Harper's Little Spitfire (Harper's Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Harper's Little Spitfire (Harper's Series)
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Turning the water off, she hopped out and dried herself off. Wrapping the towel around her body, she walked back into her room. Although her shop was doing great with sales, her online business was booming. She wanted to have more free time to do what she wanted, rather than be stuck in a shop every day. She truly loved her shop, but the majority of the time spent there was in her office talking to suppliers and manufacturers about products. She wanted to do that from home, in her own privacy.

Pulling out a pair of sweat pants and a sports bra, she lay them on her bed. Dropping the towel, she reached for her underwear when her doorbell rang.

Lifting the towel from the floor, wrapping it around her again as she walked to the door, she opened it slightly to see who it was.

The door pushed open further. She hid behind it as Logan made his way into her house.

“Well come right in, why don’t you,” she grumbled.

Closing the door, she tightened the towel over her body, hoping that no part of her body was showing as the eldest of the Harper boys stood in her lounge room.

Logan walked straight over, sat on the couch, never once looking in her direction, and rested his face in his hands.

She walked over and stood near the edge of the couch next to him, placing her hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong, Logan?”

“Had a shit day at work,” he grumbled.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked,

“Nah, spitfire. I wanted to see how your day was and maybe have a drink.” His face came up and looked at her like he swallowed something funky.

“Why the fuck are you wearing a towel? You answered the door like that?”

Rolling her eyes, she almost laughed at his expression, “I just got out of the shower when you knocked on my door, Logan. And I know that if I didn’t answer it, you or your brothers would have made your way in here, whether I opened the door or not.”

His green eyes roamed over her body, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. Pulling the towel tighter over her breasts, his eyes strayed there, and he watched as her breathing became rapid with his eyes on her nearly naked form.

“Um, was that the only reason you came over?” she whispered.

Logan stood and stalked ever so slowly towards her, stopping within inches of touching her.

With him standing this close to her, she could smell his cologne and the bourbon on his breath, probably from a late drink with a client. Her eyes travelled over his well-defined body, starting from the dimple on his left cheek, to his kissable lips, to the two-day scruff covering his face, down over his tight, black business shirt, through which she could make out every single muscle behind it. His hand twitched at his side as her eyes moved lower, down to his black pants that looked like they were painted on. His thighs were like tree trunks; well, all the Harper boys were. As her eyes travelled up, something twitched near his pants. Her eyes moved back down and stopped there, and there it was again.
Holy shit!
Throwing her hand over her mouth, she stepped back, gasping. She had just seen his cock twitch behind his pants.

Her eyes shot up and locked with his. Groaning, he murmured, “Spitfire, don’t look at me like that.” He stepped forward and leaned his head against hers while gripping the towel at her sides in his hands.

Gulping for air, she wanted to move, but her body betrayed her, knowing exactly where it wanted to be. Her hands lifted and gripped his shirt as he pulled her even closer into his body. They stood there, unknown as to how long, until he stepped back away from her, leaving her body wanting something she could never have.

“I should leave. I shouldn’t have come over the way I did. I’ll call next time,” Logan answered gruffly before walking out of her house, with no more explanation as to why he reacted the way he had.

Getting her body and breathing under control, she walked back into her room and lay on her bed.

What was going on with Logan and Zeb? They had acted completely differently towards her, and she had no friggin’ idea why. All that she knew was that she was a hot turned on mess and as confused as hell. Glancing at the clock, she had fifteen minutes before Lilly and Bri would be back, and knowing how they were, they would be back here on the dot. Removing her towel, she slid on her underwear and sweat pants, and pulled on her sports bra. There was no point in putting something else on since she was going to be changing more than once in the next thirty minutes or so.

Shaking her head, Sage couldn’t think of Logan or Zeb, or the other two brothers. She needed to stop all her wicked thoughts she was having about them and concentrate on the hell that Lilly and Bri were going to put her through before they even left for the club. The forecast was six hours of pure hell, but at least she would know what it would be like if she ever went there.



age stood at the entrance of Club Sway, waiting for the security guard to stop ogling and flirting with Lilly. Jesus, Lilly really knew how to lay it on thick. Pulling at her tight leather skirt, which Bri demanded that she wore, she didn’t know what was worse: the skirt or the barely-there top. The skirt ended just below her ass; if she bent over for any reason, the whole world would see the purple lace G-string she wore. In the process of showing everyone, they would get a bird’s eye view of her breasts. How in the world she allowed Lilly to talk her into wearing this top was beyond her.

As she fixed her skirt, the top revealed more than it should have. The barely-there bra she was told to wear only just covered her nipples, but it was giving her babies the best lift she had seen in a while. The top was joined together at her shoulder’s with a metal clip on each side, a large V down the front ended just below her breasts, and pulled taut against her ribs, leaving several inches of skin on show for everyone.

The back was nothing; well, four tiny pieces of elastic band from one side to the other, holding it in place. So, with her outfit and the knee-high black shiny boots, teamed with the way her blonde hair curled around her face and the smoky sexy looking makeup Lilly did, she didn’t even recognise herself when they had finished their handy work.

“Stop fidgeting or you will ruin our masterpiece,” Bri growled at her.

“I don’t feel comfortable wearing this and you bloody well know it, Bri, so stop growling at me,” she mumbled back.

Breathing in, Bri pulled her closer. “Look, you need this, okay? You need to put yourself out there and find a man, or just find someone to have hot monkey sex with for one night. Something other than working yourself into the ground and staying home curled up on the couch while you sit there eating ice cream, bitching about how boring your life is.”

Well, shit. She didn’t remember telling either of them how bored she was with herself, let alone them knowing exactly what she was doing in her so-called spare time.

“Okay, this is only for one night, Bri. You hear me? One. Bloody. Night.”

“Yeah, I got you. Keep your fuckin’ panties on.”

When Lilly stepped in front of them, it was time. “Bitches, time for a little fun.”

Both Bri and Lilly linked their arms in hers and practically pulled her towards the doors of Sway. Another bouncer opened the door for them, taking a good long look at all three of them as they made their way inside.

She didn’t know what to expect from this new club, but once her eyes adjusted to her surroundings, it was nothing like their usual Club V they went to. This one was completely different in every possible way; well, from what she could make out from the flashing lights. Cages hung from the roof within meters of all the bodies moving on the dance floor. A bar wrapped around three quarters of the building, and the last bit was where the DJ was, bopping away to the beat of the music playing. Her grip tightened on both Bri and Lilly as they made their way towards the bar.

Bodies pushed against them from every direction; her foot was stomped on, more than once, and someone had even grabbed her ass. “Hey!” she screamed as she spun around. No one was there.

“What’s wrong?” Bri yelled beside her.

“Someone grabbed my ass.”

Laughing, “Yeah, that will happen here. Just go with it.”

She wasn’t going to just let any random person grab her ass when they felt like it.

Lilly leaned over the bar and spoke to some guy. When she finished, his head popped up and looked their way. Nodding, he lifted his hand to a bouncer near the end of the bar, ushering him over. He leaned forward saying something to him, then walked behind Lilly as she made her way back to Sage.

Pulling something out of her bag, she flashed it in front of Sage, but she couldn’t make out whatever it was out.

“VIP passes, baby,” Lilly giggled.

Shaking her head, Sage followed between Lilly and Bri as the bouncer directed them to where they were sitting. Unhooking the rope to the VIP section, she was glad that their table was close to the dance floor and bar, which must be why the VIP tables were in the back.

Stepping around the bouncer, Sage slid into the booth, glad to be sitting down. Her feet were killing her and she had only been in these boots for the last two hours. Shifting her leg onto the seat beside her, she flexed her foot back and forth, stretching the leather over her foot; it helped a little but she wasn’t in a hurry to get back up just yet.

Lilly handed something to the bouncer as he moved to the edge of the VIP section and stood there; obviously, it was his job to attend to VIP customers.

“Where’s Kaidence? Thought she was coming with us?” Sage asked.

“She texted me when we were leaving. Something came up, didn’t elaborate on it.” Bri yelled towards her over the music.

“Oh, okay. Hope everything is all right with her,” she replied.

“If it isn’t, she’ll tell us, Sage. Don’t worry.” Bri squeezed her shoulder as she spoke.

A waiter appeared moments later. “What can I get you beautiful ladies to drink?” He was a cute guy, maybe twenty-one or twenty-two, with sandy blond hair, brown eyes and a nice build. He would definitely grab the women’s attention here.

“I’ll have a Sex on the Beach and six shots of tequila,” Bri answered.

“Vodka and orange for me,” Lilly replied.

His eyes landed on Sage next. “Um, can I have a Double Black vodka, please?”

“No worries. I’ll have your drinks back in just a few minutes.” He winked and walked off.

Looking over at Bri, Sage spoke loudly over the music, “You won’t be able to walk out of here if you have all those shots, Bri.”

“They’re not all for me, sweetie. They’re for all of us.”

“Nope, not touching that stuff.” Sage hated tequila. It wasn’t because of the taste; she enjoyed that very much. It was how bloody drunk she got on it and the way she acted on it.

“Sorry, Sage, but you’re drinking it, even if I have to hold you down and force it down your throat.”

Groaning, “Why me?” she thought of a plan. She would have just one, then after that, she would pretend to drink the rest, and pour it into one of her empty cans.

Glancing around the club, there were bodies everywhere: not only on the dance floor, but at the bar, and the area in front and beside the DJ. Even the line up to the toilets was long. Sage couldn’t even make out a space more than a meter-square in the club. It was really packed.

Some guy walked up, leaned down and spoke to Lilly. Watching as she giggled at whatever he said, she lifted her hand to his and disappeared out onto the dance floor.

Bri declined offers to every male that came to their table.

“You know you can go and dance with them, Bri. I don’t mind sitting here, alone,” Sage said with a smile.

“Never leave one of your girls alone while in a club full of horny, out-of-control men.”

They laughed at the pact they had made. The first time the four of them went out, Lilly stayed behind at their table while the rest of them danced away. It didn’t take long for one male to ruin it for them. Lilly declined an offer to dance with someone, who obviously didn’t like the word no, so he came back with a mate of his and tried forcing her to leave the table. If it wasn’t for Caleb showing up right at that time, God only knew what would have happened.

She didn’t want to think of the Harper brothers right now. She needed to get her mind completely off them and onto something different, like the guy who was staring at their table from across the bar. Lifting her drink, she swallowed the lot, getting her nerves under control. She needed this for herself.

“Wow, slow down, chugger. What’s the rush?”

“You wanted me to loosen up; well, this is me doing exactly that.”

“Well damn, Sage, about bloody time.” Pushing a shot of tequila towards her, she instructed, “Take it easy with these though. I know how you get on tequila.”

She didn’t have to be reminded of that. She knew all too well what happened when she drank too much of the stuff.

Tapping the glass with Bri, she lifted the glass to her lips, and without thinking about it, shot the glass back and swallowed the liquid.
She forgot how much it burned going down. Slamming the glass on the table and reaching for her other drink, she gulped mouths of it, removing the burn in her throat. Bri laughed beside her as she reached for her other drink herself. The beat of the music ran through her system. With just that one shot of tequila, her body wanted out on the dance floor. Her foot tapped against the floor as the music roared through the club. She had no idea how she could hear the conversation that Bri was having with her; it was like the music floated over towards her and entwined around her, pulling her to the floor. The waiter returned with another tray of shots. Winking yet again towards her, both Bri and Sage lifted one after the other and slammed them down. On the fourth one in a row, she spluttered and coughed the mouthful of alcohol onto the table, causing Bri to break into a fit of laughter. Luckily in the laughter state she was in, she still managed to pat her on the back.

When she finished, Sage stood on shaky legs and pulled Bri from her seat. “Time to dance, sweetie.”

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