Happy Together: 500 Things to Do for and With (7 page)

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Authors: Ken Shafer

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Love & Romance, #test

BOOK: Happy Together: 500 Things to Do for and With
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Page 80
219. Go bike riding together.
220. Build a fire for you and your sweetheart.
221. Throw a family reunion.
222. Start a garden together.
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223. Bring your sweetheart something from a bakery.
Page 82
224. Shoot targets together.
225. Get married.
226. Go window shopping together.
227. Snow ski together.
228. Kiss your sweetheart when the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve.
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229. Lend your sweetheart as much money as she wants.
Page 84
230. Make a time capsule together.
231. Go rollerblading together.
232. Buy your sweetheart a radar detector.
233. Share a blanket.
234. Surprise your sweetheart with a preplanned vacation for the two of you.
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235. Leave a note in your sweetheart's business papers or on the bedpost.
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236. Go out dancing together.
237. Go to a parade.
238. Plant a tree together.
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239. Buy your sweetheart music that was popular when the two of you met.
240. Make your sweetheart this special dessert: a big brownie topped with a scoop of ice cream and hot fudge.
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241. Clean the garage together.
242. Go to a toy store together.
243. Play an April Fool's joke on your sweetheart.
244. Decorate the Christmas tree together.
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245. Go camping together.
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246. Use a sauna together.
247. Go Christmas caroling together.
248. Have a gift shipped to your sweetheart.
249. Feed ducks together.
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250. Start a hobby together.
251. Adopt a pet together.
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252. Rake leaves together.
253. Look at old photos together.
254. Give your sweetheart some lingerie.
255. Buy your sweetheart a watch.
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256. Have a return address stamper made with both your names on it.
257. Play cards together.
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258. Surprise your sweetheart with a gift in the middle of dinner.
259. Have a song you and your sweetheart can call ''our song.''
260. Run through sprinklers together.
261. Watch Saturday morning cartoons together.
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262. Hold a door open for your sweetheart.
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263. Carry your sweetheart's books or bags.
264. Have a baby.
265. Clip coupons together.
266. Enter a contest together.
Page 97
267. Get a professional massage together.
268. Share an umbrella with your sweetheart.

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