Harnessed Passions (53 page)

Read Harnessed Passions Online

Authors: Dee Jones

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #mystery, #historical, #ghost, #bdsm

BOOK: Harnessed Passions
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What a marvelous surprise
you’ve turned out to be,” he whispered. “Up, stand in front of me
so I can look at you,” he ordered, helping her to her feet. She
stood in front of him on shaky legs, completely naked save the
stockings she still wore.

I have a device that could
prove interesting to both of us,” he told her, unsure if she would
agree to such deviance. “It’s a medical instrument that was
invented to help women express their hidden need.”

What sort of device?” she
frowned watching as he stood up and pulled his shirt off, exposing
his massive chest for her hungry eyes. He turned her around and sat
her on the bed where he had been sitting then walked to his dresser
and pulled out a wooden box from the top drawer.

Daniel returned to her side and sat the box
next to her as he pulled his boots off and tossed the aside to
settle on the floor next to the pile of her clothes. He unfastened
the buttons on his breeches and watched her closely as he pulled
them off, allowing his desire to spring freely from their tight
confines. Julia gasped; he was larger than she remembered and fear
suddenly began to grip her stomach.

You’ve already had me,” he
assured her, tipping her chin up so he could look into her eyes.
“It’s no different than it was this morning, or last night.” She
smiled; he was right, they had made love several times over the
past twenty-four hours, it was just the sight of him that had her
heart pounding.

Lie up on the bed and
raise your arms above your head,” he ordered as he flipped the lock
on the box open. Julia quickly obeyed, fighting back the nervous
laughter that threatened her composure. A few moments passed as
Daniel moved about the room, opening the dresser drawer again and
moving back to her side.

I’m going to restrain you
so you can’t resist what I’m about to do,” he told her through a
gentle whisper. “There will be no pain, but if there is, you must
tell me immediately and I’ll stop. Agreed?” Julia nodded her head;
she couldn’t form a single word in response, much less a whole

Daniel slipped two long satin strips of
cloth around her wrists and secured them to the headboard. She felt
a strange apprehension come over her as he moved to the foot of the
bed. She couldn’t move her arms, but somehow she wasn’t afraid. He
stepped to the foot of the bed and wrapped his hands around her
waist, pulling her gently down so her arms tightened above her as
he spread her legs wide and restrained them to the footboard.

Very nice,” he told her
through a husky whisper. “I could look at you like this the rest of
my life and never grow tired.”

Is that all you’re going
to do; look at me?” she teased, amazed that she had the fortitude
to joke while she was tied up like a dangerous criminal.

As much as I enjoy staring
at you, I have many other things in mind for the night. I plan on
using this new position of yours to the extreme of deviance.” Julia
blushed again as he began to caress her calves and inner thighs
with his large, slightly rough hands. The combination was erotic
and stimulating; gentle and rough, soft and scratchy. It was enough
to make her moan once more.

I want you to understand
what will happen to you,” Daniel whispered a few moments later.
“This device is used for women’s hysterics, but I plan on teaching
you to enjoy the benefits of such an invention. It will make you
come, harder than even I can do. Once you’re very satisfied, or I
can no longer stand watching your paroxysms, then I will let you
free and join you.”

How does it work?” she
asked, hearing a low humming sound echoing from the foot of the

It stimulates the clitoris
into promoting orgasm.” Daniel slowly began to massage her curls as
he opened her labia, his thumb caressing her clitoris briefly. A
split second later and Julia yelped again as a strange vibrating
sensation touched against her tight body.

Relax into it,” he ordered
her, watching as she tried to struggle against the sensation. “It
will be brief and you’ll enjoy it; just don’t resist.” Julia closed
her eyes tightly and bit her bottom lip, willing herself to remain
still. It took barely a moment before she was feeling a different
array of sensations; tingling and warmth, heat and desire. She knew
the dizzy, mind splitting feeling that was building between her
legs; her husband had brought her to this point many times last
night and again this morning, but it was never this quick or this

That’s it,” he purred at
her as he knelt on the end of the bed. “Relax into it; let it take
over your senses.”

Julia drew a deep breath as her buttocks
tightened, her vaginal muscles quivering against the strange
vibration. Within the span of a heartbeat, she was clinging to the
headboard, crying out his name. The orgasm was deeper than any she
had yet experienced and it seemed to take over her entire core. She
felt heated, anxious and relaxed all at once as he continued to
caress her labia and clitoris with the device.

Lie back and relax,” he
told her as the machine ceased its humming. Daniel pressed his palm
against her curls and gently pressed upward, smiling as she moaned
in pleasure.

Did you like that?” he
asked her in a mocking tone.

Very much,” she panted in

Want to feel it again?” he
teased her as his fingers began to caress her labia

Yes,” she assured

Beg me.”


That’s much better,” he
teased her with a warm smile as she looked down to see him sitting
between her legs. Julia returned his smile when the humming began

Daniel took her past the edge of release
three times before he had suffered enough and released her ankles.
He was eager to be buried inside her and could not wait much
longer. When he moved to the head of the bed to release her arms,
she reached out and wrapped her free hand around his hard penis. He
moaned instantly as he finished releasing her wrist and knelt on
the bed beside her.

You are killing me,” he
groaned. “I need you princess, now.”

Beg me,” she ordered,
watching his blue eyes narrow down at her.

Please?” he growled then
smiled as she lay back fully on her back, spreading her legs

As you wish,” she said
sweetly and nearly laughed when he crawled between her

You are a wicked woman,
Mrs. Browning,” he assured her as he slipped easily into her tight,
wet vagina.

I believe I’m learning
from a master,” she answered as he began to thrust against

Damned right, and don’t
you forget it.” Daniel smiled as he began to ram against her
harder, hearing her gasping moan. As he exploded inside her,
filling her to the brink of her capabilities, he knew he had found
his soul mate.

He had taken her into the dark room of
deviance at last and he was determined to make her appreciate you
visit. Because of that wonderful little device, she had discovered
a deeper side of sex than even he could have explained. Because of
that marvelous little machine called a vibrator, she had become a
sex starved woman he would spend the next lifetime enjoying.

Two days passed since
Daniel introduced Julia into a world of sexual depravity. They were
unable to use his
since leaving Mayfield, though he managed to keep
her well entertained and very happy. She never knew her body could
feel all the things he had her experiencing. She was quickly
becoming addicted to orgasms; a promise Daniel made to her the
night they returned home.

Though the nights were filled with passion
and exploration of each other’s bodies, the day hours were long and
boring. Julia had yet to go back to the stables. The incident with
Dourn had bothered her more than she was willing to admit. The man
had eaten his way into her mind and she was certain it wasn't by
accident. His unknown familiarity of the farm and bordering
swimming hole was as troubling as not remembering where she had
known him from.

The morning worn on as usual, each minute
passing by at a snail’s pace. Mrs. Lester heated the house up with
her baking while Louise read her book of poetry for the twelfth
time that week. The day was growing longer as Julia sat on the
veranda listening to Bridget’s off key humming while she did her

She was feeling anxious and frustrated at
not having anything to do. She had discussed redecorating and
updating the old mansion with her mother and Daniel, who both
agreed with the idea. She arranged to have a contractor come out to
begin the work when the sales were finished and had chosen several
swatches of fabric for the upholstery, draper and carpeting. Still
the hours were relentless leaving Julia with little more to do than
pace the floors and hope for a miracle from the drudgery.

Boredom finally won out and she changed into
her riding clothes and casually strolled down the path leading to
the new stables. She knew Daniel was busy helping the stronger work
hands with the breeding of the mares, which meant she was on her
own to explore the property.

Julia was just about to head to the corral
to find a horse to ride, when a strange sight caught her eye. The
man who had plagued her thoughts like a bad dream was standing near
at the north end of the newly fabricated structure; his back was to
her, his attention firmly on the woman with him. Julia stared for a
long moment before she realized who the woman was. Her dark hair,
her slithering movements, her lilting laughter echoed in the air
around them, making Julia's blood boil and her stomach churn.

Sharon Farnsworth was here again; but
obviously not with the pretense of business. Her arms were wrapped
about Dourn's neck and her body pressed to him as they leaned
against the stable's wall. Julia blushed profusely when she heard
the woman moan and saw the hard thrusts of the man’s hips as he
pinned her against the wall.

She turned abruptly and walked around the
opposite side of the stables as fast as her legs would carry her.
She couldn't believe the two were making love outside the new
stables; who would do such a scandalous thing in broad daylight and
fully clothed? She didn’t even know it was possible to have sex
while fully clothed and standing upright

Julia felt a strange sensation come over
her, an almost haunting feeling as though she were being warned by
some unknown force. She felt a strange sense of betrayal, yet she
couldn't even begin to understand why. She felt certain Dourn was
cheating on someone, but on whom? A wife or a lover perhaps; or
perhaps it was Sharon causing these feelings.

She never had trusted the woman and even
though she didn't want to admit it, she knew her mother had been
right about her. Sharon Farnsworth had always been known as the
town tramp, yet that was years ago; surely she'd calmed down since
then, though the scene she had just witnessed seemed to indicate
the opposite.

A noise ahead of her caused Julia to look up
taking her mind away from the thoughts that accompanied her. She
hadn’t realized she had walked to the section of the stables where
the breeding was taking place, but now that she was here, she had a
strange sensation to watch. She saw Daniel and Rally Overton
pulling frantically on long thick ropes, wrapped tightly around
Roustabout's bridal. They tugged and cussed and fought, trying to
control the rutting stallion. Julia looked at the other end of the
corral and saw what had the horse going wild. In a small fenced
area, barely the size of one of the stable's stalls stood Biscuit.
She was tied up with ropes around her neck to prevent her from
bolting at the men holding her restrained.

Julia stepped closer trying to stay out of
the way, but curious to the events displayed in front of her. She
had seen this scene before, but had run away and hid. This time she
was a captured audience. She watched as Rally and Daniel pulled the
stallion toward the mare fighting to keep a firm hold on his
bucking, head being certain to stay clear of his razor sharp hooves
that pawed at the air.

The horse pranced and lurched about twisting
his head this way and that trying to get loose, but the men kept a
taut hold on him. The mare's scent filled the air; the stallion
flared his nostrils inhaling every breath of it. Daniel fought his
prize stallion with all the strength the man possessed, inching him
closer to the Biscuit until his head jabbed against her rump. The
stallion pawed her hindquarters with his front hooves, neighing and
whining his intentions as she lifted her tail. Biscuit twisted
about trying to turn around, but her confinements were too tight,
her bindings too restrictive to allow her to do much more than
complain - loudly. Daniel and Rally held tight to the stallion's
ropes, their muscles bulging with the strain of the horse’s

Biscuit played her role well, offering the
stallion a look of her swollen genitals when she bucked her hind
legs out behind her, teasing him with the scent of her need, yet
rejecting him as soon as he attempted to mount near. The mare's
games continued until her mate was so wild he bit her hindquarters
repeatedly, tasting the blood trickling down her backside. Every
time the stud came close to mounting, Biscuit would twist about
just enough to knock him off balance only to result in being bit
again. Roustabout's need was obvious, his engorged penis powerfully
thrust toward the mare, inching still closer to the portal
promising him his release.

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