Haunting Secrets (11 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

Tags: #Victorian, #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Teen & Young Adult, #Ghosts, #Witches & Wizards, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Literature & Fiction, #Historical

BOOK: Haunting Secrets
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“I haven’t tried. I thought to give the girl a few more days to get to know me better.”

“Why give her that long? I’m certain she already knows what a leech you are.”

Roderick set down his glass and stood. He brought his face close to her until their noses nearly touched. His alcohol laced breath made Bethany want to retch. It always had. She suspected he knew this, which was why he continued to drink so heavily.

“My dear wife. I think you have a soft spot in your heart for my brother.”

She widened her eyes and gulped.

“Jonathan is a simple minded boy.” He cupped her chin. “He’ll not ever be able to satisfy you, I’m afraid.”

She slapped his hand away. “You don’t know how wrong you are.”

He shrugged. “I happen to think differently. We each have our faults, but we learn to live with them, do we not?”

She pushed past him and stalked to the door. Before she opened it, she looked at him over her shoulder. “For once will you keep your hands off this woman? She just may be the key to getting us onto that island. After all, her father was able to go there.”

“I doubt we’ll be able to persuade Victoria to help us in our quest, anyway.” Roderick shook his head. “Have you seen the way that maid keeps an eye on Victoria? Not only that, I’ve caught the servant eavesdropping several times. I fear that girl will be our stumbling block.”

“Then I suppose we’ll have to dispose of the maid, won’t we?”

“And how do you think we should accomplish that, my dear scheming wife?”

She chuckled. “Try to charm her. That will make her run far away.”

He cocked his head and glared. “My, aren’t you humorous today.”

“No need to fear, Roddy. I shall think of something.”

“The sooner the better, I trust.”

Smiling with anticipation, Bethany walked out of the parlor, her mind putting together ways to make Victoria’s maid flee from the manor as fast as her little feet would carry her. The maid would only complicate matters if she stayed. It was essential to Bethany’s plan to gain Victoria’s confidence, just in case she knew where her father hid the treasure map. Bethany would make the girl talk.

Excitement bubbled in her chest, encouraging her once again. It’d been her goal for many years to have all the wealth she could obtain. Marrying one of North Devon’s wealthiest men helped considerably. Too bad Roderick couldn’t be as handsome and charming as Justin had once been.

She’d actually been in love with the older brother, but when he never paid any attention to her, she set her sights on Roderick. Her decision had been a bad one, since Roderick couldn’t stay faithful. But now it didn’t matter. Only obtaining the gold and silver from that cursed island was important.

However, she must find a way to get deep into the caves on that island. The treasure was there. Somewhere. It was within her grasp, and she must not give up.

* * * *

Jonathan escorted Victoria into the music room and closed the door behind them. She hoped she didn’t spend the whole time trying to keep away from him.

He walked past her and sat on the bench behind the pianoforte. His fingers rested over a few of the keys. “Victoria? Do you play?”

Without waiting for an answer, he played a simple tune, one she remembered from her childhood. She smiled and crossed the floor to stand behind him.

“I used to when I was small. I don’t remember much now.”

He motioned to the space next to him on the bench. “Come. Let’s play a tune together. I’ll teach you one that’s very easy.”

She scooted next to him. “How long have you been playing, Jonathan?”

“When my brother was alive, he taught me.”

Her heart softened for the man hidden away in the East Wing. “Oh, how lovely. I heard Justin wrote music.”

Jonathan nodded. “Many ballads.”

She touched his hand. His fingers stopped and looked at her. “Can you tell me how he died?” she asked.

He scratched his head. “I don’t recall much about the fire. I’d been in Eton during that time. Roderick and Bethany told me there was a fire in the East Wing and Justin burned to death trying to stop it from spreading.”

Things just didn’t add up. Victoria couldn’t understand why Bethany and Roderick would tell such an outlandish lie. But they had been lying to her all this time. For what reason, she didn’t know.

And more curious was why Justin would go along with it. The few times she’d spoken with him, she received the impression he didn’t enjoy his life. So then why live the lie?

“Were you very close to your brother?”

Jonathan nodded. “I think we were before I went to Eton. He looked out for me when Roderick wouldn’t.”

She squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t bring up bad memories for you.”

He looked at her and smiled. “No. I do miss Justin, though. We used to have long talks, and he helped me through my problems.”

“I can imagine. My father was the same way with me.”

Jonathan slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. When his gaze dipped to her mouth, her chest tightened. Automatically, she stiffened, but Jonathan must not have noticed because he still looked at her with desire in his eyes.

“We are a lot alike, do you not agree?” he asked in a sultry voice.

“I suppose.”

His arm tightened, which brought her nearer. Quickly, she placed a hand on his chest to keep from pressing into him.

He cupped her chin and grinned. “Victoria, I’m certain you’re aware of my feelings for you.”

She gulped down the fright gathering in her throat. This wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. “I think so.”

“You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever met.”

“Thank you.”

His thumb swept over her bottom lip.
He’s going to kiss me!
Her heart hammered, but the feeling was totally different from when Justin kissed her. Thoughts of fleeing as fast as she could sprang to mind, but she told herself she had to allow him to kiss her. She didn’t want to leave the manor yet.

Moving forward, he closed his eyes. Squeezing her eyes shut, she waited for it to happen, praying she would be able to allow his attention.

His lips brushed hers back and forth before he pressed his mouth to hers. She fisted her hands, trying to keep herself from pushing him away. Although her lips were stiff, she let the kiss continue. He moved his hands over her back in a slow perusal. So far he kept within the lines of propriety. At least according to her rules.

Finally, he pulled away. Breathing a sigh of relief, she opened her eyes. He smiled at her, his eyes laced with desire. “There, now. That wasn’t too hard, was it?” He stroked her cheek.

She cleared her throat. “Of course not.”

“Maybe we can try it once more when you’re not so nervous?”

A laugh sprang from her before she had time to stop it. She quickly scooted away and stood. “Yes, that’s a splendid idea. Perhaps tomorrow?”

His mouth dropped into a frown. “Well, tomorrow is fine, but I was in hopes of giving it another try now.”

“Jonathan, you’re so bold. Can you not give me time to catch my breath and get to know you a little better first?”

He stood and took hold of her shaky hands. “I’ll give you all the time you need. I’m not in any rush.”

She breathed a heavy sigh. “Thank you. That relieves me very much.”

He kissed her knuckles then placed her hand in the crook of his arm. “Come. I’ll take you back to your room now.”

“I’d like that.”

As she walked by his side up the stairs, she glanced out of the long colored panes of the windows. The fog outside had thickened. She hated this weather, especially when she stayed in a house with so many secrets.

From outside, the howl of a wolf echoed in the night. Jonathan froze on the steps. He looked at her with wide eyes.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered.

“He’s out again tonight.” He shook his head. “It’s not midnight yet.”


“The white wolf.” His voice shook.

“Has he not done this before?”

“No. Usually after he kills, he goes back into hiding for a few months.”

She scrunched her forehead. “Very strange indeed.”

He smiled and patted her hands. The fear on his expression disappeared. “Not to worry. I’ll stay by your side and protect you.”

“Oh, Jonathan, you’re so heroic. But I shall be safe in my room, I assure you.”

Once he reached her chambers, he stopped and circled his arms around her. He kissed her forehead, and she almost sighed aloud from relief that he hadn’t captured her mouth.

“Please don’t go chasing after your maid tonight. It’s dangerous outside.”

“So I’ve been told.”

He kissed her mouth this time, but briefly. “Tomorrow I’ll take you into Exeter. Would you like that?”

“Yes, very much.” She touched his arm. “And perhaps we can ask questions around town about my friend.”

He narrowed his gaze and frowned. “What friend?”

“The friend I asked you about yesterday afternoon. Miss Amelia Hartley.”

He shook his head. “You didn’t ask about your friend. What’s wrong with her?”

Without being able to stop it, she released a loud gasp.
What was he talking about?
“You know…my friend who came to court you a few months ago.”

“Victoria, my sweet.” He stroked her cheek. “I don’t know what you’re referring to. You haven’t mentioned anyone named Amelia.”

Her heartbeat quickened as panic blocked her throat. “Yes, I did. When we went for a ride yesterday afternoon.”

He chuckled and squeezed her shoulders. “My dear, I believe you have been day-dreaming again. I don’t recall you saying anything about your friend.”

Her breathing accelerated. What was wrong with him? Why didn’t he remember? Or was she the one who’d gone mad? Lately, she’d felt like confusion constantly swam in her mind. Now it grew inside and threatened to choke her.

“Perhaps I’ve been in another world,” she muttered. “With everything that has happened of late, it’s no wonder.”

“Very true.” He placed a kiss on her forehead one last time and pulled away. “Please get some rest tonight. I fear you’re not sleeping well, and that’s the reason you’re not yourself.”

“I believe you’re correct. Thank you for understanding, Jonathan.”

She hurried into her room and closed the door. Tears welled in her eyes and she fought the lump of emotion forming in her throat. She
told him about Amelia. She had!

Taking deep breaths, she roamed aimlessly around her room, trying to sort her thoughts. It was this house. The secrets everyone tried to hide from her. And the irresistible man who tried to convince her he wasn’t real.

Someone knocked on the door. Francine peeked her head inside. “Will you need my assistance? Mr. Jonathan mentioned you were out of sorts this evening.”

“Yes…no…oh, I don’t know.” Victoria motioned with her hand. “Please come in and close the door.” Once Francine was inside, Victoria asked, “Where were you earlier this evening?”

“I’ve been helping Mrs. White since the grave side service.”

Victoria rubbed her forehead. “Something very strange is happening around here.”

Francine rushed to her and took hold of her cold hands. “I know. I think we should leave posthaste.”

“We cannot. I haven’t found any answers about my father’s death. And today, I’m more confused than ever about my friend, Amelia.”

“Why? Isn’t Master Jonathan going to help you locate her?”

“That’s the strange thing, Francine. Jonathan doesn’t even remember me asking him yesterday.”

Her maid’s eyes widened.

“That man confuses me.” Victoria shook her head. “Sometimes he acts like he’s oblivious to everything. It’s as if he’s not mentally alert most of the time.”

“Very strange indeed, which is why we must leave.”

Victoria pulled her hands away. “Not until I’ve discovered what happened to Amelia. She was heading to this manor before she disappeared. If anyone will know what happened to her, I’m quite certain it’ll be someone here. I also need to discover more about my father’s death.” As long as she could get Justin to help her, anyway.

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.” Victoria threw her hands in the air and paced the floor. Her head pounded with each step. “They’re keeping secrets and I must find out what they are.”

“Will you ask Monsieur Roderick?”

“Oh, heavens no.” Victoria faced her maid, planting her hands on her hips. “I don’t trust anyone here. Especially him.”


Victoria shrugged. “I don’t know what it is, but he has a deceitful way about him. His wicked gaze follows me around the room. When I catch him looking at me, I feel undressed.”

Francine’s face scrunched and she stuck out her tongue.

“See what I mean?” Victoria asked. “I don’t trust Bethany, either. She’s too sweet. She’s too overly dramatic.”

Francine chuckled. “I sense that about her, also.”

Victoria rubbed her forehead and resumed her pacing. She had to think. What could she do?

Her heart soared with excitement. He’d know his family better than anyone. If she could get him to open up to her, he’d be able to tell her.

“Is there anything you’d like me to do?” Francesca asked.

“Tomorrow, ask the other servants. They know things that happen in this house. See if anyone knows what happened to Amelia. I know my friend was here.” She placed her fisted hand over her heart. “I can feel it.”

“I’ll help. I promise.”

Relief poured through Victoria while the maid helped undress her and brushed her hair. Victoria would find her friend. She’d stumble over the Maitland’s secrets to do it, but she would find the answers she sought.


Chapter Seven


The kiss had done it!

Justin groaned and lifted off the floor after another night of shifting. Weariness drained his body as he staggered toward his bed to grab his robe. Passion brought out the beast in him. Literally. He couldn’t let it happen again.

Yet as he’d watched Victoria and Jonathan in the music room through the secret mirror in the wall, Justin’s chest ached with longing. And jealousy. He wanted to be the one sitting next to her at the pianoforte, teaching her how to play. He wanted to be the one to hold her and kiss her sweet mouth.

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