Hard Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 2) (16 page)

Read Hard Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 2) Online

Authors: Marysol James

Tags: #romance, #sex, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Women's Fiction

BOOK: Hard Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 2)
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Today had reminded her of what she was trying to keep at bay: an addiction that disguised itself as a sweet, harmless temptation. It looked so gorgeous in the bottle or in a fancy glass, its colors rich and soothing. It was sophisticated and charming; it lulled her in to a sense of false security, promising her that it was possible to have
just the one
. It was a cunning liar and a silver-tongued devil.

My personal devil.

She burrowed close to Matt. His large arms were just holding her right now, nothing more; they caged her, made her feel safe and protected. When she was right here, it seemed ludicrous to worry about anything ever again. He’d never let anything get close to her. Naomi closed her eyes and relaxed totally, let her body go limp and soft against his.

King poured some body wash in to his palm. “Come here. Let me wash you.”

She sighed again as his hands moved over her, making soapy circles on her breasts, her back, her thighs. His touch became sensual, slow, and she suddenly found herself spreading her legs wider, giving him access to her hot center.

“Hmmm,” he said. “Someone wants to be touched, I see.”

“Not just touched.” She gyrated against his fingers as he slipped in to her warm sex. “Kissed.”

“Yeah?” He was breathless with the wild urge to finally make her come on his mouth. “You sure?”

“Oh, yes. I’m sure.”

He lifted her chin, needing to see her eyes. “Say it again.”

“I want you to kiss me, Matt.” She flushed but didn’t look away. “Kiss me until I come… make me come.”

Without another word, he dropped to his knees in front of Naomi. He placed his hands on her hips, gently shoved her back until she was against the wall. He kissed her stomach, the tops of her thighs, the delicate area just above her slick entrance. She sucked in a breath and he glanced up at her.


In response, her hands went to the back of his head, urging him to come closer. He complied, using his fingers to open her lips. He spread them carefully and when he saw her clit nestled in there, all pink and wet, he groaned.

“I have to taste you,” he said, his voice guttural.

“I want you to.” She pressed on his head again. “Please, Matt. Taste me.”

Without another second of hesitation, King was on her. Naomi had no control over the deep moan that rolled out from her chest when his tongue found her taut bud. Like a starving man, he feasted on her; like a believer, he worshipped her. With long, steady strokes he teased her, first attacking her clit, then leaning back to suck every drop of arousal from her folds. She was so fucking sweet and he drank her in.

Naomi felt the sensations build in her steadily, one lick at a time, one flick after another. When he groaned against her, the sound torn from deep in his throat, she felt the vibration all the way to her toes. Matt lifted her leg and dropped it over his shoulder, spreading her even wider to him. When he slid two fingers inside her, she threw her head back against the tile wall and rode his mouth, totally enslaved to the feelings and her own growing need.

“Oh, Matt,” she said, her voice high and strained. “Matt… so good. So fucking good.”

He pushed deeper, stroking her inside even as he stroked her outside. The pressure grew, got out of control, and she held on to Matt’s shoulders. He felt her shaking and dug his fingers in to her hip, holding her up. She was sure that if he didn’t, her leg would give out beneath her and she’d be on the floor in a heap.

Higher and tighter, deeper and wider, the pleasure was all she knew. There was nothing else, not anywhere, and she gave herself to it. When it broke, it broke hard and her cries of release echoed around the bathroom. He stayed with her, her clit between his lips and on his tongue, until the clenching on his fingers slowed and then stopped. Naomi kept her eyes shut tight, still locked in a haze of pleasure. King slid his fingers out of her slowly and she tensed, moaned again.

He gently lowered her shaking leg, set her foot on the shower floor. He got to his feet and leaned against her, holding her upright with his body. She clung to him, her face buried in his chest, panting. The water ran over their heated bodies, calming and cleansing. She opened her eyes at last and looked up at him.

“That was amazing,” she said, her voice a bit hoarse from shouting. “You’re so damn hot. So…

“Yeah, you said that.” He grinned down at her, loving the taste of her sweetness on his tongue. “I’m glad you think so.”

“Hmmmm.” There was that throaty sound again, the one he’d come to crave, and his cock hardened even more. He’d been damn close to exploding when he felt her come, but somehow he’d managed to stay in control.

Fucking barely, though.

“I do think so,” she said. “You know what else I think?”

“Nope. Enlighten me.”

“I think that I want to taste

He started. “Naomi… you don’t have to… are you sure… you… I’d love…”

She smiled at his stuttering. “Is that a yes?”

“Oh, Christ. You’d better
that’s a yes – but only if you’re sure.”

She sank to her knees now, slowly, gracefully. King held his breath as she took him in her hand and stroked him gently. She dropped her head back and met his eyes before licking his length, up and down, her tongue swirling around the tip as she released him.

“So. Does it look like I’m sure?” she said.

Literally unable to speak, he nodded.

She nodded back, then took him in her mouth. King exhaled hard, suddenly realizing that his fantasy had just come to life. At the thought, his back arched. “God, Naomi. I’ve dreamt about this, baby. Wanted it for so long… you have no idea.”

Her answer was to take him deeper. With a groan, he gently grasped her hair, pulling her closer. He wanted to thrust as hard and fast as he could, but he somehow managed to maintain a degree of control.

She pulled back a bit, her hand still stroking him. “Tell me how you dreamt it.”

“What?” He goggled down at her.

“When you imagined me doing this… how did you want it?” She mouthed kisses on the head, licking at the salty pre-cum. “Tell me what you want.”

“I don’t know…” He stalled, sure he’d scare her.

“I won’t give you anything you don’t ask for, Matt.” She grinned up at him, clearly enjoying turning his words back on him. “Tell me what you want.”

“I’ll show you,” he said hoarsely.

“Show me.”

He took her wrists in his hand and raised them slowly, pressed them against the wall, held them there. With his other hand, he tugged her back to his cock. “Like this, baby.”

Her eyes flared with arousal at his dominance. She took him in her mouth again, eager and willing, loving his tender control. She pulled him deep in to her throat, then drew back to run her tongue around his sensitive tip, then she sucked deep again. Over and over, until King started to lift himself in to her mouth, silently begging for her to not stop, to not slow down.

“Fuck, Naomi…
…” His head fell back and his whole body tightened up. “You’re going to make me come any second, baby…please. Please don’t stop…”

Naomi loved every single second of it. She may have been the one on her knees with her hands restrained, but holy hell, did she ever hold all the power here. This man – this huge, strong, domineering man – was powerless under her mouth. Begging and panting, he needed her.

He felt her smile just before she took him as deep as possible. He cursed, bucked, clenched, lost control. He came with a shout, his hand holding her head tight –
maybe too tight
– loving the heat of her sweet mouth.

Naomi murmured with satisfaction and the vibrations made him pulse again. Slowly, so slowly, she slid back over him, reluctant to let him go. He lowered her arms, hoping he hadn’t hurt her when he came; he vaguely recalled holding her wrists in a death-grip.

She sat back now, so amazingly gorgeous as she knelt in front of him. Her lips were swollen and pink, her breasts glowing with rivulets of water. She was like a fucking goddess and it was wrong that
should be at
feet. He reached down to her, helped her to stand.

“My God, Naomi.” His voice was reverent. “That was perfect.”

“As good as you imagined it?”

“Better.” He kissed her, tasting himself on her lips. “So much fucking better.”

“Well, I aim to please.”

“Mission accomplished,” he groaned. He lifted her wrists, examined them for redness or bruising. “Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”

“Oh, Matt.” She was chiding, teasing. “You’d never hurt me. Don’t you know that?”

know that. I just want to make sure that you do too.”

“I do.” She closed her eyes as he held her. “I really do.”

Chapter Fourteen

King glanced up at the knock on his office doorjamb. When he saw Quinn and Jackson standing there, he nodded at them.

“Shut the door,” he said.

They came in to the room; like King, they took up an absurd amount of space in it.

“Well,” he said without any pleasantries at all. “What’d you find out about the fucker?”

Quinn handed King a folder. “Fucker’s the word, alright.”

“Yeah? Why is that?”

“Patrick Doyle likes underage hookers,” Jack said. “Provided to him courtesy of our favorite scumbag, Kirk Jensen.”

“Aw, hell, no.” King flipped the folder open now and stared in disgust at the photos. “Jesus Christ.”

“And the best part?” Quinn said. “He puts them on his expense account.”

“No way.”

“Yes way.” Quinn shook his shaved head. “It’s all in there.”

“Goddamn. I hate this guy.”

“Yeah, I think I may just a little bit, too,” Jack said, his hard face like granite. “So, what do we do now, boss?”

King looked at two of his King’s Men team and narrowed his eyes. “Shoot him in the face many,
times. Make it look like an accident.”

They rolled their eyes and waited for their real instructions.

“No, actually not. Send these photos to the Denver PD. One of you guys know Damian Cleary?”

“In the Child Protection Unit?” Quinn said. “Yeah, I know him.”

“Make sure he gets these personally, yeah? And keep our involvement quiet, as usual.”

“Consider it done.”

King turned his attention to Jack. “And which law firm does Doyle work for?”

“Ferguson and Maine.”

“Make sure they get copies of the file too, and highlight the sections of his expense report where this prestigious law firm paid for him to fuck little girls. Attach a note explaining that unless they cooperate fully with any police investigation, the file gets sent to the national press. That should light a fire under their asses to not protect one of their own.”

The men nodded.

“Anything else?” King asked.

“Nope,” Jack said.

“Great. Send me your invoices and I’ll make sure they’re paid by the end of the week.”

“Thanks, boss.”

They left and King sat down again, his hands clenched. Christ, the temptation to take a few of the boys around to visit Doyle at home had been pretty overwhelming, but he’d sworn to never again let his personal feelings affect his work. Having a few King’s Men casually check in to Doyle wasn’t
breaking his promise though, was it? If they hadn’t found anything, King would have just gone on with his life, let it all go. The cops were taking Naomi's assault complaint seriously and that was good... but not good enough. King always had a back-up plan.

The fact that the sick fuck committed statutory rape and fraud on the regular was something that King was duty-bound to report to the cops and Doyle’s employer. He was just being a good citizen, really. And if it helped Naomi to sleep at night knowing that her rapist was shamed and fired and maybe even behind bars… well, that was just a nice little bonus. Right?


“Jax, Jax, Jax!” Noah jumped to his feet. “I need help.”

Jax froze for a second, suddenly thrown back to the night that Sarah had been beaten in to a coma. Noah had called him for help and Jax still remembered the man’s panic coming at him over the phone, so strong it was almost physical.

“With what?” Sarah asked her brother. “You OK?”

Noah nodded. “Valentine’s Day tomorrow.”

“It is,” she said, puzzled.

“What do I buy Callie?”

Jax and Sarah glanced at each other and shared a grin. They picked Noah and Callie up from the Heart Center a few times a week, and they had both enjoyed watching the relationship develop between the other couple. It was a slow-growing, beautiful thing and it still stunned Sarah that her brother had found someone to care about. She didn’t think she’d ever finish being grateful for that.

Callie?” Jax said, looking around.

“King came to get her to go shopping for my present but I don’t have a present for her! I need a present but I don’t know what to buy! What’s right? I have to be right!”

Noah was more upset than Sarah had seen him in a long while, and years of taking care of him made it easy enough for her to step in to calm the whole situation down.

“Hey, Noah. Noah, look at me, OK?”

His blue eyes – eyes exactly like hers – focused on Sarah’s face.

“Good, sweetie. Now listen here, yeah? We have plenty of time right now, so how about you and me and Jax go find something special for Callie.”

“Help me?”

“Of course we’ll help you, man,” Jax said gently. “We’ll be happy to.”

Noah sighed in relief. “OK.”

They headed out to Jax’s truck and got in, Sarah between the two men. She looked at her brother and grinned.

“What does Callie like?” she asked him.

“Me,” Noah said without hesitation.

Jax laughed. “That’s for damn sure, man. She thinks the sun rises and sets on you.”

Noah’s brow furrowed. “It doesn’t.”

“That’s just an expression,” Sarah explained. “Jax is saying that Callie thinks you’re wonderful.”

“Yes,” Noah agreed. “She does.” He paused. “Am I?”

“Are you wonderful?” Sarah said.

“Yes. Am I?”

“Oh, sweetie.” Sarah felt the tears rising. “You are. More than you’ll ever know.”


“So what did Callie give Noah?” Naomi asked, kind of dying to know. She was perched on a chair with a glass of sparkling water with lemon, watching Matt cook. For such a big guy, he was amazingly graceful in the kitchen and he was one hell of a cook. Seeing as Naomi couldn’t even boil water without messing it up, she appreciated his culinary talents immensely.

King stirred something that smelled delicious. “She got him a camera.”

“Really?” Naomi was delighted.

“Yep. Used her own money from her sculpture sales and everything.”

“And what did Noah get her?”

“A bracelet.”

“Went straight to the jewelry, huh?” she said. “
a good choice.”

“Yep, and it’s gorgeous. Gold with lots of colorful stones. She almost cried when he put it on her.”

Naomi shook her head. “I love those two.”

“Yeah, me too.” Matt turned to her now. “You want your present now?”

“Oooh.” She grinned. “Yes, please. Is it jewelry?”

“Nope. I already gave you jewelry.”

She touched the necklace that she never took off, lifted the silver ring to her lips. “You did and I love it.”

“I love that you love it.” His eyes were on slow-burn as he watched her warm lips move over the cool metal. “You want to guess what I got you for our first Valentine’s Day?”

“Do you want me to?” She cocked her head at him. “Is it a game?”

“Could be. How about I give you a few hints?”


“OK. Hmmm.” He thought for a few seconds. “OK. Remember when we drove out to Colorado Springs for the weekend?”

“Sure I do.”

“We found that tiny little art gallery that you dragged me in to, and there was something in there that you loved. Couldn’t take your eyes off it, actually.”

Naomi’s breath caught. “That painting.”


“You – did you go back and get it?”

“You think that’s something I’d do, baby?”

“Yes. Yes, you would.”

“Why don’t you go and see?”


He took her by the hand and led her in to the living room. He reached behind the sofa and pulled something long and flat and wrapped in brown paper from between it and the wall.

“Go on,” he said.

Breathless, Naomi carefully unwrapped the gift, fighting back tears even before she saw what was underneath the paper.

“Oh, Matt,” she said softly. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.”

She ran her fingers over the painting now, following the brush strokes. The yellows and reds and purples were as vibrant as she remembered, the greens and blues and whites as soothing. The woman was still standing strong and tough as the storm whirled and raged around her, and once again, Naomi knew that whatever was causing all the turbulence in her life, the woman was going to survive it.

She will and I will too.

“I have something for you, too,” she said.


“Yeah. But I’ll give it to you after dinner.”

“Do I get a hint?” he said hopefully. “Even a little one?”

“OK.” She stood up and slowly ran her hand up the front of her blouse. His eyes sharpened as he watched the lazy movement. When she undid the top button, he blinked. When she undid the second one, he leaned forward. And when she parted the material to show him the red lingerie she was wearing, he reached for her.

Matt’s large hands held her hips as he nuzzled between her full breasts. “Are you my present?”

“I am.” She lifted his chin to meet her eyes. “I want to make love with you tonight.”

His breath caught. “Naomi… you sure?”

“Totally.” She smiled and his heart stopped dead at her beauty. “I’m ready, Matt. You?”

“God, baby,” he groaned. “I’m
fucking ready.”

She pulled back and he groaned again, this time from sheer frustration. She did her buttons up again and he sighed sadly. “I wanted to enjoy the view over pasta.”

“You’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the view,” she chided him. “

“Yeah, OK.” He stood up. “How fast can you eat?”


King managed to restrain himself for a whole five minutes after she finished eating, but that was his limit. When Naomi slowly undid her top two blouse buttons again and this time kept on going, he lost control. Neither one of them minded much, though.

Naomi gave a small scream when he ripped her blouse in half, then tore her skirt right off her body. She'd never had a man destroy her clothing to get to her, and she was almost dizzy with lust.

"Sorry, but not sorry," he muttered. "I'll buy you new ones."

"Christ, I don't care, Matt." She was panting, hopelessly wet and hot. "I loved it."

His hands ran over the red lace, down her stomach, plunged between her legs. He was wild and impatient, not showing any of his usual finesse, and she thought she'd never wanted him more.
was Matt when he let himself go all the way, when he said 'fuck it' to being gentle and slow, to playing by the rules. He was carnal, huge, ferocious. And she wanted him to fuck her, fuck her every which way, until she screamed his name and lost herself in his arms.

She gasped when he picked her up, turned, drove her up and back against the living room wall. Her legs went around his waist and she returned his kisses, her tongue in his mouth, her hands pulling at his clothes. He did something with his hips, some deep and erotic movement that pressed his erection against her heated center, and she gasped. He did it again, slowly, watching her face as he rubbed his hardness right where she needed it the most.

Her head fell back and a sound came out of her that she'd never made before: animal, primal, feral. His eyes burst in to flame at hearing it and he held her ass in both hands, then rocked his lower body again.

"Ride me, baby." It was a command, an order. "Ride me until you come on my cock. Right here, right now, up against this wall."

Mindless, she obeyed him. His hands gripped her hard, controlling her movements, lifting and lowering her on him again and again. She rolled her hips forward, slid them back, rolled forward again. His length rubbed her clit, even through the material, and she felt like that barrier wasn't between them. She was soaked and open, and he ran his cock up and down her slit until she was crying out, frantic and desperate. She needed to come, needed it like she needed air, and he knew it. His fingers moved between them now, sliding under the scrap of lace to find her.

Naomi didn't think she could take any more sensation, but when those thick, strong fingers moved inside her, she was thrown in to some new dimension of sensation. She rode his hand now, rode his cock, shameless and beyond caring about anything except coming for him.

He stroked and plunged and circled, and that was all amazing, but when he twisted his hand and squeezed her clit between two fingers, that was when Naomi lost it. Her whole world narrowed to that taut bundle of hot, hard nerves, and when he released slightly and squeezed again, the surge of pleasure stormed her.

King smiled as Naomi's whole body arched and every muscle contracted. Her screams were incoherent and wrenched from some place deep inside her thrusting, trembling body. She could barely draw breath, but she screamed until the white-hot explosive pleasure subsided, and then she moaned. Her head fell forward on to his shoulder and he kept his hand on her clit, staying with her all the way, until she shuddered and sucked in breath. He felt her soften against him, grow pliant and relaxed, and he knew she was coming down from that insane peak. And still he wanted more.

"Fuck," he said, his voice molten. "I need to see that again... this time with me inside you."

He spun away from the wall and she just held on as he carried her down to the bedroom. In one strong move, he lowered her to the bed, stayed right with her the whole way down. She moaned when he covered her entire body with his, feeling trapped in the best possible way. She was still dazed from that incredible climax and he turned her face to his. Her eyes blazed up at him, hungry and brimming with desire.

"Ready for more?" he said.

She moistened her lips with her tongue, and he watched the movement. "Yes."

"Then hang on, honey, 'cause I'm going to make you scream all over again."

His mouth descended on hers without grace or softness and she squirmed under him, trying to get as close as she could. Then he was gone and she cried out. She felt cold and lost without him on top of her, but in seconds, he was back, naked now. Her hands went everywhere she could reach: his back, his chest, his cock, his ass.

Panting, he pulled back again and rolled on the condom. She opened her thighs and he growled at the sight of her glistening pussy begging him to enter. Then he thought about that fucker who had raped her, who had hit her when she'd said no, and that slowed down his heart rate. Suddenly, he was worried about scaring her, maybe even hurting her.

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