Harlequin Superromance November 2014 - Box Set 2 of 2: Christmas at the Cove\Navy Christmas\Until She Met Daniel (53 page)

Read Harlequin Superromance November 2014 - Box Set 2 of 2: Christmas at the Cove\Navy Christmas\Until She Met Daniel Online

Authors: Rachel Brimble,Geri Krotow,Callie Endicott

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Series, #Harlequin Superromance

BOOK: Harlequin Superromance November 2014 - Box Set 2 of 2: Christmas at the Cove\Navy Christmas\Until She Met Daniel
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“I’m sure your present is wonderful, darling,” he said gently. “And I’m glad you had a visit with your mommy.”

Samantha’s voice had a forlorn sound to it. “She came to look for a purse she forgot.”

Hell. What could he say? There weren’t any words to fix his child’s pain. He just hoped time and distance would help. “It’s still nice you got to see her.”

“I guess so.”

“You know what? I’d better go,” he said. “I’ve got to explore our new house some more and guess which bedroom you’ll want.”

“It can be a game,” Samantha answered, sounding brighter.

“You bet, and whoever wins, we’ll get a pizza to celebrate, with no little fishies on it.”

A giggle floated over the wires as he invoked an image from
one of Samantha’s favorite movies.

“Can you tell your grandma ‘goodbye’ for me?” he asked.

“Sure. ’Bye, Daddy.”

“Good night.”

He hit the off button and glanced around the cavernous living room. The Victorian was going to dwarf the odd little family that they’d decided to form, and he hoped Samantha wouldn’t find it alarming after their cozy town house. Well, he didn’t have to stay for more than a year. He’d signed a twelve-month contract and promised to
staying beyond that, but he’d been up-front about saying it was unlikely. He’d been the deputy city manager for a town of several hundred thousand and in line to get the top job the next year when the current manager retired, so Willow’s Eve was hardly a step forward. Or, maybe it was in some ways. Here he wouldn’t be anyone’s deputy, and that would look good on his résumé.

Daniel put everything away except for the box he would take to City Hall in the morning. He was just finishing when the doorbell rang.

Mandy Colson stood at the door with an elderly woman and a middle-aged man. The man was holding a large box.

“Hi, Daniel,” Mandy said. She gestured to the two people with her. “This is Jane Cutman and Clark Green. They’re part of the welcome committee.”

“Oh, thank you. Won’t you come in?” Daniel asked awkwardly, wishing they had waited before doing any welcomes. At the moment he was still groggy and his stomach was grumbling.

“Nope,” Mandy answered. “We just brought the groceries we planned to put in the fridge for you.”

With a cordial nod, Clark Green handed the box to Daniel.

“That’s very thoughtful,” Daniel said, unsure of the proper protocol in such a situation. He’d worked in places where they had a cake or given a plant to welcome a new employee, but that had been at the office, never something like this.

“We’ll go now,” Jane told him. “Mandy, dear, I’ll see you tomorrow at the center.”

“Sure thing.”

The other two left, but Mandy lingered. “I wanted to tell you that if you need anything, I’m next door.” She pointed at a sparse row of bushes on the left. “And Jane is on the other side of me in the yellow house, so now you’ve met two of your neighbors.”

Mandy lived next door? Daniel’s stomach did a peculiar, rolling swoop that had nothing to do with hunger.

“Uh, thanks.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She turned and ran down the steps, and even in the long evening light, he couldn’t avoid noticing the sexy grace of her movements.

Daniel quickly clamped a lid on his response—there was no way he’d get involved with an employee. And right now his divorce was too fresh and painful to jump right back into the hazards of another relationship, especially with a woman whose nature seemed utterly foreign to his own more sedate personality.

In the kitchen he unpacked the box. Milk, eggs, cheese, bread, a small jar of instant coffee, lunch meat, yogurt and a basket of fruit. Nice. Just the sort of things to tide someone over until the person had a chance to go shopping. Yet a frown creased his forehead as he put the perishable items in the immaculate refrigerator. What hidden agenda had made them go overboard this way? Or at least it seemed overboard to him.

One of the things Daniel had learned over the years, there were
hidden agendas, but hopefully he wouldn’t encounter any in Willow’s Eve that caused serious problems. He’d have to proceed cautiously, just in case.

With that conclusion, he ate a sandwich and a banana, then went back to bed so he’d be well rested for his first day at City Hall. It was difficult to imagine staying in such a small town for longer than the twelve months he’d promised them, but while he was here, he would give them the best he had. There wasn’t any other way for him.

Early in the morning, Daniel drove by the Handy Spandy market and bought a cup of coffee before heading to City Hall. His office door was open and he examined the room with appreciation—the clutter had been cleared away, the bookshelves dusted and various miscellany removed. It now looked reasonably ready for work, and the large, airy size was appealing—his office in Southern California had been little more than a closet.

“Daniel?” Mandy stuck her head through a side door he hadn’t yet explored. “Hi. I thought I heard someone come in while I was double-checking the parlor for crumbs. If any food bits get left behind we can have an army of tiny critters, and that sort of involved citizen we
need at City Hall.”

He gestured around the office. “Somebody worked hard in here. It looks good.”

“Glad you think so.”

Daniel walked to the side door where she’d come in and saw the executive assistant’s space. While his own office had a separate door into the hallway, this would serve as a reception area for most visitors.

“Yeah, it’s a disaster,” Mandy said, agreeing with his silent assessment. “I thought about working on it, but I was, uh, busy last night.”

She didn’t have to look so embarrassed about having a date, or whatever else she’d been doing. Of course, she might think it wasn’t appropriate to mention her social life to a senior city official.

“Not at all,” he reassured her. “It’s just that this space gives people an immediate impression about City Hall and the city manager. Is the assistant on vacation, or does it normally look this way?”

“There isn’t one. That is, an assistant.”

“I don’t have an administrative assistant?”

“’Fraid not. The last one left when the old city manager retired. There’s a rumor they were secretly married, and she
leave town around the same time he moved away. That’s what people tell me, anyway. Some of the folks in Willow’s Eve love to speculate about everybody’s private lives. Anyway, then the council debated whether they needed a manager at all, but the mayor kept saying they did, and to
get a professional from
the area. When they finally agreed, next came a discussion on the salary. They settled on making the city manager’s income generous enough to get someone with experience, but unfortunately, that didn’t leave enough in the budget for an assistant to sit in an office and direct traffic.”

“There’s more to administrative staff than directing traffic,” Daniel managed to say after sifting through the extraneous details Mandy seemed to throw out at will.

“True, but I can pitch in with paperwork if I have any spare time, and the clerks upstairs are expected to help, too. Ask for Barbara, Janey, Ben or Ariel. By the way, just so you understand, you’re not my supervisor, even if I end up helping with typing and so forth. That’s purely voluntary.”

There was a defiant tilt to her chin and a part of his brain wondered why, but at the moment he was still processing the fact he wouldn’t have any support staff. It was yet another reminder he hadn’t asked enough questions during his Skype interview with the Willow’s Eve city officials. Of course, he’d just finished comforting Samantha because her mother had forgotten to pick her up as promised...for the third time in a row. So he’d focused on making an impression good enough to secure the job and take his daughter away from the Los Angeles Basin. And the truth was, even if they had told him he wouldn’t have an administrative assistant, he still would have taken the job.

“Thank you, Ms. Colson,” he said. “I appreciate the information.”

He had a feeling she barely kept from rolling her eyes.

“It’s Mandy. Nobody calls me Ms. Colson, not even dentists.”

Daniel wasn’t stuck on titles and formality, but he thought Willow’s Eve could use a tight hand on the wheel for a while. On the other hand, most Californians tended to be casual, small town or not.

“All right...Mandy.”

“I’ll let you get settled. I expect the mayor and others will also be around to get acquainted.” She held out her hand. “Here are your office keys.”

With relief, Daniel took them and watched her leave, reminding himself that the people of Willow’s Eve had never before had a trained professional managing the town. It was unusual for a community of this size to even
a paid full-time city manager. From what Mandy had said the previous day, it was partially due to a bequest. He needed to see a copy of the town’s budget, city council meeting minutes, copies of incorporation papers and...
those were things he’d have his assistant research...if he had an assistant.

In the meantime, he sat at his new desk and finally took a gulp of the coffee he’d bought. It nearly sprayed from his mouth. What did they use in the stuff, floor sweepings?

A knock sounded on the door and Mandy stuck her head back inside. “Oh, I forgot to tell you we got together last week and scouted up some stuff we thought might help you get oriented. It’s in the folder on your desk.”

“Thanks. I’ll also need a copy of the town budget, the recent city council minutes and several other items, particularly any written procedures and regulations. Don’t worry, I’ll make a list. If you can’t do it, I’ll talk to the other employees you mentioned.”

This time she definitely rolled her eyes. “We have
sense, you know. Why don’t you check the folder instead of assuming something isn’t there?”

She closed the door with a firm snap.

* * *

the hall, thoroughly annoyed.

Daniel had a
interest in procedures and regulations? Hell, she could have predicted that from the starched way he carried himself. As for his assumption they were just a bunch of rubes who couldn’t understand what he needed...

All at once Mandy laughed at herself.

Jeez, she was acting like a grouch. It was probably from sleep deprivation; she’d helped the scholarship board assemble the cookbook and after they’d finished, had stayed until 3 a.m. to clean and unclutter the city manager’s office. It wasn’t her responsibility, even as a member of the welcome committee, but the mayor had asked if she’d mind “doing a little something” and she hadn’t been able to say no.

Mayor Howard White was a nice guy, but something had been bothering him lately, though she wasn’t sure what. The biggest clue was his anxiety to have the new city manager in place and off to a “good start.” Howard was honest and meant well, but was rarely decisive.

Mandy worked for an hour on the previous month’s financial report and when it was finished, pushed it away with relief. Every job had its less joyful aspects, and this was hers. Still, a financial report was nothing compared with doing inventory control for Saggitt Tech.

“Hey, Mandy,” said Susan Russell as she walked into the office.

Mandy got up and gave her friend a hug; she’d been so unsettled by Daniel Whittier, she’d forgotten the Russells were due home. “How was the vacation? You were still in the air about your plans the last time we talked. Where did you end up going?”

“Mother did her best to talk Chris into accepting a trip to Hawaii, but at the last minute, my mule-headed husband decided he couldn’t accept such an expensive anniversary gift, even if it was from Mom, rather than Dad. I could have predicted it.”

“As I recall, you
predict it,” Mandy reminded her.

Susan laughed. “So I did. We ended up going to Badlands National Park and Mount Rushmore, then Yellowstone.”

Mandy cocked her head. “Wasn’t that where you wanted to go in the first place?”

“Yes. But Mom and Dad were pushing for Hawaii, and Chris had this idea about backpacking. South Dakota and Yellowstone were the best compromise. We both had a blast. He hung out with the park rangers and talked shop, while I got to do as much photography as I pleased. Then in the evenings he’d feel guilty about ‘neglecting’ me, so we’d have these wildly romantic dinners, followed by hours of...well, you know.”

Mandy knew what Susan meant, or she did in theory. Her ex-husband hadn’t been the type for “you know,” at least not the hot-and-wild version of it. And even if he’d wanted to get hot and wild, Vince would have stomped on the urge, believing it wasn’t appropriate for an associate professor of ancient history to behave that way.
Mandy had seen the erotica on the walls of the buildings at Herculaneum and Pompeii, and it was obvious that sex was just as much fun back then as in the twenty-first century.

“That’s terrific,” she said.

“Yeah.” Yet Susan sighed, her body sagging slightly. “And now it’s back to real life.”

Her expression suggested something was wrong, or at best, not quite right.

“Is something up?” Mandy asked.

“No...it’s just...stuff. Reality bites.”

Mandy wasn’t sure if Susan wanted her to push for details or back off. “You need to talk?”

“Not now.” Susan glanced in the hallway. “So Daniel Whittier got here.”

“Yeah, yesterday. We thought he was getting into town
from the message the mayor’s admin sent out, so we hadn’t finished all the details, like shopping for fresh foods and stuff. And of course, his office was still a disaster.”

“Ouch. Not the best way to show off Willow’s Eve to him.”

“No, but we got things scrambled together,” Mandy said. “The house was clean and now the office is, too.”

“That’s good. I’m meeting my father for coffee, but I’ll pop in and say hello later.”

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