Hard and Easy [High-Country Shifters 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Hard and Easy [High-Country Shifters 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Okay, okay
. She was drawn to them and wanted to get to know them, plus they had saved her from those brutes. Her parents had taught her to repay her debts. As soon as she was convinced they were on the mend she’d leave.

By the time Brin hobbled to his house, she had to admit he appeared a little stronger. As they walked up the pathway to their home, she couldn’t help but check out the manicured street. While she’d passed this stop every day going from work to her house, she’d never exited here. The more influential and wealthier people resided in this area, and there had never been an occasion to visit.

“You coming, Madra?”

Larek held open the door. “Sorry.” She raced up the steps and entered. An involuntary gasp escaped. “Your home is beautiful.”

He shrugged. “It’s just furniture.”

She was sure he hadn’t meant to belittle her comment but rather to say wealth didn’t mean much to him. Brin didn’t stop to chat but instead headed down a long hallway.

Larek ran a hand down her arm, which sent delightful shivers up her body. “Come with me. I’ll show you where you can clean up.”

She was well aware she had Brin’s blood on her but only now noticed how it had wet her shirt, making it cling revealingly to her breasts. She wrapped her arms around her chest, though by now he’d probably gotten an eyeful. “Thanks.”

While Brin had entered a room at the end of the hall, Larek stopped halfway down. “You can use this washroom.”

He seemed to be in a hurry to take care of his injuries, so she stepped in. “Thanks. Go take care of yourself and Brin.” For a second, she debated following them, but she figured Brin would be naked by now and having her see him wouldn’t be appropriate.

When she glanced at the mirror, her appearance appalled her. She wasn’t sure how she got blood on her face and in her hair, but it was clear her shirt was now ruined. She took it off and tossed it in the trash. Since she rarely went bare chested like the other Anterran women, she felt self-conscious.

Don’t be such a prude

She lifted up both heavy breasts then dropped them. Why couldn’t she have tiny, perky breasts like the rest of the population?

After she washed up the best she could, she went back to the living room. She debated listening at the door to see how the men were doing, but she didn’t want to intrude. Instead, she wandered around the living room, admiring all their fine artwork and wonderfully crafted furniture.

To pass the time, she checked out the magazines on the table. The law magazine didn’t surprise her, but the ones on hiking and efficient food growing did. She wondered which of the men was into cooking.

She was so relaxed on the sofa that when she jerked awake, she glanced around to see how long she’d been asleep. The sunlight coming through the solar tubes had disappeared and had been replaced by the glow of the streetlights.

Madra jumped up, worried that Larek hadn’t come out. What if they’d started bleeding and were too weak to call her? Her stomach tumbled and her pulse raced. She rushed down the hallway and knocked on the last door. When no one answered, she pushed it open.

It was clearly a bedroom, but the men weren’t there. Pillows were tossed haphazardly on the bed and the sheets were rumpled, looking like one of them tossed and turned a lot during the night. The modern and expensive-looking metal-canopied bed fit the style of the rest of the house, as did the sleek dresser and chair.

A desk sat in the corner with papers cluttering the entire surface, and loincloths were tossed carelessly on the dresser.

Stop judging, and see if the men need help

Getting distracted all the time wasn’t like her. The door to what she assumed was the bathroom sat closed. She softly padded over and placed an ear to the door. No sounds came from within. She knocked. “Are you two okay?” They had to be in there or surely she would have heard them come out.

If they’d changed into lions, they wouldn’t have been able to answer. She waited for what seemed forever but still got no response. Now she was really worried. Inhaling, she twisted open the door. The second she saw both men in the healing tub, with their eyes closed, she should have backed away, but a hidden part of her made her take in their glory.


* * * *


Larek opened his eyes and nudged Brin.
She’s finally here
. He couldn’t keep his excitement from coloring his tone. To be honest, it was the fact she was bare chested that had him tongue-tied. Brin’s back was to her, so he couldn’t see the divine beauty.
Wait ’til you see her tits.
Brin started to turn.
Don’t look now. She doesn’t need us to gawk

You can’t have all the fun.
Brin twisted around, and from the way his pupils dilated, he liked what he saw

Larek couldn’t help but notice his friend’s erection. He inwardly smiled, congratulating himself on his plan.

She raced over to them, almost with a look of horror and dismay. It took control not to comfort her. They’d already soaked in the healing powder for over an hour, had shifted and licked their wounds, and, after refilling the tub, had gotten back in as soon as they’d heard her come in. His damned skin had already puckered.

Most of Larek’s wounds had healed, and the only obvious evidence of the fight was Brin’s neck, which still needed time for the scab to disappear. The rest of his friend’s body was in perfect order, or so it seemed. However, they had no intention of telling that to Madra. Getting her hands on them would be wonderful.

“I was worried about you two.” She looked straight at him, and his cock hardened. “What can I do to help?”

Suck my cock and let me eat your pussy.
“Can you check my back? I can’t reach to clean it.” He’d hidden the scrubbers he’d used so she wouldn’t detect his lie. He was already squeaky clean.

“Sure.” She picked up the soap he’d conveniently left on the rim and dipped the bar into the water.

Since he wanted her hands on him, he’d put away all evidence of any washing cloths. The first touch nearly burned his skin. Her delicate fingers made his imagination go wild.

Brin placed his hands over his cock. Larek wasn’t ashamed of his hard-on. He bet a woman would be pleased that she had that kind of effect on a man. Wanting to show Madra what he had to offer, he widened his legs and lifted his butt off the bottom. His hard cock nearly broke the water’s surface.

He swallowed his smile when she nearly spit out what she probably thought was a silent gasp.

“Your back has some scratches, but you look remarkably good.”

. “Can you scrub them? It won’t hurt me.” He knew she was trying to be gentle.

Using light strokes, she rubbed his back. As she leaned over the tub, one of her breasts brushed against his arm. His balls tightened so much that an ache raced to the end of his cock. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.

“That’s good.” He swallowed the lump in his throat. His balls were now painfully tight. “Could you hand me one of those towels?” He nodded to the rack on the wall.

“Sure.” Her tone seemed to be a mixture of disappointment and relief.

She got up and brought one back. He could have used the hand blower to dry off, but she might feel more comfortable if he were covered. He stood, and she quickly averted her gaze.

For her sake, he swallowed his chuckle. “You can look if you want to.”

Her face colored. Maybe his comment had been too forward. He slipped a towel around his middle and stepped out.

She finally looked back at him. “How are you feeling?”

“A little weak, but I think if I rest, I’ll be fine.”

She blew out a breath, acting as if it was all her fault the skirmish occurred. He stepped over to her and clasped her shoulders. The urge to pull her to his chest and kiss her overwhelmed him, but he steeled his body against her allure. “This isn’t your fault, so get that out of your mind.”

Brin leaned forward and pushed himself up to get out but immediately dropped back into the tub. Water splashed over the side, and Madra was by his side instantly.

The open mouth and pinched brows were a bit dramatic, but then again Brin was a lawyer, which by extension meant he was a good actor.

“Larek, we need to help him. He might have internal injuries.”

Brin shook his head. “Give me a second.”

She leaned over and touched his neck. “This doesn’t look good.” She glanced back at Larek. “What can we do to help?”

“He probably should get out and shift. He’ll heal faster that way.”


Larek didn’t like how her breasts were pressed against Brin’s shoulders. Just imagining what he could do to her body made his mouth water.

Brin pushed up again, and this time he stood on steady legs. “Want to hand me a towel, too?”

Her gaze zeroed in on Brin’s cock, and he knew that soon all three would be in heaven.


* * * *


Not only was Brin well endowed, but the water glistening off his near-hairless chest had dripped right down to the patch of hair caressing his balls. Madra had to tear her gaze away from the magnificent man before she did or said something stupid.

Fortunately, Larek handed her a towel, which she gave to Brin. He stepped out of the tub and sat on the rim.

“Can you dry my back?” He waved the drying cloth.

She didn’t think he was that weak, but maybe lifting his arms would be painful, considering the neck wound.

“Sure. Can you twist around?”

He offered her his back. As she dragged the towel over his shoulders, she couldn’t help but admire the way his muscles flexed. He was more broad shouldered than Larek, but each had powerful legs and remarkably flat abs. Her body heated just patting him dry.
. Her body heated in part because she kept peeking over his shoulder at his ginormous cock. She wasn’t convinced it was because she was bare chested. They saw naked women all day long.

“Go a little lower,” Brin urged.

That would mean she’d be rubbing his ass. When she dragged the towel closer to his rear, her damned pussy dampened. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea for her to have come here.

She handed him the towel. “You’re all set.”

Brin patted dry his chest, tossed down the towel, and stood. He was still wet from the cock down, but she didn’t think he’d appreciate it if she offered to help him out. He’d taken two steps when he faltered and clasped a hand on his neck.

Larek grabbed hold of his friend’s arm and looked up at her. “Help me get him to the bedroom.”

She took hold of his other arm, and he leaned heavily on her. The fact he was still weak worried her. Most of his physical injuries appeared to have healed, so what was the underlying problem?

Once in the bedroom, he dropped onto the bed, and she stepped back. Once more, her gaze shot straight between his legs. He should have wrapped the towel around his waist like Larek had.

A flash of light startled her, and Brin shifted.

“He can heal better that way.”

“I know.”

“How about we see if we can scrounge up some grub? We never did get to eat.”

She’d almost forgotten about that. The fight had prevented them from even ordering. “Sure. I want to help.”

They walked to the kitchen in silence, indicating Larek might be worried about his friend. He pulled some vegetables out of the refrigerator. “How are you at peeling?”

Delighted he’d given her an easy chore, she grinned. “The best.”

They worked in companionable silence. As soon as she finished with the first vegetable, he placed it in the pan and expertly tossed it around, coating it with

“You a chicken or fish gal?”

“I can go either way, but I prefer chicken.”

“Then chicken it is.”

While she chopped the peppers, he expertly deboned the fowl and diced it quickly. “You’re quite handy in the kitchen.” Her talents did not include food preparation.

“My mom loved to cook. Still does in fact. I have four sisters and no brothers. I’m not totally sure she realizes that sons don’t need the same skills as the girls.”

“That so? I think it’s great if a guy can cook. It’s actually rather macho.”

He grinned, and her heart skipped a beat. “Oh yeah?”


In no time the meal was prepared, and he placed the casserole in the oven to heat. He picked up two bottles of wine, one in each hand. “White or red?”

She couldn’t figure out why he was treating this as a date instead of worrying about Brin. “White. Do you think Brin’s up for eating?”

“I’m guessing. I’ll go check. Be right back.”


* * * *


Larek thought the evening couldn’t be going any better. It was clear that Madra found both of them attractive and certainly cared about their well-being.

Though why Brin had decided not to join them was an issue. His friend better not be having second thoughts about sharing.

BOOK: Hard and Easy [High-Country Shifters 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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