Guardian [New World Book 6]

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Authors: C. L. Scholey

Tags: #Erotic Romance/Science Fiction

BOOK: Guardian [New World Book 6]
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Table of Contents

Title Page



C.L. Scholey


Published by
An Imprint of Whiskey Creek Press LLC
Whiskey Creek Press
PO Box 51052
Casper, WY 82605-1052

2014 by
C.L. Scholey

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN 978-1-


Cover Artist: Gemini Judson

Editor: Melanie Ann Billings

Printed in the United States of America



This is one married couple whose appetites for each other grow ever stronger with each passing year. They thoroughly enjoy discovering new ways to keep the spark alive and thriving. Allowing another couple to share in their fun only seems to increase the possibilities. Keeping the love alive is certainly not a problem for Mac and Jenney, which makes their escapades deliciously fun to read.
~ Coffee Time Romance


Abri is a strong female heroine. She didn't let deafness define who she is. Raiden is a likeable guy. Why? Even though Abri is deaf, Raiden picked her for his female.

C.L. Scholey has done a terrific job of creating this futuristic romance series. We have action, romance, adventure & mystery all in 102 pages. 
Romance Bookaholic Traveler


The Brethren of Tavish is a wonderfully written book. The characters are well rounded and bring you into the story as if you were really there. The story flows smoothly tying one part to the next. The plot is well thought out, giving you plenty of action…  ~
Night Owl Reviews

Other Books by Author Available at Torrid Books:

         Game On!


New World Series






Vampire Coven Series

The Brethren of Tavish

         A Vampire to Watch Over Me

Unearthly World Series

         Bay’s Mercenary

         Zuri’s Zargonnii Warrior

Elements Series

        Fire’s Flame

Viking Warriors Series

w/a Constantine De Bohon

        Valhalla Hott

        Valhalla Wolf

        Valerie Heat

        Norse Valor

        Viking Warriors Mega Book


For my family and friends

Chapter 1

Not again.

Roam hadn’t wanted to come back—ever. The planet Earth was dead. Almost nothing remained, more lay buried under water. Humans were obliterated, starved, crushed. Gone,
. The mess was the same; different places same scenario. It made his heart hurt as he scanned the area before him; he winced with each blink of his eyes, waiting for the horrible images he was certain would come to pollute his mind. Yes this piece of Earth was a little greener from the last continent he had visited. Thankfully, there weren’t the exposed bodies in plain view, slumped in various positions as he had seen when the ship had glided across the various remaining continents letting off warrior search parties.


He hated wandering through the unfamiliar foliage, wondering what discoveries he would find—
this time.
His last visit had come close to crushing his soul. Roam was a proud warrior, strong—he had never felt so helpless in his life. Just being here brought the memories too close to the surface when it had taken months to come to terms with such loss. The image of a lost, broken, beautiful woman haunted him when he glanced about. Now here he was—again. Roam wanted to yell, the loneliness fucking sucked. Cobra, Roam’s Castian leader, had sent him and a few others to search for humans, on this planet and others. Many shuttles had made it to various galaxies. Roam was positive it was because none of the searching warriors had female mates.

It could also be due to the fact Roam might have
kidnapped a Zargonnii’s human female mate and almost started a war. In his defense, the female had been curled on a cave floor being attacked by Gorgano mind-fighters. She looked exhausted, frightened, it near broke his heart to see another female in such distress. Her vulnerability flooded his scent, emotion demanding his immediate action. This time Roam swore he wouldn’t lose her,
not this female
, he would save her. He hadn’t realized she didn’t need saving—not really. Her mate wasn’t two feet from her when Roam snatched her off the cold ground. Roam didn’t know Zargonnii’s took mates. He had been under the impression Zargonnii females mated with the males once every two years for two weeks then went back to their own nesting area.

How was Roam to know a Zargonnii had placed his human mate in such a dire situation? If Roam had a mate he would
place her in any type of situation where she might get hurt. Besides, he had only been in possession of the human female for a mere twenty minutes, if that.

what the hell can you do with a human female in only twenty minutes?

After going over his supplies a thousand times Roam had stashed his cargo. There was very little. As long as his shield could generate he didn’t have the need for food or water. Also he was under strict orders to keep his shield up. When without his shield, Roam had a set of perfectly normal teeth. Shielded, his two long fangs would interfere with any chewing.

Roam could do what humans referred to as sleep, but his was more conscious thought than dreaming so it wasn’t much of a reality escape. Roam was a warrior; he was always prepared for battle, even when regenerating. The small handheld generated light source was the most valuable thing he had brought from Bagron.

The light generator, a blanket for comfort—unnecessary but it smelled of home—a tiny amount of food and a hologram of his warrior mate and him together were all he needed. Items now tucked away in a safe place. He realized he was procrastinating. Roam had put off wandering long enough, and ventured forth.

Grumbling, Roam, who was in battle form, jumped up onto a massive boulder and crouched watching the foliage for movement. The stone was covered in a green substance. A razor sharp talon fingered the spongy moss absently, carving his name. He was hoping to spy a human, an animal, hell, a bug. Something to entertain him or catch his interest.
For three seconds or more.
There were times when immortality sucked—this was one of those times.

Rays from the sun shone down and Roam stuck his black shielded palm out to touch the heat. The warmth traveled into his veins, becoming one with him; the shield made the beams belong to Roam. His armor strengthened, not that he needed it to. Before leaving the ship, he had regenerated to the point of almost being uncontrollable with power. This was real sunlight, the first he had experienced since leaving the ship. Generated light was fine, but this, this was the real deal. For only a second, he let his lips curl into a smile, until the sun vanished behind a cloud.

Roam hated this primitive planet. On Bagron they controlled the weather, the warriors always knew where it would rain and at what time. The trees on Earth were small, not like the behemoths on Bagron. Here he could barely get a good grip with his long talons and clawed feet. At least this part of the planet had some sunlight to keep his ebony shield generated when and if he needed it. Without his body armor, he would be exposed to the elements or any other alien who had come in search of remaining humans. And there were a lot to his knowledge who searched. A Zargonnii vessel hovered in the atmosphere, a Tonan ship had flown overhead a few hours earlier. All they needed was the Gorgano to get a party started.

Roam was in the mood for a good battle. He could use something to let off a little steam. As a Castian warrior, he didn’t battle the Zargonnii, that race were more mercenary than warrior. They weren’t cruel beings, but they could take care of business. Zargonnii were huge funny-looking beasts that had caught the attention of at least two human females so far. The Gorgano wanted the humans dead. A human female could mind battle them, making humans deadly to the spindly, gangly race.

Bunch of ugly fuckers.

The Gorgano stayed out of the Castians’ way. A shield wouldn’t allow the mind seekers to control their charge. Roam’s outer shield had taken care of him, protected him, since he was four years old, a gift from his father. It replaced his baby shield which had also protected his mother from any danger.

Then there were the Tonan renegades. Roam had to admit it was hard on him to wrap his head around the idea of why Cobra would let the lying Tonan race back on Bagron. He realized it had something to do with protecting their human mates. Why any human female would mate a Tonan was beyond Roam. Male Tonan were like vicious animals when not mated to a human. The females who turned their eyes were a special breed of human females.

Thanks to all the above-mentioned, Roam was stuck on Earth until Cobra retrieved his warriors—after the must cycle ended. Which led Roam back to his original thoughts. Boredom. So he wasn’t mated. So their time of must was approaching…not all human females on his planet wanted to mate. At eight hundred years old, Roam was certain he could control his cycle. He didn’t need to be shipped off to ‘boys’ camp.

Bagron is my fucking home, too.

If only there was something that would catch his attention. He wondered if there was ever a Castian who died of boredom—he doubted it.
Damned immortality.
As he thought this, a furry creature sauntered close, stepping from around a stack of moss-covered boulders. Huge paws made little sound on the ground beneath its feet. Its long tail flicked back and forth. A low rumble was heard in its throat. It sounded ominous.

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