Guardian of the Hellmouth (2 page)

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Authors: A.C. Greenlee

BOOK: Guardian of the Hellmouth
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between her and sudden death. She could only see the side of his


face as he looked back at her, shocking eyes so light a blue they


were almost silver. He was handsome from what she could tell,


with dark wavy hair that framed a face neither pretty nor


feminine. He stood with his feet braced apart, his entire being


screaming masculinity and breeding, sex and coiled power. From


his strong Roman nose and high, regal cheekbones, to the planes


of his stubble free jawline. He was simply gorgeous, but not in a
way she was accustomed to. This man was dark and mysterious,


brooding and sultry. He was large and muscular, like you’d


expect a medieval knight to be. She could imagine him dressed


from head to toe in gleaming silver armor, shouting furiously as


he rode his blood enraged steed into battle, his fist clenching a


broadsword as he lifted it over his head and gave a mighty battle


cry. She’d never before seen a man more masculine not to


mention this drop dead gorgeous! As if he’d heard her thoughts


he smirked, his face glowing with a boyish charm she suddenly


found very endearing. His eyes, nearly opalescent now, turned to


the demon across the room, the power of his gaze alone keeping


the creature from attacking. She opened her mouth to ask who he


was but before the words could leave her the demon roared and


he snapped into action. The man snarled, speeding towards the


demon with his arm outstretched. They met in the center of the


floor, power rippling off them both as they fought for dominance.


His hand gripped the demon’s throat as it clawed helplessly at his


chest and belly. There wasn’t much of a struggle; the demon was


obviously, severely, outmatched. It howled in pain as its throat
was torn completely open, spraying the tall stranger with blood


that was as black as tar. It suddenly went still in his hands, quiet,


and then crumbled like clay to the carpet beneath his feet. Kai lay


there stunned, her eyes fixed on the strangers back as he stared at


the substances that dusted his hands. He gave a little grunt of


approval that had her stomach turning little flips she couldn’t


explain. What on earth had she just witnessed?!


“What you witnessed was me killing a demon. Obviously.” The


man spoke and her stomach tightened at the deepness of his voice


and the growl that thundered within his chest. Could he… “Yes,”


He turned to face her, his eyes glowing like lightening, “I can


read your mind.”


“Who are you?” She trembled, the words sounding weak as her


gaze traveled down his chest. His shirt had been completely


shredded, leaving welts as thick as her forearm in his flesh.


“Leviathan.” He answered simply, his head cocked in curiosity as


he watched her. There was nothing plain about the woman who
cowered before him, with her exotically tilted brown eyes and


black hair that hung in a silky sheath down her back. She was


petite but curvaceous. Not the type of woman you would find on


someone’s runway, but rather in some man’s home, tending his


young and warming his bed. Her thoughts were erratic, switching


from wondering who, or what he was to how handsome the


human form he’d taken was. It was amusing. “Yes, the cuts are


painful.” He answered her next question and her brows drew


inward into a little frown, her lips pursing in a way that oddly had


his body stirring.


“I don’t suppose they’ll just fade away like you’re some sort of


supernatural creature right?” She asked with a little flick of her


fingers towards the cuts in question as she climbed to her feet.


She couldn’t have been more than five feet tall. Tiny. Leviathan




“Eventually they’ll heal, just not while I’m awake.” He answered


and she snorted as if he’d told her a joke. Leviathan watched her


skirt the remains of the demon and enter the kitchen, grabbing a
towel and running it under the sink faucet. He followed her


silently, instantly intrigued by the woman his summoner had sent


him to protect. It wasn’t often someone was brave enough, not to


mention powerful enough, to call him from the depths of hell. He


was almost certain by now most witches and spell casters had


forgotten he existed. Someone had to have been very desperate to


not only call, but form a contract with him. He’d much rather be


at home, alone, in his domain. But there was nothing much he


could do until the contract was settled. It was a bothersome


situation indeed, although, he would enjoy playing with the little


Hawaiian woman. At least until he was returned…


“I don’t know how you showed up when you did, but your timing


couldn’t have been any more perfect.” She turned, jumping when


she found he was standing directly behind her. He was striking,


not only in his appearance but also in the way he moved, like a


snake through water, the air just seemed to ripple around him.


Parting, as if it were unworthy of touching him. Unable to bear


the intensity of his gaze she refused to meet it, wringing the towel
out over the sink and moving to press it to a particularly nasty


gash right over his heart. How he wasn’t rolling all over the floor


and howling in pain was a complete mystery. His astounding


tolerance for pain aside, she was grateful for the kind stranger.


“It was nothing as cliché as you’re thinking. I came because the


woman who summoned me told me to, not because I just


‘happened to be in the neighborhood’.” He said and she froze.


she wasn’t expecting. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he


added but she didn’t relax, not a single bit, “I’m not allowed to.”


“Allowed to?” She wanted to panic but decided it wouldn’t do


her any good. So Cassandra had succeeded, she’d actually sent a


demon across the ocean to help her. “You
a demon, right?


Since when do you do as you’re told?”


“Since I was summoned by a very powerful little witch who


promised me an eternity cockless should I hurt her friend.” He


told her and to his surprise and utter delight she cracked a grin.
“Sounds like Cassandra,” Kai finally lifted her gaze to his, “But I


didn’t think any of that crap she talked about was real.”


“Obviously it has to be, hence the dead demon on your dining


room floor and the one standing in front of you bleeding so


profusely he’ll likely be joining him.” He said sarcastically and


she looked instantly contrite, placing the dampened cloth back


against his chest as she hastily tried to dab off the blood that


dried around his wounds. Leviathan could only smirk down at


her. “You’re not freaking out?”


“Am I supposed to?” She asked, a light blush dusting her cheeks


as she focused solely on his wounds, refusing, once again, to look


up at him.


“Most humans do. Especially your females.” He caught her hand,


stilling it against his chest and ignoring her gasp. “You’re either


exceptionally brave, or a complete idiot.”


“Well, you did just say you’re not allowed to hurt me.” She lifted


her eyes to catch his, gasping again as his pupils slowly
contracted until they were black slits set against what was now a


hard alabaster. A dark rim encircled his irises as he inhaled


deeply, drinking in her essence and reveling in the effects of it.


She was borderline intoxicating to him, something he couldn’t


begin to fathom. Human women didn’t usually have this much of


a draw to them, beautiful yes, but they lacked the substance other


species carried. But this one…


“I could have been lying.” He came even closer and her heart


began to thud as she pressed herself against the counter in an


attempt to escape him. “The real question is, what’s so special


about you that a witch, three thousand miles away would risk her


soul to protect you?” Leviathan growled, his chest vibrating


against hers as his free hand moved to capture her waist in his


steely grip. “Demon summoning is a very dangerous art. The


more powerful the demon summoned, the greater the chance of


being pulled into hell for all eternity…” He pulled her close,


inspecting her face as if it would divulge some hidden secret


neither of them could see.
“Back off.” She growled through clenched teeth as her chest rose


and fell rapidly. He was so close.
Too close
. He smelled like


water and incense. Not the clear, nearly iridescent water flowing


in a mountain stream but something cooler, darker. Like a hidden


spring you’d find in the dark, musky glens in the depths of a


mysterious forest; like bottomless pools bathed in moonlight and


hidden by moss-covered ferns. His scent coupled with the heat of


his hard body as he pressed tightly against her was so arousing


she felt faint, her breath leaving her in shallow little puffs as his


face inched towards hers.


“Your body is saying what your mouth is afraid to.” He growled


back, lifting her to sit on the rim of the sink with one hand. Kai


gasped as he placed himself between her thighs, his glowing


white gaze still burning into her own.


“My body doesn’t know what the hell it’s talking about.” Her


words came out as pants as she pushed at his shoulder, her mind


screaming that she needed to create distance between them both.


All rational thought, that he was a demon, that she’d just met
him, flew out the window. She told herself what was happening


wasn’t right, but the rest of her refused to give a damn. Leviathan


suddenly released her with a growl, fisting a hand in her dark hair


and pulling her down so he could press a demanding kiss against


her open mouth. Kai felt like dying as his lips burned hers, his


hands slipping to her hips then her ass as he ground himself


against the center of her body. Her hands went instantly to his


hair, balling in the soft locks but whether to push him away or


pull him closer she couldn’t tell. And then it was over. Leviathan


ripped himself away from her so fast she barely had time to stop


herself from falling off the counter. He stood less than a foot


away from her, cursing under his breath in what sounded like


Gaelic, a hand going to stroke his bottom lip as if he were ridding


himself of her taste. Kai struggled to catch her breath, wondering


what in the hell had gotten into her and how to make it leave.


“Hellmouth.” She heard him mumble in English and resisted the


urge to slap him with something heavy. Like a frying pan. Or


maybe the microwave…
“There’s nothing wrong with my mouth jackass.” She growled


and he lifted his head, his brows furrowing as if he’d just


remembered she were in the room.


“That wasn’t an insult you twit. You are a Hellmouth.” He cursed


again, running a heavy hand through his hair as he stared at her


with wide eyes, “It’s no wonder she’s protecting you. You’re a


demon magnet.” He said and she frowned again.


“Cassandra has always been overprotective, it’s only because she


lost her family at a young age and is afraid of loosing….


Wait…Demon what?” she back peddled to that comment and he


folded his arms over his chest, once again invading her personal


space until she was pressed against the counter once again in a


failed attempt to escape him.


“Demon. Magnet. You’re being stalked by demons because you


are a Hellmouth. A gateway. A vessel. A siphon that taps directly


into the dark source that all of demon kind draw their power


from.” His voice lowered, deepening until it was nearly a growl.
“While you were with your Wiccan friend you were safe because


her light negated your darkness, shielding you from us. But


now…” He trailed off, casting a glance at her back door that still


stood open. She followed his gaze and gasped at the fifty dark


faces that glared back at her. Each one twisting and contorting,


jerking around the doorway as it searched for an entrance but


remained deterred by the presence of the demon before her.


“But now?” She breathed, her eyes widening as she clutched at


her heart.


“But now they will come for you. And they won’t stop. Not until


you’re dead or they’ve merged themselves with you, giving them


greater access to the source.” Leviathan said, pulling away from

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