Hakan Severin (10 page)

Read Hakan Severin Online

Authors: Laura Wright,Alexandra Ivy

Tags: #Bayou Heat 11-12

BOOK: Hakan Severin
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“Which means someone is using it,” Parish said.

Hakan tossed aside his phone and pulled out his gun, his body tense as he prepared to engage the enemy.

“A perfect place to hide Hiss,” he growled.

Parish nodded. Keeping a Pantera locked in a freezer wouldn’t kill him, but it would weaken him to the point he would be far easier to control.

“These shitheads are starting to piss me off,” Parish muttered, turning onto the road leading toward the nearest canal. “I thought the disciples were a pain in the ass, but they weren’t nearly so well-funded, well-armed, or well-organized.”

“True,” Hakan agreed. “But they’re not Pantera. Which means they’ll eventually make a mistake that we—”

His words were cut short as Parish stomped on the brakes and yanked the vehicle to the side of the road. At the same time he shoved open his door to take a deep sniff.

“Do you smell that?”

“Smoke,” Hakan growled.

Together they were leaping out of the car and jogging down the street. Rounding the corner they came to a halt at the sight of the long building that was swiftly being consumed by flames.

“We’ll only have a few minutes before the human authorities arrive,” Parish said, his voice tight. “You circle right. We’ll meet back here.”

Dread clutched Hakan’s heart as he headed directly toward the burning building. Hiss might be a traitor, but Hakan wouldn’t wish his worst enemy to be trapped in that inferno.

Ignoring the fierce heat that seared his skin and the smoke that threatened to choke him, Hakan did a thorough sweep, his senses on full alert.

At last he was forced to back away as the first fire truck was pulling next to the nearly destroyed building.

Avoiding the throng of humans that were gawking at the disaster with fascination, he joined Parish at the edge of the empty parking lot.

“Anything?” the leader demanded, his voice harsh as he carefully scanned the crowd for any hint of danger.

“Hiss was here,” Hakan said.

Even with the thick smoke and nearby humans, he’d managed to catch his friend’s distinctive scent.

“Shit.” Parish clenched his hands. “Did he get out?”

Hakan nodded his head toward the parking lot. “His scent was near the road as if he was carried to a car, so we have to hope he survived.”

Parish scowled as his phone rang, and hastily yanked it from his pocket.

“It’s Raphael,” he muttered as he pressed it to his ear and stepped away from the sirens that threatened to pierce Hakan’s sensitive ears. “Yeah, we’re here, but we’re too late,” Parish told the head of the Suits. “The place has been torched.” He listened for a second before his eyes abruptly glowed with the power of his cat. “Shit.”

Hakan moved to join him as Parish ended the call.

“I’m afraid to ask,” he muttered.

Parish turned to head back toward the Jeep. “The Haymore Center just burned to the ground.”

Hakan swore even as he had to admit from a tactical standpoint it made sense.

If you feared your secrets had been compromised, then simply get rid of them.

“They’re brutal, but efficient,” he said.

“A dangerous enemy.” Parish said, his expression tight with concern. “And I have a nasty suspicion that we’d better find out what the hell they want from us before it’s too late.”




Payton was so weary she could barely keep her eyes open, but it was only Xavier’s threat of having her hogtied and carried home that finally forced her to leave her office and return to her parents’ house.

Not that she planned to go to bed.

How could she sleep before she was certain that Hakan had returned safely to the Wildlands?

Instead, she sought the peace of the small garden that she’d devoted years to creating. This was her sanctuary. The place she went when she needed to think.

Pacing through the camellias that were loaded with soft, pink flowers, she chewed her thumbnail, her concern growing with every passing hour.

Where was Hakan?

He should have returned long ago.

Unless something had happened to delay him…

Shadows had shrouded the garden in darkness when Payton at last caught the familiar scent of earthy male musk.

Without hesitation, she was flying across the garden to throw herself in his open arms.

“Hakan.” She snuggled against the broad chest that was covered only by a muscle shirt that was tucked into his black jeans, savoring the heat of his skin that was still damp from a recent shower. “I heard about the fire.” She pulled back to study his dark features, her heart squeezing with a love that was impossible to deny. Dear Goddess, if anything had happened to him… “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” His big hands skimmed up her back, his touch gentle, as if she were some fragile treasure he was afraid of hurting. “Unfortunately our one lead is gone.”

She struggled to concentrate on his words as he pressed her tight against him. Being held in his arms was sending all sorts of delicious sensations zooming through her body.

Not to mention X-rated thoughts of tumbling him back into the lotus flowers and giving in to her cat’s urge to rub against that huge, beautiful male form until she was saturated in his musk.

“Now what?” she forced herself to ask.

He shrugged, looking as distracted as she felt. “We start fresh tomorrow.”

She nodded, shivering beneath the force of his amber gaze. There was an intense focus about him that made her feel as if he was on the verge of pouncing.

The question was…would she let him catch her?

There was no doubt that the hours she’d waited for his return had shaken her.

What if she’d lost him without having told him just how much she still loved him?

“Have you eaten?” she abruptly demanded, caught between the urge to simply give in to her fierce desire to complete the mating and the need to make him work for her trust.

“Not yet,” he said, lowering his arms and stepping back. “I have something I want to show you.”

Payton frowned, instantly missing the heat of his body. “What is it?”

“A surprise.” He held out his hand. “Will you come with me?”

She didn’t hesitate in laying her fingers on his palm. She didn’t know if she was prepared for a mating, but she desperately needed to be near him.


Assuming they would be going to the communal area for dinner, Payton was surprised when they instead turned to head into one of the numerous untamed areas of the Wildlands.

“I’m running a background search on Stanton Locke to see if he has any connection to the Pantera,” she said, oddly needing to fill the silence as they walked along the narrow trail. “And I think Lydia is continuing to look for additional properties he might own.”

“Tomorrow,” he murmured, leaning down to steal a fleeting kiss. “Tonight is for us.”

Excitement jolted through her, making her heart race and her palms sweat. Deep inside, her cat purred with anticipation.

They’d walked in silence for nearly a half hour when he tugged her off the pathway and into the thick underbrush.

She frowned in confusion. It’d been years since she’d been in this area, but she didn’t recall anything being around that was worth seeing.

“Is there a reason we’re in the middle of…” Her words were forgotten as he steered her around a patch of cypress trees to reveal a pretty cottage that was nearly hidden among the thick foliage. “Oh, how pretty. Did you build this?”

“I did,” he admitted.

She gave a slow shake of her head.

“Why?” she demanded. “You’ve always lived with the other Hunters.”

“Because I wanted a home that was ours,” he said with a stark simplicity that made her heart miss a painful beat.

“Ours?” she breathed.

“Of course.” In the darkness his eyes glowed with a green sheen, his brows lifted as if wondering why she would be surprised he’d built them a home. “I’ve been working on it for the past twenty years.” He studied her wary expression for a long moment. “Do you want to see?”

Payton unconsciously chewed her thumbnail. “I’m not sure.”

He stepped forward, brushing his finger down her cheek. “What are you afraid of?”

She sucked in a deep breath, a thousand butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Blessed Goddess. She felt as nervous and uncertain as an adolescent on her first date.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” she admitted in a breathless voice.

“Give me a chance, Payton.” His fingers cupped her chin, tilting back her head so he could lean down and kiss her with a piercing yearning. “Please.”

She hastily stepped back. It was that or melt into a puddle of need at his feet.


A rare, heart-stopping smile curved his lips. “Thank you.”

Once again reaching for her hand, Hakan walked up the flagstone path and stepped onto the porch that wrapped around the two-story home that was painted white with green shutters. Then, pulling open the screen door, he led her across the small foyer and into the main living room.

“What do you think?” he asked in soft tones.

Payton blinked, a hand pressed to her racing heart.

It was…perfect. The large stone fireplace where the logs were burning with a cheery fire. The pale lemon walls and ivory, overstuffed furniture. The hand-woven carpet and open-beamed ceiling.

It was warm, and cozy, and everything she’d ever wanted in a home.

“Did you talk to my mother?” she demanded.

He stood at her side, his thumb lazily brushing the inside of her wrist.


“These are my favorite colors.”

He chuckled at the edge of disbelief in her voice. “Do you think anyone knows you better than I do, little one?” he asked. “Let me prove it.”

Payton pressed her lips together, trying to hide her flare of amusement.

There was such eager pride in his voice.

Like a little boy who was trying to impress her with his shiny new toy.

Stepping through the connecting door, Payton’s amusement was replaced by a sense of awe as Hakan flipped on the lights.

Her feet automatically carried forward before she halted in the center of the polished wooden floor and turned in a full circle.

The breath was wrenched from her lungs as she caught sight of the beautiful library Hakan had created.

“This is…” Her feet carried her across the polished wood floor toward the walls that were hidden behind heavy shelves that towered to the ceiling, each of them loaded with leather-bound books.

Lightly her fingers trailed over her childhood favorites:
The Secret Garden, Oliver Twist, Pippi Longstocking

“I know that while you enjoy all your techie toys, you still love to have a real book in your hands,” Hakan murmured.

She pulled out a copy of
Treasure Island
, carefully opening it.

“First editions?” she breathed in shock, unable to comprehend how much money and time had been devoted to creating this room.

“My mate deserves the best,” he said without hesitation.

Barely resisting the urge to plop herself on the floor and surround herself with the books, she instead moved to the back of the room where a hand-carved mahogany desk was situated with the latest computer system already up and running.

She sent Hakan a startled glance. “You did this?”

“With some wise council from Xavier,” he said with a lift of one shoulder. “He helped me set it up before I came to get you.”

She licked her lips, feeling overwhelmed. “I don’t know what to say.”

“There’s more,” he assured her, taking the book from her hand and setting it aside before he was pulling her through the house and out the back door.

Lanterns were already burning to reveal the perfect replica of her beloved garden. The only difference was the wicker table and chairs set in the center, loaded with candles, a bottle of wine, and silver-covered plates.

“Hakan.” She gave a disbelieving shake of her head. “This is amazing.”

With the grace of a predator, he moved to lift the covers from the plates.

“Lasagna, garlic bread and your favorite wine.”

Her lips parted as she met his smoldering amber gaze, the truth suddenly hitting her.

“You’re wooing me,” she breathed, pleasure racing through her.

He prowled toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he studied her upturned face with a brooding gaze.

“I’ve been wooing you for the past twenty years. You just didn’t know it.”

Wonderment melted the last of her bitterness as she gazed into the harsh male face. No male could spend so much time and effort to please a female unless he truly was devoted to her.

“No more barriers?” she demanded.

Regret darkened the amber eyes. “Never again.”

“And no more assuming you know what’s best for me?”

His lips twitched, the scent of his musk teasing her senses like the finest aphrodisiac.

“I would be too terrified,” he assured her, his voice thickening with the power of his cat. “You’ve grown into a formidable female.”

Her own cat brushed against her inner skin, eager to get out and play with her mate.

Going onto her tiptoes, she caught his bottom lip between her teeth, giving it a punishing nip.

“Don’t forget it.”

“Will you be mine, Payton?” he rasped. “I want to have you wrapped in my arms when we go to sleep, and standing at my side when we walk through the Wildlands.” He grabbed her hips, pressing her tight against his thickening cock. “I want you to grow round with my young and be angry when I get home late. I want to spoil you, and aggravate you, and love you until I take my last breath.”

Tears flooded her eyes at the words she’d ached to hear for so very, very long.

“Damn you,” she sighed.

He stiffened with genuine concern. “What have I done now?”

“I intended to make you suffer.”

A low growl rumbled in his chest. “Believe me, spending two decades trying to keep my hands off you has been sheer torture.”


He suddenly lowered his head, nipping a path of kisses down the curve of her neck.

“Say yes.”

“Hakan.” Her hands landed on his broad chest, lightning bolts of pleasure streaking through her. “I can’t think when you’re doing that.”

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