Haven's Choice (16 page)

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Authors: Tarah Knight

BOOK: Haven's Choice
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Hannah Revealed

(Coming Soon!)


Myra gasped as the feeling of weightlessness filled her body. She could feel t
he warm night air rushing by filling her ears until all she could hear was its deafening roar. When Barron had suggested they travel his way to escape she had no idea this was what he was talking about. Clinging tightly to his strong shoulders she pressed her cheek against his bare chest as he flew them high over the city lights of south Texas.

She really shouldn’t be surprised by this turn of events. After the way her life had taken a sharp turn straight into
crazyville, flying through the summer sky while being held in the arms of a vampire was really no biggie. Although being held in the arms of this particular vamp kinda was. He was Barron Northcross, twin brother to her twin sisters mate Deacon. They looked exactly alike but that’s where it ended. Deacon was kind and thoughtful, whereas Barron was an egotistical, cruel hearted maniac that also happened to be Myra’s soul mate. (Or so they said!)  Myra had absolutely no intentions of becoming anyone’s Serah. That’s what the people of Legend called their soul mates, and after learning that Barren had cruelly forced her twin into being his Serah by manipulation Myra was even more certain that she would not be anyone’s soul mate, and most certainly not Barron’s! But for the time being she needed Barron to get her safely away from the place where she was being held. Brooklyn and Verlon were very nice, at first, but once Myra had decided to leave they had chained her up in the same room they were holding Barron. She had been told that it would just be for one night but one night was one night too many in her book.

Barron was being held while he awaited trial for the attempted murder of her twin Haven. It was a messed up situation to say the least. After Barron had watched her break her own hand in order to escape he then revealed that he could have gotten free all along. (Thanks a lot! Not!) So that’s where they were at the moment, flying across the skies escaping
. Barron was escaping an execution and Myra was escaping a life she didn’t want any part of, being a vampire. She was sad that she had to lose her sister just after they had found one another, but Myra had learned to look out for herself if nothing else, so she hoped Haven would understand.

After streaking across the skies for several hours Myra could see eastern horizon starting to turn a pale pink so she knew the sun was about to rise. That wasn’t a problem for her, but her vampire jet pack had a real problem with sunlight so she nudged his shoulder then pointed. He nodded then they made their descent into a thickly wooded a
rea. Landing softly on the leaf-covered ground Barron let her slide down out of his arms. Myra was thankful to put some distance between them. Being in such close contact with him for so long was having an unwanted affect on her libido. Both of the brothers were walking panty droppers, and they knew it. But Deacon at least was a gentleman about it. Barron used his sex appeal ruthlessly so the last thing Myra needed was for him to find out that he affected her. She walked down to where she could hear the gurgling of a small stream of water. Dropping to her knees she splashed the cool water over her face and neck letting it cool her blood as well as her skin. She started to raise her t-shirt to dry her face, and then stopped when she caught the scent of Barron that clung to her shirt. Peeking around to make sure he wasn’t looking she buried her face in it inhaling deeply. God Almighty what was that? It was the scent of warm male skin mixed with a deep spice that made her want to go scratch and sniff him all over. If she could bottle that she would make a freaking fortune! She heard the leaves crunching, so she quickly dried her face then turned to face him. “So this place is fine for me, but where will you go to get out of the sun?” He didn’t immediately answer he walked back up the small hill with her and after a minute of searching the ground he spoke. “I will make my resting place there.” He pointed to a shady spot under a large oak tree. “Oh, ok… will the leaves keep enough of the sun off of you?” she questioned. Once more he didn’t answer her, at least not verbally. He knelt down and like he had done in the basement when he was chained he started to swirl his fingers slowly just above the earth. Myra watched as the leaves started to scatter then the dirt itself started to heave and bulge up spilling up out of the ground until there was a large deep hole. Myra looked skeptically at the hole than back up at Barron. “You’re seriously going to sleep in there?” He smiled his seductive smile at her, the one that pretty much had women drooling the world over. “I made it big enough for two.” That had Myra backing away shaking her head. “Um yeah, no thanks… I think I’ll just nap above ground. You know I have this old breathing in and out habit that I still haven’t kicked. Pretty sure that would be difficult to do in there. Sooo… yeah. I’m good up here.” He shrugged then he jumped down into the hole and settled in. “I’ll rise just before sunset. I wouldn’t venture off too far.” Then he waved his hand, and the dirt started piling in on top of him until the ground looked like it had never been disturbed.

Well. Nothing creepy about that at all.” She mumbled to herself. The place he had chosen was really quite lovely. The woods were thick with old virgin timber that had never seen a chainsaw. The creek was clear and cold and since Barron was currently taking a dirt nap she decided to take a dip. She stripped out of her t-shirt and jeans then decided against removing her bra and panties. You just never knew who might show up. She waded in until the water was chest high then she flipped over on her back and floated. She watched the white puffy clouds rolling past and listened to the birds chirp and the squirrels chatter. It was really very nice and if she hadn’t been on the run with a wanted fugitive vampire and she herself trying to avoid being turned into a vampire she could have really enjoyed herself. After twenty minutes she got out and found a dry patch of grass in a sunny spot. After bunching up her jeans as a pillow she curled up and within minutes she was fast asleep.

Myra woke up hours later feeling chilly. The sun had moved off of her and now she was in the shade. She stretched feeling her muscles protest after being on the ground for so long. She got up and quickly dressed she didn’t want to risk being caught with her pants down if
Barron woke up early. Her silly joke had her smiling while she slipped her shoes back on. After getting a drink from the creek she went hunting for something to eat. Surely in woods this thick she could find some blackberries somewhere. After searching for only a few minutes she hit the blackberry jackpot! “Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” The bushes were loaded down heavily with the plump juicy berries. Myra sat down and starting eating. Once she was full she gathered some more up in her shirt then headed back to wait for Barron to wake up. She didn’t have to wait long she had been back no more than twenty minutes when the dirt suddenly spewed up from the earth like dirt version of old faithful and Barron was standing there looking at her. She was little (a lot!) disappointed that he didn’t have dirt all over him or twigs in his hair. Figures he would come out looking as fresh as if he took a shower his dark hair clean and glossy and smelling like sex on legs. Myra felt like a rag-a-muffin compared to him. Her slightly sunburned skin was a light pink and felt tender to the touch. She did indeed have grass in her hair and a blackberry stained mouth. She wasn’t sure what she smelled like, but she would bet that she didn’t smell as sinful as Barron did. He walked over to where she was sitting cross-legged still munching on blackberries out of pure boredom. He lightly tapped her sunburned nose. “You should have napped with me. The sun does as much damage to your fair skin as it would mine.” He held out his hand to help her to her feet. She got up and dusted the seat of her pants off the best she could. “Yeah, like I said… the whole breathing habit.” She offered him some of her blackberries. He frowned slightly. “Yeah, the whole non eating habit, no thanks.” Myra blushed at her stupid mistake. Of course he didn’t eat! Duh! She tossed the remainder of her little bush meal into the nearby brush then smiled up at him. “Ok, now where?”

He looked at her rumpled jeans and yellow t-shirt that was covered in blackberry stains. “I’m thinking that a shopping trip is in order.” Without waiting for her response he lifted her up into his arms once more and took to the
skies. A couple of hours later Myra packed the three pairs of jeans and five shirts along with several changes of undies and socks into a medium sized bag. She tried to go as light as possible being that Barron would be carrying her. It was very thoughtful of him to buy her the clothing she certainly didn’t expect it of him. When she emerged from the small shopping center she found him waiting for her standing next to a silver Ford pick-up with darkly tinted windows. “Hey, who did you steal that from?” she teased. He frowned fiercely “I do not need to steal. I have wealth enough to purchase whatever it is that I need.” He took her bag and tossed it into the back seat of the extended cab truck. Okaay… clearly someone woke up on the wrong side of his dirt bed this evening. “Sorry, I was just teasing. It’s a very nice truck.” They got in and he turned the truck out onto the highway. She tried not to stare at him but the black silk shirt with the dark low-slung jeans and dark boots just screamed Best. Sex. Ever! Forcing her eyes back onto the road she asked. “So where are going from here? Do you have a certain place in mind?” He stretched his long legs then slid the seat back as far as it would go, but he still looked cramped up. “Why are we driving?” she asked. He gave her a pointed look. “I thought it would be more comfortable for you.” There it was again, that unexpected consideration for her comfort. It didn’t mesh with her former opinion of him at all. “Oh, yes. This is more comfortable thank you.” He acknowledged her gratitude with a brief nod of his head then he turned back to the road. After several miles of driving in silence she spoke up again. “Um… so do you have a place in mind? You never really answered me.” He waited so long to answer that Myra thought he wasn’t going to. “I have a place in Alberta Canada. I will set you up there before I travel on.” Myra frowned. “Set me up? What does that mean?” He glanced over at her. “Myra even though you have chosen not to be turned, I’m still your Serah. It is my job, my responsibility to take care of you. When I said I had wealth enough to buy whatever I needed I was telling you the truth. I am a multi-millionaire several times over, so you will never want for anything as long as you live. As long as you are not with me I think the counsel might leave you alone, however I can’t promise you that. But I do know that they will continue to hunt me and they will eventually catch up with me.” There he stopped and stared through the windshield in silence. “Do you still think that you deserve to die?” She asked him softly. He nodded quickly. “What I did to Haven is deserving of death. My actions were reprehensible, and if it were not for my obligations to you I would do it myself.” The bleakness in his voice told Myra that he truly believed he deserved to die. “Why did you do it?” Once the words were out of her mouth she wanted to call them back! “I’m sorry Barron. You don’t have to answer that. Sometimes my mouth spouts off without my permission.” He shook his head. “No, you have every right to ask me that. Haven is your sister. I wish I knew why. I only know that I felt betrayed and that the very source of whatever happiness I had was being taken from me. I really don’t remember the attack itself.” He looked at her for a moment. “But it was a false happiness. She was never mine to start with. If I had known, truly known, that you were real… that you existed. I would have waited for you. I’m sorry my Serah. I have failed you. I will stay alive for you as long as possible.”

Myra turned her head watching the world fly past
from her window. She didn’t know what to say in response to Barron’s apology. After a few minutes a thought occurred to her. “Barron? You said that I really had not broken any rules, or least nothing major right?” He looked over at her then nodded. “So I was thinking, if I was to decide to turn, not that I am mind you, but if I was, wouldn’t I need you to live?” He gave her a puzzled look before answering. “Not really. What you are referring to is being bonded. Even if you were turned as long as you have not fed from me, you would be fine. It’s when you have fed from me and we have engaged that bond that’s between Serah’s that you would depend solely upon me to live.  That’s one thing that I am grateful has not happened. Even if I’m executed you will be fine. At least I haven’t messed that up and cursed you as well.”

Myra nodded then went back to looking out of the window. She didn’t know what the right thing was to hope for here. She knew he had hurt her sister very badly, but she also sensed his deep regret. He seemed pretty sure that they would find him and his punishment would be carried out. She wondered w
hat the next few days, weeks, or possibly months would hold in store for them both. Just how long would it be until they were found?




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