Hansel's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tale) (6 page)

Read Hansel's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tale) Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #interracial, #shifter, #bear shifter

BOOK: Hansel's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tale)
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I swear you males don’t
have the manners the Great Spirit gave out.”

You guys will have the
park turned upside down without a thought.”

Two older women, with silver-streaked
hair, one white and one black came shoving through the group of
males. All the males appeared to take a step back and look a little


Cord took hold of the white woman’s
shoulders as if trying to halt her progress toward Hansel.
“Grandma, this is no place—”

Oh, pipe down, Mayor.
We’re just trying to show this male a little Den County
hospitality. Right, Genma?”

Right, Octavia.” Genma,
the older black woman smiled at him. “Have you eaten?”

I’m sure you’re hungry.”
The woman who was called Octavia shook off the hands of the mayor
and moved up alongside her cohort.

He couldn’t recall ever having
grandparents and the last time anyone showed him such sweet,
motherly kindness wasn’t even a clear memory in his mind. “Um…”
Hansel wasn’t sure what to say, he felt befuddled. He wanted to
give these two ladies the same kind of reticent treatment he’d
easily displayed to the males, but he was finding it hard. He’d
never struggled with such awkward emotions. “Sorta.”

I bet you haven’t.” Genma

Look, Ann over at Gobi’s
Diner makes the best smoked salmon fritta you’ve ever put in your
mouth.” Octavia stepped to him and wrapped her arm through

And the honey butter on
the rolls.” Genma took hold of his other arm.

Ladies, I don’t think
this is going to solve the issues.” Sheriff Smokey stepped into
their path.

And what you all were
growling and scratching about was?” Octavia moved and tugged Hansel

We don’t want to keep
Rita waiting any longer at Gobi’s.” Genma declared as she continued
in step with the older woman, dragging him along with

What’s my wife doing over
there? I don’t want her involved in this until I know what the
were-male’s aim is with my daughter.” A tall black male with short
curly gray hair blocked their way.

Greta’s father.

Hansel eyed the Were, seeing the
resemblance not only in Greta’s nutmeg complexion, but her eyes and
nose as well.

The older females moved right around
him as if he were but a small consideration. “Manni, Greta is her
daughter as well. She has every right to get to know this fine male
bear.” Octavia patted Hansel’s arm.

Looking from left to right at the two
bulldozers as they led him from the park and to the main road, he
felt more nervous about sitting with them in a diner than he had
before a group of males ready to shift at any moment.

The were-males continued to grumble
behind them about meddling were-females, but Hansel noticed that
none of them stepped forward to stop the older females. No rescue
for him.

He was good at fighting, defending
himself with fist or claws, but what these seasoned females wanted
from him, conversation, he had no recourse.

Keeping his silence, he allowed them
to guide their progress, waiting to see if he would be presented
with a way out.

The two females kept a lively
discussion about events coming up in the county that he had no clue
about. Ten minutes later they entered the restaurant.

It was packed with people enjoying
breakfast and conversation.

Someone stood up and waved at them
from a back table.

There’s Rita.” Octavia
released his arm and weaved through the tables, smiling and
stopping occasionally to speak to people as she passed

Genma kept a firm hold on him, as if
she were concerned he would bolt if she turned him

He probably would have.

Hi, this is Hansel…he’s
new in town.” Genma would say when she paused to address someone
who asked her a question.

It shocked him how they were
presenting him to people as if he were a wanted guest. Like they’d
invited him for a holiday stay.

It didn’t escape him that the females
of the town grinned and nodded, while the men eyed him
suspiciously. No one had to tell him that the entire county had
been informed about his presence and about him having a private
conversation with Greta in the park.

Rita, this is Hansel…”
Octavia stared at him as if she were waiting for him to fill in the

It’s just Hansel.” He’d
had a family name, even remembered it. When he used it, it just
brought pain and memories he didn’t want to deal with, so he left
it off.

Well, just Hansel, I’m
Greta’s mother, Rita Armel, and it is nice to meet you.” She placed
a hand on his shoulder as warmth filled her gaze.

You too, Mrs. Armel.” He
felt unsure of himself and he didn’t enjoy that feeling at all.
He’d never met a female’s mother before in his life. The women he
associated with, mostly non-Weres, were women he just got with for
a night or two of physical release.

She waved her hand before him. “None
of that, Mrs. stuff…just Rita. Sit.”

He waited until the females had
claimed their seats then took the seat across the table from Rita
as Octavia and Genma sat to the left and right of them.

Well, well, well…I see
you all got our county stranger in here finally.” A woman with an
apron approached the table all smiles and smelling of sweet honey
and buttery fried eggs.

If it were up to the
males of the county they would let him starve to death, Ann.” Genma
shook her head.

How they expect a person
to have any kind of discussion on an empty stomach is beyond me.”
Octavia fluffed her short silver-blond hair.

His stomach chose that moment to sound
off loudly. That piece of jerky he’d eaten well over two hours ago
was long gone.

I hear you, son…” Ann
laughed. “I’ll have Lindsey bring you out a plate of my

Don’t forget a bowl of
those rolls.” Rita winked at her.

You got it. Anything for
you ladies?”

Everyone ordered drinks only and Ann
went back through the diner, hugging and smiling at people along
the way.

You’re going to enjoy the
First Moon Festival when it comes around.”

He frowned. “There’s a festival coming
up?” Celebrations, of any kind, were something else he’d never been
a part of. He always kept to himself for the holidays.

In a few weeks, there
sure is.” Genma said, her eyes lighting up with

Sorry to disappoint you
ladies, but I probably won’t be around here in a few weeks.” He
could only allow a day or two off his journey. He couldn’t risk
losing the headway he’d made.

We’ll let time take care
of itself.” Octavia added, not appearing at all discouraged by his

Greta will be Den
County’s honoree at the festival.” Rita’s knowing black gaze met

The waitress chose that moment to
arrive with a tray filled with their four drinks. Warm tea for
Genma and Octavia, water for Rita and his coffee with extra honey.
Most Weres had a sweet tooth, however, his was more prominent than
most. He figured it was because he’d been denied small pleasures
such as treats for so long in his adolescence that his body made up
for it.

Thanks.” He nodded at the
young were-female with Lindsey stitched in cursive on her uniform

Anytime…Your food should
be up soon.
else I can get for you in the meantime?” The heat in her gaze
and the come-hither smile on her thin lips didn’t leave any doubt
what Lindsey was offering—fun in the woods.

She was attractive with her pale skin
and red hair, but his body didn’t even stir for her. Especially not
with Greta so close. His bear had one focus and one only—Greta

I believe Franklin is
signaling you. We don’t want to keep you from your
.” Genma flapped her
hand as if shooing away a bothersome fly.

Lindsey’s seductive smile dropped as
she scurried away to another table.

You were saying about
Greta, Rita?” Octavia guided the conversation back on the path it
was before the waitress showed up.

Ah, yes, yes, my daughter
will be the honoree at the festival. Her getting that fish the
other day was a big deal.”

Octavia rested a hand on her bosom.
“No female has ever won it before. Impressive.”

Won what?” Hansel

The salmon catch
competition you witnessed the other day.” Genma lifted her teacup
to her lips and sipped, her gaze never wavering from

He almost felt like blushing hearing
the woman bring up the fact that he’d been hiding in the woods
observing the love and fellowship of their community. However, he
schooled his features, kept them blank as he cleared his throat.
“Oh, was that what was going on?”

Nothing about yesterday had even
registered in his mind except Greta, seeing her after so long. Then
that other male’s arms around her. He rubbed the back of his neck
calming the hairs that had risen there.

Yes. We do it every year.
It is great fun. Only unmated Were-bears can compete.” Octavia
smiled as Lindsey came back carrying a basket, saucers and his
plate of food. “Thanks, dear.”

Welcome.” After the quick
mumble, Lindsey rushed away, not even giving Hansel a glance this

She’d make Tim Bjorn a
lovely wife.” Rita flipped back the cloth folded in the basket and
pulled out a roll.

I was thinking the same
thing.” Genma set a roll on her saucer.

I think I’ll plan a
family dinner next week and invite her over.” Octavia was
practically beaming.

A perfect idea.” Rita
declared. “You must try the bread, the honey butter is Ann’s
special blend, she doesn’t share it with anyone.”

Pulling a roll from the basket she
held out to him, he thanked her. Sinking his teeth into the warmth,
his taste buds came alive as the syrupy sweet and salty blend met
his palate. Never in all his life had he sampled something so

It is just that good.”
Rita giggled.

Hansel realized he’d moaned. However,
his embarrassment didn’t stop him from finishing the bread in two

Octavia set another roll on his saucer
with a wide grin.

The scent of the eggs, kale, smoked
salmon and diced tomatoes and onions beckoned him. He’d been on the
road for the last couple months nonstop following one lead after
another with only jerky and convenience store snacks to satisfy
him. Now, with such fine fare he found it hard to contain his

The first forkful had his lids sliding
shut. Fluffy, smoky goodness. His bear was in heaven. It had been
too long since he’d enjoyed salmon…and fresh, smoked salmon was a
delight he’d missed immensely.


Almost too good to be
true.” He opened his eyes and met Rita’s.

Fantastic. A male should
have a delicious meal to greet him when he comes off the road.”
Genma smacked the table.

I’m very grateful for
this.” He ate more. “Too soon I’ll be back to my regular

Well, let’s hope that
won’t be for some time from now.” Genma placed a hand on his

Pushing away the empty plate, he drank
his coffee as he reached for his second roll. “Sorry to disappoint
you. But, I think I’ve already overstayed my welcome.” He’d attempt
one more time to speak with Greta, but if she shut him down again,
he could see no reason to stay. No matter what his bear

Nonsense. Are you needed
back home for something?” Octavia broke a bit of bread off and
popped it into her mouth.

Home. That was a word he never
associated with himself. “No home.”

Sleuthless?” Rita

He a part of a sleuth was just as
foreign as a home. He shrugged.

Then you must stay here.
Get to know Den County and the Weres here.” Octavia laid a hand on
his wrist.

Not sure if that’s a good
idea.” The whole time he’d been there he could feel the male
patrons’ stares unwavering on him. Since his back was to the wall
every time he glanced beyond the older females at the table with
him, he’d meet another piercing stare.
Leave. We don’t want you here.
were just a couple of the statements clearly evident in their

Oh pooh, I disagree.”
Genma took hold of his hand. “I think a little rest and
friendliness is just what you need.”

Hansel looked past the elegant black
woman and connected with eyes that held a twinge of red at the ring
of the irises. A blond were-male sat with two others, perched on
the end of their chairs as if they were just waiting for Hansel to
do something wrong, untoward and so they could pounce.

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