Hannibal Rising (3 page)

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Authors: Jon Sharpe

BOOK: Hannibal Rising
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Fargo stood and used his foot to shove his chair back. “You can tell me more on the way out to the Clyborn place.”
“You’re going then?” Pickleman lit up like a lamp. “I can’t thank you enough. I’m in your debt.”
Fargo figured he might as well get it over with. He tucked the bottle under his arm and followed the lawyer out. The sun was poised on the western rim of the world and would soon relinquish its reign to the moon. He opened his saddlebags and slid the bottle in while Pickleman impatiently tapped a foot. “Where’s this carriage?”
“Down the street.”
Fargo unwrapped the reins and followed. It was close to the supper hour. Shops and stores were closing or about to close and people were hurrying home. A lot of them, he noticed, stared at him as they went by. He thought maybe it was his buckskins. Everyone else was wearing either homespun or store-bought clothes. Then he realized he was the only one wearing a six-shooter.
Suddenly a man blocked the lawyer’s way. He wore a suit and had a high, wide forehead and a long upturned nose. The lower half of his face was wreathed in a beard as neatly trimmed as Fargo’s. “Is it true what I’ve heard?”
“How can I say when I don’t know what it is?” Pickleman responded.
“You know very well what. I find it incredible bordering on the absurd. How could he do such a thing?”
“Now, now. Don’t make more of it than there is.”
“And don’t you make light of it. On second thought, I know perfectly well how he could do it, given his nature.”
Fargo said, “Is there a problem?”
“Not at all,” Pickleman said. “Where are my manners? Skye Fargo, I’d like you to meet Orion Clemens. He owns the
Hannibal Journal
“How do you do?” Clemens offered his hand and looked Fargo up and down. “Fargo, did he say? By your attire I take you for a plainsman.” Clemens gave a slight start. “My word. You’re not by any chance the man they call the Trailsman? I’ve read about you, sir.”
“Hell,” Fargo said.
Clemens stared down his long nose at the lawyer. “This becomes more interesting by the moment. How does this rather famous gentleman fit into Tom Senior’s insane scheme?”
“Insane scheme?” Fargo echoed.
Pickleman waved a hand dismissively. “Pay no attention to our esteemed journalist, Mr. Fargo. He has newspapers to sell, after all.” He started to go around but Clemens again blocked his path. “Here now. Out of my way, if you please.”
“Be reasonable, Theodore. I owe it to my readers. I already know about the hunt but not the exact rules and who is to oversee it.”
“You won’t hear them from me.” Pickleman glanced about them and lowered his voice. “You’re the one who isn’t being reasonable. You know very well that an attorney can’t violate a client’s confidence. I’m sorry but you’ll have to dig up your dirt elsewhere.” He walked on.
Fargo had caught the one word that might explain why he was sent for. “What was that about a hunt?”
“All in due time, sir.”
The carriage was actually a victoria, a luxurious model with a fold-down top and a scalloped floor. The driver wore a purple uniform and a high silk hat. He began to climb down.
“That’s all right, James,” Pickleman told him. “I’ll climb in myself.”
Fargo went around to the rear to tie the Ovaro. He wasn’t paying attention to the passersby and didn’t notice a man come up and stop.
“What’s this, then?”
“Hello, Marshal,” Pickleman said.
The lawman was broad and square-jawed and wore his badge high on his vest. He wasn’t wearing a gun belt but there was a telltale bulge under his left arm. “You didn’t answer me.” He pointed at Fargo’s waist. “Explain to me why your friend is wearing a sidearm in violation of town ordinance?”
“He just got off a steamboat.”
was the last to dock and that was twenty minutes ago,” the lawman said gruffly. “I know every arrival and departure by heart.” His tone hardened. “And the firearm ordinance is clearly posted at the wharf.”
Pickleman calmly introduced Fargo. “This is Dick Lamar, our marshal. As you can tell, he takes his duties seriously.”
“Damn right I do.” Lamar held out his hand. “I’ll take the Colt, mister. You can have it back when you leave town.”
“Sam wouldn’t like that,” Pickleman said.
“How’s that again?”
“Sam Clyborn sent for him. Certainly, take his revolver if you must but don’t blame me if Sam wants your head.” The lawyer smiled and said not unkindly, “Besides, as you can plainly see, we’re on our way out of town anyway so why not let him keep it? He’s only here for the weekend. Monday afternoon he is to take a steamboat back down the river to Saint Louis.”
This was the first Fargo had heard of working only for two days. Here it was, almost Friday evening. What kind of hunt took that short a time and required someone with his particular skills? There had to be plenty of local hunters who knew the habits of the local wildlife.
Marshal Lamar lowered his hand. “Very well. I’ll make an exception but just this once.” He stepped up to Pickleman. “Don’t think I do it out of fear, either. I’m the one person in Hannibal that Sam can’t lord it over and Sam knows it.” He wheeled on a boot heel. “Now get the hell out of here before I change my mind.”
Pickleman leaned toward Fargo and said quietly, “You must excuse him. He’s been at odds with the Clyborn family now and again.”
“The marshal lives by the letter of the law and the Clyborns like to bend the law to suit them. But after all, that’s always been a prerogative of the rich and the powerful, hasn’t it?”
Fargo didn’t answer. He shucked his Henry rifle from the saddle scabbard and climbed into the victoria. There was hardly a speck of dust anywhere and the leather had a nice smell. He settled back with the Henry across his lap.
Pickleman stared at the rifle as if it might bite him. “I honestly doubt you’ll have need of your long gun.”
“You’re the one who said he was worried about Injun Joe,” Fargo reminded him.
James cracked his whip. With a slight jounce they were under way. They turned south at the next corner. Beyond the outskirts of town rose a sweep of densely wooded hills.
“I’m only staying the weekend?” Fargo brought up.
“Oh. Yes. I can confirm that much, at least. It’s not very long, I grant you, given how far you’ve come and how much you are being paid. But I think it’s safe to say you are in for one of the most interesting experiences of your life.”
All that was left of the sun was a golden arch. The woods on both sides of the road were mantled in spreading shadows. Soon twilight would descend and they still had miles to go.
Theodore Pickleman was a talker. He prattled on about the glories of Hannibal, about how it was a hub of commerce, how it had grown by bounds the past decade, about the foresight of the man some considered the town’s founding father. “Yes, sir. Tom Clyborn was a visionary. He turned that vision into riches most men can only dream of.”
Fargo listened with half an ear. He wished he had kept the bottle. He could use a drink. Folding his arm across his chest, he remarked, “Didn’t you tell me that creek we crossed is called Bear Creek?”
“Yes. Once these woods teemed with black bears but now there are far fewer.” The lawyer gestured at the forest. “Tell me. What do you see?”
Fargo wasn’t sure what he was getting at. “Trees?”
Pickleman smiled smugly. “Indeed. You and I see trees. Not Tom Clyborn. He saw black walnut. Hickory. Ash. Sycamores. Maples. An entire logging industry there for the taking.”
They had passed logging operations at the outskirts of Hannibal. Trees were being felled at a terrific rate. Fargo couldn’t help but reflect that as fast as the forest was being chopped down, in another twenty years there wouldn’t hardly be any forest left. He said as much.
“So? That’s a long way off. The important thing is that we make money now.”
“There’s more to life than money.”
Pickleman tilted his head and studied Fargo as he might a new kind of bug.
“Don’t let Sam hear you say that. To the Clyborns, money is everything. Power. Prestige. Luxury.” He patted the victoria’s seat. “As you can tell, they only buy the best. Which, by the by, is one of the reasons Sam saw fit to send for you.” He paused. “You are widely regarded as being the best there is at what you do. Is that true?”
Fargo shrugged.
“I see. You’re not one to brag. But I hope for your sake it is. Sam will be most displeased if you’re not all it’s claimed you are.”
Fargo remembered the comment about a hunt. “Has a bear been acting up? Is that why he sent for me?” So far as he knew, the only other meat-eaters that still roamed these hills and might pose a threat to people were cougars, but cougar attacks were rare.
“Oh, goodness no.” Pickleman laughed and shook his head.
“You’re not here to hunt wild game. Sam sent for you for a special purpose.”
Fargo was fed up with being kept in the dark. He fished for information by saying, “Clyborn meant what he said about paying me two thousand dollars?”
“A thousand a day for two days of your time, yes. Not bad when you consider that the yearly income for most people is about five hundred.”
The lawyer lapsed into silence, for which Fargo was grateful. He closed his eyes and pulled his hat brim down. A little rest would do him good. He had been up most of the night with Sweetpea. He relived the feel of her lips on his, of her full mounds in his hands, her hard nipples against his palms. He’d like to be with her now, parting those silken thighs of hers and running his hand from her knees to her moist cleft. He felt himself stir and inwardly smiled.
Unexpectedly, the victoria came to a stop.
Fargo opened his eyes. The sun was gone and night was falling. The driver was in the act of lighting the two lamps, one on either side of the seat, that would illuminate their way in the dark.
“Hurry it up, James,” Pickleman said. “We don’t want to keep Sam Clyborn waiting, do we?”
“No, sir,” James replied. He had the first lamp lit and closed the glass. Turning to the second, he opened the glass and bent to light it. In the woods a rifle boomed and the back of the driver’s head exploded in a shower of hair and flesh and silk hat.
Fargo was in motion before the sound of the shot died. It had come from the trees to the right; he went left, clearing the seat and the step and landing in a crouch with the victoria between him and the shooter.
Theodore Pickleman was frozen in shock.
“Get down!” Fargo rasped, and when the lawyer didn’t move, he reached up and hauled him out of the seat. A second shot blasted and the slug ripped into the victoria inches from his head. Ducking, Fargo turned Pickleman toward the vegetation and gave him a shove.
The lawyer unwittingly straightened and took a step.
Instantly, Fargo grabbed him by the shirt and threw him to the ground. “Are you trying to get yourself shot?” He hunkered beside the rear wheel.
Pickleman didn’t move. His mouth worked but no sounds came out. Then he gulped and bleated, “What is going on? Who shot James?”
“How the hell would I know?” Fargo raised his head to peer over the top and nearly lost an ear to a leaden hornet. Only this time the shot came from a different spot and by the sound was a revolver. He worked the Henry’s lever, feeding a cartridge into the chamber.
“This can’t be happening. It just can’t.”
“Tell that to your driver.” Fargo risked a look around the rear of the carriage. A black veil had fallen and was rapidly darkening.
Pickleman sat up. “Oh, God. Poor James. I don’t understand why anyone would shoot him. He was a good man. He’d never harm a soul.”
“They shot him first to keep us here,” Fargo guessed. “Now they’re waiting for one of us to try and climb up on that seat so they can do the same to us.”
“You keep saying
but I bet it’s only one man. It has to be Injun Joe.”
Fargo didn’t waste breath explaining. He edged away from the wheel and toward the Ovaro. He was worried the bush-whackers might decide to shoot the horses.
Across the road the undergrowth spouted flame and sound and lead smacked the victoria. Fargo answered in kind, banging off three swift shots. Spinning, he crab-stepped toward the driver’s seat. “We have to get out of here,” he whispered. “When I climb up, you jump in.”
“Not on your life,” Pickleman said with a vigorous shake of his head. “We’ll be killed before we go ten feet. They can see us but we can’t see them.”
Fargo remedied that. He shot the lamp. It burst in a shower of flame and whale oil, plunging them in darkness. It also spooked the team. With a strident whinny the near horse bolted and the other horse ran with it. Fargo lunged to try and grab hold of the victoria and swing up but he couldn’t get a firm grip and pitched onto his side. The carriage was a score of yards away—and taking the Ovaro with it—before he could get to his knees. “Damn.”
“Oh my,” Pickleman said.
In the woods a gun thundered.
Fargo saw the muzzle flash. He slammed off two shots while backpedaling. “Hunt cover!” he snapped, and Pickleman scrambled after him.
Across the road both the rifle and the revolver opened up, peppering the undergrowth.
The wide trunk of a maple offered haven. Fargo darted behind it and worked the lever. His elbow bumped the lawyer, who was practically clinging to his back. “When I said to hunt cover I didn’t mean
“Oh, sorry.” Pickleman moved a bit back. “It’s just that I’ve never been involved in anything like this before.”
Fargo had, more times than he cared to count. “The first rule is don’t get shot.”
“Am I mistaken or is there more than one shooter?” the lawyer asked.
“The second rule is whisper.”
“Oh. Sorry.” Pickleman closed his eyes, apparently wrestling with his emotions, and when he opened them he was calmer. He whispered, “There are two of them, am I right?”

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