Read Guardian of the Earth House Online

Authors: Cassandra Gannon

Tags: #Elemental Phases

Guardian of the Earth House (12 page)

BOOK: Guardian of the Earth House
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And still, Job slowed his motions to make it last.  Changing the rhythm so she’d have to work for it.  So she’d have to let him touch her longer.  He traced her soft, damp flesh, admiring the feel of her.

Tessie liked that.  She rocked against him.  “

He made a soothing sound as his fingers explored her.  “It’s like a physician, remember?  Let me work.”  He had to try to get control.  He’d promised her.  “Do you need more?”  He teased a second finger upward, seeing if she’d allow a greater penetration.  “Would that make it better?”

“Yes.”  She bobbed her head frantically.

“Then you can have it.  Whatever you need, I can give you.”  And not just in sex, either.  If she wanted it, he would have given her the universe.  Gladly.  Trying to at least pretend that he wasn’t touching Tessie’s body more than necessary, Job slipped a second finger into her and ground his teeth.  “Let me just…”  He groaned as she kissed him, again.  The woman tasted like heaven.

Tessie pulled back, her eyes bright.  She just stared at him for a beat.  Then, her attention slowly went to where he’d impaled her with his fingers.  Watching.  Job’s gaze automatically slid down, too, and he groaned at the sight.

Her body was riding his hand, stretched and filled by him.

It was beautiful.

“I like this.”  Tessie’s palm came up to touch the green streak at his temple.  The stripe designating the Elemental Houses was always just a little bit more sensitive that the rest of a Phases’ hair.  Did she know that?  Apparently so.  Tessie curled her fingers around it and Job squeezed his eyes shut as pleasure wracked through him.

“I like it, too.”  He got out.  Still, it was immoral to use the fake Phazing energy to his advantage like this.  The woman trusted him to keep his word.  He opened his eyes, trying to focus on nothing.  Trying to remember the rules.  Trying not to stare at her incredible breasts as they bounced in time to his thrusts. “Are you feeling close?”

“Gee, I don’t know.”  She sounded strained.  “You’re the expert.”  Violet eyes moved to catch his.  “What’s your professional opinion, doc?  Am I gonna make it?”

Job realized she was teasing him.  His gaze locked onto hers.

Tessie smiled cat-like.

The expression had his hand slamming into her harder, claiming more territory.

“Oh, God.”  She whimpered it.  Actually whimpered.  “Oh please.”

Job’s jaw tightened, wanting her to make the sound, again.  “Open your legs wider.”

She hesitated.

“I’m the doctor, remember?  Wider.  I won’t hurt you.”

“I know.  I just… It feels like more than…”  She stopped and shook her head.  Then, she simply spread her thighs even further apart, so she was completely exposed to him.

Job’s fingers slid in right up to the knuckle.

Tessie moaned and that sound just inflamed him more.  She really was close.  He still didn’t let her come.  It was wrong the way he made sure she stayed right on the edge.  Absolutely wrong.  And still he wouldn’t give her the friction she needed.

“Please.”  It was almost a sob.  “You know I need more.  Just a little more. 

God, he loved it when she yelled out his name.  Loved hearing her breathless cries.  He wasn’t giving this up.  Not yet.  This might be the only time he got to touch her.  His eyes went to her breasts, his teeth grinding with need.  “Be patient and I’ll see what I can do.”

”  Tessie gave her hair a toss, her breasts heaving.  “You’re like one of the surgeons who pads the bill, aren’t ya?”

She was right.  He was milking this, stretching it out.  “Do you want me to stop?”

“Are you nuts?  No!  You are
good at playing doctor.  But, the medicinal ploy isn’t going to hold up, is it?”  Her head fell back as this thumb found a new spot to rub.  “Just take me for real.  Please, hurry, though.  I can’t…”  She swallowed.  “Please, take me for real.”

Triumph filled Job.  She wanted him.  He hadn’t played fair, but for once it didn’t matter to him.  He’d won.  “I
taking you for real.”  He began touching her everywhere.  He couldn’t help it and Tessie didn’t seem to mind.  His free hand found her breast, caressing in time to her undulations.  His fingers scissored inside of her, pushing against her hot flesh, spreading her wider.

.”  She bent back slightly and moaned.  “Right there. 


The palm between her legs moved faster, right where she seemed to like it best.  “Like that?”

”  She bit her lower lip and just about killed him.  “Please, Job.  Now. 

Job started to squeeze a third finger inside of her.

Tessie came.  Just like that, she exploded around him with a small shriek, her clean and shiny energy erupting like fireworks against his own Earth forces.

Job’s jaw dropped.  There were colors and power and light.  It was so beautiful that he knew that he’d remember it forever.  They hadn’t actually had sex.  He hadn’t even come.  But, it was as close as he’d ever hoped to come to Phazing.  It was the best moment of Job’s life.

And then it got even better.

Tessie let out a contented sigh and leaned forward to lay her head of his shoulder.  “Elementals should bottle Phazing and sell it for millions.  I’d pay top dollar.  It’s totally worth it to feel your powers touching me everywhere.  You’d be rich…

“The energy’s not all mine.”  He whispered.  “You’re the one…”  The rest of his words trailed off with a groan as her palm brushed across the front of his pants.  “Gaia,
.  Tessie. Please.”

“I love your voice.”  The zipper went down and her hand found him.  “Especially when you say ‘please.’  I don’t have millions of dollars, but I’m prepared to give you anything else you want, honey.”

Job dimly noted that he’d gone from a condescending “hon” to a gently teasing “honey.”  That meant something, but he wasn’t sure what.  “I just want you.”  He said, honestly.

Then, her palm was stroking him and he lost the capacity to think.

“Medicinal or real?”  She asked, quietly.

“Real.”  This all felt so real.

“Good.”  She smiled and tugged on the green streak at his temple in time to her motions.

Job’s control waivered, again.

It was probably breaking some the fine print of the agreement, but Job still lowered his head to nuzzle her breasts.  It was too personal and she wouldn’t allow it for long.  But, he just couldn’t resist.  His lips touched her delicate skin and Tessie made a seductive sound.

“Job. I know it’s your turn.  But,” arching the soft globes closer to his mouth, her eyes met his with impish seduction, “would you suckle them?  Please.”

Was she serious?  He blinked at her and slowly lowered his head.  He gave her left nipple a gentle lick and her whole body jolted.  That was all the permission Job needed.  His tongue flicked over her nipple, again, pulling it hard into his mouth.  From the second he’d seen this woman walk into his office he’d wanted her and now, for just this moment, she was his.

Tessie sighed dreamily as his lips latched onto the tight bud and didn’t let go.  The firm stroking of her hand grew faster.  “Thank you.”

Her nipple was a hard point and he bit down gently.

“Yes.”  She pressed even closer.  “That’s it.”

Jesus, he just
her breasts.  Job switched to her right one, just to compare the taste.  And she just… let him.  His tongue swirled over her skin, teeth grazing.  He used his hands to hold them up to his mouth and sucked her nipples as deep as they’d go.  He squeezed her breasts, rubbed them, caressed them.  He cupped them as they moved, mesmerized by their supple weight.

And she allowed all of it.

Tessie just let him touch her however he wanted.

He was so aroused by that knowledge and the feel of her body and, obviously, her caressing hand that it only took few minutes for him to finish.

The Earth forces didn’t have Tessie’s light, bright colors.  They ignited with a resonate throb and release that left Job and Tessie panting.  It was deeper than Tessie’s energies, hitting another frequency that still seemed perfectly in tune with the sparks her powers gave off.  Job caught a brief flash of what they’d look like together and it was perfect.  Something beautiful and strong and complete.

Job just sat there together for a long moment, holding Tessie against him.  Their energies hadn’t combined, because they hadn’t had intercourse.  In a completed Phazing the two separate powers came together as one new, symbiotic whole.  Or they
if Tessie was really his Phase-Match.  Job wasn’t sure what would happen if they tried to fully Phaze with a false connection.

Even if it didn’t

In fact, it felt more real than ever.  Their energies seemed perfectly matched.

What the hell was going on?

“I think that kinda worked.”  Tessie finally reported.  “I definitely don’t feel as tight.”  She smiled at him, her head rested on his shoulder, again.  “You fixed things for me.  Thank you.”

“No, God, thank you, Tessie.”  Job brushed her swollen nipple and swallowed. It was so pink and tight and beautiful.  “You are just… the best houseguest, ever.”  He told her with utter seriousness.

Tessie started giggling and Job felt his own mouth curve in response.  He wasn’t someone who other people liked being around.  He didn’t have a great sense of humor or a witty personality.  Making her laugh was a triumph for him.

“You’re an excellent host.”  She snickered.  “I feel very welcomed, all of a sudden.”

“You should.  Hell, you can have the whole castle, if you want.  I don’t even care.”

That earned him another laugh.

Job stared at her violet eyes and he knew that, Quintessence or not, this was the woman who he would’ve chosen for his Match.  If someone gave him the option of Phazing with anyone in the universe, he would’ve wanted Tessie.

She really was Divine to him.

“I have to go back to work.”  Job said, uncomfortable with the very authentic feelings growing inside of him.  “I’ll be in my office if you need me, but I should be home by five.”

Tessie lost her smile.  “Back to the Agora?”  She got to her feet and headed over to pick up her clothes, again.  “I don’t think you should go.”

There was something strangely erotic about watching a woman putting her shirt back on.  Job was transfixed by the rosy tips of her breasts disappearing under the black fabric of the t-shirt.  “What?”  Had she said something?

“You should stay home.”  Tessie repeated.  “It’s not safe.  Too many people want the Air Phases dead.  They could attack you in the Agora.”

“I gave the Air Phases my word.”  Job couldn’t let them down.  He’d let so many people down in his life.  “I’ll be alright.  Don’t worry.”  He said it automatically, but he quickly saw that she was -indeed- worried about him.  Granted, she was probably mostly concerned that he’d die and leave her high and dry in the Earth Kingdom.  But, it was still a really nice feeling.  No one ever worried about Job.  She looked really aggravated.  “What can I do to reassure you, Tess?”

He shortened her name without even thinking about it, but Job instantly realized his mistake.  He wasn’t someone who people felt comfortable around, even at the best of times.  Tessie had already flat-out told him that she didn’t like him.  She was just putting up with him because of the phony Phazing energy.  Even after letting him touch her, Tessie wasn’t going to allow him adopt a pet name for her.  It was too familiar for a perpetual outsider like Job.

“You called me Tess.”  Tessie glanced at him and Job saw her surprise. “No one ever calls me that.”

He braced himself for rejection.  “I’m sorry.  It was inappropriate.”

“I liked it.”  She grinned.  “Can I call you ‘Joby’?”

“No.”  He waited for the other shoe to drop… But, she just kept smiling.  She was really okay with him shortening her name?  Why?

“No ‘Joby’?  Shit.  It figures.  Well, can I call you ‘honey,’ then?”  She persisted.

Job considered that.  “Yes.”  He slowly agreed.  “That would be fine.”

“Good.  ‘Cause I totally would’ve, anyway.”  She picked up his partially eaten sandwich and took a bite.  “And to answer your question,
, I’ll tell you what you can do.  You can take me with you to the Agora, so I can keep an eye on you.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”  Job got to his feet.  Thanks to this very pleasant encounter, he needed to change his clothes before he left.  “You should just wait here, where there are barriers between you and the rest of the universe.”  Barriers that Job intended to reinforce with every drop of power he had so she’d be secure.

“I want to go with you.”  Tessie called as he headed for the door.  “I’m starting to think that you’re too trusting.  Without me around to watch your back, you’re going to get killed.”

BOOK: Guardian of the Earth House
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