Gypsy: The Art of the Tease (27 page)

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National Legion of Decency, 40, 86,

Los Angeles Times,
88, 90

87, 88, 91

Luce, Clare Booth, 156

New Faces,

Lyons, Eugene, 158

News Chronicle,

New Yorker,
2, 22, 32, 50, 52, 80, 84, 97,

MacNeice, Louis, 115

99, 108, 113, 117, 123–24, 146, 170


New York Evening Graphic,

Maison, Gil, 134

New York Evening Journal,

Mama Rose.
Hovick, Rose (Mama

New York Herald Tribune,


New York Journal American,

Mangione, Jerre, 101

New York Post,

Mann, Klaus and Erika, 113

New York Times,
38, 55, 57, 79–80, 81,

Mantle, Burns, 124

101, 108, 135, 137, 139, 142, 143,

Mayer, Michael, 115

144, 149, 174, 176

McCullers, Carson, 12, 113, 114, 115

New York World,

McIntyre, O. O., 58

New York World’s Fair (1939–40),

Mencken, H. L., 41, 103–5, 119


Merman, Ethel, 62, 101, 102, 123,

170, 187

“Of Thee I Spend,” 70–71,

Merrick, David, 168

O’Hara, John, 117

Miller, Henry, 49–50, 111

On Your Toes,

Minsky brothers, 32, 33–34, 35, 40,

Oshins, Julie, 141–42

53, 75, 85, 165

Miranda, Carmen, 106

Paglia, Camille, 188

Mitchell, Joseph, 50, 99

Pal Joey,
98, 117–18

Mizzy, Bob, 40, 79–80, 91–93, 97,

pansy craze, 59

120–21, 155

Pears, Peter, 114

More Havoc
(Havoc), 40, 185, 186

Person to Person,

Morehouse, Ward, 115

Pickford, Mary, 21, 57

Mother Finds a Body
(Lee), 135, 144–45

Pins and Needles,

mots justes, 47, 57




Porter, Cole, 101, 102

Screaming Mimi,

Preminger, Barbara, 175

Sedermayr, Carl J., 153

Preminger, Erik Lee (Gypsy’s son):

Seebohm, Caroline, 114

on death of Rose’s companion, 91;

Seven Middagh Street, 111, 113–16

on Gypsy and Winchell, 73; and

sex and sexuality: burlesque and,

Gypsy’s affair with Todd, 109, 111;

23–24, 33–34, 49–50; in

Gypsy’s Donner party story, 13; on

(musical), 170–71, 172–73; and

Gypsy’s reading list, 19; on Gypsy’s

Gypsy’s striptease, 4–5, 29, 43–44,

story, 166, 185; on his father and

57, 59–60, 66, 69–70, 73, 188–89;

mother’s relationship, 147–48,

Hollywood and, 89–90; and prod-

184; on Mizzy, 40; traveling with

uct promotion, 163

Gypsy, 21, 22, 153, 157, 187; use

Seymour, Maurice, 82

of “Lee,” 21

Shore, Dinah, 148

Preminger, Otto, 147–48

The Show Is On,

The Pruitts of Southampton,

Shubert brothers, 63, 65–66, 81, 83

Silliman, Leonard, 56

Raddock, Charles, 150

Slaughter on Tenth Avenue,

radio, 158

Smirnoff, 180

Ragland, Rags, 51–52

Smith, Anna Nicole, 6

Red Channels,

Smith, Cecil, 119

Red Decade
(Lyons), 158

Smith, H. Allen, 105

Rice, Craig, 125, 150

Snow, Carmel, 56

Rich, Frank, 186–87, 188

Snyder, Melba, 118

Robbins, Jerome, 10, 168, 171–72

Snyder, Robert, 2

Rodgers, Richard, 61, 117

Sobel, Bernard, 37, 38

Rome, Harold, 76–77, 131

Sondheim, Stephen, 10, 123, 168, 186

Rose, Billy, 41, 176

Sothern, Georgia, 103–4, 133

Rossen, Robert, 58

Spanish Loyalists, 96–97, 158–59

Royal American Carnival, 11,

Springmaid Linens, 163


Stage Door Canteen,

Royer, 82, 87

Stanwyck, Barbara, 100, 127, 139

Runyon, Damon, 59, 133

Star and Garter,
110, 129–33,

Ryan, Ed, 27

Steinem, Gloria, 43

Straw Hat Circuit, 178–79

Saratoga Circuit, 100

Streets of Paris,

Saratoga Springs, 100–101

striptease: as accident, 27–28, 44; as

Schulz, Dutch, 36, 37

American, 2, 7–8, 84–85; banality

Scott, Randolph, 148–49

of, 129; before and after Gypsy,



striptease (

Susann, Jacqueline, 150

1–3, 187–89; bump and grind style,

Sutherland, Eddie, 88

46; and burlesque, 1, 24, 33–34, 92;

censorship of, 3, 86–87, 96, 140,

Talking Through My Hats

149, 151–52, 165–66; for charity,


105–6, 119; contests, 62; costumes,

Taurog, Norman, 87

28–29, 45, 46, 82, 132–33, 154,

Tchelitchew, Pavel, 132, 134

157; current attitudes toward, 5–7;

television, 151–52, 156

declining interest in, 105, 117–18,

Theatre Café, 116–17

164–66; and the Depression, 29–30,

“The Things I Want” (Lee), 155

46; in Europe, 164; female imper-

This Is the Army,

sonation and, 59–60; in film, 87,

Thompson, Charlie and Anna (Big

98, 126–27, 148, 178; in

Lady), 14, 15, 16, 21, 150

(musical), 171–73; Gypsy on,

Thompson, Olive, 19

10–11, 53–54, 73, 182–83, 184;

Threepenny Opera,

Gypsy’s first, 21, 24–25,

56, 58, 88, 107, 108, 151, 158

Gypsy’s style, 4–5, 34, 43–49, 52,

Tippins, Sherill, 111

55–56, 77–78, 171; and homosexu-

Todd, Mike: and Gypsy, 109–11,

ality, 39; and humor, 8, 44, 45–46,

136, 138, 144, 162;
Naked Genius,

47, 73, 89, 108, 165, 171, 188–89;

142–43; at New York’s World Fair,

and illusion, 9, 25, 29; in literature,

Star and Garter,
129; and

5, 49–51, 58–59; Mencken’s pseu-

Theatre Café, 116–17

donym for, 103–5; at New York

Town and Country,

World’s Fair (1939–40), 98–100;

transcontinental tour, 95–96

as self-revelation, 3–5, 29–30, 63,

Twentieth Century,
156, 166

69; “spider and fly” numbers,

Tynan, Kenneth, 170, 174, 182

44–45; and television, 151–52;

in theater, 60–61, 117–18, 150,

United Committee for French Relief

171–73, 178–79, 182; at Theatre

benefit, 105–6

Café, 116–17

Untermeyer, Louis, 114

Strip Tease: The Vanished Art of Bur-

U.S. House of Representatives, 85

(Alexander), 92

USO, 121

striptease intellectual, 118–19, 124

“A Stripteaser’s Education” (Gypsy’s

Van Doren, Carl, 50–51, 134

signature number), 62–63, 66–69,

Vanity Fair,
40, 60

71, 73, 131, 133–34

33, 35, 62, 66, 83, 95, 157

Styne, Jule, 10, 168

vaudeville, 15–20

Sunday News,

Verdon, Gwen, 173



Vertes, Marcel, 115, 136

White, George, 37–38

Victory Book Campaign, 124

Wilder, Billy, 126, 127

Vietnam War, 183

Wilson, Edmund, 23

Voila Gourmet Dog Food, 180

Winchell, Walter, 55, 73, 90, 108

Vreeland, Diana, 108, 132

Wolf, Louise Dahl, 113

The Women,

war bonds, 121

Wood, Natalie, 170

Watters, George Manker, 100

World Telegram,
50, 105

Weaver, Sigourney, 9, 187

Wright, Lee, 119, 120, 125, 144

Weidman, Jerome, 125

Weill, Kurt, 113, 179

Yaddo, 101, 111, 113

West, Mae, 48, 57, 59–60, 86, 87,

You Can’t Have Everything,
87, 88, 89

88–89, 148, 156, 176

Wexler, Irving, 36–37

Zanuck, Darryl, 86, 87, 88, 91, 92

Whalen, Grover, 99

Ziegfeld, Florenz, 36–37

What Makes You Tick?,

Ziegfeld Follies (1936), 62–73,

What’s My Line?,


Wheelock, Dorothy, 145

zippers, 46–47, 98


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Quotations from the Gypsy Rose Lee Papers are used with permission of Erik Lee Preminger.

Excerpts from
Gypsy: Memoirs of America’s Most Celebrated Stripper,
by Gypsy Rose Lee, published by Frog, Ltd., copyright © 1985 by Erik Lee Preminger.

Reprinted with permission of publisher.

Excerpts from
My G-String Mother: At Home and Backstage with Gypsy Rose Lee,
by Erik Lee Preminger, published by Frog, Ltd., copyright 2004 by Erik Lee Preminger. Reprinted with permission of publisher.

Selection from pp. 96, 102, 160, 195, 228, 276 from
More Havoc,
by June Havoc, copyright © 1979 by June Havoc. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

Quotations from Carson McCullers used with permission of the Estate of Carson McCullers.

Excerpt from “The Socratic Strip,” in
by Umberto Eco, copyright

© 1963 by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. Milano, English translation copyright © 1993 by Harcourt, Inc. and Jonathan Cape Limited, reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Excerpt from the song “Zip” by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart, copyright

© 1951 and 1962 by Chappell & Co. Inc. Copyright Renewed. Copyright 221


Assigned to Williamson Music and WB Music Corp. for the extended renewal period of copyright in the USA. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.

Quotations from
Gypsy: A Musical Fable,
copyright © 1959, 1960, renewed 1989

by Arthur Laurents, Gypsy Rose Lee, and Stephen Sondheim. Published by Theatre Communications Group. Reprinted with permission of the publisher.

Quotation of letter from Arthur Laurents to Jerome Robbins during a rehearsal of
reprinted with permission of Arthur Laurents.

Quotation from
The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster,
by Alfred Fried. Copyright © 1994 Columbia University Press. Reprinted with permission of the publisher.

Excerpt by Henry Miller, from
Aller Retour New York,
copyright © 1991 by Barbara Sylvas Miller, Henry Tony Miller, and Valentine Miller, copyright ©

1991 by New Directions Publishing Corp. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

Excerpt by Henry Miller, from
The Books in My Life,
copyright © 1969 by New Directions Publishing Corp. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

Excerpt from
by Roland Barthes, published by Jonathan Cape.

Reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Ltd.


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