Guardian Awakening (31 page)

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Authors: C. Osborne Rapley

BOOK: Guardian Awakening
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He glanced at the clock for the hundredth time. Dionysia appeared in front of him. “Tristan you need to sleep.”

“What? Yes I know, but I can’t sleep too much is at stake tomorrow and there are so many things that can go wrong.”

“I can help you sleep.”

“No! I have never taken anything to help me sleep, and I never will.”

Dionysia laughed. “I don’t mean drugs.”

“It is very un-computer like of you to laugh, Dion….”

He was being shaken. “Tristan, wake up” He opened his eyes and blinked adjusting to the light. “Aesia?”

“Yes, it is time to get ready. Your clothes are over there.” She indicated a chair with a green Guardian uniform hanging across it.

Tristan swung his legs round stood and gently cupped Aesia’s chin in his hand, tilting her face up to his. He kissed her. “I will get ready.”

The scheduled time for the assembly meetings was fast approaching. Tristan paced up and down double-checking everything. He had sent a message to the League high command using Dionysia’s quantum communicator ordering them to stay back behind the current border and avoid any conflict until he contacted them again.

The Guardian dress uniform was stiff and uncomfortable. His battle armour folded into the belt made it seem heavy and bulky. He practiced deploying the armour several times for his own peace of mind. It reliably unfolded and covered him, but he was mindful of three or four-second delay before he was fully protected.

He strapped the machine pistols to his hips after checking the clips; he was ready. They had agreed that Dionysia’s avatar should stand by the entrance and watch his back to warn him of any possible attack while he was concentrating on the delegates. He insisted she was armed with the gun he had designed during his virtual training. Aesia reluctantly agreed to stay behind with Tristain.

“Has the assembly convened yet, Dionysia?”

“Yes, Tristan, they are currently discussing the missing peace delegation.”

“OK, let’s go.” A now familiar lurch and he was standing in the middle of the Sicceian assembly. There were gasps and the scraping of numerous chairs at his sudden appearance. Simultaneously, the planetary AIs carried out their instructions and most of the assembly’s had a fully armoured Guardian appear in their midst. The Sicceian communications were overridden, and the proceedings were being transmitted to all the planets and fleets.

Tristan looked round the assembly hall a large area with a sweep of tiered seats facing a raised dais behind which were a wall of screens. He stood on the Dias with the screens behind him a sea of faces looking back at him. A cacophony of raised voices bounced off the walls. He took a deep breath, his heart almost bouncing off his ribs with every beat. Frowning, he raised his right hand. “Silence!” His senses were on edge among the clamour and he felt determined hostility from a group to his right. “I said SILENCE.”

They were drawing weapons.

“Put your weapons DOWN.” He could have taken them out by force of mind alone, but there had to be a demonstration of power, rather than a quiet collapse. He sent a telepathic command causing his body armour to unfold around him at the same time he pulled the machine pistols from their holsters.

Aiming high, he fired a short burst above their heads. The sound reverberated around the room as the slugs rammed into the wall, sending fragments of plaster flying. “Put your weapons down NOW.” The noise died away, leaving a silence only broken by someone coughing. Two continued to raise laser pistols. Tristan turned towards them “Any defiance will be met with deadly force!”

Laser fire splashed against his armour causing the cooling unit to kick in. Tristan fired again. The desks in front of them disintegrated, their bodies shuddered and crumpled backwards as the hail of lead hit them. Blood splattered the delegates around them. As the echoes died away several delegates screamed.

He had to control the situation and prevent panic. “Please, all remain SEATED.” He re-enforced the command with a strong telepathic compulsion.

Tristan spun round on his heels, sweeping the pistols around the room. “Anyone else wish to defy me?”

He had the attention of the whole assembly, horror and fear etched on their faces.
Tristan, an armed detachment is coming along the corridor.
Dionysia’s warning impeded on his senses.
They are part of the coup.

Take them out! Send a general command to all AI’s use deadly force. This is the critical moment, and we need total control.
He heard the whine as a Minigun behind him started to spin, then the silence was shattered. It lasted for only a few seconds, the low pitched rattle and the screams of the dying. He did not look back, but watched the faces of the people in front of him. Some fainted, others slumped forward with their head in their hands. Many screamed.

It’s done, Tristan, you won’t
have any trouble from behind now.

“You will all now sit.” He raised his hand and lowered it, forcing everyone to sit down. There was silence.
Any problems from the other assemblies, Dionysia?

There were five that put up initial resistance. The perpetrators are dead. One avatar suffered damage, but was immediately replaced. All AI’s are in full control.
He glanced at the massed screens. The AI’s had control, only one screen had gone black.

Tristan folded back his armour, keeping his mind alert for any hint of aggression. “The time when the Sicceian’s subjugated and enslaved all other species is over.” There was prickling sensation between his shoulder blades. The fact that he was currently being watched by billions of people on hundreds of planets was un-nerving. He suppressed a shudder.

After a few moments stunned silence, the Sicceian President stood. “Who are you, and where have you come from?” his voice trembled as he spoke.

“I am a Guardian,” Tristan replied. “We once policed the Galaxy, ensuring all species lived in peace and prosperity. Because of your continued aggression, the Guardian’s and their planetary computers have been raised from their aeons-long slumbers.” He paused, sweeping his gaze around the hall. “There will now be peace. All hostilities will cease, slaves released and occupation forces withdrawn immediately. Non compliance and aggression will be met with maximum force.”

The President regarded him silently then looked round the room before turning back to Tristan. “Well, Guardian.” His tone had a dismissive contemptuous edge.

Tristan used Dionysia to amplify his telepathic command.
You will treat me with respect, Mr. President.

The President’s face drained of all colour. “Yes Guardian. I am sorry please, forgive me.” He took a shuddering breath. “We did instigate peace negations with the League, but we have heard nothing from our delegation since they informed us they were preparing to meet the League’s Admiral Clayandrian. We believe he had them killed, and our peace overtures must have been rejected.”

Tristan held up his hand. His eyes swept the chamber and the bank of screens. “They were not rejected. There was no meeting. One of the aides was replaced by a suicide bomber recruited by a military faction. The plan was to kill the League leader and the peace delegation during the talks. League security detected the bomb, and while trying to apprehend the bomber he detonated the bomb, killing all your delegates and many of the aides.”

There were gasps from around the chamber. The President leaned forward. “How do you know this Guardian?”

“Since my return I have been monitoring everything that has been going on.”

There was movement to the right. A person in high ranking military uniform rose and pointed at Tristan. “You were the one who attacked Admiral Sterians Head Quarters. You fit the description one of the surviving guards gave us just before he died.” He glared round at the seated delegates and fixed his gaze on the President. “Aesian’s daughter had returned, we took her for questioning to find out if the League’s Admiral Clayandrian had been eliminated. She is missing; none of our agents can find her.”

The President turned on the speaker “You! You arranged for the destruction of our peace mission?”

The officer sneered. “You are pathetic, all of you. “What can this supposed Guardian and the ridiculous League do against us? At this very moment a powerful fleet is heading to the planet central to the rebellion, Mylia! It is manned by elite forces who will stop at nothing to destroy the planet. We will destroy their leaders, and this so called Admiral Clayandrian. What of your precious League then, huh?”

The President put his head in his hands.
“What have you done, Tinestrian?” The assembly descended into uproar.

“Silence!” Tristan shouted. Quiet descended almost immediately. “You have condemned your fleet to certain destruction. You must recall them now.”

“It’s not possible. They were instructed not to respond to any further orders. They will not stop for anything. They will not stop until Mylia is destroyed. We know that you have no fleets close enough to prevent the destruction, so you will pay for trying to humiliate us.”

“No!” Tristan fixed his jaw. “You will pay for what you have done.” He pointed at the military delegate Tinestrian for effect, and tore into his mind. Tinestrian threw his head back with a scream then collapsed, foaming at the mouth.

Tristan turned to the President. “You will have peace. You must withdraw your fleets back to Sicceian space immediately. The League will do the same. All fleets must be withdrawn to their planets of origin; that is an order!”

Another of the Sicceian delegates stood. “But what of the fleet heading to Mylia? If will not listen to us, what can we do.”

“I will take care of them. Meanwhile, political representatives from each species must be chosen. A location will be found so that the next step in the peace process can be discussed. I warn you, we will be monitoring your progress. Anyone who does not comply with these instructions will be severely punished.”

Tristan paused for a moment. “Now, I will leave you alone to discuss your next step in the peace process.”
Dionysia, return me to your bunker please, and tell your colleagues that the transmission has ended. They must now go to phase two of the plan and watch the fleets.
Again, the lurch as the lounge of the bunker appeared around him.

Chapter Twenty One: The AI Core

The soft breathing of Aesia sleeping curled tightly against him was the only thing that broke the silence of the room. Tristan stared at the ceiling, the room lit only buy the soft glow of a night light shining through the half open door from the hall.

He had spoken with Da’ren and appraised the rest of the League’s commanders of the current situation with the Sicceian’s. He had ordered the nearest battle fleet to Mylia, but it would not arrive for at least three and a half weeks.

He cursed his tactical mistake, but Sicceians had never attacked a planet deep behind the Leagues front lines, and to spare ships to protect every planet within the League would have cost so much in resources that conducting an offensive war would be impossible. He had taken a calculated risk, now Mylia would pay.

Dionysia had attempted to get the AI on Mylia to boot up, but other than the automated response systems the computer remained off line. Everything spun round and round in his head
I need a plan!

Aesia stirred. “Tristan?”


“Get some sleep.”

“I can’t, there has to be some way to defend Mylia. We are at the end of the war, and my adopted planet will be destroyed at the eleventh hour.”

Aesia propped her head on her elbow and regarded him. “Why not use the active AI’s to transport you to the fleet you dispatched. At least you will be doing something and the fleet might just get there in time. After all, they will be better off with your leadership.”

“That’s it! Aesia you are a genius.” He kissed her. “You go back to sleep, I have an idea I want to discuss with Dionysia.”

Aesia sighed as Tristan got up. “OK, but remember you need sleep too.” She called after him as he padded out the door.

He walked into the lounge area, shutting the door behind him so as not to disturb Tristain, who’s bedroom door was opposite the lounge. “Dionysia?” She shimmered into existence.

“Yes Tristan?”

“Are there sufficient AI’s functioning to transport me to the one nearest Mylia?”

“Yes Tristan, but how does that help? You will arrive without a fleet and no AI backup. You would be committing suicide.”

“Would the nearest one have sufficient power to transport me into the bunker of the AI on Mylia? Then once I’m there, I could activate her.”

“Tristan, it’s risky. If we could get you in, we cannot get you back out. If you fail to get her activated, you would die from a lack of oxygen or from starvation.”

“I have to take that chance. That fleet must be stopped. Mylia is central to the League. If it’s destroyed by the Sicceians the fragile peace process falls apart. What am I compared to millions if not billions of lives? I need you to compute the best way to transport me and get me in; as long as you have reasonable confidence that the AI is in operating condition.”

“You do realise that if there has been total system failure, the bunker is unlikely to contain any breathable air,” Dionysia reminded him.

“Please compute the chances and the best route for me.”

“What do you intend to do once you have activated the AI?” Dionysia asked.

“I will use the weapon of last resort.”

“You can’t, you need two Guardians for the weapon to function.”

“There are two Guardians.”

Dionysia folded her arms across her chest. “You are not thinking of Tristain are you? She is too young to fly one of the black ships.”

“She won’t have to. When I have the AI functioning, you will transport Tristain and Aesia to me. If Aesia is holding Tristain, you and the others will be able to transport both of them right?”

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