Gun Moll (29 page)

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Authors: Bethany-Kris,Erin Ashley Tanner

BOOK: Gun Moll
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“Doll, to say you
look amazing would be an understatement.”

Melina blushed
beneath Mac’s praise. She did look good after another morning spent being
pampered, courtesy of her lover. A day at the spa had done wonders for her,
although she couldn’t help but wonder just how much the little retreat had cost
him. When she’d asked, he refused to tell her. Part of her had wanted to argue,
but she knew better than to keep pressing Mac about something when his mind was
made up.

“I have you to
thank for that.”

She gave him a
saucy wink before she faced him again.

“All I did was
make sure that you got the treatment you deserve.”

“Well, I want you
to know that I appreciate it.”

Mac cupped her
chin in his hand. “You’re welcome. Are you ready?”

Melina sighed. “As
ready as I’ll ever be. I still wish we didn’t have to go.”

“Me too. There are
better ways we could spend an evening than with sharks.”

“You’re right
about that, but I never run from anything and I’m not about to start now. Let’s

Melina took one
last look at herself in the mirror, admiring the way the black fitted dress
with strategic cutouts accentuated the curves of her body. The four-and-a-half-inch
stilettos she wore did wonders for showcasing her calf muscles. Instead of her
usual curly mass of hair that hung down her back, her hair was slicked into a
low ponytail to show off the simple black cross earrings that she wore proudly to
match Mac’s necklace. A girl could get used to this kind of treatment.

She held tight to
Mac’s arm as he lead her outside and opened the car door for her. She didn’t
want to think that she was getting sappy and losing her edge, but her new
relationship made her want to show more of her softer side. With Mac, she was
realizing that she didn’t always have to be a tigress. Sometimes, it was all right
to let someone else take charge.

As Mac started the
car, she couldn’t help glancing at him. She was a lucky girl, indeed. The suit
he wore fit like it was made for him, showing off his toned and fit physique. A
physique that she hadn’t been able to stop herself from enjoying every chance
that she got.

“Doll, if you keep
looking at me like that, we’re going to be late for this party.”

Melina licked her
lips. “Why?”

“Because I’m going
to pull this car over and fuck your brains out.”

“As much as that
thought appeals to me, we don’t need to make a late entrance. I’m sure it
wouldn’t be looked on well.”

“No, it wouldn’t.
You’re learning fast how this life works.”

Melina shrugged.
“Only the strong survive.”

“That’s one way of
looking at it.”

Mac reached for
her hand and brought it to his lips before he held it tight in his hand. They
were silent as he drove. Melina couldn’t help thinking about what the night
ahead would bring for them. Obviously, Neeya Pivetti liked her, or else she
wouldn’t have been invited to return to the opulent mansion, but Luca still
wasn’t keen on her. Melina only hoped that at least he would be a little less
rude than he’d been last time. Twenty minutes later, the Pivetti mansion loomed
in front of them. The familiar sight of men patrolling the massive grounds
greeted them.

“Time to walk into
the snake pit,” Melina said.

“Crush them with your
heels, doll.”

Melina smiled. If
need be, she’d do just that. Mac helped her from the car and tucked her arm
through his as they walked up to the large mansion. Before they could even ring
the doorbell, the door was opened and they were ushered inside by the same
woman that had cleaned their shoes the last time they’d visited.

“Welcome to the
home of Luca and Neeya Pivetti. Our hosts await you in the ballroom.”

The woman turned
and snapped her fingers, and another member of the household stepped forward in
the familiar black and white and beckoned for them to follow him to the
ballroom. Opulence screamed at her from every corner.

Did it really take
all of this to live?

No, it didn’t, but
one thing she’d learned in her short exposure to Cosa Nostra, was that
appearance was everything.

When she and Mac
entered the ballroom, all eyes focused on them. Melina felt like prey being
sized up by a gang of predators. All conversation had stopped as she and Mac
were stared at like a circus attraction.

“Ignore them. Keep
walking,” Mac whispered.

She nodded and plastered
a haughty smile on her face. This was a game and she could play it with the
best of them. Melina tossed her ponytail over her shoulder and walked
confidently into the ballroom with Mac. Slowly, the conversations around them
started to resume and she leaned closer to him.

“I don’t like
this,” Mac said. “Something’s not right.”

“That’s an

Melina took in the
décor of the ballroom. Once again, no expense had been spared in the evening’s
decorations. Neeya Pivetti had impeccable taste.

“Mac, what a

Melina rolled her
eyes as Guido approached them. A cigar stuck out of the jacket pocket of his
designer suit, but it did nothing to hide his large form.

“Skip,” Mac said.

Guido’s gaze roved
over Melina and she fought the urge to curl her lip in disgust.

“I see you’ve
brought your girl with you. My, my, she looks good enough to eat every time I
see her.”

Mac’s hand
tightened around hers. She didn’t need to look at his face to see that he
didn’t appreciate his Capo’s comment. It was highly suggestive and downright
disrespectful. If Guido were any other man, there was no question in her mind
that Mac would’ve beaten him to a pulp for what he’d said. No doubt, Guido knew
it, too, or he wouldn’t be standing there with such a shit-eating grin on his

“A man is nothing
without a good woman by his side,” Mac finally said.

“Hmm. For some men
that’s true, I suppose. Me, I’ve always prided myself on paving my own way.”

“That’s one of the
things I love most about Mac. He’s a made man in all the ways that matter,”
Melina said.

Guido laughed and
Melina’s jaw tightened. The urge to kick him in the balls rose up strong, but
she forced herself to remain calm. She and Mac were in enough shit, and despite
her intense dislike of his Capo, she wouldn’t allow herself to go off
half-cocked and further complicate things.

Mac’s eyes found
hers. “You couldn’t have given me a higher compliment, doll.”

Guido rubbed a
hand over his face. “Mac, I never thought I’d see you let a female take your
balls like that. But then again, she is the only reason you’re here tonight to
begin with. Enjoy your evening.”

Without another
word, the pudgy Capo walked away, hands in his pockets.

“I got away with
killing Tip and he was a made man. Think I could put a bullet in him too
without consequences?” Melina asked.

Mac laughed before
he kissed her on the cheek. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he looked at
her. “Are you trying to make me embarrass myself in here?”

Melina raised a
brow. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You holding a gun
is enough to get my cock hard no matter the time, place or situation.”

“Nice to know I
have that effect on you but I’m serious. What the fuck was up with him? He was deliberately
being an asshole.”

Mac’s eyes
narrowed on a spot across the room where Guido stood, talking with Vin.

“Guido is an
asshole on his worst days. There was something different about him tonight. It
was almost like he was deliberately trying to goad me into something.”

“I thought the
same thing, but why? You’re his best guy. It doesn’t make sense.”

“A simple little
thing called jealousy, doll. It has been known to destroy empires.”

Melina looked
around the ballroom, eyeing the rest of the partygoers. She recognized some of
the botoxed, bone-thin women she’d seen the last time. A few of them tossed her
mocking glances, baring their teeth.

“I thought men in
Cosa Nostra were supposed to be above foolishness like that,” Melina said.

“Maybe in times
past. These days, honor and respect are not the staples they used to be for
some men.”

Melina rolled her
eyes at some of the women staring at her before she turned her attention back
to Mac. “Be careful. Please.”

Mac smiled softly.
“Always. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”

Melina cleared her
throat. “Good. I’ve just gotten used to having you around. I’d hate to have to
mess up my makeup by crying at your funeral.”

Mac laughed. “Don’t
want to mess up your makeup, huh? That’s a good reason.”

“What can I say? I
can’t have you thinking I’ve gone completely soft.”

“No danger there.
I know firsthand your bark is as just as bad as your bite,” Mac teased.


She turned at the
sound of a woman’s voice calling her name.

“Neeya,” Melina

The regal-looking
woman wore a deep burgundy gown that highlighted her slim waist and figure. The
strapless dress showcased her toned arms. With easy grace, Neeya Pivetti made
her way to Melina’s side.

“You look
wonderful, dear,” Neeya greeted her.

“I can say the
same. You look very queenly,” Melina said.

“Ah, this old

“You wear it well,
Mrs. Pivetti,” Mac said.

“I appreciate the
compliment, Mac. Either your mother raised you right, or Melina has whipped you
into shape quite nicely.”

Melina laughed. “I
can’t take all the credit for this one. His mother is a formidable woman.”

“Indeed, she must
be. Now, Mac, if you don’t mind, I’m going to steal your lovely date for a
little while. I believe you’ll find my husband in his study. He wants to see

“Yes, ma’am,” Mac
said to Neeya before turning to Melina. “Don’t have too much fun without me,

With a wink, he
was off in search of Luca, leaving Melina alone with Neeya.

“My, I’d recognize
that look anywhere,” Neeya said.

“And what look
would that be?”

“Of a woman in

Melina’s eyes
snapped to Neeya’s. She wanted to deny it, but somehow she knew that it would
be pointless to lie to a woman like the Pivetti Don’s wife.

“Love makes you
vulnerable. It’s why I’ve always fought so hard against it.”

Neeya offered her
a smile. “I’m glad you didn’t deny it.”

“I’m sure a woman
like you can spot liars a mile away. There was no point in lying.”

“You’d be right
about that. In this lifestyle, you have to be perceptive. It can be the
difference between living to see another day or never opening your eyes again.”

“So I’m learning.
How do you deal with it? The backstabbing? The dishonesty?”

“I suppose I
should tell you something about me, Melina. Though I grew up with wealth, it
came with a price. My life now as Luca’s wife is not so very different from
mine in South Africa. There was death, dishonesty and greed around every
corner. Everyone is and remains a suspect. How you survive is simply to trust
no one and always, always have an escape path.”

Melina sighed.
“That sounds like a lonely way to live.”

Neeya shrugged.
“It can be, but life is all in what you make it. I’m used to living life at the
top of the food chain and I will accept nothing less than the best. And if that
means I have to be on my guard a little more than usual, then so be it.”

“You’re a stronger
woman than I.”

“You’re stronger
than you give yourself credit for. You came into this pit of vipers tonight,
despite the fact that you were not greeted warmly on your last visit, and in
spite of the whispers of unrest.”

“It would’ve been
rude to refuse such an invitation. I’m sure you or your husband would not have
taken kindly to it.”

Neeya folded her
arms. “And you’re avoiding what I just said. I know what’s going on, Melina.”

“Well, then you
know that Mac and I have to watch our backs at every turn and we have no idea
who is behind this.”

“Don’t you? Come
now, dear, you’re a bright girl. The answer is already in front of you. The
question is when are you going to do something about it?”

A passing waiter
stopped and offered them a flute of champagne. Melina quickly downed the
contents of her glass before reaching for another one.

“I’m not like you.
You’re the wife of a Don. People respect you. Since I hooked up with Mac, I’ve
been treated like the dirt on the bottom of a shoe because of the color of my
skin. I’ve been called a whore of the worst kind. Sometimes, I wonder if Mac
would be better off without me.”

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