Hack Attack (67 page)

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Authors: Nick Davies

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Murdoch, Grace

Murdoch, James; dislikes BBC; and Tony Blair; and Ofcom; and Cameron; and Rebekah Brooks; approves Gordon Taylor settlement; and Gordon Brown; protected by News International; backs out of
carbon emission project; continues grab for power; delivers MacTaggart lecture; threatens
editor; announces BSkyB bid,
BSkyB; private meeting with Pope Benedict; discusses deletion of News International emails with Brooks; keen to complete BSkyB deal; has ‘off the record’ contact with Hunt; threatens to pull BSkyB business out of UK; lobbies MPs; and Cable’s gaffe; disliked by News Corp executives in New York; talks with Hunt; and hacking scandal; suggests closing down
; and Jacobs’ call for full inquiry; hears about Harbottle & Lewis emails; at meeting to decide strategy; parties with senior politicians; confronts Lord Sugar at News International party; announces death of
; and Dowler hacking; and Elisabeth Murdoch; defends Brooks; and end of Murdoch influence in Westminster; wants to plough on with bid; appears before select committee; resigns from UK posts; bad relations with father and sister; criticised by Ofcom; his income from News Corp

Murdoch, Kathryn

Murdoch, Sir Keith

Murdoch, Lachlan

Murdoch, Rupert; character and personality; arrival in UK; buys newspapers; and News Corp; supports plot to oust Whitlam; and Kelvin MacKenzie; destroys print unions; and Mrs Thatcher; creates BSkyB; publishes extracts from Prince Charles/Camilla Parker Bowles telephone conversation; and Tony Blair; and Rebekah Brooks; and Gordon Brown; and Cameron; relations with James Murdoch; and BBC; not happy with Wolff’s biography; at Brooks’s wedding; loses interest in UK; and Bono; urges Coulson to step down as Cameron’s adviser; pressurises Sienna Miller ‘to be sensible’; and BSkyB bid; at war with James Murdoch; and hacking scandal; and Brooks; announces death of
; sets up Management and Standards Committee; clashes with his children; PR gaffe; apologises to Dowlers; appears before select committee; meeting with his children; political influence revives; as witness in Leveson Inquiry; and secret salary top-ups to his rugby team; damned in Leveson Report and by select committee; on bribery of police; and trial (2014)

Murdoch, Wendi (

Myler, Colin


Narcotics Anonymous

Napoleon Bonaparte

Narcotics Anonymous/NA network

Nascimento, Mr (cleaner)

National Enquirer

National Health Service (NHS)

National Union of Journalists

National Westminster Bank

Nationwide (private investigation company)

NDS (News Corp subsidiary)

Neil, Andrew


New Idea

New Statesman

New York
Daily News

New York Post

New York Times

‘Newco’ (James Murdoch’s proposed company)

News America

News Corporation; ethos; and Rupert Murdoch; and James Murdoch; lobbying power; and hacking scandal; and Rebekah Brooks’s departure; FBI inquiry into; accusations and allegations against; shares sold by Church of England; forced to accept more independent directors; and Elisabeth Murdoch; and Murdoch’s Management and Standards Committee; revives;
see also

News International (
see also
News of the World
Sunday Times
Times, The
); and Operation Caryatid; employs Harbottle & Lewis to investigate hacking allegations; pays off litigants; and author’s
article on gagging of phone-hacking victims (July 2009); relationship with police; and PCC; and select-committee hearing; and Mark Lewis; and Rees; hostile towards BBC; criticised in media select committee report (2010); ordered to hand over copies of
’s contract with Mulcaire; Max Clifford does deal with; suspends Dan Evans, and Raoul Simons; ordered to disclose more material; deletion of emails; cancels Enders’ contract; and Edmondson; and Operation Weeting; and Mr Justice Vos; continues to suppress truth; suspected of spying on
; suspected of destroying evidence; issues ‘mea culpa’ statement; ordered to search all email records; employs strategy of admitting liability to stop court cases; and Operation Elveden; and exposure of email deletion policy; and News Corp executives; holds summer party; condemned on all sides; and Operation Blackhawk; and the Murdochs’ evidence to select committee (2011); and Leveson Inquiry;

News of the World
; history of hacking; and the Bully Quotient; sources; and sex and hypocrisy; deals cut with targets; and use of Whittamore’s network; and NA network; and Southern Investigations; editors,
see also
Brooks, Rebekah, Coulson, Andy
Myler, Colin; news editors,
see also
Edmondson, Ian, Miskiw, Greg, Thurlbeck, Neville,
Weatherup, Jimmy; targets DCS Cook; ‘monsters’ Clare Short; police fail to interview journalists; and Rees; wins Newspaper of the Year; hires Sir John Stevens as columnist; and email hacking; and phone hacking
Evans, Dan, Goodman, Clive
Mulcaire, Glenn; and the police investigation
Operation Caryatid; and PCC; steals stories from other papers; denies
accusations of hacking; court cases against
Andrew, Sky; Clifford, Max; Taylor, Gordon; Mosley, Max; Phillips, Nicola; Sheridan, Tommy; and Driscoll’s award for damages; criticised in select committee report (2010); relationship with police; former journalists talk ‘on the record’;
’s evidence against; and Operation Weeting; wins ‘Scoop of the Year’; and News International’s ‘mea culpa’ statement; and Soham murders; bribery of police investigated; and Milly Dowler phone hacking (2002); hacking of bereaved families (2005) discovered; closure of; bribery of royal protection officer revealed; publication of Kate McCann’s diary (2007) investigated by Leveson; and James Murdoch; targeting of Tom Watson (2009) revealed; surveillance operations on victims’ solicitors (2010) disclosed;
see also
Kuttner, Stuart; Marunchak, Alex; Wallis, Neil;
and Appendix, pp.

News Outdoor (Murdoch subsidiary)

News UK

National Health Service

No Hiding Place (investigation agency)

North, Colonel Oliver


Oakeshott, Lord


Oaten, Mark

Obama, Barack

Oborne, Peter


O’Donnell, Gus


Office of Fair Trading

offshore tax havens

Oliver, Craig

‘Operation Caryatid’ (2006)

‘Operation Elveden’

‘Operation Glade’

‘Operation Motorman’

‘Operation Overt’

‘Operation Reproof’

‘Operation Tuleta’

‘Operation Weeting’ officers: gain access to News International offices; contact all hacking victims; and arrest of Edmondson and Thurlbeck, and Weatherup; investigation of police; and Rees; and Harbottle & Lewis emails; investigation of hacking (Milly Dowler) (parents of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells) (families bereaved by terrorist bombings); and arrest of Neil Wallis; and arrest of Rebekah Brooks; detective arrested by Scotland Yard


Osborne, George

O’Sullivan, Father Benjamin



Owen, Alec

Owen, Sid

Paddick, Brian

Palker, Jeff

Paltrow, Gwyneth


Panton, Lucy

Parkes, Ciara

Parladorio, Eddie

Pascoe-Watson, George

Passport Office

Paterson, Banjo: ‘Riders in the Stand’

Payne, Sarah

Press Complaints Commission

Penrose, Barrie

Peppiat, Rich

Perry, David, QC

Peston, Robert

Phillips, Gill

Phillips, Nicola

Pike, Julian


Pinochet, Augusto

private investigators

police, the (Metropolitan Police; Scotland Yard): bribery of; failure to investigate phone tapping; and Daniel Morgan’s murder; and Rees; and Marunchak; and data leaked to PIs; and Milly Dowler voicemail hacking (2002); and Operation Glade (2003); closeness to press; and failures of 2006 inquiry into hacking
Operation Caryatid; allegation of corruption; and RIPA; continued failure to disclose evidence; and PCC; and author’s investigations and subsequent
story; and Sienna Miller case; criticised by select committee (2010); and redaction of Mulcaire’s notes on Clifford; and author’s identification of victims; finally answer author’s questions; and
New York Times
article; investigation reopened by Yates; continue to obstruct; and Sky Andrew case; setting up of new inquiry,
Operation Weeting; ordered to hand over Mulcaire’s unredacted records; forced to admit ‘some operational shortcomings’; admissions re 2006 inquiry; setting up of Operation Elveden to investigate alleged bribery; and hacking of Dowlers’ and police phones; and arrest of Rebekah Brooks; investigation of News International; and Murdoch’s Management and Standards Committee (2011); and Leveson’s findings (2011); and arrest of Weeting detective; lobbying for crackdown on whistle-blowing;
see also
Blair, Sir Ian; Cook, Dave; Fedorcio, Dick; Hayman, Andy; Paddick, Brian; Stephenson, Sir Paul; Stevens, Sir John; Surtees, Keith; Yates, John

Polly Peck (textile company)

‘Poulton, Joe’,
Haslam, Derek

Powell, Jonathan

Premier (German TV company)

Prescott, David

Prescott, John (Lord)

Prescott, Pauline

Press Complaints Commission (PCC); ‘censures’
for phone-tapping (2002); report (2007) accepts
claims; ‘misled’ by Murdoch company; evidence given to select committee; report on
Gordon Taylor story (2009); criticised in select committee report; withdraws 2009 report; and Leveson Inquiry; appoints Trevor Kavanagh as member of group overseeing transition to new regulator;
see also
Buscombe, Lady

Press Gazette

Price, Adam

Price, Katie

Price, Lance

Priory clinic

Private Eye

private investigators (PIs);
see also specific PIs

Profumo, John

‘Project Bumblebee’

Pryce, Vicky

Quick, Detective Superintendent Bob

Quinn, Kimberly

Raymond, Kath

Reagan, Ronald

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Reed, Jeremy

Rees, Jonathan; and Daniel Morgan’s death; connection with DS Fillery and other bent officers; works for Marunchak; jailed; rehired by
; crimes for
made public; investigated by author; and police investigation;
accused of hiring; Murdochs deny knowledge of

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000) (RIPA)

Reid, John

Rice, Dennis

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