Read Guarding Light Online

Authors: Cate Mckoy

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fiction

Guarding Light (5 page)

BOOK: Guarding Light
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   He lay back on the sofa and thrust his pelvis. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her towards him. "Baby, don't stop, but, give me your mouth."

   Catlyn followed his instructions, gasping as he took her mouth roughly but not painfully. He thrust his tongue strongly in her mouth, and caressed her breast as she continued to pump her hand up and down on his shaft. He moaned into her mouth.

   Catlyn was getting that weak feeling again. The more she stroked Jack the wetter she got and she too moaned as they kissed.

   Suddenly, Jack pulled away, his chest heaving as he watched her hand, and then his shaft jerked in her hands and seem to get even bigger and then began spurting a creamy, pearl white, stream of come. Catlyn caught some of the come and stroked it along his shaft as she continued to milk him. Jack gave a shout as his penis slowed its pulsing.

   He gently took her hand off his cock and in his, kissing it. He took her fully in his arms and collapsed back against the sofa. "Jesus, Kitten, you almost killed me." She smiled happily, knowing he meant it in a good way.

   They took turns cleaning up in the bathroom, getting dressed. It was almost 10:00pm. Jack sat on the sofa with a sad look on his face, looking at Catlyn as she stood next to the TV.

   "Kitten, you know we can never do this again, right?"

   Catlyn gave a resigned acknowledgment of his question.

   "God, if you were my age, I'd take a chance on upsetting my dad about our different races just to be with you. But even I can't forgive messing with a kid."

   "Weren't you just 'messing' with a kid?" Catlyn was a little hurt.

   Jack's eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. "Yeah, you're right. This was out of bounds too. But the big difference here is you asked, no, make that begged, me to." His voice took on a steely edge. A tone he never used with her before.

   He saw the tears spring to her eyes and cursed under his breath. "Kitten, I wanted it just as much as you did, if not more." He sighed. "I guess I just feel a little ashamed."

   "B-because, I am black?" She asked with tears in her voice.

   "Hell NO!" Jack stood and took her in his arms. "I don't want to hear you say that shit again. Of course, it's not because you're black. It's because I am 18 and you are 15."

   "It's only three years Jack."

   "Three years which covers breaking a law, speak to me when you're 18 and I am 21."

   She knew he would not be moved from his position on the matter so Catlyn changed the subject. "Are we still friends?"

   Jack hugged her tightly to him. "Yes, I will
be your friend Catlyn. But I can't be alone with you like this anymore. I will hang out here with you if someone else is here, Tasha, Sara or Sam. I doubt I could trust myself alone with you now that I've had a taste of you and felt how good we are together."

   "Isn't it always good?" she looked into his eyes.

   Jack smiled sadly at her innocence, once again feeling ashamed at having even touched her. How can she still be so naïve after what Dark had put her through? "Let's just say it isn't always as explosive." He told her with a jaded smirk, thinking of his first time with Sandra Marks when he was 16 in the back seat of his dad's borrowed car. His fumbled attempts to please her had lasted about 2 minutes. And he had lasted about 10 seconds after she had taken him in her mouth. She had shrugged with a nonchalance that Jack now knew came with someone who was used to sex, telling him with worldly knowledge, 'Don't worry kid, with the equipment you have all you need is a few practice runs and you'll have them coming screaming and lining up to fuck you.' Frowning, he recalled Sandra had been 20 when she took his virginity. There was a 4 years difference between him and the one who took his virginity. Same law had applied but it felt different when it was a female who was the younger one. It felt wrong.

   Catlyn frowned when he did, not sure he knew how happy he had made her. "Well, we were explosive and I don't regret doing it, even though we can't do it again. Thank you, Jack."

   He gave her that sad smile and took her in his arms one last time, kissing her slowly.

   Withdrawing he whispered, "Thank you, Kitten." He stepped back, sighing and giving her an wary look. "Listen, I am gonna be asking Sara out officially." When she bowed her head he continued, feeling like an ass. "I know it's pretty awful telling you this right after our first…" Jack paused not sure what to call what just happened between them. "…But I really don't want to just show up in school one day with Sara in my arms without you knowing before-hand."

   She looked up with tears in her eyes, making him swear again. "Damn it, Catlyn, I don't want to hurt you. But you and I can't be together."

   Catlyn nodded and whispered, "Are you going to ask her tonight?"

   Jack's eyes widen. "Christ, no, I couldn't so soon after we…we, uh, I mean…"

   "I know what you mean and thank you."

   "Don't thank me. I feel like such a shit. But, I really, really need to get you off my mind and out of my head." And he clarified, "Besides, I really like Sara a lot. I've been crushing on her for 2 years."

   "If I can't have you then I am glad it's Sara. She is a great friend."

   "So you are ok with me and Sara getting together?"

   Catlyn frowned, shaking her head. "Does it matter whether I am ok with it or not. It's not like I could stop you, right?"

   Jack gave her a strange look and shook his head. "I am leaving before you realize just how much power you do wield." With those cryptic words and even more puzzling look he was gone.

   Since that night he was true to his word. He treated her as one of his best friends, eating lunch with her in school, taking her out with Sara to the mall and movies. But he had kept his distance if they found themselves alone. He rarely touched her on purpose. A few times he jokingly pulled one of her braids and another time he had grabbed her around the waist to pull her out of the way of a group of guys fighting in the hallway. He had quickly lifted her off her feet placing her behind him as the wave of fighting bodies trapped them in a corner. When the fight had ended he turned placing his hands at her waist, asking if she were ok. Catlyn had only been able to nod since his touch had set her heart to beating furiously. With the exception of those few touches he had been a perfect gentleman, a perfect friend. He was a great guy.

   Yes, he was one great guy and Sara was a great girl. And they were her friends. And that made Catlyn happy. Now if Sara would just get here and tell her how Jack finally made his move everything would be great!

   Glancing at her wristwatch under one of the field's lamp posts, Catlyn thought of the fit her mom would throw for being out this late. Catlyn understood her mom's very strict attitude towards her activities.

   May Lyte was a single mother working as a CNA at a local nursing home while she took night time college credits towards her RN degree and license. May was doing everything alone. And all she had was her exceptionally bright daughter.

   Long ago Catlyn had asked about her father. Her mother got a distant look and told the tragic story of her father's death. He was black and Cherokee Indian mixed. Catlyn's paternal grandfather was 100% Cherokee and had lived on a reservation.

   Catlyn's grandfather had slept with a black woman but had married a Native woman who also lived on the reservation. He had also kept a house in town and had 'kept' Catlyn's grandmother, giving her no greater status than a mistress or a whore.

   Catlyn's father Lightfeather (named for his agility, so light on his feet) had been disillusioned and had been known to quote his father. "'I had to keep my heritage alive with a Native woman. I could not contaminate the blood line with half breeds'". Those words and her grandfather's actions towards her father had breed contempt in her father for all things Native. Her grandfather had forced her father to spend half his year on the reservation and half his year at the house in town with his mother, forced him to spend time with his full blooded Cherokee siblings, while her grandfather went into town and spent time with his black mistress, Catlyn's grandmother.

   By the time her father was 18 he had been so filled with hatred and rage towards his father that he denied all things Cherokee. He had changed his name from Lightfeather to Lee Lyte and never went back to the reservation again, never visited or spoke to his 13 half brothers and sisters again.

   Her father had said 'a black woman gave birth to me, a black woman raised me. So, I have no desire for any other kind of woman'. Ironically, Lee Lyte had died in a bar fight defending a Cherokee woman who had been harassed by some male patrons. One of the guys had pulled a knife, plunging it deep into Lee Lyte's chest. He was dead before he hit the ground, leaving a pregnant wife behind, Catlyn's mother.

   Catlyn was curious about her unknown relatives but out of respect for both her parents she never mentioned them or tried to seek them out. Because her mother worked so hard to give her all she needed and some of what she wanted Catlyn respected and admired her mother and didn't mind following her very strict and sometimes austere rules. With that in mind, if Sara didn't show soon she would have to leave before her mother started to worry.

   Catlyn heard the gravel shift from behind and turned. "It's about ti-" Catlyn's words died in her throat as she came face to face with J.T. Dark.







Chapter 2


   His smile was pure evil. "Yes, I know. It is way pass time."

   Catlyn trembled as she nervously looked left and then right just now realizing how deserted the school's field was. She glanced at the road in the distance behind her and started to slowly back away from J.T.

   "W-what are you doing h-here?" Catlyn sought to distract him as she inched back another step, glancing over her shoulder, looking for anyone.

   J.T. kept pace with her as he inched forward. "Why, my little Cat I am here to collect!"

   Catlyn kept a steady retreat towards the road behind her. It was late but cars still passed intermittently.

   "C-c-collect?" Catlyn's heart raced in fear and her stomach turned.

   "I came to get my taste of your pussy! You were a bad girl giving your cherry to Jack." His smile turned to a grim frown. "I had been priming you since you got here. That cherry was mine and you went ahead and gave it to the town's golden boy, Jack Anthony Gard." With lighting speed he reached out and grabbed her wrist. "And what did it get you?" He didn't wait for an answer, "Nothing you stupid bitch!"

   Catlyn pulled against his hold. His grip felt like iron around her wrist. "No, let me go!"

   He pulled her hard, forcing her to stumble against him. "Jack just wanted to taste some dark meat and he was lucky to get your cherry. But right now he's balls deep in some juicy Sara Dolson pussy."

   Suddenly, Catlyn knew that she couldn't fight right now. She needed to get that crazy gleam from his eyes. Trying to force her erratic breathing under control, she stopped struggling against J.T.

   "Y-you're right?" Catlyn put a shaking hand to his chest, starting to rub it in a soothing circular motion.

   J.T.'s eyes narrowed in suspicion. "I am, huh?" His hold had loosened and he reached up to place his hand on hers against his chest.

   "Y-yes", Catlyn looked up at J.T. He still looked crazy but not as mean. His eyes were too bright and glazed and his breathing too shallow, he almost panted.

   J.T. stared into her eyes. Then his head began to slowly lower. He was going to kiss her. Disgust flashed through Catlyn and as he closed his eyes she gave his chest a hard shove, putting all her strength behind it.

   J.T. was falling, Catlyn was turning. She ran full out. She was in great shape and knew she was fast and she had a few seconds head start. She didn't look back. Catlyn kept her eyes on the streetlamp in the distance. Her legs pumped furiously and her feet pounded the ground. She was almost there. In a few seconds she would be in the full glow of the streetlight and cars in any direction would see her, just a few more seconds. Five, four, three… SLAM!!

   Catlyn's face hit the ground, it actually bounced. A metallic taste rushed her mouth as it flooded with blood. In a dazed fog she realized she had been tackled. Before she could recover her breath J.T. was on his feet, grabbing her ankle, delivering a painful kick to her side. Fire seemed to burst from the point of contact to her side.

   Attempting to scream, Catlyn grasped at the ground as he began to drag her along the field by her foot, twisting it as she resisted. Her scream was a weak whimper, as J.T. paused to give another kick to the same side. Catlyn saw stars behind her closed eyelids as pain exploded down her entire left side.

   Catlyn tried to slow his progress by kicking out with her free foot and clawing her hands along the ground as the terrain changed from grass to dirt to gravel. J.T. made his way across the large lot.

   Catlyn felt her fingernails break and bend as she pulled up grass and dirt. Tears streaming down her face, she realized J.T. was making his way towards the large wooded area surrounding the school's back property. The woods were dense and camouflaged all sorts of activities many of the kids participated in while skipping. Catlyn had heard the rumors of it being a great place to make out, smoke pot or just hang.

   Realizing no one would hear or see her if J.T. made it to the thick foliage, Catlyn doubled her efforts. She had gained some of her breath. Opening her mouth she screamed for all she was worth, kicking at J.T.'s legs with her free appendage.

   J.T. countered with a kick to her side again and one to her head. Nausea swamped her stomach and dizziness stole her vision for precious seconds. Catlyn force herself not to lose consciousness. However she must have been out for a minute or two. The next she was cognizant she was already in the deep part of the woods, darkness had fully fallen. J.T. was a dark gloomy, looming figure. He was mumbling under his breath. Catlyn felt cool air on her legs and realized with renewed panic she was naked from the waist down except for her panties.

BOOK: Guarding Light
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