Hard Roads (7 page)

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Authors: Lily White

BOOK: Hard Roads
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It didn’t take long for me to own her because within seconds, her mouth opened wide as a carnal moan spilled out. Her chest heaved with a heavy breath, but then seemed to catch and hold when her legs tightened around my head. The obvious waves of her orgasm slid over her body in a sultry and seductive way that made her look like a dancer over the sheets. My cock slammed against my pants and I groaned from the pain of not being inside her.

Pulling away, I chuckled to see the fine sheen of sweat that glistened over her body and the drunk look that now filled her once angry, colorless eyes. Her head swiveled on the pillow when she turned to look up at me, her eyelids heavy and her dark lashes falling over her cheeks as she blinked her eyes.

“Still hate me, Munch? ‘Cause there’s nothing better than a good, long and angry fuck every once in a while.”

A slight grin crinkled the corner of her lips just before she opened her mouth to say, “We’re not friends, if that’s what you’re asking.”

The rough and sated tone to her voice sent shivers across my skin. The sudden need to dominate this beautiful woman caused my fingers to grip into her legs where I still held them spread open before me.

Cracking her lips open again, she added, “But if you’re asking if I want you to stop … fuck no.”

I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face. “I don’t need to be your friend to fuck you, baby girl.”

Almost as soon as the words left my mouth, her entire body clenched when she spit out, “Don’t fucking call me that.”

The reaction shocked me for a second, but the alcohol coursing through my veins and the swollen cock in my pants soothed that shock almost instantly. I didn’t give a fuck why she didn’t like the term and I was perfectly fine with keeping my mouth shut until she was singing my name. “Whatever you say, Munch. I don’t need to talk to fuck you either.”

I had my pants off quickly, tearing them from my legs and throwing them across the room so hard that they slapped up against the wall before slumping down onto the dirty carpet. As soon as my dick was freed, a hiss of air rushed over my lips and I gripped myself, stroking slowly while watching the way her body moved in anticipation of being filled.

“Goddamn, woman. If I could record the view of your sexy body when you’re about to get fucked, I’d be a wealthy fucking man.”

She didn’t respond except for pulling down on the ropes that still held her arms above her head. As much as I enjoyed the way her tits bounced, I turned her over quickly, needing to mount the bitch like a feral fucking animal. Positioning myself between her legs, I loved how her back arched almost immediately, presenting the sweet swell of her ass. I couldn’t help myself. My hand came up, slapping her against one cheek and when she cried out, I speared myself inside her. Buried to the hilt, I slowed down to enjoy the way the muscles of her core flexed and rippled over me. It was like striking gold. You get that first little taste and suddenly you’re addicted to the absolute fucking elation it brings you. At that moment, this little woman was my favorite fucking addiction. After reaching up to grip her hair into my hand, I had to fight to ride her with slow, full strokes; head to balls until she was purring beneath me.

A growl emanated from my chest when I said, “You’re a dirty little bitch, aren’t you?”

Her head turned on the pillow so she could peek back at me. “I thought you said you weren’t going to talk.” Her words were broken apart with every stroke I made in and out of her body, but I still grinned at the anger in her tone.

I winked. “Yes, ma’am.”

Losing my composure at the little bit of rebellion still inside her, my rhythm went from a slow burn to a raging fucking inferno. Small moans that had once lovingly caressed her lips turned into cries of pleasure and eventually quieted into heavy breathing as her body started to clench around me, preparing to ride another wave of the release I was forcing through her. It wasn’t enough to have her crying out, I wanted to fuck this girl silent. In my opinion, I hadn’t done my job until the woman beneath me could barely breathe as she came.

When her muscles were moving in a steady rhythm, the strength of which was milking the cum straight out of my body, I slapped her ass again, so hard this time that it stung my palm. It was like smacking the red button of a bomb, because as soon as the sound of the slap stopped echoing off the walls, she exploded around me. Gritting my teeth, I allowed my head to fall back as I slowed my pace to draw out the orgasm that was shaking her body. Her hands gripped into the rope that tied them to the bed and she buried her face into the pillow. But fuck that; I wanted to see the expression of a woman broken in two.

“Fuuuuuck.” The words slipped from my lips. “You are the most beautiful slut I think I’ve ever seen.”

Pulling out when her cunt stopped gripping me, I flipped her back around, my mouth landing on one tit as my hand gripped the other. Her legs wrapped around me, pushing me deeper inside her as my tongue licked over her nipple before me teeth bit down.

“Oh Fuck! JD …”

And there it was: my name rolling over her swollen, pink lips. I let go of her breast to look up and find her eyes clenched shut, her mouth open just slightly and her hands still gripped and holding onto the rope. I wasn’t going to last much longer, so I pushed myself up onto my knees, pulling her hips up off the bed and I groaned when she tightened her legs even more, holding herself in place. The entire bed shook with the force of our pounding bodies. Sweat trickled down my chest and landed on her stomach, sliding along the tan skin and shimmering in the low light of the room.

My balls tightened between my legs and I released her hips to come down on top of her, holding myself up by my elbows as I pushed in as deep as I could go. She moaned and I moved to cover her mouth with mine, stealing not only the sexy as fuck sounds she was making, but also the breath forced from her body when she broke apart over me for a third time. Her entire body quaked beneath me. As I shoved my tongue in her mouth, I pulled out of her quickly, my cum spilling all over her stomach. Jolts of satisfaction tore through me and I released her mouth when it was necessary to breathe again.

I watched her face until she opened her spent and sated eyes. Making a point to look down at her stomach and back up, I winked. “That looks damn good on your skin. It’s a shame I’ll have to clean you up.”

She smiled briefly, something small and instantly gone, but I saw it.

“Fuck. You. Dick.”

A chuckle broke free of my lips. “You just did, Munch.”

That familiar scowl fell over her face and I laughed to see it. “Guess we should clean you up because I sure as hell ain’t sleeping in that.” Pointing down to her stomach, I chuckled again when she gave me the finger from where her hand was tied to the bed. “So, I’m going to untie you from this bed to let you go to the shower. Might as well tell me now if you’re going to try to run again. You won’t make it. I’m faster and stronger. I’d prefer that you just do as I say and not piss me off.”

“Just untie me please.” She held her body as if she’d given in, but the sparkle in her eye told me she was just as rebellious as ever. Fuck if I wasn’t going to have to stay up all night watching her.

Picking up the blade I’d dropped on the mattress after cutting the ropes at her feet, I reached up and cut the one that connected her to the bed. She groaned when she pulled her arms down and her eyebrow cocked when she noticed that her wrists were still bound.

I winked again, pushing off of the mattress and asking, “You didn’t think I’d actually untie you all the way, did you?”

I pulled her from the bed, walking her into the bathroom and turning on the water in the shower until it was warm, but not hot. She stepped in and I watched the water slip over her skin, rinsing away the dirt, blood and other evidence of our day together. She wouldn’t look at me, just kept her face turned up into the spray as I leaned against the wall staring her down. When she was done, her hand slammed down to turn off the water and she looked at me, still dripping and even more beautiful than I’d seen her before.

Pushing up from the wall, I grabbed a towel from the hanger and spun my hand in the air to indicate for her to turn around. She didn’t question me or complain, just spun her body so that I could wrap the towel around her hair to dry it off. Once that was done, I ran the towel down her body, making sure to dry certain areas more the others. An indignant huff burst from her lips and I chuckled to know that she was on to me.

“Okay, Munch. You’re dry. Now, go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow.”

When she turned back around, fury was obvious behind the grey of her eyes. “Where are you taking me and why?”

I looked at her long and hard before answering, “Don’t matter and don’t matter. You’re going there because I’ve been told to bring you there. That’s all you need to know. Be a good girl and listen.”

I wasn’t havin’ it again. If she started to act up, I was going to tie her back down and knock her ass out with something. Nothing good would come from any more bullshit. Starting tomorrow, she needed to learn to listen if she knew what was good for her. I was a softer man when it came to women, but the men I was taking her to wouldn’t be. They were reckless assholes that cared about themselves and their club. The. End. Nothing else mattered, and definitely not the daughter of a Prez who had worked a few too many shady deals.

She walked back into the room without further complaint and a sigh of relief escaped my lips as I watched her lie down. She started to curl into a ball, but I grabbed her ankles, pulling her legs out straight and grabbing more rope from my bag to tie her in place. It didn’t matter that I would be up most of the night watching her, I knew this girl would attempt escape if the opportunity presented itself. I had to sleep for at least an hour or two, so tying her down was the only advantage I had at the moment.

She scowled down at me as I wrapped the rope around her ankles and I smiled before ducking my head down to secure the rope to the feet of the bed. When I popped back up, she had her face buried into the pillow and I was fine with the sudden lack of communication. I couldn’t allow myself to feel anything for her because she wasn’t mine to keep. I was there for pick up, transport and drop off. Once that was accomplished, my debts were paid.

. . .

Three hours and about 15 lines of blow later and I was fidgeting in my seat sucking down the little bit of Jack I still had sloshing around in the bottle. Holly had barely moved in her sleep and I raised an eyebrow wondering if she was really out or just a master at faking it. My eyes traveled the length of her naked figure and my dick started to swell in my pants at the sight. That was the problem with blow. It was like Viagra to me. It sent the blood to my cock, but refused to let me release. Good for the woman I was riding, but bad for me when I finally had to give up when she couldn’t take anymore of the pounding.

Before long, my hand was over my pants, attempting to massage away the hard on that was steadily growing. Visions of the little bitch moaning and groaning played through my head and I couldn’t help but consider the idea of round two. When the bottle was finally empty and when I’d snorted up another line, I pushed myself up and in her direction, only to fall back into the chair as soon as my phone rang.

“Fuck.” It was excellent timing for Holly, but not so much for me. Grabbing the phone from my bag, I checked the caller I.D. to see Big John’s number flashing up at me.

Hitting the little green button, I brought the phone to my ear, my mouth poised to say ‘hello’, but John beat me to the punch.

“JD, where the fuck is the girl?”

“Well, hey to you too, man. Considering you’re calling me at a fucked up hour. Where the fuck do you think she is?”

“Don’t fuck with me, JD. I ain’t in the fucking mood to deal with your mouth at the moment. I don’t give a fuck who your daddy is anymore. You’ve already got the only pass I’ll give you because of him. Don’t expect any more favors. Where the fuck is she?”

“She’s sleeping.” I kept my tone calm, even though all I could imagine was reaching through the phone and throttling the 250 pound bastard.

“Good. You’re going to be stopping at Diablo’s joint tomorrow. I want you to wait there for Gunner. He’ll be taking the bitch from you for the rest of transport.”

I was instantly on my feet, my hand gripping angrily over the phone. “What the fuck do you mean, I’ll be handing her off to Gunner? She ain’t a problem and you won’t be using this as a way to extort another fucking mission out of me. Once the drop is done, I’m out, just like we agreed before I came down here.”

“JD, I have all the respect in the world for your dad, but you need to remember he’s 6 feet under the dirt and he can’t save your ass no more. You need to be careful what you fucking say to me. You got that?”

I didn’t respond. I wanted the fucker buried deeper than my father already was, but with a 100 man MC backing him, there was no way I was gonna make that happen. All I wanted was to be out.

“Good, now that you’ve learned to shut that fucking hole in your face, I’ll explain. The bitch has a bounty on her head. Not only do we have a score to settle with the Joker, but the Demons want her as well, not to mention two drug networks that he’s fucked over. Asshole has lost his damn mind and I got word that they know who has her. Not sure how the fuck that happened, but we’re working on finding out. Whoever the fuck opened his mouth is gonna be a dead man as soon as Gunner finds him.”

I shook my head. Gunner was a lethal son of a bitch. Always armed and itching for a fight, he had more kills under his belt than scars on his face and body. Considering he was about as disfigured as they come, that was saying something. Ever since the motherfucker lost his girl, he’s fought like he’s begging to meet the reaper. The only problem is there wasn’t a son of a bitch out there that could take him. A thought came to me and like a dumbass, I decided to open my mouth.

“Well, that would explain the sudden shoot out I got to take part in on my way to this dive. By any chance, did Scooter ever make it back to the chapter house?”

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