Harlequin Historical September 2014 - Bundle 2 of 2: Lord Havelock's List\Saved by the Viking Warrior\The Pirate Hunter (58 page)

BOOK: Harlequin Historical September 2014 - Bundle 2 of 2: Lord Havelock's List\Saved by the Viking Warrior\The Pirate Hunter
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Mia wanted more. She knew she could never be with Will like she wanted to, but if her memories were going to sustain her for the rest of her life she wanted no regrets about the time they spent together.

‘When we get back to the ship we'll be able to figure out where
The Flaming Dragon
is likely to be headed next. We're going to find them.'

‘I never doubted you.'

Mia slipped her hand through his arm and looked up at him.

‘When we get back to the ship we will get all the maps out and work out where my brother is likely to be...' she paused ‘...but we've still got a couple of hours until we're picked up for the ride back to Road Town.'

Will looked down at her curiously. ‘You say that as if you had a plan in mind.'

‘We are in the Caribbean,' Mia said, gesturing at the beach stretching out in front of them.

‘You want to go and paddle? After the last time we were in the water together?'

‘You're a brave man. I'm sure you can cope with it.'

‘Who am I to deny a lady her wishes?'

Mia nearly grinned. If he wasn't going to deny her, this might be easier than she'd first thought. She knew now she had to have Will—all of her misgivings about giving herself to him had fully evaporated. They might not ever live together as man and wife, but she had realised this was nothing like her mother's situation. She cared for Will and was following her heart, and if there was one thing she'd learned in life it was to seize the moment. She might never be completely alone with Will again.

She pulled him down the gentle path that led to the beach. As they reached the sand Mia bent down and slipped off her shoes, enjoying the warm sand beneath her toes.

The bay wasn't large by Caribbean beach standards, but the sand was golden and the water a clear blue. Palm trees fringed the beach and hung over the edge, providing a few small patches of shade on the otherwise sun-kissed sands.

‘The water looks so inviting,' Mia said.

It wasn't a lie. The waves lapped calmly at the shore and you could see a gentle sloping of the sands as they disappeared into the sea.

‘You do actually want to paddle, don't you?' Will asked, slightly incredulous.

‘No,' Mia said. ‘I want to swim.'

Before he could object or she could lose her confidence, Mia started to unlace her dress. As he looked on in disbelief she slipped it over her head and placed it on top of her shoes on the sand. Clad once again just in her thin cotton undergown, Mia resisted the urge to cover her body with her arms. That would defeat the point. She wanted Will to look and she wanted him to see her.

‘Mia,' he said.

She wasn't sure if it was a warning to stop or a plea to carry on.

Telling herself to be brave, Mia grabbed hold of the bottom of her undergown and lifted it over her head.

She lifted her chin and looked Will straight in the eye. Or at least tried to—Will's eyes were devouring her body, taking in every inch of her nakedness.

‘Mia,' he repeated, seemingly unable to say anything else.

‘You're not going to make me swim alone, are you?'

Chapter Thirteen

ill watched as Mia spun around and slowly walked towards the sea. He was mesmerised by her. His eyes trailed down her back, taking in the two little dimples near the base of her spine and then carrying on to the delicious curve of her bottom. Then further. To the space between her legs he wanted to possess and invade and then her shapely thighs and slender calves. He wanted all of her, every last inch. He wanted to lay her down in the sand and never let her get up again.

He almost ripped off his clothes and ran after her, but his mind was in too much of a spin. Surely she knew what she was doing to him. She'd said herself nothing could happen between them, she wasn't going to become his mistress for a few short days, she deserved more than that.

Mia paused at the water's edge and dipped a toe into the water.

‘It's lovely and warm,' she said, looking back over her shoulder at him.

She watched as he stood paralysed. His body and his heart were telling him to throw his clothes on top of hers, scoop her up in his arms, and deal with the consequences later. His mind couldn't really get past the sight of Mia naked.

‘Am I going to have to come and get you?' Mia asked.

Will didn't move. She shrugged, turned around, and walked back towards him. This time he was treated to the sight of her beautifully rounded breasts, nipples hardening to little points. His eyes trailed down her abdomen and he knew if he didn't stop them his self-control would break.

Mia reached him and started to untuck his shirt.

His arms moving of their own accord, he reached out and touched the soft skin on her shoulders.

The contact was delicious and Will knew instantly he was lost. Mia could ask anything of him and he would comply.

She pulled his shirt over his head and placed her hands on his chest, tracing small circles on the tanned skin, her touch like a tiny electric current.

Her hands dropped to the waistband of his breeches and slowly started unfastening them. He hesitated, then placed a hand over hers.

‘Mia,' he said, his voice rasping with unconcealed desire, ‘are you sure about this?'

‘I want you.'

‘But you said...'

‘Forget what I said.'

‘If we go any further, I won't be able to stop,' he said, trying to give her ample opportunity to change her mind.

He wanted her so badly. She was beautiful and curvaceous and seductive, but more than that. She was kind and clever and he wanted to possess her mind as well as her body.

‘I won't change my mind,' Mia said and slipped a finger below his waistband.

With a groan of surrender Will gave in. He crushed Mia to him and sought her lips with his own. Frantically he kissed her, pulling her ever closer, wondering if at any moment she would come to her senses and stop him.

She fumbled with his breeches, trying to undo them whilst kissing him. He didn't come to her aid. His hands were too busy exploring every inch of the perfect body she had bared for him. He felt her shiver as he traced his fingers from her shoulder down her arm, then across her abdomen. He teased her, refusing to go lower even though she trembled in anticipation.

His fingers moved up towards her breasts and gently he cupped them, enjoying the sharp intake of breath as he gently grazed a thumb across one hard nipple.

‘Something tells me you liked that,' he said in between kisses.

He flicked his other thumb over her other nipple and enjoyed the same reaction.

‘Would you like me to do that again?'


He smiled possessively. He liked that he was the only man to do this to her.

Slowly, deliberately, he brushed her nipples, pulling away from their kiss to watch the reaction on her face.

‘Lie down,' he commanded. He wanted to take his time and peruse every part of her.

Mia obeyed. She sunk to the ground and watched as he lowered himself on top of her, trousers still firmly in place.

‘There are so many things I want to do to you,' he said, peppering her with quick kisses. ‘How about I give you a list and you can decide?'

Mia moaned. He took it as her agreement.

‘Well, I want to kiss every inch of your lovely body,' he said, holding up one finger. ‘And I want to lavish attention on your beautiful breasts.' A second finger joined the first. ‘And I want to touch you right here.' The third finger touched her most sensitive place and Mia gasped.

He waited, looking at her expectantly.

‘Which would you like?' he asked.

‘I have to choose just one?'

‘My lady is greedy,' Will said with a wolfish smile.

He dipped his head and sought her mouth out, kissing her long and hard and deep. When he pulled away she moaned, but looked at him with eager anticipation.

‘Where shall I start?' he asked.

Sliding away from her, he took one slender ankle in his hand and started to dot kisses up her leg. As he reached her thigh he stole a glance at her face and saw her biting her lip, trying to control herself, to stop herself begging for more. His lips reached the fold where leg met abdomen and he couldn't help himself, he planted a long kiss on her most private place. Mia gasped in surprise, but Will was pleased to see her hips thrust towards him rather than wriggling away.

‘Greedy and impatient,' Will said. ‘I suppose I will have to teach you patience is a virtue.'

With that he drew away and picked up her other leg, starting at the very bottom and working his way up. Again as he reached her thigh Mia tensed and pushed her hips towards him. He gave in and again pressed his lips against her, making her squirm in pleasure.

Reluctantly he drew away and continued his exploration of her body. His lips brushed over the firm muscles of her abdomen and Will once again positioned himself on top of her. This time he was straddling her completely, pinning her down by the hips and leaving her powerless to wriggle away from his affections.

‘Now what was number two on the menu?' he asked, pausing for a second to brush a kiss against her lips.

‘Breasts.' Mia said, her voice heavy with desire.

‘Breasts. Well, that does sound delightful.'

Without another word Will dipped his head and caught one of her nipples between his teeth. He heard Mia gasp and her hips moved instinctively towards his. He ran his tongue over the delicate bud and revelled in the moan of pleasure that escaped her lips.

‘You like that, do you?'

‘Yes.' Mia panted. ‘Please.'

He loved the sound of her voice when she was aroused and loved that he was the one doing this to her, making her feel such pleasure.

‘Yes, please? Who am I to refuse such a polite request?'

Will dipped his head again and nipped at her other nipple, running his tongue in small circles around the darkened skin and gently grazing her with his lips.

‘I need you, Will,' Mia said, looking straight into his eyes. ‘I need you now.'

He was suddenly overcome with an urgency. He had to have her, too. He wanted to possess her and pleasure her all at the same time. Tugging at his trousers, Will paused only to smatter kisses over her lips and breasts.

When he was finally free from his breeches he positioned himself against Mia.

‘Are you sure?' he asked one final time.

If she refused him now, he didn't know if he could stop. He wanted her so badly, had driven himself nearly insane with arousal during his slow enjoyment of her body.

‘I want you.'

It was exactly what he wanted to hear. He pushed gently against her and slipped inside. He felt himself meet the resistance of her maidenhood and paused, reminded of what a gift she was giving to him.

‘This might hurt a little,' he warned, hoping he could take away any pain he did cause her and replace it with pleasure.

She gasped as he pushed inside her and, once he was fully buried, he stopped to check she was comfortable. Before he could ask the question Mia started to rock her hips backwards and forwards, shifting him ever so slightly inside of her.

Will felt close to ecstasy, but he wanted to try to give Mia some release first. He started slowly, drawing nearly all the way out of her before plunging back in. Every time it felt as though he was deeper inside her. After a few strokes he picked up the pace. Mia's hips rose to meet his at every thrust and soon her breathing became heavier.

‘It feels so good,' she whispered.

Will wanted to give her more than good, he wanted to give her perfection. He wanted to look into her eyes as an orgasm flooded through her body and she experienced that pleasure for the first time.

He continued his thrusting, well aware he was close to finishing himself, and reached down to touch her clitoris with his fingers. He rolled the nub between finger and thumb and felt the electric jolts of pleasure as Mia writhed beneath him. Her eyes glazed over as he thrust into her one last time and her muscles contracted around him. A low, long groan escaped her lips as she climaxed for the very first time.

The sight of her losing control was enough to send Will over the edge. He felt the inevitable pulsation and held himself deep inside her as the waves of pleasure reached a peak and slowly began to subside.

Chapter Fourteen

ill rolled off her and lay down in the sand with an almighty sigh.

‘Is it always like that?' she asked, still unable to uncurl her toes completely.


She turned her head to look at him.

‘It's better with you,' he said simply.

Mia giggled. ‘You make it sound like we've done this many times.'

‘It's better when it's someone you care about,' he corrected himself.

She reached out a hand and brushed a stray strand of hair from Will's eyes.

Mia knew she would never be the same again. On the outside she might look like the same old Mia Del Torres, but on the inside she was a changed woman. His woman.

She stretched her legs out and raised her arms above her head. She knew she should be feeling self-conscious, acutely aware of her nudity, but she found she didn't care. She'd given herself to Will completely and it felt right she should be lying there naked in the sand next to him.

Will's breathing was returning to normal as Mia shuffled over closer to him. He pulled her gently on to his chest and tenderly kissed the top of her head.

‘I don't know what made you change your mind, Mia Del Torres, but I'm very happy that you did.'

Even in this post-pleasure moment of bliss she daren't tell him the truth: that she cared for him so deeply she knew he was the only man who would ever possess her heart and she'd promised herself to only make love to the man she truly loved.

She nearly giggled at the absurdity of everything. Will had only come into her life a few days ago and in no time at all she'd fallen in love and lost her virginity. She reminded herself to enjoy this moment because she was sure there would not be another. When they returned to the ship all Will's focus would be on catching her brother and once that was accomplished he would disappear back to his English estate. So this would be the sum total of all her lovemaking in her life, for she knew she couldn't ever love another man like she did Will.

Mia felt a sudden overwhelming desire to tell him. She wanted to shout her feeling from the highest hill on Tortola so everyone could hear. Even though she knew he couldn't reciprocate her feelings.

Instead she bit her tongue and allowed herself to enjoy a few more minutes of the fantasy world she'd fallen into.

* * *

‘We'd better get dressed,' Will said reluctantly when they'd been lying on the beach for about half an hour. ‘Wouldn't want anyone to come across us in such a state.'

Mia half-heartedly agreed. Part of her wanted to spend as long as possible naked in Will's arms before they had to rejoin the ship's crew, but she also acknowledged she didn't want the old man with the cart catching sight of her in the nude.

She felt strangely self-conscious as she picked up her clothes and went about getting dressed. She'd been so brazen just an hour earlier, stripping naked in front of Will to seduce him, but now she felt the need to cover up again. It was as if they had been in a separate world for the last sixty minutes where normal rules didn't apply and Mia had forgotten to feel embarrassed that Will had seen her naked and touched her in places no one else had ever seen.

Will helped her to secure her dress and brushed as much sand from her hair as he could. She thought she still must have looked a complete state, but there wasn't much she could do about it.

‘Thank you,' Mia said as they started to climb the hill back to where they were due to be picked up.

Will looked at her with a frown. ‘What for?'

‘I wanted you to make love to me, just once,' Mia said. ‘I wanted something I could cherish.'

He looked slightly uncomfortable at her words.

‘It was perfect,' she finished.

Will looked as though he didn't know how to react. Mia knew it was unusual to thank a man when he'd taken your virginity and didn't plan on marrying you, but she wanted him to know all the same. She didn't want him regretting it, or chastising himself for allowing himself to go against his principles and take her virtue.

As they walked, Mia stole a glance at Will every few minutes. He looked troubled and deep in thought. Every so often his lips would move as if he were trying to work through an argument in his head.

Eventually Mia felt compelled to say something. He'd been silent for a full twenty minutes and she was worried he might never speak a word to her again.

‘I know what we just did has changed things,' Mia said, ‘but I hope we will still be friends.'

Will looked at her with such incredulity Mia thought she might cry. Obviously the idea of them being friends seemed ludicrous to him.

He stopped walking and turned to face her, taking both her hands in his own.

‘Mia,' he said, ‘if you would deign to have such an awful man as myself as your friend I would be honoured.'

Will was kind, caring, intelligent, witty. Anything but awful.

‘You're not awful.'

‘I should not have...' He let the sentence trail off.

Mia smiled sadly. ‘I didn't give you much choice in the matter.'

‘I should have been stronger. A true gentleman and a true friend would not have taken advantage of you like that no matter what temptation was dangled in front of him.'

‘You didn't take advantage of me, Will,' Mia said slowly, hoping he might actually understand. ‘I seduced you because I wanted you. I knew exactly what I was doing and I knew the consequences.'

‘I don't understand.'

Mia took a deep breath and looked up at the man she loved.

‘I love you, Will. And I wanted to make love to the man in my heart, just once.'

She saw each and every emotion flash over his face: confusion, elation, disbelief.

‘You love me?' he asked, incredulous.

‘I love you.'

A tiny part of her was waiting for him to say it back. She knew it wouldn't happen and she knew it could never be, but still there was just a sliver of hope.

He hesitated, stepped back slightly and Mia's hope died.

She smiled at him again, this time trying to hide her disappointment, and patted him awkwardly on the arm. Before he could say anything at all a cart lumbered round the corner and the old man who was taking them back to Road Town raised a hand in greeting.

* * *

He didn't know what to say. Suddenly his relationship with Mia had gone from friendly flirtation to fantastic sex to a declaration of love to this awful awkwardness. She'd told him she loved him. He hadn't known how to react. What did a man say in response to such a declaration? ‘Thank you very much' didn't really seem to cut it and most other responses were pretty inadequate, too.

When she'd said it he'd wondered if she'd expected him to tell her he loved her, too. He'd been too stunned to say anything at all. In truth, he didn't know how he truly felt about Mia. She seemed to occupy his thoughts every waking moment of the day. He either wanted to discuss an idea with her, make her laugh or rip her clothes off and ravish her. He hadn't thought about a single other woman since he'd met her.

He certainly cared for her. Never before had he wanted to look after another person quite so much. But love was a big word, a big emotion. Will had never felt love for a woman before. Lust and desire undoubtedly, but love?

For as long as he could remember, Will had been on his own. Certainly he'd had friends, family who cared for him and whom he'd loved back, but no one who had taken over his world like Mia. He'd always assumed he would be on his own, a bachelor until the end—it was just in his nature. He lived alone and worked alone. It was just how it was, how it had always been.

A rebellious part of him asked whether it really had to be that way in the future. Maybe sharing a life with someone else would be more fulfilling.

‘Lieutenant Glass won't be happy we upped and left without taking him with us,' Mia said cheerily as if she hadn't just rocked the foundations of his world a few minutes earlier.

‘Mmm.' Will had never been great at holding a conversation whilst deep in thought. When his mind was stuck on one thing he found it difficult to engage with another. At the present time his mind was very much locked on trying to untangle his feelings for Mia.

Even if he did love her, did that change anything? They didn't have a future. In a few weeks if all went well with his mission they would be on opposite sides of the world. He would have returned to England to run the family estate, once again alone.

‘He might have called in the Navy,' Mia persevered.


‘Or maybe he's jumped into the sea and got eaten by the kraken.'

It took a couple of seconds for her words to sink in and another few to process them.

‘We can only hope,' he said with a grin.

They emerged over the top of the hill and started the descent back to Road Town. Mia seemed quite content to sit in silence for the rest of the ride, allowing Will further time to ponder on his feelings. The problem was there was no easy answer. He rather thought a man should know when he fell in love, so maybe he didn't love Mia. On the other hand, he cared for Mia more than he had anyone in the world since his brother and that was after just a few days of knowing her. If they were in each other's company much longer, he could only see his feeling growing.

It would be easier not to love her, Will decided. If he loved her their inevitable separation would be agonising. He glanced over at Mia sitting serenely beside him and realised if the mere thought of being apart from her was agonising, the reality would be pure hell.

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