HARD CASE (A John Harding Novel - Special Ops, Cage Fighter, CIA Agent) (40 page)

BOOK: HARD CASE (A John Harding Novel - Special Ops, Cage Fighter, CIA Agent)
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My team worked me over without comment until they staunched the flow of blood from the elbow lacerations on my head, washed off my mouth-guard, and cooled me with wet towels. I smiled while looking across at Rankin massaging his left knee. His guys applied ice but ain’t no amount of ice would make that puppy feel better.

Nice knee shot, John,” Jess said. “Can you smash it again?”

I gulped a swallow of water from the bottle Jafar held for me, tasting blood. “I’ll get right on that, Jess, thanks.”

Jess chuckled but I got no other amused reactions from my other crewmembers.

How’s your plan workin’, Ace?” Tommy asked.

Five by five, brother. Five by five.” I started to turn my head to catch a glimpse of Lora only to absorb another head slap from Tommy.

You eyeball your wife one more time and I’ll bitch slap you right in front of this whole fuckin’ crowd!”

I nodded as he jammed my mouthpiece back in. “Ten-four, T.”

His left drops when he throws his right, John,” Dev said as the buzzer sounded.

Damn! Maybe I didn’t notice it because I was in la la land from the left hook. Rankin clocked me with a right in the first few seconds of the second round and followed with a roundhouse left leg strike that cracked a rib. Uh oh. Rankin heard it and came in with murder in his eyes. In a flash I was down in full guard blocking elbows. I lucked out with an inside left as Rankin drew back to strike, smacking into his nose. He immediately went into a hug for a moment which told me Mr. Nose was not happy with my attention.

I did double strikes under his rib cage until he popped out of the hug. Mr. Nose took an immediate right hand shot, because Rankin didn’t figure I’d be quick enough to slip under and up quick enough. When he flinched back, I locked his right leg and rolled him, missed an arm bar by a split second, and kept going to my feet. Rankin confidently threw leg strikes for my cracked rib, but another leg strike to his inside left knee nearly buckled it. He threw the right when I feinted for another left leg strike. His left hand dropped and I popped Mr. Nose with a straight right hand. The new nose job gave and blood spattered down his front. When he covered up I smashed his inside left knee again. Rankin dropped with a grunt of pain. The round ended before I could drop kick his head into next week.

The guys worked me over, clearing the blood away. Jess pressed an ice pack to my rib after I pointed out where Rankin caught me.

Tommy took out my mouth piece. “Was it in the plan to get your rib cracked that round?”

It’s an inexact science, T. That feels good, Jess. Keep it right there. He dropped the left and I said hello to Mr. Nose, Dev.”

Dev chuckled as Jafar gave me a couple swallows of water. “We don’t know how the judges will score the rounds, John. It might be one apiece or he took the first two. That plan of yours better get launched this round.”

Gonna go get me some, Dev.”

The referee tried to get us to touch gloves starting the third and final round but Rankin wasn’t having any of it. His corner had staunched the flow of blood, but he was favoring his left leg. He’d have to rely on hand strikes to get my rib. When he did, me and Mr. Nose would get intimate. He was breathin’ through his mouth, but his eyes were clear. I knew what I was going to do: jab until he took me down. Rankin swung for the fences with both hands, hitting my arms and shoulders with pile-driver blows, trying to keep me on the defensive until he got a clear head or rib shot. Unfortunately for him his left dropped a tad too far. Mr. Nose splattered again from a straight right. Rankin dropped for a takedown and I went with him. Showtime.

Rankin’s full mount was too low. I kicked off into his sides, pulled his right arm down against me, wrapped his right leg while reaching under and grabbing his left leg. His left knee gave out and I locked my legs around his head in a triangle choke. We locked eyes. Rankin knew I had him. The referee hovered over us, knowing the predicament Rankin was in. Rankin started to tap out but that ship sailed the moment he blew Lora kisses. I flipped him using his left leg while closing the triangle during the flip. Rankin’s neck broke. I immediately popped up from around him like I was all hurt that something bad had happened. The referee motioned frantically for the medics while he and I tried to administer to the fading Van Rankin.

They hooked him up to oxygen while inflating air harnesses to keep Rankin immobile. I could see from the medical team’s faces, they didn’t want a death announced right in the cage. I did my award winning compassionate killer routine while they took him away, even touching his arm soulfully as he went by. The referee consoled me and did a quick solemn lift of my arm as the winner. Then came the post fight interview for the pay-per-viewers. Van Rankin was a warrior. Van Rankin had my utmost respect. I pray he’s okay. Blah… blah… blah… Van ain’t comin’ back unless it’s an appearance on Ghost-Hunters. My crew stayed near me the whole time commiserating with anyone who would listen about what a tragedy it was for the fight to end in such a way.

Outside the cage, Lora wrapped around me with abandon, her lips wet with salty tasting tears, engulfing my soul in a kiss so intense my knees started to buckle. Fiialkov patted her shoulder like an old uncle, pulling her away and promising I’d be back out soon. He merely gave me a slight salute. Security and my team rushed me back to the locker room. Rumors already circulated Rankin died of his injury, so we were met by another host of reporters. We played the violins until finally the next fight drew everyone away for the time being. Tommy shook his head with facial features frozen in grim sorrow.

You cold blooded, heartless monster.”

I put on my stunned look. “Whatever do you mean, T?”

Dev grinned appreciatively. “You smiled when you broke his neck, John.”

Did not.” Yeah, I did.

I saw it too, you sicko,” Jess added while stifling a laugh.

Most impressive,” Jafar piped in. I could tell his adrenalin was still flowing.

If we’re all done mourning for poor old Van Rankin let me get my shower so I can go see Lora.”

Go ahead, but because you couldn’t settle for a win, we’ll all have to have our sad faces on for the rest of our stay,” Tommy gripped. “You can bet another killing in the cage ain’t going to get you on the UFC’s dance card anytime soon.”

I walked toward the showers with a shrug. “Shit happens. Hell, I always liked the old, smelly warehouse fights anyway.”

Not everything’s about you, John,” Jess called out.

You should have consulted with your crew,” Tommy added.

Yeah, you selfish bastard,” Dev put the finishing touch to me as he broke out laughing.

Most impressive!” Jafar repeated.

Tommy administered a head-slap to Jafar’s head I could hear without turning. “Shutup, kid.”

All I knew was I had Lora waiting outside the locker room with that fine ass black dress on. Be patient, baby, the Dark Lord’s on his way.


The End



by Bernard L. DeLeo

Rachel Hunter thinks she and her daughter Jean are safe in the Witness Protection program, when she meets a cold eyed man with an easy smile at the restaurant where she works. In the days following, Rachel discovers that Nick McCarty, is much more than just an author.
Nick McCarty, assassin and bestselling author, contemplates a change in life styles after receiving an order to kill a woman who reminds him of someone from long ago. Six days later, Nick puts a fifty caliber bullet through the head of Hayden Tanus, the man who'd ordered her death, launching himself down the path of protecting a mother and daughter he barely knows, for reasons he isn't fully prepared to admit.
Rachel realizes the unstoppable killer protecting them lives by only one code - whatever it takes until the danger is past. With their lives forfeit if she makes the wrong decision, will Rachel choose life by Nick's side, regardless the costs?



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by RJ Parker

Author and Publicist

One of the most fascinating Law Enforcement Agencies in the world is the FBI. From the J. Edgar Hoover days to present, the Bureau has investigated the most famous cases, including, mobsters, gangs, bank robbers, and terrorism. They have also received a few black eyes including, Waco Siege, and Ruby Ridge.

In Top Cases of The FBI, RJ Parker captured twelve of those cases and prepared case files on these criminals up to and including their sentencing or demise.
These cases include:
John Dillinger and his Gang of Bank Robbers, Mobster John Gotti, Bonnie and Clyde
Mobster Al Capone, The Jonestown Massacre, Oklahoma City Bombing, The Unabomber
The 1986 FBI Miami Shootout (In the line of fire), Ruby Ridge, Waco, Patty Hearst, The D.C. Beltway Snipers



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by William Cook

Author and Artist


For over two decades, Detective Ray Truman has been searching for the killer, or killers, who have terrorized Portvale. Headless corpses, their bodies mutilated and posed, have been turning up all over the industrial district near the docks. Young female prostitutes had been the killer's victims of choice, but now other districts are reporting the gruesome discovery of decapitated bodies. It seems the killer has expanded his territory as more 'nice girls' feel the wrath of his terrible rage.
Meet the Cunninghams . . .
A family bound by evil and the blood they have spilled. The large lodging-house they live in and operate on Artaud Avenue reeks of death, and the sins that remain trapped beneath the floorboards.
Ray Truman's search for a killer leads him to the Cunningham's house of horrors. What he finds there will ultimately lead him to regret ever meeting Caleb Cunningham and the deviant family that spawned him. The hunter becomes the hunted, as Truman digs deeper into the abyss that is the horrifying mind of the most dangerous psychopath he has ever met.

BOOK: HARD CASE (A John Harding Novel - Special Ops, Cage Fighter, CIA Agent)
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