Harrison Towers, Memoirs of a Mogul (Glass Towers Trilogy)

BOOK: Harrison Towers, Memoirs of a Mogul (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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Harrison Towers


Memoirs of a Mogul


Prequel to Glass Towers Trilogy




Adler and Holt



Copyright © 2013 Adler and Holt



Edited by: J. West

Cover Art by Adler and Holt



All rights reserved.





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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


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The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following word marks mentioned in this work of fiction:


Range Rover, Wharton Business School, NYU, Levis, Nextel, Lionel Richie, Seinfeld, Four Seasons, Waterford, Marvin Gaye.




Chapter One


Everything I have done up to thi
s point does not matter. All that matters in this world is right here in this room. As I look into my newborn son Giles face, I am drawn to his sheer beauty and to the innocence and promise, he holds. I have never felt such joy and I never knew upon first sight, I could love someone so implicitly without restraint.


I had hardly noticed that we are finally alone. The hospital staff had finished their tasks and left us to revel in our newborn son. I tear my eyes away from Giles and look over at my wife who is now resting or perhaps even sleeping. I continue to hold my new son. When I first met Danielle, it never occurred to me that she would be the woman to give me my namesake, that she would be the one to deliver my heir. The very thought brings a lump to my throat and I fight back the tears that are threatening. I am not a weak person but the happiness I am feeling right now is practically bringing me to my knees.


Giles has disarmed me.


I settle back into my seat on the sofa and rest my head against the wall behind me. The exhaustion is catching up. I shut my eyes for a moment as I continue to hold my son in my arms. I hear a soft sigh and open one eye to see Danielle is awake.


“Hi” she breathes with a wide smile on her face. “How is he?”


“He’s wonderful; would you like to hold him?” I start to stand and advance toward her bed.


She nods and smiles.


I place Giles in her waiting arms and kiss his forehead and then I place a gentle kiss on her lips. Standing over her holding our son, I once again feel overwhelmed and joyful.


She tilts her and looks up at me. “What is that look? Are you okay?”


“I’m fine. The more pressing question is how are you doing?”


“Me? I am perfect. I have the two most important men in my life right here.”


“Well, I am guessing you could use a long sleep. You look exhausted.”


“Gee thanks! I am… but you didn’t have to point that out!” She says laughing lightly.


“I wasn’t trying to insult you, I have never seen you look more beautiful, in fact you are glowing but I know you, and I can see the fatigue written all over your face.”


“I am tired but euphoric. I am so happy right now, I wonder if I can sleep. I almost feel like I have taken a huge dose of adrenalin or something.” She pauses and tears well up in her eyes.


“Harrison, I love you so much and Giles is more than I could ever have hoped for.” Her next words catch in her throat and I caress her shoulder as a tear of happiness trickles down her face.


I look into her eyes, “
Mi Amore
, in this one amazing moment I realize up until now, everything I have done is insignificant in comparison to the new life I have created with you.


I lean down to place another kiss on her lips and Giles begins to cry. She looks up at me with a question in her eyes, as his cry gets more insistent.


“Well mommy, what do you suppose he needs?” Before she answers, we hear a quick knock on the door and a nurse pops her head in.


“Ah, sounds like good timing. I think we can try getting him to nurse again. Daddy, why don’t you get yourself something to eat and I will help mom feed the baby.” She places her hand on my arm guiding me toward the door.


I glance over at Danielle and she has the look of fear in her eyes but she nods at me and appears to muster up a false smile. “This is where I am no help at all, let the nurse help you
mi amore


She nods, smiles, and then fixes her attention on her newborn baby in her arms. I notice her greenish-blue eyes are tired but vibrant at the same time and her chestnut hair luxurious and flowing. She is such a beautiful woman who made me a gorgeous baby.


“Oh darling, why don’t you take that notebook over there and jot down some notes for that memoirs book. I think you should go for it. I mean you were the world’s most eligible bachelor before you married me! You have worked hard, you deserve it.”


I smile at her, take the notebook off the credenza, and leave the room just as the nurse moves to the bedside where she begins to assist Danielle with the baby.


I find a small café across the street that seems to stay open late. I choose a seat by a window and stare out into the dark of night. I cannot help but to think about how my life is now complete…though that wasn’t always the case. With a pen in my hand, I open up the first page of my notebook, and start to write.


Chapter Two


I was born into privilege. I am French Canadian and my family traces back centuries in Montreal Canada. My father is native to Canada though my mother emigrated with her family when she was just a toddler from France. I think I lucked out in the looks department as I have always found my father to be debonair and it just so happens I tend to take after him. I’m tall like him, at over six feet tall with an athletic build.  I favor my father in coloring too as I have his crystal blue eyes and light brown hair that tends to go a little blonde when the sun hits it. I get my straight white teeth from my mother and her glowing smile. That is where most of the family traits stop.


The expectation for me to be the one to carry on our bloodline has been almost unbearable all these years. I was an only child of my parents Julian and Yvonne Towers. I grew up in an ideal family will all the luxuries a wealthy family can afford. I wanted for nothing but my own identity. I am a Towers and with that come an enormous amount of expectation and assumptions. True enough, I had everything handed to me on the proverbial silver platter and the silver spoon was always present. I always had a feeling though that I would never amount to anything if I didn’t find my own way. We have a large extended family that comprises Towers Enterprises. The boards of directors are the family elders with my father at the helm as he is the one who inherited the company from my grandfather. The eldest son has traditionally run the Towers Enterprises. With my being an only child, the pressure for me to follow my father’s footsteps has been present… ever since I can remember.


Upon graduating from high school, I obeyed my parents and went straight to college in Montreal with my high school girlfriend Marion Devereaux. Her family has as long a history in Montreal along with mine. In fact, the two families have supported each other in business for over half a century but have been in alliance for only a couple centuries. From the moment Marion and I were born, the two families were grooming us to marry someday. The expectation was that we would join the two bloodlines together. All through growing up, I didn’t question what I would do when I grew up. I never looked any further than Marion Devereaux, for my female companion.


Marion and I attended college together in a five-year program and finished our degrees at the same time. That was all part of the master plan that our families orchestrated. I majored in International Business, as did Marion. Throughout our lives, taking over both of the family’s businesses was always expected. The Devereauxs have a distribution company that Towers Enterprises uses for selling wine to other countries. It's my obligation to sit at the helm of Enterprises someday. In the meantime, I was to start working in the offices to learn the business from the ground up. However, I had other plans.


It was May of 1993, I’m twenty-two years old and it’s the day of our college graduation. Also the day when my future was really set in motion. Little did I know the roller coaster ride that was in store for me. After the graduation ceremony was complete, the two families the Devereauxs and Towers hosted a joint celebration at a local upscale restaurant in their banquet room. I decided to seize the moment and throw everyone for a loop, especially Marion.


Everyone is seated and in the midst of eating their salads when I excuse myself. When I return to the table, I have a team of waiters following me with trays of champagne flutes that they proceed to distribute to the over two-hundred guests. Standing at the table behind Marion, I take a spoon and tap it against the glass to gain everyone’s attention.


“Guests, while you are all seated and enjoying our first course, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming to celebrate our graduating…finally!” I squeeze Marion’s shoulder and hear a collective polite chuckle throughout the room.


“We are thankful to have everyone here, our loved ones, friends, class mates, and brave roommates.” I look at Adelaide, Marion’s roommate. She nods and laughs. “Since I have all of you here under one roof, and I have most of your undivided attention,” I clear my throat and aim my gaze at a couple children who are completely unaware of themselves and the noise they are making. Again, the room laughs. I move around to stand beside Marion. I begin to kneel down on one knee while pulling out a little black velvet box. The room collectively gasps as Marion’s hand flies to her mouth.


“I would
like to take this opportunity to propose to
l ‘amour de ma vie,
the love of my life. Marion Devereaux will you marry me?” I look at her questioningly with the box now open exposing a two-carat solitaire ring set in white gold.


Her eyes open wide, “Oh Harry, yes! Yes, I will marry you!”


I slip the ring on her shaking finger, she throws her arms around me, and we embrace in a brief but passionate kiss. Everyone around us is applauding and cheering us on!


Mr. Devereaux has made his way over to me and is shaking my hand and patting me on the back. “Welcome to the family.”


“Thank you Mr. Devereaux.”


“Call me Alfonso now that you are going to be my son.”


“Thank you sir.” I say shaking his hand back then I look over and see my parents and Marion’s mother making their way over to us. As everyone else returns to their meals, our parents are all glowing with excitement over our new engagement.


Marion’s mom rushes over to us, “Oh we are so glad you finally made it official! Alfonso and I have been about to burst ever since you asked for her hand during our Family Day celebration.” She claps her hands together excitedly. They leave our table and return to their own.


Marion whips her head and shoots me a scowl. “You mean you have been planning this for nearly three months?”


Nodding, “Yes, I have. I met with your father to ask him for permission. I wanted it to be at a time you would least expect it. You are you surprised aren’t you?”


The scowl dissipates. “Yes of course I am and that is so gallant of you to ask my father for permission. How cute Harry.” She tweaks my nose with her finger.


I turn my face quickly as soon as her finger meets my skin. I grab her finger and give it a quick bite. She lets out a loud squeak and then I grab her and give a passionate kiss with my tongue seeking out hers. As she pulls away, I glance over the table and notice Adelaide sitting there alone, looking forlorn and somewhat saddened. I start to say something but my attention  diverts quickly when I feel Marion’s hand seeking out my cock. I hold my breath for a moment as she begins rubbing, discreetly. I sneak a sideways glance at her and she is running her tongue along her lower sumptuous lip. My eyes travel down to her breasts and I imagine my mouth travelling across her supple flesh. I quickly stand up grabbing her hand and leading her out of the banquet room. I lead her down the hallway trying doors along the way. I finally locate a single stall bathroom and pull her in with me. Pushing her against the wall my mouth seeks her plump mounds. I pull at her dress exposing her tiny breasts and envelop them into my mouth. I suck on her nipples gently tugging with my teeth. She lets out a low moan. I reach my hand down and find her pussy is wet. I rip her thongs panties right off her discarding somewhere on the ground. As she unzips my pants, someone is knocking on the bathroom door.


“Uh, I’m going to be a  minute.” She says breathlessly.


“I think it’s going to be more than a minute.” I moan in her ear.


Yanking up her dress, I lift her higher up against the wall and ram my cock up her wet and wanting pussy. My God, her body feels so good. She wants me and all I want to do is feel her pleasure. My hands are on her ass holding her up while I move myself in and out of her. I increase the speed and she throws her head back moaning. I run my lips down her neck and back to her breast where I take the whole thing into my mouth and suck. She yells out and claws at my back through my shirt. I drop her down, spin her around bending her over at her waist, and take her from behind. Her hands on the wall for support I move my leg between her legs to spread her open further. I place my hands on her waist and fuck her so hard that you could probably hear our bodies slapping together out in the hall. She is stifling her moans and I continue to move myself in and out of her until I finally feel the tightness in my lower abs and my seed spills inside her. She is moaning my name repeatedly under her breath and I know she has reached satisfaction too. I remove myself from her and help her regain her footing.

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