Hailey's Truth (9 page)

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Authors: Cate Beauman

BOOK: Hailey's Truth
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It wasn’t good enough—not nearly good enough, but it would have to do. She was safe behind the walls of Ethan’s Estate. Between the supermax-like features of his security system and Bear and Reece, no one was getting to her. The dogs wouldn’t let anyone touch her. “Okay. I’ll talk to you first thing. Oh, by the way, I have Sarah’s car. Some little fucker shot up my windows.”

“Well son of a bitch. You’re just full of great news.” Ethan’s voice lacked good humor.

“Yeah. I do what I can. I’ll call tomorrow.” Austin hung up and took his exit. He pulled into Club LAX’s parking lot, struggling not to turn around and head back to Sarah and Ethan’s. Hailey was safe for tonight, he reassured himself, and he had a job to do.

He got out of his car on a sigh, and met Jerrod Riley’s limo as it pulled up to the building’s curb.

Someone pulled the black bag from Jeremy’s head. He sat in the dimly lit office of a skeezy warehouse surrounded by guards and a man known to few—Zulas Rodriguez, the leader of the Zulas Family.

Jeremy swallowed hard, trying to keep his nerves and dinner down as his gaze skimmed over a samurai sword on the dingy table in front of him.

The guards pulled a bag from the man sitting next to him. Jeremy glanced over, realizing it wasn’t a man sitting inches away, but a kid who couldn’t be more than seventeen, eighteen tops. The kid muttered in Spanish, sweating profusely and on the verge of tears.

Jeremy stared straight ahead, choosing to focus only on Señor Rodriguez and Donte, his son. He sure as shit wouldn’t live long if he carried on like that. He knew he would either impress his leader tonight or die a very painful death. Jeremy kept silent as Señor Rodriguez stood across from him, staring, measuring.

“This is the young man who will change my route?” Señor Rodriguez said to Donte.

“Yes, Papa. After a conversation with Mr. Kagan, I believe he is just what we need. Let’s see if you agree.”

“I’m listening.” He nodded his go ahead, his eyes never leaving Jeremy’s.

“You see, Papa, Jeremy has a young, beautiful sister who will be taking part in Project Mexico, a University program based in Cozumel.” Donte tossed several photographs of Hailey on the same table as the sword.

Jeremy’s tongue darted across his lips as he stared at the pictures Señor Rodriguez spread out. In some shots, Hailey played with Kylee at a park, in others she stepped from the apartment building on her way to her car. In another, Hailey walked the aisles of a dive shop, buying snorkeling equipment. In yet another she put groceries in a cart. Jeremy swallowed hard. He had no idea they’d been watching Hailey for days.

“Yes. Quite nice, quite nice.” Señor Rodriguez nodded again.

“I believe this is the perfect opportunity to create our new shipping route while staying under the radar. Jeremy, being the dedicated brother that he is, can assist his sister with a most noble cause. Of course, the details are still in the works, but the front is perfect and slightly poetic. We’ll be helping Mexico while we help ourselves.

Señor Rodriguez smiled slowly, his face splitting with a grin. “I like this plan, Donte. Well done, my son. And what about him?” He gestured to the kid sitting next to Jeremy, his smile fading.

“Oh, I brought him along as an example. He has betrayed our organization.”

“No—no, Señor, I have not,” the young man protested, sweat flying from his face as he sputtered desperately. “I have
,” he repeated in an impassioned shout as he tried to stand.

A guard slammed a high-powered rifle against his shoulder, knocking him back in his chair, groaning.

Jeremy curled his toes in his shoes, mindful to appear relaxed, aware that eyes were on him.

“So, this man has betrayed us, Donte? Mr. Kagan…”

Jeremy’s gaze flew to Señor Rodriguez. “Yes, sir?”

“Do you know what happens to those who betray my family? Our organization?”


“No.” He interrupted, frowning, and Jeremy struggled not to squirm. “Do not answer. Watch instead. We will trust you with some of our biggest secrets. You will want to avoid the same fate.”

The kid fought to stand, but his hands were tied to the chair. He screamed and begged in equal measure. “I did not betray you, Señor Rodriguez. I did

“Have dignity on your way to death,” Señor Rodriguez demanded sharply.

Donte took the huge knife from the beat up desk.

Jeremy’s pulse pounded as cold sweat dribbled down his back.

The kid screamed, trying to move away, as Donte advanced forward, holding the sword to the tip of the kid’s nose. With a ruthless whack, Donte sliced it off. Blood poured from the hollow as the office echoed with primitive shrieks until the kid began to choke on his own fluid.

Jeremy took several slow breaths, fighting the urge to vomit.

“Now you look like the pig that you are,” Donte said calmly. “But we aren’t quite finished.” He sliced off the boy’s ears slowly, drawing it out as if he cut two pieces of bread. The kid no longer begged for his life. He stared in a trance, mumbling in Spanish.

A guard yanked Jeremy from his chair, tugging him back to stand by Señor Rodriguez. His legs trembled beneath his jeans as Donte held the kid’s hair with one hand, now matted with clots.

“Death to those who betray the Zulas,” Donte shouted as he swung the knife with great force, severing head from body. Blood spit from arteries, spraying across the room, landing on Jeremy’s face and his clothes. He wanted to wipe the warm drops away, but didn’t dare. Instead, he swallowed bile as his stomach shuddered.

Donte held the head in his hands, smiling triumphantly, before he set it on the table as if it were a gruesome Halloween prop. “Send this, along with his other parts to his mother,” he ordered to one of the guards. “She’ll be looking for her boy.”

Jeremy bit the inside of his cheek as gray dots danced before his eyes. If he passed out, he would die the same way.

“This, Jeremy Kagan, will be your fate and the fate of your beautiful sister if you betray the Zulas. There is no going back now. You are one of us.” Señor Rodriguez held out his hand. “You should feel honored. Welcome.”

“I do. Thank you.” Jeremy nodded, ill, as he returned the firm handshake. He had not only bound himself to a life he no longer wanted, but Hailey too. And there was no way out.

Chapter 7

AILEY LET HERSELF IN THE front door of Ethan and Sarah’s house and was instantly surrounded by dogs. She crouched down, giving both Mastiffs an affectionate rub. “Hi, guys. How are my boys?” She was rewarded with warm, slobbery kisses against her cheeks. “Aw, guys, you shouldn’t have.” She grimaced as she wiped saliva away, brushing her damp hands on her slacks. “I mean really shouldn’t have.”

“You’re here!” Kylee bolted down the hall, overdressed in her frilly pink party dress. Friday night pizza and movies at the Cooke’s was turning into a fancy affair. “Come with me.” The pretty little angel with big blue eyes and golden hair, the mirror image of her mother, grinned, pulling on Hailey’s hand. “I’ve been

Hailey stood before she fell. “What’s the hurry?” She looked at her watch. “I’m not late. Is the pizza here already?”

, Hailey.” Kylee tugged impatiently.

“All right, bossy.” Hailey smiled as she let Kylee pull her down the hall. The last week had been a whirlwind. Between helping Morgan with a massive filing project at the Bureau and staying with Sarah and Kylee on ‘stork watch,’ she hadn’t had a moment to herself.

Ethan had called Sunday night, soon after Austin left, to ask if she would be willing to stay at the house for the week, since his schedule was jammed with security details. Twenty minutes later, Morgan phoned, wondering if Hailey wanted to make some extra cash by helping her overworked secretary at the office. When Morgan named her price, Hailey couldn’t say no.

Other than the quick phone conversation with Jeremy mid-week, Hailey hadn’t heard from or seen him. Despite her best efforts to get to the apartment, she simply hadn’t had time. She’d planned to go home tonight after a full day at the Bureau, but Sarah had mentioned pizza and movies with the gang the night before. How could she miss out on an evening with her favorite people?

“Come on. Come on.” Kylee all but vibrated with excitement.

They walked around the corner, stepping into the dining room.


Gasping, Hailey stumbled back.

Hunter stood behind Morgan, clasping his hands around her waist, both of them grinning. Ethan smiled, holding Sarah’s hand as she sat in a chair, also beaming. Kylee jumped up and down, still gripping her fingers.

“Are you very excited?” Kylee shouted.

“Yes, I am.” Hailey glanced around the room, shocked. Colorful balloons in all shapes and sizes were tied to each chair. A large ‘Happy Birthday’ banner hung from the door leading to the kitchen. The fun, funky cake on the buffet was perfect. They had done this for her. She didn’t think anyone would remember her birthday. She barely had herself.

Tears threatened to spill as she pressed a hand to her heart. “You guys…” She sniffled, grinning. “Thank you.”

“Happy birthday.” Sarah got to her feet and wrapped Hailey in a hug. “You didn’t think we were going to let your twenty-fifth birthday pass without a party, did you?”

“I—I never thought anything. Thank you,” she repeated in a whisper.

After a round of hugs for everyone, Morgan disappeared into the kitchen with Hunter at her heels. Moments later, Hunter carried out a huge dish of Morgan’s famous lasagna. Morgan trailed behind with a large salad bowl and basket of steaming garlic bread—Hailey’s favorite meal.

“Take your seat, birthday girl,” Hunter said, as he plunked the bubbling cookware inches from her plate.

“Absolutely.” Hailey smiled and sat down. As everyone took their seats, she noticed two empty settings. “Who else is coming?”

“Mommy called your brother, but he didn’t come,” Kylee supplied.

“Kylee, have some bread.” Ethan plunked a thick, buttery piece on her plate.

The room fell silent. Hailey stared at the empty spots, trying to ignore the stabbing disappointment.

This would’ve been the first birthday she and Jeremy celebrated together since her fourteenth. Their lives had turned upside down the week before she turned fifteen. The foster family she lived with after her parents’ deaths didn’t think it necessary to recognize the day of her birth—a day that had been no more than an acknowledgement of sin, according to Mother Frazier. After all, Hailey had been born to a crack whore, and out of wedlock at that. The Frazier family reminded her of that often, but especially on her ‘special day’.

“He must be busy.” Hailey shrugged, picking at the piece of bread Sarah served her.

“I’m sure that’s it.” Sarah gripped Hailey’s arm, holding on.

“Sorry I’m late.”

Hailey’s gaze snapped up. Austin stood in the room, big, gorgeous, and casual in his blue jeans and Adidas sweatshirt, gripping a wrapped box in his hand.

“The traffic was awful.”

Hailey stared, fighting tears again as her heart thundered. She hadn’t expected this, especially after she hadn’t heard from him since Sunday. She’d assumed he’d forgotten about his offer to help with her lessons, or just hadn’t been interested after the way they left things.

But he was here, now. Austin had rushed to be on time for her party.

“Happy birthday,” he smiled, his gaze never leaving hers as he made his way to her chair.

“Thank you.” She pushed back from the table, standing, and he pulled her into a hug. Her pulse kicked into a frenzy as Austin held her just as he had Sunday evening. Hailey closed her eyes, breathing in his soap, feeling his body pressed firmly to hers.

He eased away, meeting her gaze, staring, sending her pulse scrambling again.

Hailey cleared her throat as she realized everyone was looking at them. She gave Austin a smile, struggling not to feel awkward as she remembered him catching her with tears on her cheeks. “I’m glad you could come.” She took her seat as Austin went to his, smiling again as his gaze flicked to hers. “Let’s eat.”

Hailey picked up her water, sipped, quenching her suddenly dry throat. As Hailey set down her glass, Sarah caught her attention with a look. Morgan did the same across the table. Hailey stared down at her plate, plucked up a forkful of leafy greens, and took a bite, knowing she, Sarah, and Morgan would talk later.

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