Guarding January (12 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

BOOK: Guarding January
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Wrapping his arms around Jeff, Rye picked him up, carried him to the bedroom, and looked into the pretty green-flecked eyes.

He wanted…. God, he wanted so much, so many things, but right now he wanted Jeff’s joy. He sat them on the bed and took another kiss, pressing their lips together.

Jeff stayed in his lap, close, responding to every single kiss. It was as wonderful as it was unexpected. Jeff—with his piercings and his ink—kissed like a tentative virgin.

Rye knew he was the only one who got to see this side of Jeff. He was going to protect this gentle soul with everything he was. He took one kiss after another, fingers moving over Jeff’s face, tracing the lovely lines. He didn’t push, didn’t attempt to touch anything below the shoulder.

He knew how big just this was. Hell, Jeff had been… almost outraged by his own body when he’d become hard. Rye licked across Jeff’s lips before dipping his tongue back into Jeff’s mouth. Jeff’s fingers moved against him lazily, exploring his skin.

Time disappeared, the warmth of the kisses blocking everything else out. He couldn’t quite believe it, that Jeff was hard against him, erect. Jeff wanted him. It was a luscious feeling, almost decadent.

His tongue teased Jeff’s, encouraged it back into his mouth. Jeff actually wiggled a bit, rubbed against him. He finally slid his hand down along Jeff’s spine, stopping just above Jeff’s ass.

Jeff took a long, shaky breath. “Oh. I need to get up, walk around.”

“Why?” Rye thought Jeff was doing great, right where he was.

“I’m… tight inside.”

“You need an orgasm.” The words shot out before he had a chance to even think about them.

“I…. I don’t…. What if I can’t, and then we’re both mad?”

“Jeff.” He took Jeff’s hand. “I’m not going to be mad at you either way. I promise.”

“I just….” Jeff pressed against him, rubbed a little more.

Rye tugged Jeff’s legs, encouraged him to wrap them around his waist so Jeff could rub against his belly. “It’s okay. You’re doing what feels good.”

“Uh-huh. Doing what feels hot.”

“Good.” He cupped Jeff’s head and tilted it, taking another kiss. So nervous, so worried. What baggage was Jeff carrying about sex?

As they kissed, he slid a hand down to cup Jeff’s ass, encouraging the rubbing. They slipped together, slow and easy, keeping it light. Jeff’s ass rubbed against the top of his own cock, and he wanted so badly to be naked with Jeff. He could be patient, though.

That fine ass was taut, perfect in his hands. Their kisses deepened, Jeff moving faster against him.
Please, babe. Please, let me feel you.
His hand tightened on Jeff’s ass. Jeff moaned for him, the sound low, sweet.

“Skin would feel so good.” If Jeff allowed it, he’d open Jeff’s pants and let him rub against his belly.

“Please. Please, Rye.”

Oh God. Yes. His fingers were almost trembling as he undid the button and zipper of Jeff’s jeans. “Do you want to feel me too?”

“I’d like that.”

He tugged Jeff’s jeans open and pushed his underwear down, freeing the hard cock. The jewelry glinted, caught in the light.

“I liked getting them done.”

“Yeah? Tell me about it?” Rye touched the Prince Albert, the silky flesh around it.

“Oh.” Jeff shook his head, then nodded. “You’ll think badly of me.”

“Have I yet?”

“I liked the sting and the weight of it. I was still… functional then, and I liked the ache.”

“You’re functional now,” Rye pointed out.

“I know. Weird.”

“I like it.” Rye touched it again, then reached for the frenum. “What about this one?”

“It bled a lot, but after, I would twist it.”

“Like this?” Rye twisted it.

Jeff jerked, precome dripping, hot.

“And the hafada?” Rye reached down to stroke it and Jeff’s balls.

“It didn’t hurt. It felt so good.”

“You’re a bit of a pain slut, aren’t you?”

“What?” Jeff’s eyes went wide, and he backed off Rye’s lap. “No. No, I…. Can we go swimming?”

“Shh. Shh. It’s okay. Let’s just get you off first, okay? No more questions.” He lifted his shirt and pulled Jeff closer, letting that sweet cock rub on his belly.

“I’m not like January.”

“You are nothing like January.” The words were fiercer than he’d intended, but he didn’t like January one bit. Jeff, though…. He loved this man.

“That’s right. Nothing.” Jeff was working himself into a lather.

He cupped Jeff’s face and took a kiss, not making it hard, just easy and gentle. Jeff slowly relaxed and eased into him. That was better.

Rye moved one hand down to cup Jeff’s ass, once again encouraging the easy rubbing. Jeff’s eyes were closed, the look on the lean face blissful, happy. Better. His own cock was still trapped, but it rubbed against Jeff’s ass as he moved the slender body, making him moan. So good.

As was the sensation of Jeff’s velvety flesh on his abdomen. The piercings were hot from Jeff’s body, but felt different than the hard cock they were attached to, bumping along against him. The dragging kisses became slick, Jeff’s cock leaking for him. Fuck. Fuck. It was good, so very good.

Rye licked into Jeff’s mouth, touching Jeff’s tongue with his own. Jeff groaned softly, hips moving faster, dragging that cock harder. He dug his fingers into Jeff’s ass, helping him rub harder.

“Rye.” The little sound was a hiccup, a whimper.

“Right here, baby. I’ve got you.”

“I need.”

“Then take.”

Jeff arched, body shaking, shuddering against him.

“That’s it, baby, take it.”

“Rye. Rye. Rye—” Jeff bucked, heat spreading between them.

He shuddered at the scent. Fuck. He’d just made Jeff come. Rye held on, cradling Jeff in his arms. Rocking them gently, he ignored his own erection in favor of making sure Jeff came down slowly, making sure Jeff was okay.

“Oh, Rye. That was so big.”

“Yeah. Kind of huge.”

Jeff nodded, cuddled into his chest.

He kissed the top of Jeff’s head and held him close for as long as Jeff needed him to.



through Jeff’s brain—too fast to understand, just snatches of ideas, whispers.

He’d orgasmed, for Rye. On Rye. Rye’d touched his rings. He didn’t know what to do, what to think. Rye wasn’t upset with him; in fact, his own personal giant was cuddling him close against all those muscles.

He squeezed his eyes closed, hoping the thoughts would go away, the sensations fade. Rye rubbed their cheeks together, humming softly.

“I came.” Jeff couldn’t believe it.

“You did. My belly is magical.”

The words shattered the thoughts rushing through his mind, and he looked up. “Yes!”

Chuckling softly, Rye brought their mouths back together. His lips felt swollen, full, tender from all the kisses.

“Are you happy?” Rye asked him when the kiss was over.

“I am. I’m nervous. Excited. Worried.”

“About me?”

“About everything. Nothing.” He didn’t know.

“You don’t need to worry—that’s my job.”

“Does it work that way for people?” Jeff pondered that. He let Rye worry about lots of things, without even considering it.

“It can, if you set your mind to it.”

“Next week is a break. Are we going to go home?”

“We can go home. We can go somewhere nobody knows who we are. The world is your oyster. Or at least it should be.”

“Where would you go?” He wanted to give something to Rye, something special.

“If I could go anywhere?” Rye pondered that. “I think Iceland would be fascinating.”

“Let’s go. I’ll call Donna.”

Rye chuckled. “Just like that?”

“Uh-huh. Just like that.”

“Are you sure that’s where you want to go?” Rye looked into his eyes.

“I want to give you a trip, a gift. I’m sure.”

“Thank you, baby.” Rye kissed him again, quick and hard.

Jeff didn’t want to be selfish, to be empty, not like January. Rye looked really pleased about it too.

“A whole week without all—” Rye waved his hand in the air. “—this.”

“A week just being… us.”

“It sounds glorious.” Rye’s fingers moved on his skin beneath his shirt, swirling.

He hoped so. For Rye’s sake.

“You still want that swim?” Rye asked, fingers still moving, making his skin tingle.

“Do you want…. Do you need to come? I’m not a bastard. I’m fair.”

“I didn’t want to push, but yeah. I need to at least undo my jeans.”

“I’ve seen you naked, Rye. I’ve slept with you. I’m not scared.” Not scared at all. Rye loved him. Him. Jeff.

“Then, please….”

Jeff reached down and opened Rye’s jeans, shoving them down and loving the way Rye felt against his palm.

Groaning, Rye pushed against his hand.

Jeff dragged his fingers down Rye’s thighs, pulling the jeans all the way. He ended up kneeling in front of Rye, mouth near the heavy cock, so he leaned in to inhale.

“Oh damn. Baby….” Rye’s voice was thick, sounding strained.

His tongue flicked out, dragged on Rye’s skin. This time Rye didn’t say anything; he just made this garbled, moaning sound. Oh, neat. He lapped his way up, intent on the fat, mushroom head.

The muscles in Rye’s thighs went tight, another moan filling the air. Jeff made himself wait to actually taste the slit, but as soon as he did, it made him tingle.

“Jeff. God. Please.”

“I won’t make you hurt. I promise.”

Rye snickered. “Oh, baby, you’re not hurting, trust me.”

“Taste good.” He licked over and over, tasting.

Groans and moans and whimpers came from Rye, those strong thighs trembling now, Rye’s hips beginning to rock gently. Jeff wrapped his lips around the tip, sucking nice and slow.

“Jesus, that’s good.” Rye’s hands slid into his hair, tugging just a little bit.

“Mmmhmm.” It was good, the pressure on his lips.

Rye moved his hips, the thick cock sliding in Jeff’s mouth, leaving drops of liquid on his tongue. His eyes closed, and he pulled, keeping it gentle, soft, quiet. Rye’s fingers stroked through his hair, rubbed on his head. It was the easiest thing ever, to hum, to let the sound vibrate through Rye.

“Jeff.” His name was choked out, Rye moving faster now, jerky, like he couldn’t help it.

Jeff braced himself on Rye’s huge thighs, the heavy cock spreading his lips wide.

“Don’t let me hurt you.”

Rye wouldn’t. Jeff knew that.

He sucked harder, slapping the fat shaft with his tongue. Rye jerked, pushing in deeper. He took Rye halfway, and he brought his hands in to play for the rest. Rye seemed to let go after that, sliding faster along his tongue, pushing harder into his mouth. Jeff’s jaw was beginning to ache, but he wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t.

“Jeff.” His name was a whisper, and Rye’s cock throbbed just before it released his come.

He swallowed some, and then the rest splashed on his face.

Rye’s prick slid from his mouth, Rye dropping to his knees. “Thank you, baby.” Then Rye licked at his face, cleaning him. That was erotic as hell and made his spent cock bob.

When he was done, Rye rested their foreheads together and smiled at him.


“Yeah. Things were getting a little tight in my jeans.”

“You taste right. Clean.”

“I am clean. I get tested every six months.”

“That’s not what I meant.”


“No. I meant you taste… pure. Like something good.”

“Oh.” Rye’s cheeks heated a touch, but he looked pleased. “Thanks.” Then Rye hugged him, hands sure and warm. “You still want to go swimming, or do you want to nap together?”


“Sure, I’m easy.” Rye stripped the rest of their clothes off efficiently and tucked them both in bed under the covers.

It felt different this time, cuddling against Rye’s body. It felt like this was his. Purely his. Rye held him close and kissed the top of his head.

“Love, huh?”

“Yeah, Jeff.” He got another kiss on his head. “I love you too.”

“Oh, good.”

“It is. And I’m not letting go.”

The words were a comfort, following Jeff down into his dreams.




let them out at the chalet that was theirs for a week. A whole week in this amazing country. Rye had been reading up on it ever since Jeff had said they were going. There was lots to see: hot springs and mountains, snow, auroras.

He paid the driver and brought their bags in. The Hotel Borg overlooked a square, the art deco building lovely, charming, but swank.

They checked in, and it amused Rye that Jeff could wander around unrecognized as long as he didn’t wear anything that was Januaryish.

Jeff was in T-shirt and jeans, hair pulled back, no makeup, so he looked fresh, young.

He looked sexy too.

Of course, part of that might have been because they hadn’t done anything but literally sleep together since that one time. They’d been busy and tired, and it just hadn’t happened again.

Rye hoped it did this week.

They headed up into a decadent room: hard wood floors, a large bed, huge windows.

“Wow. This is gorgeous.” Rye had been to all kinds of fancy hotels, and this was one of the nicer, if not the nicest.

The hotels on the tour had all been okay, a couple even ritzy. Maybe it was because here they were on holiday, but this place was stunning.

“Lots of windows.” Jeff closed one, staying to the shadows.

“You should come into the light, baby. It loves your skin.”

“If I get color, though….”

He held his arms open, and Jeff came right to him. He wrapped Jeff in a hug. “I bet Janie has a makeup for that.” Janie was easily one of Rye’s favorite people. She was always cheery, always ready to cheer Jeff up. And she brought him food that he ate.

Speaking of which…. “You hungry?”

“No, love.”

Rye’s lips tightened. He wasn’t sure, with the time changes and the flights, how long it had been, but it had been too fucking long.

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