Guarding His Heart (13 page)

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Authors: Serena Pettus

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Guarding His Heart
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Using his current grip on her rear, Jag lifted her feet a few inches from ground and walked them to the bed, kissing her the whole way.

Lynn couldn’t believe how bold she was being. Sure, she’d had no problem being so in the past, but there were usually copious amounts of alcohol involved. With Jag’s hands roaming over her body, stoking the fire and bringing her passion to new heights, she just couldn’t find a reason to give a shit right now.

The way he carried her, without a hint of effort was beyond sexy, and Lynn’s desire pooled low in her belly as he placed her on the bed. He looked down at her, his eyes pinning her to the spot with the lust shining in their depths.

He stood between her legs where they hung over the edge of the mattress, his posture straight and proud, the lines of his body intriguing her. She’d caught glimpses of him before. Hell, he was naked right after a shift, but she’d tried—though not too hard—not to openly ogle his body. Now, though, she had an all-access pass to explore every inch of his toned, tan form.

Unable to stand this intense staring any longer, Lynn whispered, “Jag, please say something. Touch me. Anything.”

One side of his mouth quirked up in a lopsided grin before he replied, “Baby, I can’t decide where to start.”

Figuring, if he didn’t know, she’d just begin where
wanted, Lynn sat up, running her hands up his chest, over each ripple of his abs, climbing his pecs and shoulders before smoothing back down his incredible arms. He was a stunning specimen of male perfection, despite the scars scattered here and there over his body. In her opinion, they proved his humanity, showing her he wasn’t invincible either.

Leaning forward, Lynn ran her tongue slowly over the dips and swells of his abdomen, relishing the soft groan accompanied by the twitching of his belly. She traveled down, tracing his V until his hand came under her chin, urging her to look up.

“If I let you continue, I’ll lose myself for sure.” His warm hand moved up, cupping her cheek as he bent down. Lynn was mesmerized by the intense blue of his eyes, the yearning in their depths mirrored her own.

Taking possession of her mouth once more, Jag eased her down on the bed as he lulled her with slow, sensual kisses. Lynn mewled with need as his tongue took up an agonizing rhythm she’d give anything to feel in other places.

Gently scraping her nails down the length of his spine, she luxuriated in the sound of his primal growl as he flexed his hips against her mound. With his impressive length lying on her lower abdomen, she tilted her hips up in invitation, but Jag merely smiled against her lips.

“I’ll get to that soon enough. Right now, I want to savor you.”

It was certainly no hardship to let him do as he pleased. Lynn, now little more than a writhing mass of hormones, tried to temper the sounds she made as he kissed, nipped and sucked his way down to her aching breasts. Her back arched when he laved the taut peaks before finally giving one firm pinch, causing her core to clench as she cried out.

The man was playing her body as if he knew every hot button she had. Lynn had always been one to maintain control in her life, but in the bedroom, she preferred a bit more dominance in her man, someone who wouldn’t give her what she demanded. Jag appeared to know exactly what she needed and where she needed it, but he gave it to her when
was ready, and Lynn found it incredibly sexy.

He inched down her abdomen, leaving a damp trail where his tongue—true to his word—tasted every part of her. He dipped into her belly button, eliciting a ticklish squeal, before chuckling and moving farther south. Jag licked over each hipbone, blowing gently over the moist skin until goose flesh spread and her spine tingled.

“You’re teasing me, Jag,” Lynn pouted, hoping he’d take pity on her and give in to what they both wanted.

“It’s only a tease if you don’t plan to deliver,” he replied, a devilish grin on his handsome face. “And I fully intend to deliver,” he finished, parting her folds and laving her feverish core, flicking her engorged clit. “Over and over and over.” He punctuated each “over” with a sucking kiss on her nub that left Lynn crying out and strung so tight she thought she might burst.

Her fingers wound through his shoulder-length hair to urge him to where she needed him most. Jag simply continued to deliver his intimate loving as he eased a single finger into her drenched channel.

“Damn, Lynn. You test my control at every turn.”

“Control is overrated,” she panted in reply, his gravely tone only turning her on more. When he crooked his finger ever so slightly, finding the hidden bundle of nerves inside, she let loose with a throaty, “Oh, God, yes!”

“I’m doing my best to keep my jaguar in check, but the scent of your arousal is intoxicating. I could feast between your thighs forever, beautiful. You’re my new addiction.”

“Better than catnip?” she teased, her back bowing when he gave a few rapid flicks of his tongue.

“Hell, yeah,” he growled, the vibration sending tremors throughout her entire body as she quaked on the edge of release.



“Can we go off-leash now? I’m ready to explode here.” Already, she felt herself slipping ever closer to the edge of bliss. The only thing that could make this better would be having him deep inside when she finally went over.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Lynn watched as Jag prowled up the bed, his movements resembling the predator she knew him to be and exciting her all the more. She looked forward to him finally letting go, to having him take her with the same intense, raw need lashing in his eyes.

“Lynn, you’re mine now,” he whispered. “I won’t have it within me to let you go after this, even if you beg me. You’ll be mine forever.”

“I’m already yours. Don’t you see? I’ve been falling for you since the day we met.”

With a growl that should have frightened her, Jag scooped up her legs, his forearms just behind her knees as he lined himself up and thrust inside. “Mine!” he roared loud enough to make her ears ring.

The air whooshed from her lungs as he filled her, stretching her walls even as they quivered around his length. He held himself still above her, his breath sawing in and out of his chest as he struggled for control.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice deep and gravely. “Fuck, you feel so good, Lynn. You were made for me.”

“I’d be better if you’d start moving,” she replied, giving his rear a bump with her foot. “I won’t break, Jag. Let’s get wild.”

A switch flipped. One minute he looked down at her with concern written all over his face, the next his eyes flashed. A grin split his lips, a hint of fang visible, then he moved. He pulled his hips back until he just the tip remained at the edge of her sheath before he drove back in with enough force to scoot her several inches up the bed.

He paused again, this time taking both of her hands and guiding them above her head. He wrapped her fingers around the spindles of her headboard. “Hold on tight.”

It was all the warning she got. His thrusts bordered on violent, his hold on her hips firm as he powered in and out of her body like a man possessed…and she loved it.

“Oh, yes!” she shouted. Her breasts bounced, her head thrown back as her orgasm barreled forward, about to launch her into the clouds. Suddenly, Jag changed angles, bringing him impossibly deeper and causing the tension in her to snap. With an inarticulate yell, Lynn came so hard spots danced before her eyes. Still, he didn’t stop.

Jag came down over her, never breaking his rhythm, and kissed the side of her neck down to her shoulder as she milked his cock. Then, with the last hard thrust, he roared his release as his fangs sank into her shoulder, triggering another climax for her.

Lynn lay beneath Jag, relishing the feel of his hard body against hers as they both struggled to recover. His tongue swiped across the place where he’d bitten her, and she noted some sensitivity.

“I’m sorry for being so rough with you,” he panted. “Are you all right?”

“Never better,” Lynn purred back at him.

Pulling back, he separated their bodies, lying next to her and pulling her close as he took a deep breath and sighed into her hair. “I’m still reeling here,” he whispered. “I simply can’t believe you’re mine now.” Giving her a tight squeeze, he kissed her forehead. “I’ll cherish you for the rest my life.”

It was the perfect thing to say. There were still no words of love, but Lynn understood he expressed his feelings for her in a way most men nowadays seemed incapable of doing. Was it any wonder she had tears streaking down her face?

“I love you.” The words were whispered before she could stop herself, and Lynn stiffened, waiting to hear his response. When nothing immediately came, old insecurities began to surface, and she knew it was too soon.

“Lynn,” Jag began, only to be cut off.

“You don’t have to say anything back. I just wanted you to know how I feel and that I’m every bit as vested in this relationship as you are.”

His hand covered her mouth, and Lynn frowned.

“Hush for a minute. I didn’t return the words because I don’t think there are any capable of doing my feelings for you justice.” His hands moved to cup her cheeks in his palms, and Jag kissed the tip of her nose. “You are so precious to me. You’re my mate, the other half of me, and I would cease to exist without you. Yes, I love you, but it goes so very much deeper than that. We’re connected and will be forever.”

Sniffling and feeling like the biggest girly-girl ever, Lynn wrapped her arms around the man she’d share her life with. “Make love to me?”

“Now who’s the animal?” he teased. “Does that mean you’ll be my little sex kitten?”



Chapter Seven




Lynn woke to the smell of fresh coffee, mere seconds before her alarm clock sounded. Cracking her eyes, she spotted Jag trying to balance a plate and mug while attempting to hit the snooze button.

He’d brought her breakfast in bed, and the thoughtful gesture drew a happy smile to her face. “Good morning,” she greeted as she stretched before sitting up. The movement caused the sheet to fall to her waist, exposing her bare breasts.

“Sweetheart, if you plan to leave that bed today, I’d advise not tempting me,” he growled, dropping a kiss atop her head as he handed over her coffee.

When he rose, Lynn thought she heard… “Did you just purr?”

An almost bashful smile curved his lips, and Lynn’s heart turned over. “My jaguar has
been this content. Now that we’ve claimed you, he’s finally relaxing some. So, yes, it was a purr you heard. As long as you’re happy, so are we.”

“I’m very happy.” Stealing another glance at the clock, Lynn groaned. She didn’t want to go in to work today. She wanted to stay here and laze around with Jag.
Well, maybe there are a few other things I’d rather do with him
, she thought with an inner grin. “It’s Thursday, so I’ll be doing ultrasounds again all morning. Which one of you gets to hang out in my office today?” she asked, taking a sip of the sweetened coffee and eyeing the fruit on the nightstand.

“I want to check with Mason again, maybe scour the woods with him. Liam will be with you until lunch. Will that be okay?” Jag sat on the edge of the bed before placing his big hand on her thigh. “I need to do everything I can to prevent anything like this from happening again. I can’t lose you, Lynn.”

“You won’t. I’m tougher than I look.”

At least, he was smart enough not to call her out on that last statement. Yes, she was tough by human standards, but against a shifter, it was like comparing a rock to an overripe banana. She’d get squashed.

“I understand,” she said. “I’m sure Liam can entertain himself until lunch. I’m hoping to have enough time to order some subs. Will you be back by then?”

“I’m not sure, but I’ll try. Want me to call when I head back? Maybe, I can grab your lunch on the way.”

“Nah, we can just order. It’s easier since I never know exactly when I’ll stop to eat.” Lynn set down her mug then flipped back the covers to stand. “I need to get a shower before I head in,” she said, giving her hips an extra sway as she walked across the room. Stopping in the doorway to the bathroom, she glanced over her shoulder to find Jag’s eyes glued to her ass. “You want to help me wash my back?”

Lynn giggled as he nodded and rose to follow her. She’d be late to work, but with the wicked gleam in Jag’s eyes, there was no way she’d say no to whatever he had in mind.

* * * *

The morning flew by, filled with smiling parents and black-and-white pictures of their newest additions. Lynn loved her job. And apparently, her office staff enjoyed the new man-furnishing in her office. They’d paraded down the hall, grabbing charts and supplies that weren’t needed just so they could sneak a peek at Liam as he lounged on her sofa, played games on his phone or whatever else he did while she worked.

He was as handsome as any movie star and down to earth, so it was no wonder the women went gah-gah over him, but Lynn had to wonder if all the attention ever bothered him as much as it had bothered her when men had ogled her in the past. Then again, as a man, he was probably on cloud nine with it all. If the waves and winks he gave the nurses were anything to go by, Lynn would say he thoroughly enjoyed himself.

It was nearing noon when their subs arrived, and Lynn was famished. Of course, Liam devoured his in record time, but Lynn had to eat and chart at the same time.

“Have you heard from Jag yet?” she asked.

“Yeah, he and Mason are working to find these guys. Your friend got a good look at one of them, but she hasn’t seen him inside the bar before.”

“I’d really like to visit Kitty. I want to make sure she’s actually okay and thank her for trying to defend my car. Then I plan to kick her ass for doing something so dumb.”

Liam laughed. “Yeah, I think I need to meet this chick, too. Any female who can’t shift but will take on three bears in her human form has to be out of her mind. Either that or she’s got a death wish.”

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