Guardian Domination (26 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Guardian Domination
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I nodded, still not talking. Pleased, Jace turned to go into the kitchen, leaving me standing there wondering what to do next. Despite its oddity, I was awed by how natural this interaction felt.

Jace returned, coffee cup in his right hand, and held out his left for me to take. He led me outside to the deck and switched on the gas fire pit under the awning. “You may speak now. Can I get you some hot tea?” he asked, sitting me down in a chair.

“I can get it…”

“Is that how you answer?”

“No sir, I’m sorry. Yes, sir, I would like that. Thank you.”

“Good girl. I’ll be right back.”

He puzzled me. Here was a day I thought was supposed to be about serving him, yet he was still taking care of my needs? He walked outside with the hot tea and a blanket that he placed over my shoulders. It continued to drizzle and the heavy fog rolled over the ocean.

“Thank you, sir,” I said shyly, sipping the tea. He made it English-style: black tea with sugar and cream.

“My pleasure. How are you doing today?” Jace pulled me warmly against his chest and kissed my temple.

“I admit, I’m very confused. Can I ask you a question?”

“Only one, then no more. Tomorrow you may ask anything you wish and, if I choose to answer, I will at that time.”

“Yes, sir. Um, how far are you going to take me today?”

“How far do you want to go?”

“All the way,” I answered decisively.

Jace sighed, “If you are talking about sex, no. It’s not time for that. And it’s important for me that we have a commitment. Celeste… You know I’m attracted to you and that my feelings are very deep, but I still have a responsibility to you. I need to fulfill that responsibility before I can even consider taking our relationship to that level. Do you understand?”

Blinking back disappointed tears, I nodded.

He continued, “There are other things I will pursue if I feel you are ready, but not intercourse. Not yet, anyway. You have to trust me,” he said softly. “Now, the movie starts at 1:15, so we’ll leave at about 12:30. I am expecting you to sit perfectly still, no talking or fidgeting. Every time you do so will result in ten strokes from a different implement when we return home. Any talking will result in the hairbrush immediately after the movie. To further add to this challenge, you will get a fairly long hand spanking before we leave to remind you of how I expect you to behave.”

“Yes, sir,” I whispered. I looked up at him and firmly said, “I will do my best.”

He looked pleased at my decision not to cower and face him bravely. Prior to leaving for the theater, Jace sent me on a three-minute wild goose chase to find at least two implements he could use that were not part of his drawer. I pulled a cattail branch from the large vase in the corner of the foyer and a magazine off the coffee table. He experimented with ten strokes of each and nodded satisfactorily at my reaction to the reed.

In regard to our pre-movie spanking, Jace decided to spank me 145 times to remind me not to disturb even one minute of his enjoyment. I was whining softly by time he finished and kept asking myself if it was worth making him proud of me to tolerate this. I knew the answer, but there was no reason to be happy about it.

My fidgeting and absence to the bathroom earned me a visit to the back seat of the Lexus when the movie had ended. Jace held my hand firmly as we left the theater with me trotting to keep up with him. My heart raced when he opened the car door and ushered me inside. He slid in the back seat next to me, reached down and presented his nasty wood hairbrush.

“I promised you this if there was any talking whatsoever, didn’t I?”

“But I had to pee!” I whined, trying to pull away from his grip.

“That is
how to answer. Didn’t I tell you not to drink so much soda?”

“That’s not fair! Popcorn makes me thirsty! Come on, be reasonable.
!” I begged, feeling the grip tightening.

“Once again, that is not how to answer. Would you care to try again? Did I, or did I not, tell you not to drink so much?”

“Yes, sir. I should have listened to you,” I said meekly. There was no escape.

“That’s better. Across my knee. That’s right,” Jace said, adjusting me so that my head was hanging down near the floor, pressing against the seat. There was absolutely no way for me to wiggle out of this space. I gulped as he slowly pulled my sweats down to my knees, followed by my panties. To top it off, the car was
! I felt the back of his brush rest on my bottom.

“Let’s see, you were gone about seven minutes and it took you another three to come in and settle down, right? Ten minutes of my enjoyment being disrupted because I was either worried about you coming back or getting quieted down. That’s six-hundred seconds.” he thought out loud as he tapped my freezing bottom with the brush.

I yelped as the first stroke landed on my left cheek and I gritted my teeth preparing for the next. To my relief, he stopped after ten, announced he was cold and wanted to get home. I was instructed to sit bare-bottomed on the chilly leather seat until we got home and listened to Jace tease me by wondering what Ben would think about my current situation.

I groaned… I would never hear the end of it.

Jace added to my humiliation by making me walk to the front door with my pants still down to my knees before ordering me over the arm of the Royal Lounge, where my bottom was forced straight up in the air. When he brought out his box filled with the contents of the second drawer, I decided that his game was no longer fun and that it was time to run like the wind and disappear forever.


* * *


“Did you call her back?” Gayle asked, closing her eyes as she leaned back in the hot tub.

“What, and listen to her whine about Jace needing to be locked up in the loony bin? Nah, he knows what he’s doing,” Mark chuckled, stroking Gayle’s thigh.

Gayle giggled. “I remember the first time you pulled that day of total obedience on me. I was the same age, wasn’t I?”

“Actually, I think you may have been a little younger. You were such a brat, then. You haven’t changed a bit.”

“Did you know I was so totally in love with you that I would have suffered through anything to prove I was worth waiting for?”

Mark reached for her hand, kissing her palm. “I felt the same about you, but I couldn’t let you know it. It would have really fucked with your mind.”

“Tsk, tsk. Such language,” Gayle teased. “I wanted to hear how you felt for the longest time. I almost gave up towards the end.”

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t. Now, we’ve got to keep Jace and his girl on the same path. He’s really having a tough time with it because of the age difference and the situation.”

“I can see that. Plus, she has the teenage raging hormones. He’s going to go ballistic if she ever shows romantic interest in any boy, you know.”

“He’ll have to learn to contain himself, just like I did. Seriously, do you think she has eyes for anyone else?”

“I didn’t, until you started to ignore me. By then, I knew I could make you jealous.” Gayle snuggled against Mark’s chest and started nibbling on his neck.

He looked down at her with a smile. “Ah yes, I remember. You paid dearly, too, didn’t you? We will just have to make sure that our little girl never feels ignored. At least, not by Jace.”

“Poor kid. Sweetheart? Would you like a day of total obedience? Starting now? What is your pleasure, Master?”

“Hmmmm, well, you may begin by…” Mark grinned, flipping her away from him. Gayle moaned as he began to nibble on her shoulder, nipping enough to gain a yelp as he ventured down her lean body and found her well-rounded globes. With a voracious laugh, he sunk his teeth into her right cheek.

“OW!” Gayle yelped, unable to escape. Mark placed his left hand on the back of her neck and pressed her down on the deck, bending her over the side of the tub before running his right hand right over her back, bottom and thighs.

Slowly, he traced her crevice with the tip of his finger, and tugged her clit ring before his gentle probing discovered she was already wet with need. He pressed his finger deep inside of her, plunging in and out as he felt her body spreading itself to give him access. He added a second finger, and then a third as Gayle lifted her body to him.

He positioned himself behind her as she lay on her stomach, gripping the edge of the deck. Spreading her thighs wide, Mark placed both hands on her ass cheeks and spread them apart to gaze at the whispering pink rosebud that beckoned for his attention.

He grazed his teeth over her soft skin and then flicked his tongue over the shivering hole. Gayle groaned, her longing for his attention increasing with every tiny move. Running his rough chin over the flesh of her crevice, Mark plunged his tongue into her most private spot. Like a tiny cock, he moved it along the rim and through the tight muscle. Gayle squirmed beneath his mouth, begging for more. Begging for him to take her in the ass… Like a man.

Mark was ready. Gayle’s uninhibited passion and pleas aroused him like no other woman ever had. He stood between her supple thighs and pressed the tip of his throbbing cock to her ready entrance and eased the bulbous head past the tight sphincter, his heart racing as Gayle squealed her delight.

“All the way, damnit! Hard!” she ordered, raising her bottom high for him to fill her. Mark obliged, lunging his shaft into the depths of her bowels. He was rewarded by a muffled, happy moan. His rhythm increased and his deep pumping intensified as he spurred himself toward orgasm.

Gayle reached between her legs and found her clit, rubbing furiously as she continued to lift her backside for him to fill. Mark tensed as his time grew closer, gritting his teeth as he waited for Gayle’s cry of pleasure. With one final push, he spilled his seed deep within her and collapsed across her back, panting for air.

Gayle turned her face to smile, her half-lidded eyes bright. “So much for the warm up… let’s see what you can really do,” she challenged him with a throaty growl. With a laugh, Mark eagerly showed her.


* * *


“You can stop now!” I hissed after receiving ten rather hard strokes with the tawse.

“You aren’t sounding very contrite, Young Lady. I counted eight different occasions of significant fidgeting during the movie. I promised ten strokes for each infraction carried out with a different implement. Now, you have the choice. You can change the attitude and be a well behaved sub, or we can go down to The Room and I’ll double the amount of strokes. Well? Which is it?” Jace asked, picking up a riding crop and swinging it casually through the air.

I glared at him. I had to remind myself why I was allowing this. “I’m sorry, Sir. Please forgive me,” I sighed, resuming my position.

I could sense Jace’s pleasure in my response and I felt proud for a moment. I counted out the ten strokes with the crop, gritting my teeth along the way. It wasn’t the worst he had used on me so far. One more implement to go.

“Hmmm, I’m in a quandary. The cane or the frat paddle? Do you have a choice, my dear?”

Dear God, no. They both sent me to my knees.
This wasn’t serious punishment
, I had to remind myself,
I need to trust him
. “Whichever you desire, Sir.” I whispered fearfully.

Jace hummed thoughtfully as he stood behind me. Just as I feared, he chose the cane and sent it biting into my already tender flesh. He rubbed my bottom between strokes, easing my fear and soothing my skin, but it did not stop the onslaught of real tears when he finished the ten. He calmly placed the cane on the coffee table and sat on the couch, calling me to him. He laid me across his lap and gently rubbed the sting out of my bottom and thighs, lingering over some bruises that had come from the earlier part of the day.

“My sweet bottom,” he teased, “if only she knew how to avoid things that end up making her so uncomfortable. I bet she’s learning something today.”

Other than the fact he really was insane and sadistic, I learned that I loved him more than I could stand. He sat me up to hold me tightly, kissing the tears on my cheek and stroking my hair. I sighed and settled into the strength of his arms, my bottom burning as it felt the pressure of his leg against it. This was my happy place.

It didn’t last long enough. Jace decided he needed a break and to practice, and sent me out to the stable to take the puppies and my new horse, Star, for a ride. She was broad and flat, with a solid mount and flanks. Posting protected me a little and I had to admit, galloping with her across the property in the brisk November air was invigorating. I would have to ask Jace when he was going to get himself a horse so we could ride together.

The ocean wind whistled through the venting holes in the sea wall, sending rushes of cold air into my face. I desperately wished Jace was there with me to enjoy the feeling. It actually made me miss him. I looked at the ocean and saw a tiny boat floating far off shore. How easily that little thing could get swept away by a rip tide and disappear before anyone even knew it was missing.

Then everything dawned on me. If I felt this empty without him, it was how he probably felt when I was gone from his sight.

I raced back to the house and, flinging the door open, I rushed in, interrupting Jace’s practice.

“What’s wrong?” he asked with worry.

I jumped into his arms and squeezed him tightly around the neck. “I get it! I miss you so much! I will do anything to show you I never want to leave you. You’re right about everything, and I was too stupid to see it. I can’t even breathe sea air without thinking of you and hoping you’re alright. I’m so sorry I was so irresponsible and selfish to you.”

“Interesting epiphany. What happened?” he asked gently, setting his guitar down and pulling me onto his lap. I told him about the ride and the wind, how big everything seemed and how the air smelled as it was forced through the vent holes, how easy it would be to lose someone in such a big world and not be able to share even little moments.

Jace listened, trying to piece together the mishmash of words. I went on and on, about how little I felt and how I needed his strength to build me into who I was supposed to be. How he was part of my soul, my conscience, my GPS through this life I had to live. A life that I wanted to live now that I knew what love felt like. I shared with him how unfair I’ve been by challenging his need to give me comfort, protection and security.

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