Gun Shy (9 page)

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Authors: Emma Hillman

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Gun Shy
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Chapter Ten



“Christ,” Scott muttered as Kristyn slowly lowered herself onto his cock.

It was so hot inside her, so damn tight too thanks to the plug still lodged in her ass. In a few minutes, Drew would take its place, turning the threesome they’d fantasized about into a reality. For now, however, Scott’s hands clamped onto her hips, holding her in place and forcing her to stay still for a little while.

She looked down and glared at him. “I want to move!” Her hips rocked up but he countered her movement.

“Not yet. Not yet,” he replied, his gaze focusing on her lovely breasts. Her palms were on his shoulders as she held herself up over him, the nipples he’d pinched earlier teasing him. He contracted his abs and took one into his mouth, sucking on it until he heard her cry out above him.

“Not that I’m not enjoying the show, guys, but I need something here,” Drew’s voice rang out, interrupting the moment.

They were right on the edge of the bed, Scott’s feet flat on the floor while she straddled him. He laid back and watched as his friend stepped behind her. Drew’s hand pressed on her back, forcing her to lean over.

Scott felt her body start to tense. Knowing what was going to happen, he drew his palms over her back, tracing her spine with infinite care. She snuggled closer to him, her breath brushing the side of his neck.

Drew didn’t warn them he was taking out the toy, but they both felt it. She inhaled sharply, her nails digging into Scott’s skin for a moment before they let go.

It was an odd sensation to feel the plug move through that thin membrane inside her. It felt even weirder when he felt his friend’s cock breach her rose, felt it slowly slide into her, forcing its way deeper and deeper until both men were both lodged to the end of her.

“Oh God. That’s… Oh God!” Kris’ voice broke on the last word.

“Are you okay?” Scott asked, worried they’d pushed her too far too fast. “Baby?” He brushed his palm over her hair. “Kris?”

“I’m…I’m okay. I think.”

“Take your time,” Drew said.

The two friends looked at each other, both probably thinking the same thing. They’d done it! She was theirs. It wasn’t just a dream anymore; it was real. Scott’s cock hardened even more, and he realized he needed to start moving otherwise he’d blow soon. Too soon.

“Can we start moving, darling?”

A small “Yeah” drifted from between their bodies.

One more look at Drew and he knew just what to do. He waited for his friend to slide out of her, felt him stop just before the head of his cock would have left her before pushing back in.

He was slow and so was Scott when he took over. They kept alternating, never speeding up, giving her time to get used to the both of them. It was good, it was, but she wasn’t making those throaty little moans anymore. He missed those.

Worried she wasn’t going to come, he stopped moving and looked up.


It took Kristyn a little while to realize they’d stopped.

Oh, they were both still inside her, their cocks pulsing and hard, oh so very hard, a presence anchoring her to the bed. She felt stretched beyond belief, beyond anything she had ever imagined. It was odd and good and bad all rolled up at the same time.

It was also a good thing she’d been very aroused before because she’d gotten disconnected from what they were doing a few minutes into the whole Let’s-Sandwich-Kristyn scene. Too much thinking had always been her downfall, she mused to herself.

“What’s wrong?” she finally asked.

“You’re not close, are you?” Scott’s fingers curled into her hair, forcing her head up so he could meet her gaze.

She thought about lying then realized there was really no point. “No. Not really.”

“It’s that bad?” Drew commented behind her.

She turned her head so she could see him over her shoulder. “It’s not bad. It’s just…” she paused, wondering how to describe her feelings out loud.

“It’s just not good either?” he suggested.

She frowned, bit her lip then nodded. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize!” Scott forced her to turn around again. “We’re here to make you feel good. We want you to enjoy it, not the contrary.”

“I… I like it. It’s just not… Argh! I don’t know.”

“You need more.”

“Huh?” she asked. Seriously? She already had two cocks inside her! She didn’t need any more, not now, and probably not for a long time to come.

The two men had another one of their silent conversations, looking over her as if she wasn’t there, as if she wasn’t clasped tight around both of their dicks. She nearly rolled her eyes but found she didn’t have the energy left. Threesomes were tiring.

But not as tiring as what they had in mind for her…


It hadn’t taken long for them to take over. Drew pulled on her shoulders, forcing her to lean back against his chest. She breathed out, probably because of how she’d moved on his cock. Her ass was so fucking tight, virginal-tight. The thought made him growl, and he slid his hands up her front, from her hips to her heavy breasts.

He cupped them, spreading his fingers wide so her nipples peeked out between them. Once he felt her relax a little, he caught Scott’s gaze and nodded.

Drew watched as his friend’s hand snaked between her widespread thighs. He knew when Scott found her clit as she tightened around him, around them, in an immediate reaction. He groaned, Scott groaned, she groaned.

Emboldened by her apparent appreciation, he lowered on his haunches and slipped out of her, inch by slow inch. At the same time, he squeezed his fingers tight around her nipples, not letting go until he thrust back up.

She gasped.

Spurred by her newfound enthusiasm, he waited for Scott to play some more with her, fingering her clit before rocking his hips upward, and then Drew did it all over again. They took turns, but this time they made sure to play with her at all times. Before long Kris was growling at them to hurry, to fuck her harder, to finish this damn thing.

They happily gave in to her demands. Their movements erratic, their thrusts short and powerful, they took her over and over again.

Her body bounced between theirs, and her mouth opened on a silent scream when Drew felt her clench around his dick.

“Kris?” he called out, but she didn’t answer. He leaned forward and realized her eyes were closed. She appeared out of it. And maybe she was, he mused as his balls draw up. He was nearly there, too. His control had held on until now, but if she was really that near the point of no return, it meant he’d be able to let go, too. “Fuck.”

“One more!” she suddenly screamed.

He automatically tightened his grasp on her nipples, knew Scott did the same to her clit. One more push from him, one more push from his friend, and she shattered between them, around them, drawing them closer to the brink. Tight, so tight. Fuck, she was too tight and burning hot and… “Yes!”

* * * *

And she’d thought she was tired… Kristyn thought as she felt her eyes close hours later. She had been, but they’d caressed her and kissed her again, sparks igniting inside her until she’d leaned back and spread her thighs wide, ready for more.

Scott had decreed her rose was still open enough for him to take her there, to try at least. She’d watched him put on another condom, his cock so much thicker than his friend’s, and she hadn’t been able to stop herself from freezing up on the spot.

They’d taken it slow again, however, and he’d been right. It had hurt a whole lot less than the first time around, her ass allowing him inside with barely a pinch. Maybe she’d grown used to the sensation, too, because she had quite liked it.

On her hands and knees, she’d waited for Drew to level himself in front of her, his dick stopping inches from her face.

His hands on her cheeks, he’d forced her mouth wide open, wider and wider, until he’d pushed his way inside. Fingers then spread into her hair he’d established a smooth rhythm, enabling her to still breathe easily. He’d fucked her mouth while Scott had fucked her ass.

When she thought about it now, she wondered if she’d really allowed them to do that. And yet she’d been craving this. She’d wanted to let go for so long now, yearning to be carefree like she used to be. Her teen years might have been a mess, but she’d grown up since then. She knew what she was doing these days. She had a job, a home, friends. Lovers…

She rolled around in bed and encountered empty space. Opening her eyes, she jerked up to a sitting position and blinked. Darkness met her. No, not darkness per se. It was obviously close to dawn as a pale light filtered through the shutters to light a corner of the room. She was still in Scott’s bedroom, his usual mess a giveaway even if she hadn’t remembered where she’d fallen asleep.

Hold on. She frowned. The piles of clothes were different. Squinting, she leaned forward, the sheet covering her pooling down around her waist. There were empty spots on the floor; that was why!

“Scott?” she called out.


They’d left.

Of course, they had. They were supposed to leave for one of their secret SEAL missions, and even though they’d made love all night long, they hadn’t woken her…or even told her how long they were going to be deployed.

Tears appeared in her eyes. She tried to fight them back, not wanting to react to their departure like any other woman would. She should have realized what they’d done last night was just an interlude for them. There’d been no talk of emotions or feelings. It had simply been sex.

Good sex, even great sex, but just sex.

She was still their roommate. “The Housekeeper” as she’d been nicknamed, the one woman they’d never find attractive. She snorted as she climbed out of the bed and padded naked to her bedroom.

She just had to forget what had happened. After all she had no idea when they’d be back, and she knew she couldn’t count on them. They were men. They’d wanted sex, or maybe they’d wanted to try a threesome. What did she know? Not much apparently.

Hands forming into fists at her sides, she stood in the middle of her room and closed her eyes. No, it was for the better. She had an image to uphold, at work and in the outside world. No one could know what had happened during those few hours when she’d forgotten about her new self and had reverted to the woman she’d left in the lurch all those years ago. The promiscuous teenager who’d traded sexual favors in the hope of gaining friends. The young woman who’d thought giving blowjobs to men would mean they’d like her and would invite her to be a part of their lives.

No, that woman had died. Kristyn wasn’t her anymore.

So what were you doing last night?

Something she’d never do again; that was what.

She’d lost control, but that would never happen again. Kristyn Tucker was a junior high English teacher, all prim and proper. She wore shapeless clothes and would remain a spinster until the end of time. She would never date Navy SEALs or even think about having sex with them. She would cook for them, clean their house and even tend to their garden and assorted bills. But she would never, ever again lay in their arms, naked and coming her head off.





Chapter Eleven



Scott knew they had a problem as soon as he stepped into the kitchen. He’d been expecting a welcome back unlike anything they’d experienced before. They probably shouldn’t have talked about her so much while they’d lain in wait for their targets to show up, but they hadn’t been able to help themselves.

In the cold dark night, they’d lain there and discussed what they’d done, what they’d do, what would happen when they arrived home and she saw them. She’d scream, maybe even cry and she’d get naked straight away, eager to feel them inside her. She’d have missed them so much after all…

That had been a very nice fantasy, and it looked as if it would remain one.

Kristyn turned around and greeted them with a smile on her face. Check. She wasn’t wearing lingerie, but then she couldn’t possibly have known they’d be back today so that wasn’t an issue. But she
wearing the clothes she usually kept for her time at work. Ugly khaki-colored slacks and an even uglier white blouse that looked starchy enough to itch like the devil.

Before they’d gone on mission, she’d started changing clothes as soon as she arrived back from work. Now, it was already dark outside. Why was she still wearing those?

Forcing the thoughts away, he said, his voice soft, “Hey, baby.”

“Hi. Welcome back.” She wiped her hands on a dishtowel, her gaze never meeting his. “How was your trip?”

“Fine. Long. We missed you.”

He heard Drew stop behind him and took a step to the left so Drew could stand beside him instead. They needed to appear united in this…whatever it was. Worry gnawed at him. Had something happened while they were gone? Was that it?

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