Hard Knocks: An Ultimate Novella (5 page)

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She’d always considered herself not big, but big enough.

Now, with his enormous hands on her, she felt delicate—even more so when he scooped an arm under her behind and easily lifted her up so he could draw one nipple into his hot mouth.

Harper wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck. He took his time, drawing on her for what felt like forever, until she couldn’t keep still, couldn’t contain the soft cries of desperate need.

From one breast to the other, he tasted, teased, sucked, nibbled.

“Gage...” Even saying his name took an effort. “Please.”

“Please what?” he asked, all full of masculine satisfaction and a fighter’s control. He licked her, circling, teasing. “Please more?”


Back on her feet, she dropped against the door. He opened her jeans and a second later shoved them, and her panties, down to her knees.

Anticipation kept her still, kept her breath rushing and her heart pounding. But he just stood there, sucking air and waiting for God knew what.

“Gage?” she whispered with uncertainty.

One hand flattened on the wall beside her head, but he kept his arm locked out, his body from touching hers. “I should take you to my place,” he rasped, sounding tortured. “I should take you someplace with more time, more privacy, more—”

Panic tried to set in. “Don’t you even
about stopping now.” No way could he leave her like this.

His mouth touched her cheek, the corner of her lips, her jaw, her temple. “No, I won’t. I can’t.”

A loud roar sounded from the main part of the room. Knowing what that meant, that Cannon’s fight was about to start, guilt nearly leveled Harper. “I forgot,” she admitted miserably.

“Doesn’t matter,” he assured her.

But of course it did. He was here to watch Cannon compete, to join in with his fight community to celebrate a close friend.

She was here to show him she wouldn’t interfere and yet, that’s exactly what she’d done. “We could—”

“No, baby.” Need made his short laugh gravelly. “Believe me when I say that I

“Oh.” Her heart started punching again—with excitement. “We’ll miss the fight.”

“We’ll catch the highlights later. Together.” He stroked her hair with his free hand, over her shoulder, down the side of her body.

“You’re sure?”

Against her mouth, he whispered, “Give or take a bed for convenience, I’m right where I want to be.” His kiss scorched her, and he added, “With you.”

Hearing him say it was nice, but knowing he meant it multiplied everything she felt, and suddenly she couldn’t wait. She took his hand and guided it across her body.

And between her legs.

They both groaned.

At first he just cupped her, his palm hot, his hand covering so much of her. They breathed together, taut with expectation.

“It seems like I’ve wanted you forever,” he murmured at the same time as his fingers searched over her, touching carefully. His forehead to hers, he added, “Mmm. You’re wet.”

Speaking wasn’t easy, but he deserved the truth. “Because I
wanted you forever.”

“I’m glad, Harper.” His fingers parted her swollen lips, stroked gently over her, delved. “Widen your legs a little more.”

That husky, take charge, turned-on tone nearly put her over the edge. Holding on to his shoulders, her face tucked into his throat, she widened her stance. Using two fingers, he glided over her, once, twice, testing her readiness—and he pressed both fingers deep.

Legs stiffening, Harper braced against the door.

“Stay with me,” Gage said before kissing her throat.

She felt his teeth on her skin, his hot breath, those oh-so-talented fingers.

“Damn, you feel good. Tight and wet and perfect.” He worked her, using his hand to get her close to climax. “Relax just a little.”

“Can’t.” Her fingernails bit into his shoulders. “Oh, God.”

“If we were on a bed,” he growled against her throat, “I could get to your nipples. But you’re so short—”

“I’m not,” she gasped, unsure whether she’d be able to take that much excitement. “You’re just so damn big.”

“Soon as you come for me,” he promised, “I’ll show you how big I am.”

Such a braggart. Of course, she’d already had a good idea, given she often saw him in nothing more than athletic shorts. And she’d already had her hands on him. Not long enough to do all the exploring she wanted to do, but enough to—

He brought his thumb up to her clitoris, and she clenched all over.

“Nice,” he told her. “I can feel you getting closer.”

Shut up, Gage.
She thought it but didn’t say it, because words right now, at this particular moment, would be far too difficult.

He cupped her breast and, in keeping with the accelerated tempo of the fingers between her legs, he tugged at her nipple.

The first shimmer of approaching release took her to her tiptoes.

“I’ve got you.”

The next wave, stronger, hotter, made her groan in harsh pleasure.

“I love you, Harper.”

Luckily, at that propitious moment, something happened in the fight because everyone shouted and cheered—and that helped to drown out the harsh groans of Harper’s release.


to turn on lights, to strip Harper naked and then shuck out of his own clothes. He wanted to touch her all over, taste her everywhere, count her every freckle while feeling her against him, skin on skin, with no barriers.

Even with her T-shirt shoved up above her breasts and her jeans down around her knees, holding Harper in his arms was nice. Her scent had intensified, her body now a warm, very soft weight limp against him. He kept one hand tangled in her hair, the other cupping her sexy ass.

He let her rest while she caught her breath.

If he’d found a better time and place for this, he could stretch her out on a bed, or the floor or a table—didn’t matter as long as he could look at every inch of her, kiss her all over.

Devour her slowly, at his leisure.

But they were in an office, at the rec center, with a small crowd of fighters and fans only a hallway away.

He kissed her temple, hugged her protectively.

His cock throbbed against her belly. He badly wanted to be inside her, driving them both toward joint release.

But this, having Harper sated and cuddling so sweetly...yeah, that was pretty damn special.

“Mmm,” she murmured. “I lost my bones somewhere.”

“I have one you can borrow.”

He felt her grin against his throat, then her full-body rub as she wiggled against him. “Yes,” she teased. “Yes, you do.”

“I like hearing you come, Harper.” With small pecks, he nudged up her face so he could get to her mouth. “Whatever you do, you do it well.”

That made her laugh, so the kiss was a little silly, tickling.

She drew in a deep breath, shored up her muscles, and somewhat stood on her own. “The fight is still going on?”

“Sounds like.”

“So all that excitement before—”

“You coming?”

She bit his chest, inciting his lust even more. “No, I meant with everyone screaming.”

“Probably a near submission. Cannon is good on the ground, good with submissions.” Good with every facet of fighting. “But let’s not talk about Cannon right now.”

“You really don’t mind missing his fight?”

“Jesus, woman, I’m about to bust my jeans. Cannon is the furthest thing from my mind.”

Happy with his answer, she said, “Okay, then, let’s talk about you.” She nibbled her way up to his throat. “There is just so much of you to enjoy.”

“You could start here,” he said, taking one of her small, soft hands down to press against his fly.

“I think I will.” With her forehead to his sternum, she watched her hands as she opened the snap to his jeans, slowly eased down the zipper. “I wish we had more light in here.”

Because that mirrored his earlier thought, he nodded. “You can just sort of feel your way around.”

“Is that what you did?” Using both hands, she held him, so no way could he reply. She stroked his length, squeezed him. “You are so hard.”

“Yup.” He couldn’t manage anything more detailed than that.

“You have a condom?”


Still touching him, she clarified, “You have a condom in your wallet?”


She tipped her face up to see him, and he could hear the humor in her voice. “A little turned on?”

turned on.” He covered her hand with his own and got her started on a stroking rhythm he loved.

Harper whispered, “Kiss me.”

And he did, taking her mouth hard, twining his tongue with hers, making himself crazy by again exploring her, the silky skin of her bottom, the dampness between her thighs, her firm breasts and stiffened nipples.

Harper released him just long enough to say, “Shirt off, big boy.” She tried shoving it up, but Gage took over, reaching over his back for a fistful of cotton and jerking the material away. Anticipating her hands, her mouth, on his hot skin, he dropped the shirt.

She didn’t disappoint. Hooking her fingers in the waistband of his jeans, she shoved down the denim and his boxers, too, then started feeling him all over. His shoulders to his hips. His pecs to his abs. She grazed her palms over his nipples, then went back to his now throbbing cock.

“You are so impressive in so many ways.”

He tried to think up a witty reply, but with her small, soft hands on him, he could barely breathe, much less banter.

“I’ve thought about something so many times...” And with no more warning than that, she sank to her knees.

Oh, God.
Gage locked his muscles, one hand settling on top of her head.

Holding him tight, Harper skimmed her lips over the sensitive head, licked down the length of his shaft.

Never one for half measures, she drew her tongue back up and slid her mouth over him.

A harsh groan reverberated out of his chest. “Harper.”

Her clever tongue swirled over and around him—and she took him deep again.

Too much. Way too much. He clasped her shoulder. “Sorry, honey, but I can’t take it.”

She continued anyway.

“Harper,” he warned.

She reached around him, clasping his ass as if she thought she could control him.

But control of any kind quickly spiraled away. Later, he thought to himself, he’d enjoy doing this again, letting her have her way, giving her all the time she wanted.

Just not now, not when he so desperately wanted to be inside her.

“Sorry, honey.” He caught her under the arms and lifted her to her feet, then set her away from him while he gasped for breath. As soon as he could, he dug out his wallet and fumbled for the condom.

Sounding breathless and hot, she whispered, “You taste so good.”

He’d never last.
“Shh.” He rolled on the condom with trembling hands. Stepping up to her in a rush, he stripped away her shirt and bra, shoved her jeans lower. “Hold on to me.”

Hooking her right knee with his elbow, he lifted her leg, opening her as much as he could with her jeans still on, his still on. He moved closer still, kissing her until they were both on the ragged edge.

“Now,” Harper demanded.

He nudged against her, found his way, and sank deep in one strong thrust.

More cheers sounded in the outer room, but neither of them paid much attention. Already rocking against her, Gage admitted, “I’m not going to last.”

She matched the rhythm he set. “I don’t need you to...

Kissing her, he muffled her loud cries as she came, holding him tight, squeezing him tighter, her entire body shimmering in hot release. Seconds later he pinned her to the door, pressed his face into her throat, and let himself go.

For several minutes he was deaf and blind to everything except the feel of Harper in his arms, where she belonged.

Little aftershocks continued to tease her intimate muscles, and since he remained joined with her, he felt each one. Their heartbeats danced together.

Gradually he became aware of people talking in the outer room. They sounded happy and satisfied, telling him the fight had ended.

Harper came to the same realization. “Oh, no. We missed everything?”

“Not everything.” After a nudge against her to remind what they hadn’t missed, he disengaged their bodies. Slowly he eased her leg down, staying close to support her—which was sort of a joke, given how shaky he felt, too.

“Do you think Cannon won?”

“I know he did.”

Her fingers moved over his face, up to the corner of his eye near his stitches. “You’re sure?”

“Absolutely.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm. “I was sure even before the fight started.”

Letting out a long breath, she dropped her head. “I’m sorry we missed it.”

“I don’t have any regrets.”

She thought about that for a second, then worried aloud, “They’ll all know what we were doing.”

“Yeah.” There was barely enough light to see, but he located paper in the printer, stole a sheet, and used it to wrap up the spent condom. He pitched it into the metal waste can.

“I hope they didn’t hear us.”

Gage tucked himself away and zipped his jeans. “Even if they did—”

She groaned over the possibility. “No, no, no.”

Pulling her back into his arms, he teased, “They won’t ask for too many details.”

Her fisted hands pressed against his chest. “I swear, if Armie says a single word, I’ll—”

Gage kissed her. Then touched her breasts. And her belly.

And lower.

“Gage,” she whispered, all broken up. “We can’t. Not now.”

“Not here,” he agreed, while paying homage to her perfect behind. “Come home with me.”


He’d told her that he loved her. She hadn’t yet said how she felt. But while she was being agreeable... “I’ll fight again in two months.”

Gasping with accusation, she glared at him. “You knew you’d fight again—”

“Of course I will.” He snorted. “I got injured. I didn’t quit.”

“Yeah, I know. But...” Her confusion washed over him. “I didn’t realize things were already set. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Didn’t come up.” He kissed the end of her nose. “And honestly, I was too busy raging about the fight I’d miss to talk about the next one.”

He felt her stillness. “You’re not raging anymore?”

“Mellow as a newborn kitten,” he promised. “Thank you for that.”

Thinking things through, she ran her hands up his chest to his collarbone. “Where?”


Gage felt her putting her shoulders back, straightening her spine, shoring herself up. “So when you leave again—”

Before she could finish that thought, he took her mouth, stepping her back into the door again, unable to keep his hands off her ass. When he came up for air, he said, “If you can, I’d love it if you came with me.”

She was still all soft and sweet from his kiss. “To Canada?”

“To wherever I go, whenever I go. For training. For fighting.” He tucked her hair behind her ear, gave her a soft and quick kiss. “For today and tomorrow and the year after that.”

Her eyes widened and her lips parted. “Gage?”

“I told you I love you. Did you think I made it up?”

In a heartbeat, excitement stripped away the uncertainty and she threw herself against him, squeezing tight. With her shirt still gone, her jeans still down, it was an awesome embrace.

A knock sounded on the door, and Armie called, “Just about everyone is gone if two want to wrap it up.”

“He loves me,” Harper told him.

Armie laughed. “Well, duh, doofus. Everyone could see that plain as day.”

Gage cupped her head in his hands, but spoke to Armie. “Any predictions on how she feels about me?”

“Wow.” The door jumped, meaning Armie had probably just propped his shoulder against it. “Hasn’t told you yet, huh?”


“Cruel, Harper,” he chastised her. “Really cruel. And here I thought you were one of those

Lips quivering, eyes big and liquid, she stared up at him. “I love you,” she whispered.

“Me or Gage?” Armie asked with facetious good humor.

Harper kicked the door hard with her heel, and Armie said, “Ow, damn it. Fine. I’m leaving. But, Gage, you have the keys so I can’t lock up until—”

“Five minutes.”

“And there go my illusions again.”

The quiet settled around them. They watched each other. Gage did some touching, too. But what the hell, Harper was mostly naked, looking at him with a wealth of emotion.

“I should get dressed.”

“You should tell me again that you love me.”

“I do.
So much,
” Harper added with feeling. “I have for such a long time.”

Nice. “The things you do to me...” He fumbled around along the wall beside the door and finally located the light switch.

She flinched away at first, but Harper wasn’t shy. God knew she had no reason to be.

Putting her shoulders back, her chin up, she let him look. And what a sight she made with her jeans down below her knees and her shirt gone. He cupped her right breast—and saw a light sprinkling of freckles decorating her fair skin.

“Let’s go,” he whispered. “I want to take you home and look for more freckles.”

That made her snicker. As she pulled up her jeans, she said, “I don’t really have that many.”

“Don’t ruin it for me. I’ll find out for myself.”

By the time they left the room, only Armie, Stack and Denver were still hanging around.

With his arm around Harper, Gage asked, “You guys didn’t hook up?”

“Meeting her in an hour,” Stack said.

“She’s pulling her car around,” Denver told him.

Armie shrugged toward the front door. “Those two are waiting for me.”

Two? Everyone glanced at the front door, where a couple of women hugged up to each other. One blonde, one raven-haired.

“Why does she have a whip in her belt?” Harper asked.

“I’m not sure,” Armie murmured, as he, too, watched the women. “But I’m intrigued.”

“Are they fondling each other?” Gage asked.

“Could be.” Armie drew his gaze back to Harper and Gage, then grinned shamelessly. “But I don’t mind being the voyeuristic third wheel.”

The guys all grinned with amusement. They were well used to Armie’s excesses.

A little shocked, Harper shook her head. “One of these days a nice girl will make an honest man of you. This is, if some crazy woman doesn’t do you in first.”

“At least I’d die happy.” Leaning against the table, arms folded over his chest, Armie studied them both. “So. You curious about how your match went?”

“Wasn’t my match,” Gage said.

“Should have been. And just so you know, Darvey annihilated your replacement.”

“How many rounds?”

“Two. Referee stoppage.”

Gage nodded as if it didn’t matter all that much. Darvey had gotten off easy—because Gage knew he’d have won the match.

Then Armie dropped a bombshell. “Cannon damn near lost.”

Because he’d been expecting something very different, Gage blinked. “No way.”

Armie blew out a breath. “He was all but gone from a vicious kick to the ribs.”

“Ouch.” Gage winced just thinking of it. If the kick nearly took Cannon out, it must have been a liver kick, and those hurt like a mother, stole your wind, and made breathing—or fighting—impossible.

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