platt, Orville H.
Platt Amendment; naval base issue
Playa del Este
politics; Cold War; corruption; Cuban War of Independence and; of 1900s–1930s; of 1940s, ; of 1950s–1960s
Polk, James
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Port Royal, Jamaica
Powell, Colin
press ; on Cuban War of Independence; on Guantánamo naval base; on Haitian refugee problem; in Platt Amendment; on Spanish-American War; on
torture at Guantánamo;
see also specific publications
Prío Socarrás, Carlos
Prosser, Gabriel
prostitution; at Guantánamo prison; of 1950s, ; skin color and; World War II,
Puerto Rico; annexation of
Quitman, John
Qur'an, mistreatment of
Radio Range
Rasul v. Bush
Ray, Henry
Reagan, Ronald; Haitian refugee policy
Reef, Betty
Refugee Act (1980)
refugees; camps; court battles; Cuban; French; Haitian; HIV-positive; Jewish; Mariel Boatlift; Operation GTMO;
see also
Haitian refugees,
Reid, Whitelaw
religion; abused at Guantánamo prison
resistance movement; gun running; kidnapping of U.S. servicemen
Rice, Condoleezza
Rizzo, John
Robinson, Albert G.
Rodríguez, Lester
Rodríguez Grenot, Lino
Rogers, Norman A.
Romig, Thomas
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore; Cuban policy
Root, Elihu
Royal Commission of Guantánamo
Royal Economic Society of Havana
Rubens, Horatio
Ruiz, Gervasio G.
Rumsfeld, Donald; post-9/11 detainee operations
Rusk, Dean
Ryan, Charles; as gun runner for Castro
Saar, Erik
Sacks, Hal
St. George, Andrew
Saint-Jean Bosco Massacre
St. Joseph
St. Louis
Sale v. Haitian Centers Council
Sampson, William T.
Santa Catalina
Santiago de Cuba; downgrading of; postwar; Spanish-American War; surrender to U.S.
Santo Domingo
Sargent, Herbert H.
Scalia, Antonin
Schlesinger, Arthur M.
Schley, Winfield Scott
Schwarzenbach, Nell
Seven Years' War
sex trade
Shafter, William
Shaler, William
Sheehan, Jack
Shirley, William
Sierra Maestra
Slahi, Mohamedou Ould
slavery; abolition of; African; Cuban; Haitian; Jefferson's views on; revolts; United States
Smith, Earl
Smith, Charles Emory
Snare (Frederick) Corporation
society; black Cubans; Cuban character; encomienda system; naval base; naval wives; of 1900s–1930s; of 1950s–1960s; of 1970s–1980s; planter elite; post-Independence alienation
Solano, José
Soufan, Ali
Soulé, Pierre
South America
sovereignty; Platt Amendment; Teller Amendment; War of Independence
Soviet Union; Cold War; communism; Cuban Missile Crisis; Cuban relations; U.S. relations
Spain; colonization; Cuba as colony of ; Cuban War of Independence and; Inquisition; loss of imperial status; Mopox Commission; New World trade; slave trade; Spanish-American War; Ten Years' War; War of Jenkins' Ear
Spanish-American War; aftermath of; Cuzco Well; marines in; U.S. victory over Spain
Spielman, Andrew
Spielman, Judy
Starr, Kenneth
State, The
Stevens, John Paul
Stevenson, Adlai
submarine warfare
sugar ; in 1930s,
; in 1940s, ; Oriente; rise of
Sumner, George Watson
Taber, Robert
Taft, William Howard
Taft, William H. IV
Taino Indians ; Spanish violence against
Taliban; prisoners
Taylor, Maxwell
Teller, Henry M.
Teller Amendment
Ten Years' War
Tetlow, Edwin
Thomas, Clarence
Tiede, Tom
Tomas, Enrique
Tonton Macoutes
Toro Cay
torture; Bush policy on ; enhanced interrogation techniques ; failure of; Geneva Memo; of Haitian refugees; legal rights of detainees; methods; in 1950s, ; sexual humiliation; Supreme Court rulings on Bush policy; Torture Memo
Torture Memo
trade; Asian; colonial; free; liquor; Platt Amendment on; sex; War of Independence and
trade winds
Treaty of Paris
Truman, Harry
Turner, Frederick Jackson
(TV show)
Twenty-sixth of July movement
United Nations
UN Convention and Protocol on the Status of Refugees; Article 33 of
United States; African Americans; aftermath of Spanish-American War; anticommunism; Bay of Pigs invasion; civil rights movement; Civil War; colonial interests in Guantánamo; Cuban Missile Crisis; early-twentieth-century policy in Cuba; Guantánamo used to deny constitutional protections; Haitian refugee policy; imperialism; Jeffersonian vision of American empire; labor unions; Mexican War; Native Americans; nineteenth-century policy in Cuba; 1900s–1930s policy in Cuba; 1950s–1960s policy in Cuba; 1970s–1980s policy in Cuba; occupation of Guantánamo,
; Operation GTMO; operations against Castro government; post–Civil War economy; post-9/11 Guantánamo policy; Reconstruction; slavery; Soviet relations; Spanish-American War; World War I, ; World War II,
U.S. Army Appropriation Act (1901)
U.S. Coast Guard; Operation Able Manner
U.S. Congress; on Guantánamo detainees and torture; on Haitian refugee issue; Platt Amendment; Resolution ; war resolution to intervene in Cuba
U.S. Constitution; Haitian refugee issue and; post-9/11 detainee policy and
U.S.-Cuban relations; aftermath of Spanish-American War; American colonial interests; annexation debate; Bay of Pigs invasion; beginning of U.S. military occupation; Cold War; Constitutional Convention; Cuban Missile Crisis; Cuban refugees; of early to mid nineteenth century; of early twentieth century; Haitian refugee problem; of late nineteenth century; naval base issue; of 1900s–1030s; of 1940s, ; of 1950s–1960s; 1958 kidnapping of U.S. servicemen; of 1970s–1980s; of 1990s, ; Platt Amendment; post-9/11; protection of U.S. property; Spanish-American War; Teller Amendment and; Twenty-sixth of July movement; U.S. support for Batista regime; War of Independence and; water fight
U.S. Defense Department; post-9/11 detainee operations
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); Haitian Program
U.S. Marines; African Americans in; 1958 kidnapping of; protection of U.S. property; Spanish-American War
U.S. Navy; African Americans in; Fleet Training Group; Haitian refugee problem;
Kitty Hawk
episode; New Navy; of 1900s–1930s; 1958 kidnapping of servicemen; petty crime and torture; post-9/11; prostitution and; racial stratification; Spanish-American War; wives; women in;
see also
Guantánamo naval base
U.S. Supreme Court;
decision; on Haitian refugee issue;
Rasul v. Bush
Valdez, Julio
Valiente, Francisco
Vanderbilt, William K.
Velázquez de Cuéllar, Diego
venereal disease
Vermilya-Brown Co. v. Connell
Vernon, Edward
Vietnam War
Volunteers for National Security (VSN)

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