Have I Told You (30 page)

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Authors: F. L. Jacob

BOOK: Have I Told You
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She didn’t look happy, “What’s wrong, Caston?”

“Beverly is causing problems, and I’m worried.”

She held her arms out to me. Walking over to her, I took comfort in her embrace. “Caston, I love you. Don’t think you need to hold things back from me. I’m a big girl. I can handle it, we can handle it.” She stroked my head and then kissed my forehead.

Sitting up out of her arms, I looked at her draped in the white sheet. She looked like an angel. I took my finger and traced her necklace, picking up the charm between my fingers. Her breath caught, as my light touch grazed her skin.

“I wish it was just us tonight,” I murmured. She looked at me confused. “Sabrina, I know Sara has a party planned for me. She thinks she surprises me every year, and she never does. I have to know everything, for security reasons.”

“But she…”

“I’m a good actor,” I said, flashing my sly smile.

“Well, you still have a few more hours to yourself, what would you like to do?”

“If I do what I’d like, we would never leave this room, but I have a few things planned, so we need to get up and get moving.”

Still holding on to her charm, I snaked my other hand around her neck and brought her to me. Her lips parted slightly and her eyes shut. I paused millimeters away from her. Her hot breath bathed my lips. Our hungry lips and tongues mingled wildly. Pushing her back onto the bed, my hands cupped her breasts, and I brushed her nipples with my fingers. Her moan into my mouth fuelled my fire. Never parting our lips, I kicked off my jeans and entered her. She was so ready for me. Her slick liquid slid over my cock, making my motions effortless. Each quiver in her muscles I felt brought me higher. Her hands slide down my back and grabbed at my ass, pushing me harder into her. I felt like I couldn’t get deep enough.

“Oh, Bre, I love you.”

She dug her nails into my back, and I felt her tighten around me. I knew she was flying over the edge, and I followed her into sated bliss.

Feeling her giggle, I caught her eye questioning her with just my look.

“We aren’t off to a good start on leaving this room, are we?”

“I guess not,” I responded, laughing.

We laid in each other’s arms for a while longer. I wanted to give her the next gift, but I was very nervous. I wasn’t sure how she would react to it.

“Sabrina,” I mumbled into her shoulder.

“Mmm, hum”

“I want to give you your next present.”

I feel her smile. “Okay,” she whispered.

I got up and walked to where the suite butler placed our bags. Reaching in, I felt the hard book wrapped up in beautiful paper. I felt as though I was going to puke.

Padding back to the bed, I handed her the package. Her smile was contagious. I was praying it would stay there.

She took the green sparkly box from me. Her hands touched it so tenderly. She slowly turned it over and found the seam in the paper. Sliding her finger under it, she loosened it making one side fall open. My heart sped up. Here it comes. Flipping it back over, she removed the paper. Her eyes went wide and her hand flew up to her open mouth.

She wasn’t saying anything. I bit my lip, trying to judge her reaction. Was she upset? “Sabrina?”

Tears fell from her eyes. “Sabrina, honey, I can call and change it. This doesn’t have to go to publication.”

She held her finger up to me to silence me. Shit! I knew I shouldn’t have done this.

She picked up the mockup of Black Hollywood. She opened the book to the pages with her pictures from the meadow. Her hazel eyes glistened, her hair spread out above her. The smile on her face was so sexy, I had to share her with the world. “It’s the September issue, so it won’t interfere with school, but if you still want me to cancel it, I will,” I whispered.

Most of the pictures Sabrina edited for me were there, all tasteful and not showing too much. I didn’t want too much shown to the world, because she was mine after all, to cherish.

“I love it,” she whispered so low I almost did not hear her.


She looked up at me with tears fall down her face. “Don’t cancel it. It’s beautiful.”

“Really? You’re okay with this?”

She nodded and swung her arms around my neck. “Thank you.”

“Well, I told you those pictures were some of the best I’ve ever seen. How could I not show them to the world?”

She sobbed into my arms. “Bre, what’s the matter?”

“I just thank God I met you. When I think about where I was when you came into my life and what my life was like, I feel like I’m in a fairytale waiting to wake up. I love you, Cass. Are you sure you’re real, Caston?”

“I can remind you again, if you want?”

She giggled and leaned back to look me in the eyes. “What am I going to do with you?”

Wrapping her in my arms, again, I pulled her down to the bed to remind her how real I am.



Once ready, we sat in the kitchenette and ate some lunch. “I have something I’d like to discuss with you, Sabrina.”

She looked nervous. I smiled, but felt my heart clench that she was still so insecure.

“Honey, would you consider coming to work at Black Hollywood? You would work under Rick, for now, so you wouldn’t be reporting directly to me. He and I were so impressed by the editing you did on your pictures. We think you have potential, with the right training. I meant it when I said, you would be an asset to the company. Rick told me he would only like to work for a few more years before he retires, and I thought he could train you to take over for him, when the time comes.”

Her mouth was open, and she was staring at me like I had two heads. “But dance. I want to do it professionally, Caston. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

“I know you want to dance professionally, but we can work around your school schedule and whatever may come afterward. I really think you’ll enjoy the work and the people in the company.”

She blinked a few times, but still hadn’t answered me.

“What do you think?”


“Sabrina, I’m not accustomed to waiting when I offer someone a job.”

Finally, a smile spread on her face. She reached over and felt my forehead. “Are you serious? I think you might be coming down with something.”

I laughed hard. “Sabrina, I’ve never been more serious.”

She launched herself into my arms. I caught her before we tumbled onto the floor. “Oh my god, Caston! Yes! I’ll definitely take the job!”

Her smile and happiness were contagious. I held her in a hug for a long time. I didn’t think it can get any better than this.



Finally pulling away from her, I asked, “What would you like to do now?”

She tapped her chin as if in deep thought. “I want to sightsee. I want to walk the strip from one end to the other.”

“Done.” I took her hand and headed toward the elevator where Phillip and Jake were waiting.



I was in complete shock when I opened the package Caston had for me. My pictures, the ones I edited, in Black Hollywood. They looked magnificent. Beautiful even. My heart swelled with pride. He was unreal. Then he offers me a job. This really isn’t happening. My life doesn’t fall into place like this. I really was going to wake up and have this be all a dream.

Heading down in the elevator with security, I realized that this was real. I squeezed Caston’s hand as we moved to walk out of the elevator. Phillip and Jake walked out first, letting us pass them, then fell in step with us, about four feet back. Caston wrapped his arm around my waist, as we moved through the crowded lobby and out the door, virtually unnoticed.

I saw a few groups of girls start whispering, and I was praying they would not go all fan girl on him. He had sunglasses on and a cap turned backwards, so he was a little harder to recognize. He looked absolutely yummy and made my insides clench. I leaned my head on his chest, as we walked and he looked over to me, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

“Have I told you that I love you, recently?”

I looked up at him, as we waited for the crosswalk to change. “I love you, too.”

The hustle and bustle of the strip moved about us while we were in our own slow-motion world. Coming to a high end boutique, I pulled Caston to the window to do a little window shopping. I pointed out a few things that were stunning.

“You’d look beautiful in those items.”

I blushed. “I couldn’t pull those off.”

“Let’s go see,” he said, pulling me into the store.

“Good afternoon, sir, ma’am, anything I can help you with today?” the snooty store clerk sneered in way of greeting us.

I cowered behind Caston, because I felt completely out of place. “Afternoon, my girl saw some items in your window, and she would like to try them on.”

Caston removed his hat and glasses and the mood of the clerk immediately changed. Like a light switch. “Oh, Mr. Black, I didn’t recognize you. Anything for you, sir.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head when she turned to lead us to the dressing areas.

“What’s wrong?” Caston whispered.

“She thought we were trash until you took your glasses off. That’s bullshit.”

I saw him thinking about what I said. “You’re right, Sabrina.”

He showed me to a chair and turned around to the clerk. “I’d like to see your manager, while you get Sabrina the items she wants to try on.”

“Of course, sir.” She scurried off to get the items that I requested.

Once she set up the dressing room with the dresses, shirts, skirts, and shoes I’d picked out, I was ushered behind the curtain. I was overwhelmed. These garments were so expensive. One shirt in the stack had a price tag that was more than all the clothes in my closet combined, well, except for the ones Caston gave me. The clerk left me alone to start trying on the items.

“Sabrina, I want to see all those items. No hiding in there, or I’ll come in after you.”

“Maybe that’s what I want,” I whispered back, so only he could hear me.

He groaned deeply. “Don’t tempt me.”

Before I had a chance to try anything on a new clerk stepped in to the room. “I’m Ashlee, I’ll be taking care of Mr. Black and you while you’re here. Where do you want to start?”

Her enthusiastic voice and smile were infectious, I was suddenly excited to do a fashion show for Caston.

Ashlee got me dressed and corseted in a beautiful long midnight black dress. It was strapless with a slight sweetheart neckline. The top pushed up my cleavage just enough. It was fitted through the bodice with a flair toward the bottom and a train off the back. The back was very low cut, showing off the muscles in my back. There was black and diamond crystal details that lined the back of the dress and moved around to the front of my waist. It accented the choker Caston gave me. I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn’t recognize myself. Ashlee pulled up my hair and twisted it to get it pinned up, so my neck and back were one long line.

“I’ve got just the shoes, hold on a second.” She quickly exited. I just kept staring at myself. This was not me. How did I win the lottery like this?

Ashlee walked back in the room holding a pair of heels. They were black satin. A simple piece went over the toes but the ankle strap is what set the shoes into a category of their own. There were two rows of large diamond like crystals fastened to them. “They are perfect,” I whispered.

She bent down to help me into the shoes. I touched my necklace, as I turned around to stare back at the girl looking back at me in the mirror.

“May I draw the curtain, so you can show Mr. Black?”

I nodded slowly. I stayed facing the mirror, as the curtain was pushed to the side.

Caston was sitting in a chair with his phone in his hand when the red velvet fabric was pulled to the side. I studied his face. When he looked up his mouth fell open. Immediately setting the phone down, he uncrossed his legs and leaned forward.


I rendered him speechless. Slowly turning around, I dropped my hand to my side, so he could see the front. I’ve never felt this beautiful in my life.

“Well?” I questioned with a slight shoulder shrug once I faced him.

“I’m speechless, Bre, you’re gorgeous. I think this dress was made for you.” He got up and walked over to me. He ran his hand down the curve of my waist along the heavy satin fabric, “Simple, but stunning.” His finger grazed my bare back and I shivered.

I closed my eyes and a slight moan slipped from my lips, as his hand continued up my other arm, stepping in front of me his finger moved across the swells of my breasts. He stopped in front of me and I opened my eyes, looking up at him. The desire was overwhelming. He was hungry for me. “We’ll take it all,” he said, never breaking his eye contact with me.

I swallowed hard and bit my lip; my mouth had suddenly gone dry. Slowly he leaned in, taking my chin in his thumb and finger, tipping my head up to meet his. The light kiss brushed my lips. Just a peck, but it communicated so much. The electricity from it was crackling around us. I even heard Ashlee in the corner of the room sigh when we parted.

“I want you to wear this tonight to dinner.”



When we returned to our suite in the hotel, we were met by Sara and Jon. Caston was pulled one direction by Jon. I was pulled in the other by Sara to prepare for tonight. Our hands were holding each other until the last second. Even then we keep eye contact with each other over our shoulders, as we walked away.

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