Guarding Light (32 page)

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Authors: Cate Mckoy

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fiction

BOOK: Guarding Light
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   Startled, Catlyn spilled a little of her tea. "Mack, for the love of all the living creatures on earth will you please stop referring to Jack as Dean?"

   Mackenzie sat down across from Catlyn, stealing a quick sip of her tea. "Ok, spoilsport, don't have an aneurysm."

   "Where have you been? I've been waiting almost an hour."

   Mackenzie gave her a sly look. "I am on to something viable. I think I may be getting close. I just have a few more properties to check out."

   Catlyn studied Mackenzie as she finished off her blueberry muffin. "Mackenzie, you are being careful? Remember what Director Strong said. No field tasks for you."

   "Hey, I am doing paper work and database searches. And, careful is my middle name."

   "It's Anne, silly. And going to check out property doesn't sound like any paperwork or database searches I've ever heard of."

   "Just a simple drive by is all, nothing to get all riled over."

   "Uh, huh," Catlyn skeptically intoned.

   Changing the subject Mackenzie looked around. "This seems kinda small for a dance contest."

   "They are putting in a temporary dance floor. It should cover a good deal of the parking lot." Catlyn indicated with a pointing finger. "Everyone will be parking on top of the hill."

   "This is gonna be cool." Mackenzie finished Catlyn's muffin with a smile. "I am off to take another look at some property, want to come with?"

   "Mackenzie, you promised."

   "Chill, Cat. It's only a little drive by. We won't even get out of the car."

   "What do you mean, we? I promised Jack no crazy schemes with you. And, I keep my promises."

   "Woo hoo, a sista is sprung." Mackenzie teased, eyes dancing in merriment.

   "Ha ha, I am not sprung, nothing wrong with caution once in a while. You should try it."

   Mackenzie reached over and drank the last of Catlyn's tea. "I just may someday." She gave one of her rare but stunning smiles, adding, "But, not today." She winked and took off.

   Catlyn shook her head, pulling out her cell to text Mackenzie to activate her tracking app on her phone. Catlyn sometimes worked in the IT department and with the administrator of IT, Jay Zare she helped create an app that the agents can use on their phones to monitor each other. Partners usually activated it during a case when they were separated. Catlyn waited until she saw Mackenzie's blinking icon appear on the grid in the app before going to pay the bill.







Chapter 12


   Jack pulled into his driveway. The weight of the day's activities bore down on him, making his actions slow. He had had long conference calls with New Scotland Yard, a special division of Interpol and his own people. The crimes attributed to J.T. Dark were vast and numerous and spanned multiple countries. That overwhelmed feeling gripped Jack for about the millionth time today. Things were set into motion to apprehend J.T. Dark who was believed to be here in Newburgh. Jack wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. An inspector with New Scotland Yard informed Jack that one of their inspectors would be contacting him soon so that they can work together in bringing J.T. Dark to justice. The inspector was already on Dark's trail. Jack was told the pursuing inspector would let Jack in on the details. The inspector had hinted that there were some extenuating circumstances regarding Dark's pending arrest.

   He got out after parking the car directly in front of the door, smiling at the sight of the unmarked loaner Catlyn had parked nearby. Instantly the tiredness left him and his overwhelmed feeling was replaced with the warm and fuzzies as his dad called the emotions regarding a woman. Jack had to admit Catlyn did bring out his tender and protective side, as well as his loving heart. He did love her. Knew she was his and was always meant to be his.

   Glancing at his watch Jack's smile grew bigger. It was after midnight. It was officially Valentine's Day. Jack opened the back door, grabbing the bag from the backseat.

   He let himself in, noting the alarm was not activated. Shaking his head at Catlyn's lack of safety he quickly armed the house. Anxious to see her, Jack took the stairs two at a time. When he entered his bedroom he was greeted with a warm, seductive glow of lit candles all around the room, a permeating smell of roses. The petals trailed from the door to his bed. On the night table there was a bottle of sparkling apple, and 2 other bottles. One a small pink one and the other a small brown one. There were wrapped gifts, sporting silver paper with red hearts. Jack set the bag on the floor and took out the three gifts he had for Catlyn, setting them next to the gifts he assumed were meant for him.

   Jack followed the sounds coming from his bathroom. He stopped on the threshold to watch his fill. Catlyn was in his huge tub with the jets on high. The wonderfully delicious smelling cucumber melon wafted in the air. She had found his water proof MP3 player and speakers. She sang one of his favorite songs off key.

   Smiling, Jack stripped while he watched her smooth the loofa over her clear brown skin. Now naked he advanced into the bathroom. When he was only a few feet from her, he raised his voice in song, taking over the chorus:

We had our share of ups and downs

But you know that I'm always gon' be around

That's for sho'

And you know, how I do, how I roll

And remember ain't a damn thang change

So Holla if you need me

You always gonna be my boo

Holla if you need me

You know I still got you

And if you ever need me

To be what you need

Girl I'm free

And forever you can holla at me

   Catlyn turned when she heard his voice, smiling big, watching him sing and dance towards the tub. Until he was in the deep water behind her with his arms wrapped around her, he laid his cheek against hers as he finished the last of the song:

Girl I really really really want to let you know

That I really really really can't let you go

And even if we never get it back you'll see

You can still come and holla at me

Girl I really really really want to let you know

That I really really really can't let you go

And even if we never get it back you'll see

You can still come and holla at me

Holla Holla Holla Holla at me

Yeah Yeah Holla at me me me

Yeah Holla at me

   Jack drew out the last me with his mouth against Catlyn's neck. Shivers ran down her spine. He cupped her breasts, kneading them as he licked her neck.

   Catlyn tilted her head back against his shoulder, giving him better access as he tasted her from neck to earlobe while plucking her nipples. She arched into his hands as she began to add her own moisture to the bathwater. "Oh, Jack."

   "Mmm, yes, Kitten." His throaty baritone caused her pussy to clench.

   "Oh, God, I am so glad you are penetrating me tonight. You're driving me crazy with your lovemaking."

   Jack laughed, pausing in his ministrations. "Do you want me to stop?"

   "No!" Catlyn shouted, gripping his hands, keeping them against her breasts in case he had any ideas of letting her go.

   "Don't worry baby. I am so beyond ready to be inside you. You aren't the only one I've been driving crazy with our lovemaking. I think you'd have to be armed to stop me from consummating our relationship tonight."

   Agilely, Catlyn turned in his arms, straddling his strongly muscled thighs. Feeling his already aroused shaft, she sat gingerly on his lap. He filled his hands with her ass cheeks. "Careful mister, I am armed." She laughed as she copied his caress with her mouth and lips on his neck.

   "Yeah, you're armed all right, with double-D tits, a sweet heart-shaped ass and a juicy pussy." He thrust his pelvis, allowing his shaft to slide along her slit under the water. "You're armed to be fucked all night, sweetheart." His voice had grown huskier with each word.

   Catlyn gave a thrust in counterpoint to his. "Yes, I want that. Fuck me, Jack!"

   Pausing before his mind was totally taken over with lust and need, Jack placed his hands on her face, connecting their gazes, he asked, "Kitten, are you sure?"

   Conveying all the love she felt for him in her touch and look, she answered him with a kiss and a whispered, "Jack, I love you. Please, make me yours."

   With a masculine growl, Jack stood with her in his arms, displaying his superior strength, with water streaming off their bodies. He carefully stepped from the bath. Catlyn wrapped her legs around his waist, linking her ankles at the small of his back, as he made his way into the bedroom.

   He gently laid her on the bed. He reached between her legs beginning a gentle stroke along her seam. When Catlyn reached for his weeping cock, he pushed her hands away. "No, baby, I need you to be really wet, sopping wet. Just let me enjoy you and you lay back and enjoy."

   "But, I want to enjoy you too, touching and tasting you."

   Jack sat next to her, still slowly stroking her nether lips. "Catlyn, you've never been penetrated by man or toy. It could be painful. I need you wet and relaxed."

   Catlyn clamped her legs together, turning away from Jack, trying to pull his hand from between her legs. He wouldn't allow it. "You know that isn't true. No matter how much you want it to be true, I am not a virgin. I have been penetrated." She spat the words.

   With his free hand he turned and tilted her chin so their eyes could connect. "That's bullshit. I am not talking about the crime that tore your insides up so much that you needed surgery to repair the damage. I am talking about the man who loves you entering you for the first time and not hurting you because of his size. It is going to be heaven for me to finally be inside you. The only thing that could take away my pleasure is the knowledge that I am hurting you and you are not enjoying it."

   Understanding fully, Catlyn relaxed. "Ok, I'm sorry. What do you want me to do?"

   Jack smiled and winked. "Just lay back and let me take control, sweetheart. And, kiss me."

   She smiled and leaned up to give him a kiss. He quickly took over the kiss, teasing her mouth open and sending his tongue deep as he coaxed her legs wider. He took her to the bed, lying beside her as he continued to gather the moisture from her heated channel to her thirsty clit and labia, first with one finger, than two and finally three slid in and out of her pussy with ease.

   Licking and sucking her nipple in concert with his thrusts into her pussy had Catlyn panting out her first orgasm in just a few minutes.

   "God, I love that you are so responsive and come like crazy." Jack growled against her neck as he gentled his fingers through the ending of her release. "Mmm, so good, time for my fix of pink. Open these long beautiful legs wider."

   Catlyn dazedly followed Jack's sexily rasped directions and encouragement as he easily brought her to her second climax, sucking at the juice from her vagina, he questioned, knowing that the vibrations from his words would keep Catlyn excited. "Baby, I have about a ton of condoms. Do I need them? Because I think I am going to need the first one very shortly."

   Trembling in fierce reaction, Catlyn grabbed a handful of Jack's hair, lifting his head from her over-sensitive clit. She tilted her right arm to show him the shot she received a week ago. "No, I am on the shot. I have to renew it every three months." She gasped out between shaky breaths.

   Jack moaned his approval as he pulled his head from her grasp and started licking his way up her body, starting with her swollen clit. Catlyn's whole body shook as Jack positioned himself between her legs, poised to push his shaft into her steamy entrance.

   Having her legs so wide and Jack's bulk between them made Catlyn feel shaky, feminine and small. She had a moment of panic when he bent her legs back and tilted her hips even more and then she felt his tip at her entrance.

   Jack was watching his huge reddish head, leaking pre-cum, touch Catlyn's hot-pink hole glistening with her pussy juice, surrounded by chocolaty brown lips that were swollen with her excitement. It was the hottest, most, sexiest thing he had ever seen and he was about to come just watching his cock penetrate her.

    Taking a deep breath he started to push into Catlyn's gateway. The first thing he felt was her incredible heat. She was so very hot inside. Still watching in awe, he pushed more of his cock into her, waiting for his head to be engulfed by her deliciously tortuous heat. The second thing he felt was her unbelievable tightness. She was as tight as any virgin he had been with if not tighter. She was almost painfully tight on his cock. The third thing he felt was resistance. Jack knew technically her hymen was no longer in place, protecting her womanhood. He assumed the resistance he felt was the scar tissue left after the doctors repaired her vaginal walls.

   This thought had him pausing to look into Catlyn's eyes to make sure she was alright. Jack knew instantly that some of the resistance he was feeling was partly mental as he took in the terror on Catlyn's face. He was so enthralled watching himself finally claim what he felt was always his to claim he hadn't look into Catlyn's eyes.

   Now seeing her fear, Jack repositioned himself, without taking away the inch of his cock that had breached Catlyn, he leaned down, kissing her on the lips, eyes, earlobe, throat and her lips again as he whispered to her. "Kitten, it's me, Jack, just me. We are in my bedroom, it's Valentine's Day. There is nothing to fear. It's just me, sweetheart. I would never ever hurt you. I love you."

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