Hannah's Blessing (18 page)

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Authors: Collette Scott

BOOK: Hannah's Blessing
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Devlan threw back his head and laughed. “Of course. I wouldn’t take you and Hannah on a plane that wasn’t safe.” Her dubious look prompted him to smile reassuringly. “This is a Falcon 900. It has three engines and can fly distances over four thousand miles, which makes it perfectly safe to take over water. Besides, I’ve had this jet for three years now, Diana. I’ve flown everywhere in it. It’s safe.”

Diana gave him another worried glance before finally giving in and ducking through the open door. A beaming stewardess greeted her and sent a flirtatious smile towards Devlan. 

“There’s a bed in the back made up for the little one. Once we’re at cruising altitude she can rest there,” she said to Diana. Then she looked past her and watched Devlan, who was making his way to his large leather chair behind the highly polished desk.

Diana smirked at him and found a seat next to Hannah on the long sofa in the back. The sleepy child pressed herself up against Diana’s chest, and Diana wrapped her arms around her small shoulders. She pressed Hannah’s head into the crook of her arm and smoothed her hair gently.

“Go to sleep,” she whispered.

“I’m not tired,” came the rebellious reply.

“Yes you are,” she said. She smiled soothingly once more. “We’re going to have so much fun.”

“I hope so, Mommy. I want to have fun.”

Readjusting their positions, Diana urged Hannah to put her head down in her lap. The weary child did so and Diana smoothed her hair away from her face with tender fingers. As the airplane slowly evened out, Hannah’ eyes drifted closed and she quickly fell asleep.

With Hannah settled, Diana took a moment to glance around. Devlan was once again working. Two laptops were open in front of him, and he glanced between the two in rapid intervals. His long fingers typed while an occasional curse escaped his lips as he gazed at both screens before him. As Diana watched, she felt a flurry of emotions ranging from disappointment over his lack of attention to relief that he was giving her space.

She continued to glance around the pristine interior of the plane before her gaze landed upon Devlan’s trusted bodyguard. Mike was now leaning back with his eyes closed in the plush seat across from his boss, his back facing her. With his seat in the reclined position, he appeared completely relaxed. His thick blond locks were windblown and free, unlike his usual impeccable appearance, and it appeared that he too was looking forward to some time off.

The stewardess came along to offer her a glass of wine a short time later. She stopped for some time to chat with Devlan, but Diana noticed that he dismissed her quickly and went right back to work. Sporting a disappointed frown, the rejected woman returned with a warm blanket for Hannah before silently taking a seat in the front of the plane.

Diana was by herself, with no one to talk to. Already they were over the clear blue expanse of water, and the monitor in her section of the plane was showing a Disney movie. She sighed. It was times like those that Diana wished she had a book, but having none she too closed her eyes.

It seemed as though she had just closed her eyes when she felt warm fingers gently stroking her cheek. Opening her eyes reluctantly, Diana found Devlan standing before her with a wistful half-smile curving his lips. Heart jumping in response, she looked away quickly and turned her attention to the nearby window. As far as she could tell they were still in the air, although the sun was fast setting in the western sky.

“Where are we?”

“Somewhere over the Pacific.”

She frowned. “Are we almost there?”


Gently pushing her stretched out legs away, Devlan sat in the seat across from the sofa. Swiveling it around, he reached down and drew them back onto his lap. She went still when his hands began a relaxing massage of her calves and ankles, but her tension did not last long. His strong fingers felt heavenly and were very persuasive. Just like the rest of him. Though her eyes drifted closed again, sleep was the farthest thing from her mind.

“What are you doing?” she murmured.

“Seducing you.”

When her eyes flew open, Devlan released a throaty chuckle. His eyes twinkled in amusement when she sat up straight and jerked her legs away.

“Very funny,” she snapped. “Why don’t you try that with your stewardess? She seems more than willing.”

“I would never get involved with an employee, Diana,” he said, his eyes still dancing with delight. “And as much as I appreciate your jealousy, I have to admit that woman doesn’t interest me at all.”

She scowled at him then turned back to look out the window so he would not be able to see the tell-tale blush rising on her cheeks. Not to be ignored, he reached forward and caressed her knees, his thumbs stretching up to stroke the inside of her thighs. Though she wanted to pull away, she could not find the strength of will to do so. Instead, she reluctantly relented and watched the lazy patterns he traced on her legs.

“The last time we spoke ended badly,” he commented.

“Yes it did,” she agreed. “I’m sorry for being so stupid.”

“Don’t apologize. It was my fault. First Roxanne, and then… well, after I thought about it I realized how easily it was to give you that impression. It hasn’t exactly been a secret how much I desire you.”

So there it was. She swallowed back her fear, knowing that to fight would be useless. “It was very arrogant of me to presume, but for the record I was willing.”

“You know how crazy you make me, Diana,” he said softly. “But I want you because you want me too, not because of a little bit of money.”

Diana let out a short laugh. “That’s not a small amount.”

“But you’re worth every penny and more if you come to me of your own free will… It’s just a matter of time.”

The intensity in his voice gave rise to the familiar feeling of panic that stole through her belly. “I’m not sure I’m ready for that again.”

“Don’t worry, I’m looking forward to fixing that,” he said with a chuckle.

She knew that she was not fooling either of them. He knew very well that their desire was mutual, and all he had to do was touch her and she would melt in his arms. It may have been a self-conscious move on her part, but her very presence on the airplane acknowledged her readiness to start over. When she was with him, her failed marriage was just a memory, a bad dream. Devlan’s obvious admiration and yearning for her had the capability to wipe away those horrible years and give her back her confidence. So why did she hold back? Well, obviously she would lose her heart in a potentially temporary agreement. Was she strong enough to survive that?

Seeing her expressions change, Devlan sat back in his seat and spoke softly. “I really am sorry about what I said that night. I was shocked and angry…”

“I think we both made mistakes that night,” she replied quickly. “I guess our assumptions were just a tad bit off.”

“That’s what we’re going to fix.”

When he spoke so confidently, Diana almost believed that he could do anything. “I guess we’ll see.”

“We’re going to make this work.”

There was no hidden agenda behind his earnest blue gaze. All she saw was that familiar determination of a man who had no intentions of failing. He had made his goal very clear in his candid and honest way. At least she would be entering into an intimate relationship with no secrets. Her eyes were as open as his, so why could she not take advantage of this opportunity? Taking a deep breath, Diana studied him closely. Yes, she decided, she could go on. If it helped her get on with her life, she would take the chance. It was time she started enjoying life and enjoying Devlan.








Chapter 10


The flight took four hours, and with the time difference it was evening in Hawaii when the airplane came to a smooth landing on Oahu. Under the lavender sky, the night air was balmy and filled with the scent of tropical flowers. The sea breeze was strong enough to stir Diana’s hair, and she carelessly tucked some loose strands behind her ear. Across the air field bright lights shined, and there they found a waiting helicopter with the pilot standing by.

Never one to enjoy flight, Diana was even more concerned about this contraption than she was of the small jet. While Mike strode ahead in his eagerness to get to the ship, Diana’s footsteps slowed and she ignored Devlan’s sympathetic smile. She inspected the machinery with a cautious and hesitant eye.

“It won’t bite you,” he teased lightly.

“You never know,” she replied.

Lifting Hannah into his arms, Devlan reached out with his free hand and captured her cool fingers. Before she could pull away, he lifted them to his lips and smiled encouragingly. They crossed the field to the chopper together and climbed within the small compartment.

“We’ll be at the yacht in minutes,” he promised. “It’s just twenty miles off-shore. Then we’ll get Hannah and you some dinner and tuck you into bed.”

That was about all Diana heard above the roaring propellers. She squeezed her eyes shut and clung to Hannah as the chopper lifted off the ground and sped out over the sea. All too soon the lights on the ground changed to the deep blue of the ocean. Diana wondered how many helicopters went down on a weekly basis.

Fortunately Devlan was right. It was a quick ride. Within minutes, she glanced below and saw the blinking lights of the waiting yacht beckoning to them. She sent Hannah a reassuring smile.

“How big is this boat of yours?” she yelled over the propellers.

Devlan squeezed her hand. “I’ll give you a tour, personally.”

She nodded and closed her eyes again as the chopper made a bumpy landing on the boat’s upper deck. It took another few moments before the whine of the motor settled and the doors were opened to allow them exit.

Mike carried Hannah out, leaving Devlan to assist Diana to the safety of the deck. There were several people waiting in uniform dress beyond the helipad, and all of them wore matching smiles of welcome. Devlan made his way there, pulling Diana alongside him.

“Captain Adams, how are you?” Devlan asked with a broad grin. He reached forward and held out his hand, and the captain grasped it in a firm handshake.

“Glad to see you again, Mr. Doyle, sir. Welcome aboard.”

“These are my guests,” Devlan continued. “Diana Somerset… and this little beauty is Hannah. You already know Mike, of course.”

The captain nodded curtly and gave them both polite smiles. “Welcome aboard
The Haven
ladies. I hope your stay with us will be pleasant.”

Diana smiled her thanks but Hannah buried her face in Mike’s shoulders. The cranky youngster was in no mood to socialize, and the captain noticed.

“Paolo, our first mate, will show you to the dining room, ladies. Our chef, Francois, has prepared a hot dog for Miss Hannah until he can consult with you on a menu for the week. I hope that is satisfactory?”

Diana glanced at Devlan, who nodded his approval. “I’ll meet up with you on the main deck once you get Hannah to bed. Then I’ll show you around the ship.”

“Thank you, I’m sure that’ll be fine,” she answered the captain.

Paolo, an Italian born man with blond hair and blue eyes, bowed respectfully as he gestured for them to follow. His stilted English was somewhat hard to follow, but he spoke amiably about the ship as he led her through the main salon to the circular stairs. At the bottom of the first flight he led them into the large, round dining room, once again holding out his hand for them to pass.

“Hannah’s room is just down the stairs to the right,” he finished, bowing out the room. “All the guest staterooms are down there.”

Clinging to Hannah’s hand, Diana took in the sight before her with awe. The room was surrounded by windows which overlooked the main deck. Though currently cast in shadow, she was fairly certain that the views afforded from this room could be breathtaking. It was deceptively large, and she took in the sight of the highly polished hardwood table with matching detailed chairs with dismay. More suited for a fancy banquet room, the table could easily seat fifteen, but only two places were set at the moment. A large platter of cheeses rested between the two settings, with a bottle of chilled wine and a single glass for her. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble for the two of them, and Diana felt a twinge of guilty pleasure.

While Diana and Hannah chose their seats, Paolo returned to ring a buzzer. Within moments a stewardess arrived, carrying steaming plates with hot dogs and fries. “I poured milk for the lass, is that okay?”

Diana nodded and accepted the plate with a smile of thanks.

“My name’s Betty. If you’re needing anything, you just call on me,” she said as she backed away.

“Thank you, Betty.”

Hannah reached for her plate and drink like a fiend, and Diana realized that it had been hours since they had eaten last. Hannah had slept nearly the entire flight, and lunch had been hours before that.

“You poor baby,” she murmured, cutting up the hot dog. “You must be starved.”

She nodded enthusiastically. “I’m really hungry, Mommy.”

“Well, eat all up and we’ll put you to bed.”

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