Gym Boys (21 page)

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Authors: Shane Allison

Tags: #Gym Boys

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Cam would and could take anything Trey dished out to him. “Oh god, yes.”

Three fingers crammed in his ass. Cam yelled out, the harsh sound echoing in the room.

“Aren't you glad you have your own gym?” Trey taunted him, his fingers flexing and scissoring in the tight clasp of Cam's bumhole. “There's nothing like a post-workout fucking, is there?”

Cam barely heard what the other man said, and he didn't care. The only thing he could concentrate on was the packed-full feeling in his rectum, the need to come again beating at his brain. Dropping his upper body so that his shoulders rested on the mat, he reached down with one hand and fisted his aching dick. Teeth bit down on the curve of his raised ass and he nearly came then and there, the little bit of pain making the pleasure burn all the hotter.

“Naughty boy,” Trey breathed across his ass before he licked the throbbing spot. Still pumping his fingers in and out, he reached round with his other hand, placing it over Cam's as he jacked himself. “God, you're sexy.”

“Then fuck me.”

Trey's hands slipped away and Cam couldn't hold back his moan.

“If you want me to fuck you, show me how much you want me,” Trey demanded softly. “Me and no one else.”

Knowing what he wanted, Cam reached behind him. His hands grasped his own asscheeks, pulling them apart to expose the pucker of his anus. “I want you, Trey. Just you.”

The growl that came from behind him sent a visceral thrill racing up Cam's spine. He closed his eyes, savoring the feel of the blunt head of Trey's cock pressing against his asshole. He bit his lip as his anus started to give, tremors shaking him as his body slowly accepted the thick intrusion of Trey's dick. Sweat broke out over his skin in a feverish rush. Even preparing him with three fingers wasn't enough for Trey to enter him easily. He was just too damn big. The taste of blood filled Cam's mouth as his lip gave beneath the pressure of his teeth. It wasn't pleasure that filled him with Trey's cock; it was pure fucking ecstasy.

Trey's big hands smoothed over his back and ass. “That's it, baby, just a little bit more.”

Desperation raked jagged claws down Cam's body. “I want you in me. Now. Please.”

Trey's hips snapped forward, his dick buried to the hilt. Pressed up against Cam's butt, he ground himself into him. “Is that what you want?”

Gasping, barely able to breathe, Cam choked out, “Yes.”

Anchoring his hands on Cam's hips, Trey pulled back and thrust forward. Once. Twice. The third time, he stayed deep. “Look up, baby. I want you to watch me fuck you. I want you to see what you do to me.”

Cam did as he was told. Resting his chin on the floor, his arms stretched out and braced in front of him, he watched as Trey fucked him. His teeth clattered with the force of Trey's thrusts. Their flesh slapped together as loud as thunder, each clap followed by a blast of pleasure as their balls crashed together.

Cam couldn't look away as Trey shafted into him. The perfectly defined planes of his chest and stomach, the heavy muscles roping his arms, flexed in a symphony of motion as Trey powered into him. It was the look on Trey's face though, that made Cam hurtle toward orgasm. There was lust there, pleasure and rapture, but there was also love.

It was too much and Cam only had a moment to yell out, “I'm coming,” before his cum was spurting from him in long hot ribbons that decorated his chest and stomach.

His ass squeezed down on Trey's shuttling cock. Trey roared, his head tilting back to the ceiling as he slammed his hips forward at the same time he pulled Cam's hips back. Another spasm of pleasure ripped through Cam, tearing a scream from his throat, and then another as Trey filled his ass with his searing hot cum.

Falling forward, Trey blanketed his body with his larger one. Sweat slicked them both.

“I think that's your workout for the day,” he gasped in Cam's ear.

A huff of laughter burst from Cam's lips. “I love you, you fucking asshole.”

Trey nuzzled a kiss on his neck. “I love you too.”

Sasha Payne

oing to the gym with Ken was like being taken to Santa's workshop and not being allowed to touch any of the toys. Everywhere Angel looked he could see half-naked men: some of them were bulging with muscles, some of them were trim and some of them were positively bearish. Most of them were hot. All of them he'd do except Ken. Angel glanced at his trainer; the older man was glaring at a couple of bodybuilders wandering through on their way to the weight room. Ken always derided them as “meatheads,” but Angel didn't care about the meat in their heads. Not the head that Ken meant, anyway.

“I hope that lunatic isn't here,” Ken muttered. “He'd eat you alive.”

Angel grinned. Dan Lyon was the gym's
bête noire
, a man whose name was whispered in the showers with a mix of fear and desire. Angel had yet to meet him. Ken went out of his way to avoid training during Lyon's gym days, but in the run-up to the semifinals Angel's gym time was being ramped up. Surely he'd run into the gym's alpha dog sooner or later? Angel wondered what Lyon looked like. Would he be obviously domineering at first sight? Would he be seductive? Lyon's victims were notoriously unwilling to discuss their very public ravishment, yet nobody left the gym. Nobody called the cops. Nobody even complained to management.

Angel wondered if Lyon would consider him worthy prey. With so much choice would he even attract the attention of the gym's notorious predator?

“Come on, we haven't got all day,” Ken snapped.

Angel sighed. With Ken fussing around the chances of his becoming anyone's conquest seemed dim.

There was a haze of heat in the weight room. The room was full of men, muscular men pushing their bodies hard. Everywhere Dan Lyon looked, he saw muscular, hard bodies gleaming with sweat. There was no chitchat. Just grunts and heavy breathing. The sounds of a heavy workout. The sounds of sex. The breathing got heavier as Dan prowled past men who didn't know if they should sigh or exhale in relief. Dan was still young, only twenty-three, but he had been the big dog for a long time. He loved that his name was both a wish and a warning. It didn't matter how you felt about him before he chose you. It didn't matter if you hated him or worshipped him. He took whomever he wanted, and they were grateful. Pathetically grateful.

Dan was only a little over average height, but people always remembered him as taller, as broader. He had shoulder-length fair hair that fell in a mass of thick, loose curls. His tanned skin shone with a thin layer of oil. Dan didn't come to the gym just to lift weights, and he always liked to be ready for anything.

There was a small, slim man using Dan's favorite bench set. None of the regulars would've touched it on a bet. The man was older than Dan. Late forties. There were slips of gray in his black hair and tiny, fine lines at the corner of his eyes. Nothing special but nothing awful either. The spotter was shorter, stockier and with cropped gray hair. He was better looking but still nothing too amazing. Really, if they weren't in his way he wouldn't bother with them. They were wearing matching sweats. Dan almost rolled his eyes. Cozy couples. They should've been at one of those boutique gyms—the sort with a spa and a steam room. The sort for people playing at getting fit. They thought it was funny probably. Being here with the regular folks. Like being on safari. Well, they were going to realize the animals weren't all toothless.

Dan watched the man at the weights realize he was the center of much nervous attention. The spotter didn't. The would-be bodybuilder put the equipment back in position and licked his lips.

“Can I help you?” His voice quivered a little.

Dan jerked his thumb and the man sat up quickly.

“Chad!” the spotter said.

Dan saw that there was more anxiety than confidence in his eyes. Andrew was the sort whose nervousness made him aggressive.

“It's okay, Andrew,” Chad said, sitting up.

“It isn't! What do you want?” Andrew demanded, glaring at Dan.

Dan sighed. From the other machines someone sniggered. Dan didn't bother to look; he knew they weren't sniggering at him.

He stepped forward into Andrew's personal space. Andrew's shoulders stiffened but his Adam's apple bobbed frantically.

“I want your boy off my equipment,” Dan said.

“I'm off! I'm off! I don't want any trouble!”

“I'm not frightened of some little gym bully,” Andrew sneered.

Dan took another step closer. This time Andrew stepped back, involuntarily. Two more steps forward. Two more steps back. Dan saw Andrew realize that he'd backed himself into a wall. Andrew swallowed as Dan planted a hand on the wall and leaned over him.

“Get down on your knees and suck me off,” Dan said.

Andrew looked over at Chad, who simply shrugged.

“What if I say no?”

“I'm not threatening you, Andrew. Just saying what's going to happen. You're going to suck me off. Then Chad is going to lie down on the exercise bench and I'm going to fuck him while you watch. While everyone watches.”

Andrew looked in Dan's placid, unyielding eyes and sank down to his knees. There was some shuffling as the silent audience sought a better view. Dan didn't look at them, just at the slim, sinewy man knelt in front of him. He smiled as Andrew tugged down Dan's shorts over the massive, slab-like thighs and stared. It wasn't a new reaction. Dan was proud of his body but his cock was his pride: ten inches long, and almost as thick as his wrist. Dan was cut and the purple head glistened in the flickering fluorescent light.

Dan put a hand on Andrew's head and pushed him facedown, feeling Andrew flinch. Dan could tell that Andrew fancied himself the daddy in his relationship with Chad, which only made doing this all the more fun. Dan put both hands on his head, holding it in place. As Andrew opened his mouth, Dan tilted his head up so that their eyes met.

“Relax your throat,” Dan said, “I like it deep.”

“Doesn't do it much,” Chad muttered.

Dan laughed and Andrew almost spluttered in protest, wanting to object but gagged by the girth of Dan's cock.

“The practice will do him good, then,” Dan said. He felt Andrew grip his hips for balance. He filled Andrew's mouth with his cock, until Andrew had to force his jaw wider to roll his tongue around and suck. Dan rolled his eyes. Andrew was enthusiastic but needed practice. He could see Andrew was distracted too, very aware of their audience, and of Chad watching as he was forcefully fucked in the mouth. Andrew needed some lessons in concentration as well as technique.

Dan winked at Andrew, smiled at his confusion, and then pulled his head forward. Instead of thrusting, the younger man was moving Andrew's head, using his face like some disposable sex toy. You're nothing, the wink said. I'm going to do this and there's nothing you can do about it. You can't even argue as I use you, as I fuck your face harder, faster and deeper. You might cough, you might struggle with my huge dick as it fills your mouth and throat, and I won't stop, because I don't care. Worse than all that, as I humiliate you in front of your lover and dozens of men you don't know, as I turn you into a receptacle for my spunk, you'll enjoy it. And I'll know you do.

Dan's grip tightened and he felt Andrew tense. He was close to coming. His fingers were wound tightly into Andrew's hair and he thrust faster and deeper into Andrew's mouth. Dan came and his come filled Andrew's mouth. He was vaguely aware of Andrew attempting to shift back, to slip Dan's flaccid member from his mouth, but Dan automatically held him in place. After a couple of seconds, Dan let out a breath and opened his eyes. He looked down at Andrew, who signaled frantically to be released. Dan just raised his eyebrows, and Andrew sagged, his message received and understood. He opened his throat and swallowed the thick, salty fluid.

Ken folded his arms as he watched Angel practicing on the horizontal bar. It was only getting worse: the more he saw his student, the more he wanted him. Angel was nineteen. Old enough, but sleeping with him would be an appalling breach of trust which would ruin Ken's reputation. Besides, Angel had already turned him down. That stung, especially as he made eyes at everyone else in pants. The only thing between Angel and complete whoredom was opportunity, not intent. It didn't help that his appearance matched his name. He looked as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. It didn't take much batting of those huge innocent-seeming eyes to make a man think he was about to deflower some tender little virgin. Ken could see a few now, watching Angel on the bar. If the boy made it to the Olympics he'd be too exhausted to compete.

Ken tore his eyes away from Angel and glared around the room. He had a nagging feeling of being watched and he'd heard too many stories of what went on in the weight room to ignore the sensation.

Instead of the hulking meathead he was expecting, he saw a cute blond twink. Ken tried a smile, and got a grade-A come-hither look in return. The twink sauntered away toward the locker room. He glanced back at Ken over his shoulder, and smirked invitingly. Ken hesitated for a moment, saw that Angel was engrossed on the bars, and then followed the twink.

“What's your name?” he asked as they slipped into the storage room.

The twink gave him a look.

“No names,” Ken said, “Right.” He unbuckled his belt and drew it from his pants.

“Here.” The twink slid his fingers into the loops of Ken's pants and pulled him closer. “No names. No small talk. No personal stuff. Just two men, fucking. We good?”

“We're good.”

Ken took a better look at the young man opposite. He was young, handsome, and arrogant as hell. It wasn't original and it sure as hell wasn't rare. Had he ever been that arrogant? He was never that handsome.

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