Guarding Light (43 page)

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Authors: Cate Mckoy

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fiction

BOOK: Guarding Light
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   As a creeping blackness crowded into her vision, taking her consciousness, Catlyn's only regret was that she would never see Jack again to let him know that she did forgive him. Lying on the table, slowly dying, and all she wanted to do was tell Jack how much she loved him.


   Jack slammed his fist into the dash as he floored the gas pedal. He was an ass! He should have remembered how damn smart Catlyn is. Of course Anderson fits the profile she made perfectly. Also, a fact which was now exceedingly obvious, Delbert Jenks had been too old to have been the child, Miles Dalton, Jr.

   As soon as the lawyer had uttered the name of Miles Dalton, Jr.'s heir, Jack had simply hung up on the man. He then sent everyone and everything to the address of the last property owned by the Vickers estate. Jack started pleading, making silent deals with the Lord to ensure Catlyn's life. Even with lights and sirens, he was at least 15 minutes out.




   Jack killed his lights and siren as soon as the edge of the property came into view. S.W.A.T. already had an outer perimeter setup. Rider pulled up as he approached the Lt.

   "Roy, what'd ya see?"

   The Lt. dropped his binoculars to answer Jack. "It's a huge piece of land. There is a house and a couple of outbuildings; barn, silo and a carport. On the East side it backs into Crestview Lake. On the North and South we have dense woods. We are at the beginning of the West entrance."

   Roy's radio crackled. "L-t, we got some kind of activity; strange music, coming from the main house."

   "Tell him to hold his position. I am on the way up." Jack gave orders running. He drew his weapon when the house came into view. One of the S.W.A.T. team members gave him a signal, indicating the back door was good to enter.

   With Rider and S.W.A.T. backing him up Jack entered the house. Right away the music could be heard. It was the same tune that was playing when they found Mackenzie. Swiftly in a two-by-two formation they checked the first floor.




   With the last of her strength, Catlyn tried to kick Anderson in the chest with her freed leg, when he took position between her thighs.

   He laughed at her feeble attempts. "It's time for your lesson."

   Catlyn couldn't cry. She had little fluids left in her body. But with the defiance born from her sense of right, wrong and justice she rasped out. "Jack Gard will stop you. You won't be able to evade him."

   Anderson gave a demented laugh. "I've been hiding in plain sight for 18 months and he doesn't have a clue." He punched the muscle in her thigh, sending shooting pain up her leg. "Where's your hero now?"

   "Right, here, Anderson! Get the fuck away from her!"

   The combatants on the table turned towards the stairs. Catlyn did cry then. She cried in sweet relief. He really had found her. He stood there in all his 6-3 glory, his gun trained expertly on Anderson.

   "I said move away from her." Jack warned again as he inched closer to the table.

   Anderson gave Jack a smirk before raising the hand with the hunter's knife. Before he could even get his hand in the air above his head, Jack fired.

   Anderson was flung against the wall with the force of the bullet. He slowly slid down the wall to the floor, his face frozen in a death mask. Another shot was not necessary.

   She felt his loving hand on her face before she comprehended his words, "Kitten, baby, hang on sweetheart."

   "J-jack, y-you found me!"

   His lips feathered a kiss on her cheek as he whispered in her ear, "I will
always fi
nd you!"





6 months later SUNY (State University of NY) Newburgh, NY


   "So in conclusion, according to Freud, the perfectly healthy personality consists of a perfect blend and balance of the ID, the Ego and the Superego."

   "Professor Lyte, with your work in the FBI, I bet you've come across a lot of ID dominate personalities." There was a scattering of laughter throughout the class.

   Catlyn looked at the young girl about 3 rows up from the front. The theater type seating was filled to capacity. She knew her Intro to Psychology and Advanced Psychology classes filled quickly each semester and it was partly due to the media coverage (mostly done by Sara Mint) garnered by her involvement in the Newburgh Slasher Case.

   Catlyn smiled, answering in good humor. "And, most of those were colleagues." The laughter was more and louder.

   "Meet any Alpha Males, warp factor 5 in your work, professor?"

   Catlyn froze. She hadn't heard that voice in 6 months. That beloved voice, her eyes followed her hearing up the student packed rows all the way up to the last row. "Who said that?" She still couldn't make out all the students in the last row.

   And then he stood in all his 6' 3", golden boy glory. He was even more handsome than she remembered. His dark hair combed back from his forehead, his piercing emerald eyes pinning her with their intense scrutiny.

   Several of the other students had turned to see who had spoken, others watched her reaction.

   "I did meet one man who fit that description."

   Jack started slowly down towards her. "Did he leave you with the impression all guys are asses?"

   Catlyn started to tremble as he got one row closer to her. "He had his moments."

   "So, professor, would a guy like that have a chance with a woman like you? You know, with his Superego going all wonky on you."

   Catlyn clasped nervous hands in front of her and watched him get closer, drank in his male sexiness from beneath her lashes. "A guy like that, I would definitely give a chance, as long as he was over 6 feet."

   Jack paused, now half way down. He straightened his broad shoulders, displaying his muscular frame, proving he was over 6 feet.

   The students were now watching them both closely, smiling at their banter.

   "And, would this guy ever get a second chance with a beauty like you?"

   Catlyn pretended to consider, tapping a finger against her chin. "Hmm, I'd give him a second chance if his eyes were a gorgeous green."

   A number of students got up to look Jack in the face, checking to see if his eyes were the appropriate color.

   "And could this guy get a third chance with someone as gorgeous, sexy and smart as you, professor? He knows now how badly he messed up." Jack stepped down to the floor, stopping again about 8 feet from her.

   Happy tears spilled silently from her eyes. Huskily she replied, "Oh, I would give this guy as many chances as he may need, but he has to have the initials J-A-G, otherwise, it's a deal breaker."

   "Yo, dude, what's your name?" One of the male students in the front row asked Jack.

   Without taking his eyes from Catlyn's, he answered, "I am Jack Anthony Gard and I am in love with you."

   Catlyn wasn't sure who moved first, but suddenly they were in each other's arms among the class' cheers and whooping.




   "God, Kitten, I've missed you so much!" Jack devoured her mouth, trying to open her shirt. "Mmm, you've lost weight." He ran his fingers over her bared ribcage.

   Catlyn pulled back, closing her shirt with unsteady hands.

   "What is it, baby?" Jack tried to pull her back in his arms but she held him back. "I thought you were willing to give me another chance." Jack stepped back.

   They were in her office on the campus. After giving her one of the most fervent kisses she had ever received, he had asked if he could take her to lunch. She told him she had to get her purse which was in her office. Jack had locked the door and pulled Catlyn into his arms as soon as they crossed the threshold.

   Catlyn walked to her desk and sat down. "It's not that." She shyly closed her blouse, tucking it back into her skirt. "My b-body isn't as nice as it used to be. I-I have scars from Anderson."

   Jack's compassionate eyes ran the length of her body that wasn't behind her desk. "You're still beautiful to me."

   Catlyn smiled. "Thank you."

   "I heard you had taken this position through Kyle." Jack sat across from her. "Kitten, I tried to give you time to heal and get back on your feet. I didn't want to pressure you while you were in a vulnerable state and dealing with the trauma of almost being raped… again."

   "Thanks to you that didn't happen," giving him a tremulous smile, "You've always been my hero, Jack." Jack blushed, bowing his head. "I heard about your new security firm." Catlyn wanted him to know that he had been in her thoughts as well and she had asked after his wellbeing.

   "Bob Newson left me his investigation and security business on the East coast. It's in Manhattan. I've taken Jason on as a partner. I plan to work as Chief of Detectives until retirement. Until then, Jason is going to be handling the day to day operations. I will consult sometimes but the scope of my involvement will be determined on a case by case basis. We have regulars, clients that need a security detail year round."

   "How is Jason doing?"

   "He's doing well. Although he has left New Scotland Yard, he keeps his hand in the investigation involving his brother's capture. After all, he followed a tip that his brother has returned to NY. We've been keeping an ear to the ground. Jason says he loves being in the States fulltime." Jack went to her kneeling next to her chair, cupping her cheek. "You have a fan in him. You are the first person to ever be able to tell him apart from his 'evil twin'. He told me not to fuck up with you anymore."

   Catlyn smiled, cupping his strong jaw. "I've missed you so much."

   He leaned in kissing her tenderly. He pulled back and looked into her deep brown eyes. "I love you Catlyn Lee Lyte and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me."

   She had to let him know she was willing to do her part in making this thing between them work. "Jack, I left the FBI fulltime. I will consult for them as needed but I will no longer be in the field."

   Jack was so relieved. He wasn't going to live without her anymore and he was going to try and respect her as a woman capable of making her own decisions. He was immensely happy that she wouldn't be putting her life in danger for work.

   Teasingly he asked, "So, why'd you pick Newburgh, NY to hang your academic hat?"

   "Well, there is this oh, so, sexy alpha male, that lives here." Catlyn teased back, kissing his lips.

   Jack stood, taking her with him. Without breaking the kiss he guided her to the sofa on the other side of her office. Coming up for air he gently laid her down. Keeping their gazes locked he lay on top of her making room between her legs for his bulk. "So are you going to go and get this alpha male?"

   "Mmm, I most certainly am going to try. Any suggestions on how I can get my guy?" She put her arms around him as he started pressing lingering kisses to her neck.

   "You already have him, Kitten. He's yours. Can he have you?"

   "I've always been his." She kissed his ear and whispered. "Since the moment I looked into his eyes, I was his."

   "Oh, Kitten." He kissed her deeply, pushing his erection against her mound. When their passion threatened to overtake his common sense, he pulled back, breathing heavy. "If I don't stop now, we are going to find out what it's like to make love in your office." Jack sat up, straightening his clothes and then helped her to sit up.

   He then went down on one knee and pulled a black jeweler's box from his front jeans' pocket. "Besides, when we make love for the first time in 6 months, I want you to be my fiancée." Smiling at her totally shocked look, he took her hand. "Catlyn Lee Lyte, I love you. I can't breathe without you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

   Catlyn threw her arms around him, kissing his face; his eyes, ears, mouth and each kiss was accompanied with a breathless, "Yes."

   Jack laughed, returning each kiss. He took a moment to slip the ring on her shaking finger.

   With tears in her eyes, she looked at the ring. She gasped at its beauty. But she also recognized the setting. It matched the earrings he gave her on Valentine's Day. The earrings she was still wearing.

   "It's beautiful Jack. Thank you."

   "Baby, I am willing to do anything you want regarding the wedding plans. All I ask is that it be soon. I've been waiting

25 years to make you mine."

   "My only requirement for a wedding is that I want Mackenzie as my maid of honor. And, she may need a couple more months for healing."

   Jack stood and sat next to her. "I've kept in close contact with Kyle. He told me Mackenzie came out of her coma four months ago. How is she healing and dealing?"

   "It's slow going mentally. She doesn't remember much from the moments after she left the dance off. She was pissed she wasn't able to give a statement on how she was injured or who she was pursuing."

   "It's ok. We were able to find everything we needed at Anderson's house. Even all the papers regarding his identity switch with the real private Tyron Anderson while on deployment in Afghanistan. Miles Dalton was listed as one of the casualties in an early morning attack. It was there he probably switch dog-tags with the real Anderson. Tell Mackenzie not to worry. I've made sure Tyron Anderson's name was cleared and his benefits went to his real survivors if any, which I doubt since Miles Dalton Jr. was able to switch identities with no one being the wiser. I also had the record set straight for Gunnery Sgt. Delbert Jenks. We found an adult daughter in North Carolina. She was sad he is gone but happy he died protecting a woman from a bad person, which is most likely what really happened that day of the dance with Mackenzie. It's ok if she needs more time to heal. Tell her to take it slow."

   "Physically she is totally healed. But, Kyle still won't allow her into full active duty. And that is just driving her a little bit stir crazy. I invited her to come spend some time with me."

   Jack shook his head. "A more clueless couple I've never met."

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