Haeven (25 page)

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Authors: S. M. Bowles

Tags: #vampire, #vampire books, #vampire adult fantasy, #parannormal romance, #paranmormal, #vampire adult romance, #vampire society, #vampire and mortal love, #vampire and mortal relationship, #vampire and human romance

BOOK: Haeven
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Herrik was the only one who heard me. He
turned and looked at me with an incredulous expression,

Avery and Artur quieted at the sound of his

I took a deep breath, “I…I think it was

“No. Absolutely not!” Herrik shook his head
back and forth.

It wasn’t at all the reaction I was
expecting. Herrik’s outright rejection of the idea stung and I
hastily stood up and faced him. “What makes you so sure?!” I asked
and unfortunately I sounded more like a jealous housewife than a
confident, informed accuser.

Artur touched my elbow, Avery looked away and
Herrik’s expression softened when he realized how much he had upset

“I’m sorry,” he stood up, “I didn’t mean for
it to come out like that. We’re all on edge right now and none of
us are thinking clearly.”

I started to explain myself, my suspicions,
but Artur cut me off, “Emily, you don’t know what you’re saying.
It’s just not possible. In fact it’s quite impossible that any of
the vampires here could plan an attempt on Herrik’s life without
him knowing.”

Avery and Herrik nodded assent to what Artur
had said.

“Why not?” I demanded. “He’s just as
vulnerable as any of us. In fact more so with his open door policy
and his unwavering trust of…of everybody…”

Herrik smiled and it seemed to say that there
was something that they all knew, some vital piece of information
that I just didn’t understand.

“Carah could not have planned an attack on my
life without me knowing. I assure you. None of the vampires could.
They have all pledged themselves to me and…”

“A pledge?!” I guffawed. “You think someone’s
word protects you from them doing you harm?” I was outraged.

“She doesn’t know,” Herrik apologized to
Avery and Artur.

“Doesn’t know what?!” I demanded.

Herrik looked at Artur who cocked his head as
if to say OK.

“Sit,” Herrik took my hands and pulled me
back to the chaise then sat down beside me. Avery and Artur pulled
chairs across from us. “Well, you see,” Herrik bit his lip
nervously, “when a vampire comes to join us they are allowed to
stay on a trial basis without any questions or obligations. If they
like it, if they decide to join our community there is an…an
initiation of sorts and they have to agree to pledge themselves to

I shrugged my shoulders still not fully

Artur met my eye, “The pledge is more than
just words, Emily. These vampires, everyone who is already here,”
Artur motioned to himself and to Avery then all around as if to
indicate the entire compound, “are bound to Herrik by more than
just words.”

“We are bound by our blood,” Avery added. “We
have all willingly given our lives to Herrik.”

“Oh,” I felt a hint of understanding creeping
across my mind. I remembered Artur and Herrik arguing one day,

How many have you pledged?  Dozens? 
More?  Do you have any idea how much it’s changed you; how
powerful you’ve become?” Artur had asked him.
“You’ve taken
their blood…all of it…and replaced it with your own,” I mumbled
awestruck by the idea and all its implications.

Herrik was reluctant to admit it but didn’t
deny it either.

If I choose, and only if I
choose, I know the thoughts and intentions of every vampire who
calls this their home. At any given time I know where they are and
what they are doing. It is not a power I wield lightly.”

I buried my face in my hands and
thought about what a terribly immense burden it must be. I felt
awful for Herrik. So many people, so much responsibility and to
have to exercise so much restraint, “How is that even possible
for…for just one person?” I thought to myself. I reached over and
took his hand, “I’m sorry, Herrik. I…I didn’t…”

I know,” he shook his head. “You
weren’t meant to know. It’s not the same for you as it is for

Artur cleared his throat, “Well,
now that we all understand one another, we need to get back to the
immediate issue.”

Herrik shook his head, “No. No
more tonight.”

Both Avery and Artur started to

Herrik held his hand up to stop
their barrage of disapprovals. “Please,” he said, “stop thinking
about me for a moment and think about Emily.”

They both looked at me and for the
first time since we arrived at Herrik’s apartment Avery and Artur
seemed to realize that Herrik wasn’t the only one who had been
through a lot that evening. They reluctantly agreed to meet again
the following day, with clearer heads and calmer hearts.

Herrik insisted that Avery and
Artur go their apartments and to take every precaution and make
every assurance that they were safe before they laid down to rest
for the day. When he finished giving his instructions he offered to
walk me home.

Maybe you shouldn’t stay here
tonight,” Artur looked hard at Herrik as he helped me

He shook his head, “I’m not going
anywhere. Everyone will be resting. Avery cannot stay with Emily
and neither can you or Carah,” I frowned in distaste at the mention
of her name. It didn’t matter what they had all told me, pledge or
no pledge I did not like and I did not trust Carah. “Besides it’s
very unlikely that anyone would be foolish enough to try again now
that we are all on our guard.”

There are no locks on your doors
and you are just as vulnerable as any of us once the sun comes up,”
Artur furthered his argument.

You could stay with Emily,” Avery
suggested. I blushed scarlet when he said it but delightedly so.
“No one would ever expect it,” he said as if to justify the idea,
“and the security for her apartment is better than any other in the
compound. Besides you are safer with a hum…someone who can wake you
if the need should arise.”

Herrik tried to hide his smile as
he looked to me for an approval of the plan.

Of course. Penny and I would love
to have you stay with us,” I don’t know why I felt the need to add
Penny to my answer but I must have wanted to make it sound more as
though he was staying as our guest rather than as someone of

Good. Well,” Artur put his palms
down on his thighs and hoisted himself from his seat,

Avery stood up and nodded to
Herrik. Artur bent down and kissed my cheek goodnight, “If anything
should happen, don’t hesitate – just leave. Take Penny and go,”
Avery seconded what Artur had said. “Your life is far more fragile
than any of ours. We can take care of ourselves, especially now
that we are aware of the potential danger. As you’ve seen tonight
we are far more likely to survive an attack than you might

Though I had no intention of
following his advice I promised I would do exactly as he said. “I
will not put myself or Penny in danger,” I assured them each in

Avery said a brusque goodbye and
together he and Artur let themselves out.

We sat together on the chaise a
moment longer, “It’s probably not a good idea for Penny to see you
like this,” Herrik smiled and helped me to my feet.

I’m not sure why but knowing we
were finally alone brought on a fit of anguish from me. Maybe I was
just trying to be resilient in front of Avery and Artur or maybe
the earlier strength I felt was some residual side effect from what
I had taken from Avery and it had finally worn off. I couldn’t stop
myself from crying out when I grasped Herrik’s fingers, “Oh, God

He wrapped himself around me
protectively. “Ssh,” he whispered, “you’re safe. We’re all safe
now. There’s nothing to worry about.”

I can’t!” I
said. “I can’t,” over and over again. I had no idea what I was
trying to say.
I can’t believe you nearly
died! I can’t imagine my life without you! I can’t not love
None of it would come out in between
my sobs and gasps for breath.

I looked up and when I did
Herrik’s lips found mine. His kiss completely consumed me and
instantly swept everything else away. My arms wound themselves
around his neck and my fingers raced through his hair as I held him
tighter and tighter. My body clung to his melting and molding
itself against him in a spasm of passionate desire.

Herrik pulled back somewhat
surprised by the apparent urgency I felt. He didn’t say anything
but his eyes seemed to be questioning me. I just couldn’t wait. I
couldn’t control myself. Something insistent, something undeniable
was happening to me and with a fanatical determination I began
stripping him from his clothes and covering his newly bared skin
with kisses and caressing it with my fingertips as each article
fell away.

He seemed nervous and timidly
began to follow my lead by easing the straps of my dress from my
shoulders. It was impossible to endure, impossible to wait while he
delicately fumbled with the fabric exposing me inch by inch. I
thrust his hands away and latched onto the gown and tugged it down
to my ankles before kicking it aside.

Please,” I begged. “I…I need,” my
breath was coming hard and fast. I tried opening my mind up to him
so he would know exactly what I was feeling and why it had to

Thank God he

Herrik reached for me and ran his
mouth up and down my neck, across my breasts. When I finally
managed to strip him entirely he reached behind my thighs and
lifted me off my feet as he thrust himself into me. I screamed in
pleasure and pain and triumph as he backed me against the wall and
I wrapped my legs around his hips. We began moving together in a
mindless need for fulfilment.

All the years of yearning that I
had suppressed, all the love and longing and passion hidden away so
well that I didn’t even know myself that it existed washed over me.
Feeling the two of us so perfectly united and sharing myself with
Herrik unburdened me and freed me to enjoy all the sensations I had
denied for so, so very long.

For a moment it was unbearable,
the pressure that was building up inside me and I cried out in a
confused, maddening agony that suddenly erupted into a glorious
feeling of sensual pleasure. My back arched to an impossible angle
and I slowly, limply fell forward breathless and quivering across
Herrik’s shoulder as he shuddered and heaved blissfully against

We clung together for several
minutes before we gradually became aware of the world around us
again. Herrik released my thighs and I put my feet down one at a
time. I laid my head against his chest while he buried his face in
my hair.

Emily,” he kissed the back of my
neck, “it wasn’t supposed to be like this. I…It should have been
special…memorable. I’m so sorry,” his voice soft and full of

I couldn’t imagine why he was
apologizing. I reached up and took his face in my hands, “No…no…it
was perfect!” I insisted. “It couldn’t have been any other way!
It…I…I love you and…oh, God! I have waited so long to show you how
I feel. It had to be now! It had to be like this! There was no way
I could’ve held onto these feelings any longer!”

He smiled timidly then bent down
and tasted my lips.

I smiled against his kiss, “We can
try it your way next time,” I teased though I wasn’t sure it would
ever be any different between us. Just looking at him made me want
him all over again.

It’s getting late,” he steered me
back to moment.

I took a deep breath and sighed
remorsefully, “Yes. Yes it is.”

“Gianni would be beside himself if he saw
this,” Herrik held up the remnants of my dress and chuckled. “Come
let’s get you cleaned up and I’ll see what I can dig up for you to
wear until we can get you home.”

I followed Herrik to his bedroom and he
helped me with everything I would need for my shower.  When I
was done and stepped back into his bedroom I saw the outfit he had
laid out for me and slipped into it.  I found him waiting for
me in the living area.  He didn't seem to hear my approach and
I wondered what he was doing.  He was just sitting in one of
the lounge chairs in front of the fireplace staring into the
flames.  His chin was balanced on the back of his hand and his
eyes had a faraway look to them.

“Is everything alright?” I asked as I
stepped up behind him and laid my hand on his shoulder. 

He turned his head and kissed my fingertips,
“Just thinking,” he said. 

“Penny for your thoughts…” I offered my
voice full of hope.

“Penny…actually I was thinking about Penny
and how much we should tell her.  But that’s not all,” he met
my eyes, “I can’t help wondering what might have happened if I had
made my decision sooner.”

“Decision?” I asked unable to discern what
he was referring to.  I came around the chair and Herrik
pulled me down onto his lap.

“To send you back to your family.”

“Herrik!  You can’t possibly still be
planning on doing that?!”

“No,” he kissed me.  “I won’t lie and
tell you that I haven’t thought about it though.  Every year
that passed I told myself that it was time but selfishly held onto
you. I knew you would never be content, never be…fulfilled here
with me. I couldn’t imagine my life without you and now it’s too
late. Not only are you are not safe here with me but I would never
forgive myself if I let you go and something happened to you out

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